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Extreme Yang Origin Wheel with both hands, cut at the moment Duan Ziqi’s dagger struck.

Even under dynamic vision, Wang Lan can clearly see Duan Ziqi’s rapidly changing complexion. That kind of panic, dazed, unbelief.

If Wang Lan does not stop, this blade Extreme Yang Origin Wheel is enough to cut Duan Ziqi’s head. In an instant, Wang Lan’s Extreme Yang Origin Wheel wobbled slightly, shifted an angle and passed Duan Ziqi instantly.

The picture freezes, as if it were time playback, and the previous picture appears again in front of everyone.

Only at this time, the direction of the two people was changed, and the image of Duan Ziqi … there was something wrong with it.

Duan Ziqi originally had a broken hair, but was passed by Wang Lan’s Extreme Yang Origin Wheel.

“You lost.” Wang Lan said lightly and turned to the stands.

This blade, if Wang Lan was not show mercy, it was n’t just Duan Ziqi ’s hair that was cut off, but his head.

“What are you kidding, you hurt me and said you won?”

Wang Lan’s footsteps froze, and the breeze passed by.

Wang Lan didn’t expect Duan Ziqi’s scoundrel to this point, turned his head towards the referee on the scene looked towards. Xingwu referee, but also the teacher in the school, is the Star Radiance Realm cultivation base Where can I see the details.

In a hurry, the referee group found a slow-motion video, but the slow-motion result could not prove that Wang Lan show mercy deliberately cut to the top of Duan Ziqi’s head, or that Duan Ziqi evaded Wang Lan’s knife.

“Student Wang Lan, Duan Ziqi, the results of the video cannot prove your victory or defeat, so we decided to continue the study, Wang Lan, do you have any objections?”

Wang Lan brows slightly wrinkle, slowly taking the head, “No objection, but if this is the case, I cannot guarantee that there will be unpredictable consequences next time.”

“Referee Teacher nodded, the school has taken this into consideration, classmate Duan Ziqi, and I hope you can recognize the facts. If you really have a strength gap with classmate Wang Lan, please do not force it …”

After saying this, even referee felt a little bit complicit. A Nebula realm and a Star Radiance Realm match against each other, persuading a Nebula realm not to force it? What a hell!

“Teacher, how do you think my strength is not as good as Wang Lan’s? Is it because of my hair?” Duan Ziqi’s angry face lost his green, extended the hand, and wiped the top of his head.

Wind Attribute star force surged, and in the blink of an eye, the full black hair was shattered by the sharp Wind Attribute, leaving a bright bald head in the sun.

After the referee stepped back, Duan Ziqi suddenly rushed into the sky, and the whole body’s wind fluttered like a ribbon, and Duan Ziqi flew quietly into the sky.

Seeing this scene, the faces of 4 people including Xu Xiangwen suddenly changed.

“Shameless! Just now Duan Ziqi has lost. He was cheeky and didn’t admit it for this … He mastered the flying class martial skill.”

There are very few martial skills for flying stars, not because they are not needed, but the flying conditions are too harsh. The attributes that can have flight conditions are only Wind Attribute. Other flight class martial skills are star force morphological changes.

And all the morphological star martial skills with flying ability have very high requirements on star force control. The high threshold limits the number of flying star martial artists.

Being able to fly is also the confidence that Duan Ziqi dare not to admit.

Conquering the heights and dimensionality reduction, Laozi has already flew to the sky side by side with the sun, how can you lose?

“Duan Ziqi, can you show 2 star martial skills at the same time?” Wang Lan asked with a smile on his head, tilting his head.

“No! But do you think I can’t help?” Duan Ziqi sneered, instant star force surging, while Duan Ziqi star force surging, the flying martial skill failed, and the body fell from the sky.

But just fell less than 20 meters, a vacuum bomb came out of Duan Ziqi’s mouth. It seems that the missile is generally aimed at Wang Lan.

At the moment of the vacuum bomb strikes, Duan Ziqi’s whole body was surging with star force again, and then rose into the sky again.

Fuck, this tactic, a proper air raid? Diving, dropping bombs, and then climbing? If Wang Lan had mastered the martial skill of the shooting star of the special flight class, it would be almost impossible.

“Wang Lan, you admit defeat! Otherwise, you will die.” Duan Ziqi, who was at the top of the world, opened his arms like a god, and Duan Ziqi in the sky has never felt so good.

The vision of looking down on sentient beings made him feel like he had become the master.

“It’s not next time.” Wang Lan slowly raised his right hand, pistol-like fingers.

Looking at this gesture style, everyone looks unfathomable mystery. Even Jiang Xinyu did not know what Wang Lan was going to do. Only Principle Zhang in the stands suddenly stood up and looked at this gesture style in disbelief.

In a trance, I remembered the once tumultuous years. At that time, numerous flying beasts hiding the sky and covering the earth were raging. Not only was this flying beast extremely fast, but it was also able to eject burning lava from the mouth. .

It was a battlefield like hell, with scorched corpses everywhere. A small city with a length of ten kilometers was destroyed by this group of flying monsters.

When their volunteers were desperate, reinforcements arrived.

Faced with 1000 to 10000 flying monsters, only 50 support troops came. At that time, in Principle Zhang they thought that the 50 reinforcements simply came to deliver food.

But the moment they met, they left Principle Zhang with an unforgettable picture forever. Everyone makes actions like Wang Lan, right hand makes a pistol-pointed finger towards the sky.

In an instant, like the numerous laser cannons shooting the sky, the flying monsters in the sky fell like rain. In just an hour, 10000 powerful flying beasts were emptied.

