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The police car quickly rushed into Hanjing Garden and took the elevator to the floor of Xu Dongdong’s house. Xu Dongdong information, Wang Lan has been in the car during that time.

Xu Dongdong is eleven years older than Xu Donghai. He just got married five years ago. Her husband is the company’s management. He just went to Shengjia Country 5 days ago and has not returned.

“Wang wang wang ~ ——”

When I came to the door, I heard a fierce barking in the house.

Wang Lan glanced solemnly at Hu Qing, Hu Qing nodded, Wang Lan Blazing blade lifted up and cut into the door with a knife. Kicked off, he saw a messy house.

“We’re late?” Hu Qing took a deep breath. “If the brother just responded when he received the call, we might be in a hurry. Damn it!”

“Xiao Ai, immediately adjust the community monitoring, and give me within 20 minutes … wait, it is the person who enters and exits the community within half an hour. All the vehicles will be screened for me.”


“Wang —“

When a dog barked, Wang Lan and Hu Qing looked at each other. In the corner of the messy living room, a golden retriever stared at two people in a dog cage.

Hu Qing quickly removed his eyes and searched for clues in the messy house.

“Wang —“

Wang Lan looked at Jin Mao suspiciously. On Jin Mao’s body, Wang Lan always had a familiar feeling. This eyesight was too spirituality, just like the brunette looked at her own eyes.

Wang Lan came to the edge of the cage and saw that the cage was locked. Wang Lan extends the hand, the flame burns, and the naked eye melts away.


With a loud noise, the dog cage was suddenly knocked open by Golden Retriever, and then rushed out of the house frantically.

Wang Lan hesitated slightly, and suddenly the complexion changed and hurried out of the house. At this moment, the elevator door opened and Jin Mao slipped into the elevator. Wang Lan also quickly followed, and got into the elevator when the elevator closed.

Jin Mao lifts the head looking at Wang Lan, one person and one dog occupying the corner of the elevator and staring at each other with vigilance.

From the eyes of Golden Retriever, Wang Lan can be sure that this dog has a very high IQ.

The elevator is pressed by Golden Retriever, and the floor downstairs is also pressed by Golden Retriever. When the elevator reached the ground floor and opened the door, Jin Mao rushed out of the house and ran away in the distance.

Wang Lan quickly followed.

Jin Mao was extremely fast, and ran like crazy when determining the direction. But after running for a few minutes, it will stop to sniff around for a while, and then will run again.

Wang Lan ran for half an hour with Golden Retriever, and his position became more and more biased, and gradually came to the industrial square.

“Wang —“

Jin Mao suddenly stopped, looked back at Wang Lan, and finally drilled through the gap in the fence. Wang Lan looked at this company, Meat Joint Factory?

Wang Lan body flashed and followed in. Having just entered the Meat Joint Factory, Wang Lan was immediately attracted by the seal on the door of the Meat Joint Factory. Suddenly, Wang Lan remembered that it seemed that Suzhou City only recently seized a lot of unqualified unqualified pork, and then vigorously rectified the market, seizing many suspected illegal meat factories.

“This is the closed meat joint factory. It seems my guess is correct. This golden retriever can really find the owner.”

Wang Lan carefully sneaked into the dark, staring at the silhouette of Jin Mao away.

“Wang wang wang ~ ——”

After a quick hound of barking, Wang Lan instantly opened his hyperopic ability to pull his vision to the front.

In a warehouse, facing the side of Wang Lan’s field of vision, a woman was hung in a large shape, her head unkempt and her head down, unable to see her face clearly.

“Where’s the dog!” Inside the house, a naked bald guy with two flower necks flicked to the window and snorted.

“This is the Meat Joint Factory. Isn’t it normal for a dog to come? Cats eat fish, dogs eat meat.”

“Speaking of the boss, is there any trial? This woman made it clear that she didn’t know anything, and could not try anything again after the trial, wasting her energy.”

“What? You have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex?”

“Ball! I’ve been tired of playing for a long time. Although I haven’t regarded myself as a person for a long time, she really needs to know that her mouth is hard to judge, and I am still interested in playing with her. But she made it clear that she doesn’t know how we will play Is it interesting? “

“We know it’s the same thing, but the top person doesn’t care. If we don’t play to death, the top will think we haven’t done our best. Whether we can get results is not important. What matters is the attitude of doing things.

Have a good rest? Rest and then go to trial. Come, scissors for me, cut your fingers. “

“Wang wang wang ~ ——”

Jin Mao suddenly roared and rushed into the window. But the windows were all blocked by iron railings, even if the head of the golden diamond was broken and bleeding to no avail.

“Hahaha … silly dog, you keep hitting and dying to eat tonight. In other words, is this dog a bit familiar? Where …”

The words stopped, a silver crescent arrow pierced his mouth, ingested from his mouth, and shot from the back of his head.


“Laki, what the hell are you doing? Don’t tease the dog, it’s important to work …”

The voice stopped, and Laki fell to the ground, and the blood in his mouth surged like a fountain.

“Someone, who!” The remaining couple jumped up nervously. Sharp eyes scanned the surroundings, but they could not find where the attacker came from.

2 people leaned against the wall and watched the blood spew out of the fallen Laki’s mouth. “It’s a sniper.”

