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On the playground of the Star Martial campus, the literary and artistic performances on the stage are more exciting and beautiful than yesterday. These students, normally, watch the scene.

In a corner of the stand, the third round 20 into the War Zone of the tenth, Jiang Xinyu just put down the phone with slightly wrinkle, and pressed the phone screen with his fingers.

“Don’t answer the phone, don’t answer the phone … It’s all about not answering the phone at this time! Could something happen?”

“Why?” Xu Xiangwen quickly shook his head and denied, “Xinyu, don’t worry about it. Have you forgotten Little Lan and Phoenix Form? Even if something happens, he won’t be in trouble. Maybe … won yesterday , I was too excited to sleep at night and overslept in the morning. “

“Have you overslept?” Jiang Xinyu looked at Xu Xiangwen coldly.

“No, I got up at five.”

“Even if you haven’t overslept, how can Wang Lan overslept? From the first grade of primary school, Wang Lan has always arrived at the school half an hour early, and has never been late one day.”

Jiang Xinyu’s words made Xu Xiangwen complexion changed. Wang Lan’s old dog-like operation has a very small chance of making mistakes. Especially today is such an important day, there is no reason to be late.

Won’t it really happen?

In the War Zone, sitting with 20 players who are dueling today, except for Wang Lan who is worried about Jiang Xinyu, Xu Donghai didn’t show up but seemed a little uninterested.

“Zi Qi, the phone won’t work!” Shui Miao whispered into Duan Ziqi’s ear and said.

“What phone can’t get through?”

“Eastern Sea’s call, he hasn’t come up to now, and the call is not answered, but no longer in the service area …”

“Don’t he quit the club a week ago? It’s not our brother who quit the club, what do he care about?

“After all, it’s a three-year brother, so the sentiment has dispersed?” Shui Miao frowned slightly, and seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied with Duan Ziqi’s thin love.

“Love sentiment? When people’s hearts disperse, love sentiment will naturally dissipate. You forgot what he said before he retired? He can get the current results, all because of his own hard work, has nothing to do with the community?

The purpose of the society is that through hard work, we can also surpass those students who have rich resources. It ’s natural to work hard, but it ’s a salted fish if you do n’t work hard.

But without me finding a livelihood for him, can he make a 2,000,000 a year? Can he afford Soul bead? If there is no community to take care of, he works hard and useful? Seeing that you are about to graduate, you are thinking of flying alone? Is such a thankless wretch worthy of our brother? “

Shui Miao gently sighed, slowly put down the phone.

At this moment, Liu Jie was holding a roster and striding forward at the pace of Biaodi.

Since yesterday, Liu Jie ’s walking has become not recognizing one’s family. After 2 rounds, he has reached the top 20 of the whole year, with 7 in his class. What is this concept? There are 30 classes high, and the class he brings is unique.

Although one class has always been the best class, but also pay attention to balance when class is divided. Overall, one class is only slightly better than other classes. Can bring a slightly qualified class to a solo show, Liu Jie asks for his great achievements.

So when the second round of dust fell to the ground yesterday, Liu Jie’s feet became noticeably slippery, letting other classes of Xingwu Teacher look gnash the teeth in his eyes.

“Third round, are the 20 players here?” Liu Jie’s eyes swept casually and asked. In Liu Jie’s heart, this problem is fart.

In such a critical third round preliminaries, will anyone be late? 20-30 years ago, he had the opportunity to arrive at the scene on time without sleeping.

But the moment he swept his eyes, his heart suddenly froze.

Sweep back again.

2 less? Even, Liu Jie can only determine which two are missing in that second.

“Wang Lan, Xu Donghai? Go to the toilet?”

“Teacher, I’m here!” At the moment when the voice sounded, Wang Lan’s figure appeared beside Liu Jie like a streamer, “Sorry, I’m late.”

“What’s going on? Come now? The game is about to start, you take a seat. Xu Donghai? Has he not come yet? Duan Ziqi, do you have a phone for Xu Donghai? Call and ask, what the hell is he happening? There are 5 minutes left. If he can’t arrive before the game, he can only be considered abstaining. “

“I just called, Xu Donghai’s mobile phone is no longer in the service area, and we don’t know what happened to him.”

“Is it? I went to the above to reflect, hurry to go to the toilet, First Stage will start immediately, and no one knows who the First Stage is against.”

After that, Liu Jie whistled and walked with one hand in his pocket.

“Is this so realistic? Just now Wang Lan didn’t come, and the instructor Liu Jie’s face was the same as he wanted to eat people, but now Xu Donghai didn’t come, and he just reflected so lightly?”

“Not his baby, does he need to care?”

“I said Duan Ziqi, is your civilian joke club so ruthless?” A rich young man in the back row said with a smile.

In the past three years, the wealthy children have been miserably run by the civilian genius society. It’s not that the rich children are indisputable, but the number of civilian children is based there. The number of giant disciples is small, but not so many people.

The strength of the family is impossible, first of all, their parents will not agree. So in the past three years, the rich children have responded with a cold attitude. You say yours, anyway, when I fart.

Yesterday’s battle, 2 3 Vajra was shortlisted for 3, one of which was stable Duan Ziqi in the top 3 of the year. The myth of the civilian genius society that boasted for three years has once become a joke, so that a large group of elites suddenly felt a thrilled feeling after being crushed for 500 years and finally turned over.

