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“This is the first crime scene?” Wang Lan looked at the four-leaf grass and suddenly understood why Xu Shiyun came here.

“It should be, four-leaf grass, plus Xu Donghai’s identity, plus there is no four-leaf grass in Star Sea Park, so many conditions are enough to make me suspect that the first crime scene is in one. Wang Lan, look, here Location, there are obvious signs of trampling. “

“Are there blood stains?”

“No! And after testing, the blood stain that almost stained the pool was indeed Xu Donghai’s. But even if Xu Donghai was killed in Star Sea Park, it can’t prove that it was not the site where it was arranged.

From the body of Xu Donghai, we found traces of star force binding, that is to say, Xu Donghai could not move until he died. “

After listening to Xu Shiyun’s words, Wang Lan’s face showed dignity, “The murderer is a person in school?”

“Yes, I heard Hu Qing say you made a guess? The speculator is to make you miss the Academy selection? If so, the scope of the murderer can be reduced to 20 people.

Wang Lan, who does n’t want you to participate in today ’s game? “

In an instant, the eyes of the school director and other school leaders looked towards Wang Lan.

“This morning I just made a preliminary speculation. In fact, there are still many unreasonable points in this speculation. For example, the people of my real strength school do not know much.

Even if I defeated Zhuang Haotian in one move yesterday, most people still think it is a coincidence. After all, the strength of my Star Radiance Realm is there. “

“What is the strength of Star Radiance Realm!” Xu Shiyun can’t wait to slap this product. Recalling a few days ago, Xu Shiyun was suffocated in the heart when he was hit by Wang Lan in public.

Although one star martial skill can only be used to limit Xu Shiyun’s true strength, one can still be used after all. As an elite Nebula, it is a shame not to kill Star Radiance Realm in seconds, and it was defeated by Wang Lan!

In those days, Xu Shiyun felt that the brethren training under his hands were a bit wrong to see his expressions all. Wang Lan’s Star Radiance Realm is too deceptive. In Xu Shiyun’s view, Wang Lan’s comprehensive strength has reached the level of Nebula, and if conditions permit, Wang Lan can play the strength of elite Nebula.

Wang Lan held his arms and pondered against the wind. “There are only 7 or 8 people in the school who know my true strength. They are all people I can trust and there is no need to stop me from participating.

Other people who compete with me don’t know my strength, so they won’t be afraid of me. Although the scope of suspicion is very small, but I have an intuition, maybe they are not. “

“What about Duan Ziqi? Is it possible?” Hu Qing suddenly asked, “You just defeated him, he is very strong, and he is also a Nebula expert. If you are not met, he should enter the Suzhou City team. of.

And not long ago, I learned about the situation. Xu Donghai broke away from the Civilian Genius Club a week ago. Will there be a conflict? “

“It’s possible! But before today I clashed with Duan Ziqi not at all. And Duan Ziqi didn’t know my strength. Even if my attribute restrained him, he didn’t have to be afraid of me in a Nebula situation.

Compared to Duan Ziqi, I still have a skeptical goal. “Wang Lan said with a flash of light in his mind.


“Zhuang Haotian.”

“Zhuang Haotian lost my hand yesterday, so there must be resentment against me. And Xu Donghai died, and the person who finally profited was Zhuang Haotian.” Wang Lan was completely immersed in the reasoning mode when he said this. Did not care that the director’s face was black as the bottom of the pot.

Zhuang Haotian, his nephew! Do you doubt my nephew in my face? you do this delibrately?

“No!” Wang Lan suddenly shook his head again, “Zhuang Haotian’s attribute is thunder, and if Xu Donghai’s fatal injury is a star martial skill, it should burn.

Is there any helper? “

“Cough cough cough … Classmate Wang Lan, that, can I interrupt it?” The teacher instructed and forced a smile.

If Wang Lan only has the status of a student, the director of the teaching has long cursed. But Wang Lan is a Heavenly Sword Bureau elite special service in addition to his students.

Fuck, this identity is definitely the existence that the director can only look up to.

What is winning at the starting line? Wang Lan This should not be called the starting line, he directly reached the finish line of the struggle of others.

Just ask, who dares to say that until retirement, they can mix into the Heavenly Sword Bureau and get an elite captain rank in the Heavenly Sword Bureau.

The captain of the Heavenly Sword Bureau can be famous all over the country, wherever he goes, his welfare is better, and the ordinary person’s eyes are red.

“Student Wang Lan, I can guarantee that it is not Zhuang Haotian. Zhuang Haotian was at my house last night, and my family is not alone. Yesterday my son was married. Many people can testify.”

“Oh, ah? Hu Qing, after the evidence chain is collected, you can rule out his suspicion.”

“it is good.”

“Ding ding ding ~ ——” At this time, Hu Qing’s mobile phone rang.

“Hello, what? Are you sure?” Soon, Hu Qing’s mobile phone hung up and looked at Wang Lan and Xu Shiyun seriously.

“Brothers just called to confirm just now that Xu Donghai’s parents were missing and the house was rummaged.”

“Go, go to Xu Donghai’s house.” Xu Shiyun drank it immediately.

“I’m going together …” Wang Lan subconsciously blurted out, but his footsteps came to a halt, “Fuck, there’s a challenge in the afternoon.”