“How to do?”

“Threat him with hostages!” One person’s words fell to the ground, his body rolled suddenly on the spot, and came to the hung woman by the way of the army’s evasion.

As long as the dagger is caught on the woman’s neck, the sniper on the opposite side can only obediently …

Suddenly, his movements flicked, and he felt a tingling in his eyebrows, almost instantly, the endless darkness swallowed him up.

“Chain–” The remaining 3 people complexion greatly changed, and panic quickly appeared on his face.

Wang Lan, who was hiding in the dark, also flickered in his eyes, and this arrow made him confirm one thing. The people in the warehouse are not star martial artists. They are just ordinary persons.

Determined that it is not a star martial artist, Wang Lan will not have so many scruples. The figure flickered and rushed towards the warehouse. Less than 300 meters away, it only takes 20 seconds for Wang Lan.

In the eyes of the three people in the warehouse, this speed is like a train rushing quickly, and has just arrived in front of it.

“Boom–” There was a loud noise, and the walls collapsed suddenly. The silhouette of Wang Lan entered the warehouse, and the dynamic vision was turned on. It scanned the environment of the entire warehouse in an instant, confirmed that there were no hidden threats, and came to the woman to protect it behind him.

“Brother, mix the one on that road, throw a vine!”

“Heavenly Sword Bureau! Now I ask you something, answer the wrong word, die! What are you looking for?”

“The kid is not afraid to flash …”

A flash of silver flashed, an arrow immediately passed through the piled shoulders, a blood hole burst out, and blood gu gu gu emerged.

“Star … star martial artist?”

“This is the last chance, what are you looking for?”

“We’re looking for … ah–” The words stopped momentarily, and the remaining 2 robbers suddenly held their heads and wailed tragically.

Wang Lan’s eyes became sharp in an instant, and the heads of the two robbers in front of him violently wriggled, as if they were a group of balloons held in their hands.


Suddenly, a light sound, the heads of the two robbers burst like a smashed watermelon. A greasy beetle crawled out of 2 people’s heads.

Wang Lan flicked his fingers, and a flame burned away.

Under the burning of the flames, the two beetles made a terrifying zhi zhi sound, and then turned to ashes in the flames.

Wang Lan quickly rescued the hung woman and checked to see if there was another breath. Hurry to hold the woman’s chest, but unfortunately the woman is only an ordinary person, Wang Lan’s healing star martial skill is invalid for women.

Wu wu wu ——

The sirens sounded, getting closer and closer, and after a while, the sirens were just outside the warehouse door.

Wang Lan took the woman and walked out of the warehouse. The golden retriever jumped nervously around Wang Lan, and his eyes did not leave the woman in Wang Lan’s arms for a moment.

“Wang Lan, how is it?”

“She should be Xu Dongdong. She is very dangerous now. Send her to the doctor soon.”

“Xiaofeng, go to the doctor soon, what about the robber?”

“Dead!” Wang Lan gloomy the the head, there are beetles in the robber’s head, once they show signs of betrayal, the beetles will quickly eat their brains.

Moreover, this is not any kind of beetle that we humans know, and I’m sure it is definitely not a beetle that Sky Blue Star can have. Behind this matter is the Demon Race. “

“Mozu?” Xu Shiyun’s voice sounded and rose slowly from under the ground. “That Xu Donghai and Mozu are involved? Suzhou City and Mozu’s spy team?”

“Suzhou City, as a top-ranked metropolis in Jade Country, is naturally a city that the Mozu pays close attention to. As for the spy teams we caught, it may not be as good as 10% of the Mozu spying. It is not surprising that a new spy group appears .

But if the Mozu is behind, what is the purpose of the Mozu to kill Xu Donghai? What do Mozu find from Xu Donghai? This is not the thing that worries me the most. What worries me the most is that the Mozu has obviously tried not to join me in the provincial martial arts. “

“Mozu wants to destroy Provincial grade martial gathering?” Xu Shiyun’s face suddenly changed, and he asked solemnly.

“It is very likely that Xu Dongdong is the only clue now. Save Xu Dongdong and you will know what the Devil is looking for.”

“Then let’s go!” Hu Qing left his brother here to collect evidence and took three people to the hospital.

“Ding ding ding ~ ——”

Wang Lan’s cell phone rang, and it seemed that Jiang Xinyu had the power.


“Wang Lan, where are you going again? Didn’t you show up after the morning match?”

“It’s over? So fast? How are you guys?”

“Sisi was out of luck and met with Qian Shichen’s defeat. Xiangwen and Feiyu both passed the level. Also, the challenge in the afternoon was postponed. It may be 3 days later, and it may be longer, the specific time will be notified.”

“I’m understood, I still have something to do, I’ll call you when I’m busy.”

“What’s the matter? Official business?” Jiang Xinyu keenly perceives.


“I heard … Xu Donghai is dead? Isn’t it?”

“Um! Other inconveniences are more said.”

“Okay, hang up.”

Three people came to the hospital. At the door of the hospital, Wang Lan saw Jin Maoan lying quietly obediently and honestly on the ground. His eyes swiftly glanced at the guard, as if waiting for an opportunity. After seeing Wang Lan get off the bus, he quickly stood up and walked with his tail.

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