Principle Zhang remembers the name of the support army

Vermilion Bird !

A golden rays of light emerged around Wang Lan’s body, a pair of wings spread, and instantly, a silver white arrow burst out of Wang Lan’s fingertips.


Duan Ziqi complexion greatly changed, quickly dodge.

However, Wang Lan instantly issued 6 arrows, blocking all the space he dodged. Duan Ziqi climbed in a hurry, but the speed of the climb was comparable to the rate of fire of the crescent moon arrows.

“Formation of the wind ——” In a hurry, Duan Ziqi quickly launched the star martial skill, and his figure also fell from the sky.

boom ~ boom ~ ——

2 arrows hit the Formation and explode, the other 4 pass by. Duan Ziqi in the sky fell like a falling meteorite, and was inserted accurately in a circle of sand pits outside the battlefield under the stunned eyes of everyone.

Wang Lan looked at Duan Ziqi coldly, and looked towards referee Teacher.

“First Stage, Wang Lan wins!”

“Successfully promoted to enter the top ten players, reward 5000 experience points, skill points 200.”

When the prompt sounds, the experience bar rises from 97 to 100% above the system character page.

The moment when the experience value was filled, a wave of star force surged out of Wang Lan’s body.

“What is Wang Lan doing? Why did he still have star force fluctuations after he won?” This scene was immediately noticed by the students who came back to his senses, and immediately exclaimed.

“It’s so cruel, I have beaten Duan Ziqi so badly, I didn’t plan to let it go. Is referee Teacher blind? Haven’t you stopped Wang Lan?”

“Dare referee Teacher stop it? Really want to start, Wang Lan can single out all the Xingwu Teachers in the school …”

“You two are stupid enough, can’t you even distinguish the fluctuations of the release martial skill and the fluctuations of breakthrough?” When the words fell, the man suddenly slapped himself. “Fuck, can this break through?”

“Breakthrough? Can this all be broken?”

Together, this doubt swept away like a virus.

Just completed the engagement and released so many star martial skills? Fake? After consuming star force, how can you achieve breakthrough?

The star force fluctuations are more obvious and strong. Suddenly, a burst of crackle sounds, Wang Lan’s star force fluctuations have calmed down.

The mind sinks into the system, the character, Wang Lan.

Level, Star radiance 9!

Rank 1 is the only difference, and Rank 1 is the only way to break through the Nebula environment. elated …

But when he saw the experience value needed by Star radiance 9, Wang Lan’s face suddenly turned black.

90000 experience.

What is the concept of 90000 experience points? In the days of the new year, the production workshop that destroyed an elite spy team and found the Demonization agent added up to 90000 experience points.

Such a big task harvest is only enough for Wang Lan to rise to Rank 1. The road is long, and I will jump up and down.

“Medical staff, fast, medical staff—”

“How about classmate Duan Ziqi?”

“The strong explosion was concussed, with a slight concussion, a slight internal concussion, and no problem …” the medical staff said quickly after a quick examination.

“It’s okay? It’s okay, take Duan Ziqi classmates to rest, the next game, Zhuang Haotian against … Jiang Xinyu!”

When this battle table came out, Zhuang Haotian’s face suddenly turned from taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune to constipation. Originally, Duan Ziqi was beaten by Wang Lan to beat Zhuang Haotian, and even though it was Wang Lan who beat Duan Ziqi, Zhuang Haotian felt that he had beaten himself.

It hasn’t been too long to be happy, and the next match will make Zhuang Haotian’s heart fall to the bottom. After being struck by Wang Lan for a second, Zhuang Haotian thought that he had not chosen a good tactic and used a bomb to hit the effect of 3.

But to Jiang Xinyu … fuck, it’s a pervert with all the cards in the hand. Watching Jiang Xinyu stand up and be ready to play, Zhuang Haotian just wanted to pinch the teacher’s neck from the match table.

What is the meaning of you resurrecting me to replace Xu Donghai? Was it just to let me walk through and be eliminated by glory?

When Zhuang Haotian came on stage, there was a burst of laughter in the stands. Especially those players who are not in Zhuang Haotian’s self-questioning strength but have not been resurrected because of the comprehensive examination.

Zhuang Haotian, do n’t bother, the grandstand is your home, come back.


Just back in his seat, Wang Lan’s arms rang.

Pick up the phone to connect, “Hey, Big brother Xu?”

“Are you in school now?”

“En! Yeah.”

“Has the game finished?”

“It’s over in the morning and there will be a challenge in the afternoon.”

“I’m also at your school, come to mountainside.”

“it is good!”

The construction of Suzhou City No. 90000 Middle School strictly follows the characteristics of Suzhou City’s gardens, focusing on Heaven and Earth, blending mountains and waters. In particular, the Star Martial campus needs to open a field training ground. Even if there is no mountain, an artificial mountain with an area of ​​1 square meters has been artificially built.

The so-called mountainside refers to which place.

When Wang Lan came to mountainside, the head of the school’s teaching department and the head teacher of Class 8 were there.

“Wang Lan, what are you doing here? Go back quickly and the game is over?” The instructor drank.

“Director Mo, my name is Wang Lan. In addition to being your students, Wang Lan is also the red-clothed elite of our Heavenly Sword Bureau. Wang Lan, come and see.” Xu Shiyun recruited Wang Wang, 2 Several people rose and fell and stood on the top of the mountain again.

In front of Wang Lan, a 4-leaf lawn stretched from the top to the foot of the mountain.

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