“Student Wang Lan, it’s okay. The original afternoon challenge has been postponed. If something like this happened, it wouldn’t work without investigating the result. And the provincial bureau issued a notice asking Principal to go to the provincial bureau for a meeting this afternoon, so the challenge was postponed. It won’t start until the Principal returns. “

“That’s right, Director, I’m going to ask for leave and hope to approve.”

The teacher’s eyebrows bounced slightly, your approval? Is your identity necessary to ask for leave? Can I still say no? Waving his hand, “Go, go, find out the result earlier.”

Three people had just walked out of the school gate and a police car hurriedly approached.

“Captain Hu.”

Hu Qing asked Xu Shiyun Wang Lan to get on the bus and sit in the co-pilot position.

“Xu Donghai lives alone near No. 1 Middle School. His family rented a house for him. His parents live in Xiangyang District. We first found his parents’ company. The company replied that they didn’t come to work today. Then they went to him. Home.

The door was locked from the inside and the room was very messy, but the valuable items were not lost. We suspected that they were looking for something. “

“Reverse lock from the inside? The door is not damaged?”

“The door is good before we break.”

“Explain that the murderer has the key?”

“Not necessarily, if it is an Earth Element star martial artist, it can be easily entered with land.”

The car galloped and ran through the red light all the way to the parents’ house of Xu Donghai in less than 20 minutes. Xu Donghai’s parents’ house is still a rural house, and a segregation belt has been pulled around. The segregation belt is now surrounded by curious neighbors.

“I heard that Xu Qingshan’s family was burglar? Obediently, a lot of guards came.”

“The guards are getting better and better now. Before, when you reported to the police, the guards would force the nagging to not come for a long time. Later, as long as you report the incident, the guard will guarantee to arrive within half an hour. , The guard is here. “

“Are you stupid? How can the guard come without reporting the crime? And, is it because the family was stolen to use this battle? Look at the guard standing there with a gun.”

“What’s going on? Isn’t that his family stolen?”

In the discussion of 100 surnames, a police car rushed directly into the isolation zone into the yard.

4 people got off the car.

“Captain Hu, here!”

Wang Lan entered the scene, from the living room to the kitchen room, to the bedroom upstairs, utility cabinets, and even the next-door hut where waste products were piled up was messed up.

“Brothers are collecting fingerprint clues. It is certain that the murderer is rummaging for something. This thing may be related to Xu Donghai’s killing.”

“Is the monitoring done? Have you found any traces of the Xu Qingshan couple?”

“Xu Qingshan and his wife both work in a township enterprise 2 miles away. Surveillance shows that they got off work at 5 o’clock yesterday and then rode a battery car to go home. They then left the video surveillance area.

Until now, no trace of them has appeared. The results of the city’s Skynet screening have just come out, no. “

“Is there any hidden place nearby, that is, where nothing happens to be noticed?” Wang Lan quickly asked.

“What do you doubt?”

“The murderer turned into this way may not have been found. I guess the Xu Qingshan couple’s disappearance may have been captured by the murderer and tortured. If the search is convenient, the murderer No way The Xu Qingshan couple took them to a far place. Maybe … the nearby grove so on. “

Xu Shiyun came to the courtyard and stomped gently.

In an instant, a cylindrical platform lifted up from the ground beneath his feet, sending Xu Shiyun to a height of several dozen meters.

Look around all around and slowly fall.

“No, it’s either a village or an industrial zone and residential area.”

Wang Lan walked past the bedroom of the Xu Qingshan couple, and the guards were collecting clues. Suddenly, Wang Lan stepped on a poster.

“Wait, Big brother Hu, who is Xu Donghai besides his parents?”

“This chief, and an elder sister, got married five years ago and lives in Dongxing District. I just called her and got through. After notifying her parents of the accident, she started to think that she was a liar.

Later, we called her on the Superintendent’s phone, and she believed it, and said quickly that she would arrive soon. Then I hung up the phone, and we wanted to talk to her. Afterwards, the phone has been able to get through but no one has answered it. It may be in a hurry and left home. “

“How long has it been?”

“About 20 minutes.”

In an instant, Wang Lan’s complexion greatly changed.

“Hu Qing, hurry, go to Xu Donghai elder sister’s house, her elder sister may also have an accident.”

Hu Qing quickly asked the brother to drive the car. Wang Lan and Hu Qing got into the car and drove out with a cry.

“Hello, you guys … aren’t you waiting for me?” Xu Shiyun looked at the rear lights of the police car in a daze.

“Big brother Hu, the pictures of Xu Qingshan’s family were scattered all over the place. I saw many pictures of Xu Qingshan’s family.

Xu Donghai also has an elder sister, how could the murderer not know? If I change, I am the murderer, and if I do n’t ask anything, I will definitely expand the scope of persecution.

20 minutes ago, the guard called Xu Donghai’s elder sister. Xu Donghai’s elder sister said that he would come right away and hung up.

After that, the phone was never called again, and the brethren suspected that the phone had left home. But now people, especially 8 9 1 1 this generation, how can they go out and forget to bring their phones? What’s more, the phone is in your hand?

Twenty minutes is enough to get here from Dongxin District, but it has not come. I feel that the person answering the phone is not the elder sister of Xu Donghai. May be the murderer. “

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