Such a good opportunity, of course, is able to die, and die to death.

Duan Ziqi turned back coldly, a pair of icy eyes flashed out of his eyes, and a strong imposing manner flooded the students who were speaking behind him like a torrent.

“After a while, you pray that you don’t get me … otherwise, I will let you know what a joke.”

The man should have said it again. Under the eyes of all eyes, Duan Ziqi didn’t dare to treat him. But that look, like a sharp arrow pierced his heart. At this moment, he felt that Duan Ziqi was so terrifying. “

Wang Lan just sat in the seat, Jiang Xinyu quietly moved over, “What are you doing? Why are you late today?”

“Xinyu, don’t worry if people come, I will say Little Lan will be okay? Little Lan, you don’t know, when you didn’t come, Xinyu called you … wait, your phone is dry Why shut it down? “

Wang Lan quietly bent down, and the 4 people approached curiously.

“I switched off the phone intentionally. I arrived ten minutes ago and have been secretly watching today’s third round players.”

“Observation? Is observation necessary at this time?”

“This is a long story …”

“Teachers, guests, classmates, Jiangxi Provincial grade martial gathering, Suzhou City team selection third round, the top ten selection competition is about to start. Please all the contestants are everyone, we will start to draw the match soon.”

The sudden sound of the broadcast sound interrupted Wang Lan’s words. Everyone raised their ears and lifted the head concentrate attention completely to the stage. Wang Lan also shut up and stopped talking.

“Because Xu Donghai classmates who are in class 3 8 are unable to participate in the competition due to an accident, this time there will be a classmate who will replace Xu Donghai’s quota in the 20th to the tenth. The average score ranking of the previous comprehensive examinations, the first classmate was selected to replace Xu Donghai. “

The voice fell to the ground, and the big screen suddenly surging. The rankings of the previous exams instantly circulated. Finally, ten names appeared on the screen, and Zhuang Haotian ranked first.

Zhuang Haotian had almost no suspense when the host said that he had chosen from among the unsuccessful players in the overall ranking in the past three years. If it were n’t for Zhuang Haotian bad luck, he fell into Wang Lan ’s hands and he could enter the team properly.

Therefore, he took the place of Xu Donghai in the 20 to 1 competition. Although there will be dissatisfaction, but most people are still blessed.

But what the students at the scene really cared about was not Zhuang Haotian replacing Xu Donghai, but what made Xu Donghai give up such an important game. You know, as long as you get into the representative team, this is the college entrance examination plus points. Many well-known Xingwu Academy clearly stated the conditions, whether there is a representative city, the school participates in a major event.

Zhuang Haotian hi zi zi ran from a distance and came to Wang Lan and other candidates. When Wang Lan glanced at his eyes, Zhuang Haoran’s expression suddenly changed, recalling yesterday’s unbearable experience, his face paled a bit.

“Sit on the edge.” Duan Ziqi coldly shouted.

“Why? Is anyone sitting here?”

Zhuang Haotian is a child of the Star martial family. Normally, there is no conflict with Duan Ziqi. The civilian genius society headed by Duan Ziqi did not spread the artillery fire to the children of the Star martial family. Suddenly drank by Duan Ziqi, Zhuang Haotian’s face suddenly looked a bit ugly.

“Don’t you feel the smell of shit on you?” Duan Ziqi said coldly, raising his eyebrows provocatively.

“You—” Zhuang Haotian suddenly exploded, raised his fist, and suddenly a hand was inserted between the two.

Wang Lan was sitting behind two people, and a Blazing blade separated the two people who were about to go into conflict. “So many people are watching, and there are VIPs from other schools. Do n’t embarrass the school? Classmate Zhuang Haotian, I ’m really sorry yesterday. By the way, I did n’t do it on purpose.

As for Duan Ziqi, you do n’t need to take seriously. After all, the pants you changed yesterday did not know who was taken away. There is no smell of shit, and only people who have eaten it know. “

“pu ——”

The voice fell to the ground, a group of top 20 high 3 geniuses each and everyone could not hold back. Everyone who has been sullen and serious all the time, the one who laughs instantly turns over. Even Shui Miao’s mouth twitched with the urge to crack.

The only one who can’t really laugh is Duan Ziqi, whose angry face has changed from blue to purple.

“There is no smell of shit, and only people who have eaten know … hahaha … Little Lan, are you serious? Laugh me … Little Lan, can you predict in advance before you tell a cold joke?”

“Is it a cold joke to predict? Hahaha …… Wang Lan, your words remind me of a character from last semester, who gave you the nickname fart brother. Is this nickname also given by you?”

“Shut up, are you smiling enough?” Duan Ziqi shivered angrily, roaring furiously.

“The first stage battle begins to draw.”

“Come out, Wang Lan in Class 3, and fight against Class 3 in Class 4, Duan Ziqi ——”

“(^ - ^) V starting?” Wang Lan looked at the screen in amazement.

“Wang Lan, I hope your life force can be tenacious, I’m afraid I accidentally killed you.” Duan Ziqi slowly turned his face and smiled sensibly at Wang Lan.

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