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“This dog is very smart, and Xu Dongdong can be rescued this time. It’s indispensable. Would you like to take care of it?”

“Little 7, take Golden Retriever back to the police car and take it away later.”

Wang Lan and the others came to the emergency department, and the guards waiting in the emergency department quickly stood up and saluted.

“How is Xu Dongdong?”

“It’s very dangerous, but we have asked the best doctor for rescue. The doctor said that the most important thing is not physical injury, I am afraid it is psychological injury. Xu Dongdong’s nails and teeth were violently pulled out.

The hair was taken out raw, and there were many wounds on the body that were also smeared with salt and pepper. The person who started it was his mother, who was able to get it. “

“The beasts of the hands have been slaughtered, did the doctor say when the rescue will be completed, and when will Xu Dongdong’s consciousness be sober?”

“This … I ask the doctor to get it as soon as possible.”

“Boom–” The door of the operating room was suddenly opened, and a young white clothed doctor came out while wiping sweat.

“Next, a hospital bed was pushed out of the operating room.”

“Doctor, how is it? Xu Dongdong she …”

“Are you guards?”

“Yes!” Hu Qing quickly nodded and pulled out his ID.

“The guards are just fine. They are very professional with the people who started with Xu Dongdong Young Lady. They are an expert in torture. With the least physical harm, they make the prisoner feel the greatest pain. This is the distinctive feature of Holy War International Security Company. Lady should have been tortured in Holy War. “

As soon as this remark came out, the Hu Qing 3 people looked at the young doctor with strange eyes.

“Don’t think about it, I used to be a soldier before. Of course, the name of my unit cannot be told out of secrecy.”

“027?” Xu Shiyun suddenly grinned, punched and punched.

The young doctor raised his hand subconsciously, falling with Xu Shiyun’s fist. Being so skilled and natural is like instinct.

“You too …” the young doctor asked in surprise.

“No! But I know your No. 1 wolf, no wonder you can do it so fast, only 1 minutes to complete the wound treatment, stitching and bandaging.”

“On the battlefield, time is life.”

“How about Xu Dongdong?”

“After the treatment, there is no problem with life, but Holy War’s interrogation method is not affordable, and those who have not been trained can go crazy within an hour. Xu Dongdong’s situation is not very optimistic.

After half an hour, the anesthesia will be withdrawn, and you have to wait for half an hour to find out what happened. “

Xu Dongdong was sent to the ward, and Wang Lan and the others were waiting in the ward. Time passed by one minute and one second, Hu Qing pulled out his cell phone from time to time to watch, a phone call every few minutes.

The young doctor’s inference was very accurate. After about 20 5 minutes, Xu Dongdong showed signs of recovery. Later, several nurses quickly and professionally gave Xu Dongdong a recovery.

“Dongdong … Xu Dongdong …”

Although Xu Dongdong opened his eyes, his eyes were empty. After about ten minutes, Xu Dongdong’s eyes suddenly panicked, and his body shook violently as if he was electrocuted.

“Don’t … don’t … I don’t know … I really don’t know … I beg you … don’t know … don’t know …”

“Xu Dongdong, we are doctors, you are safe now … don’t be afraid …”

“I don’t know … I don’t know … Don’t ask me … I don’t know …”

“Dongdong … Dongdong … we are doctors …”

But no matter how comforting the nurse is, Xu Dongdong’s body is still trembling violently, fear, as if spreading Xu Dongdong’s entire soul.

“Quick, calm down!”

The doctor quickly gave Xu Dongdong a tranquilizer to calm him down.

“I don’t know … really … don’t know …”

“Pete … my Pete …”

“Save me quickly … I’m so afraid … father … mother … Where are you … wu wu … husband … husband … I’m going to die … wu wu …”

Falling into total fear, Xu Dongdong’s body was trembling violently even if he was injected with a tranquilizer.

“Pete?” Wang Lan’s eyes flashed, “Hu Qing, bring that golden hair collar over.”

“Okay.” Hu Qing quickly dialed the phone, “Small 7, bring Golden Retriever, emergency department, 3rd floor ward.”

“Wang Lan, why are you bringing that dog?”

“When I rescued Xu Dongdong, Jin Mao first went outside the warehouse. It barked at the warehouse. As the owner of Jin Mao, Xu Dongdong would surely hear the sound of her own dog.

When extremely desperate, Jin Mao’s cry hit Xu Dongdong’s heart like a dose of life potion. That’s why she called Pete unconsciously. If she brought Golden Retriever, it might be the key to open Xu Dongdong’s heart. “

Soon, Golden Retriever was brought in by Xiao 7, and Golden Retriever was brought into the ward. At first glance, he saw Xu Dongdong shrunk to the head of the bed. Even though Xu Dongdong was wrapped like a mummy at the moment, the golden retriever instantly recognized the owner.

Jumped into bed and licked it in the face of the owner.

“Pete … my Pete …” Xu Dongdong hugged Jin Mao deadly and buried his face on Jin Mao’s back.

“Xu Young Lady, we are guards, and Pete took us to rescue you, you are safe now …”

“I am saved … Am I saved? Wu wu wu …… how are you … how come!”

Suddenly, Xu Dongdong lifts the head, Yang Tian burst into a heart-wrenching cry–

“My parents and my mother … were killed by them … I don’t know … my younger brother stole … how do I know …”

“What are they looking for?”

“I don’t know … I really haven’t seen any evolutionary potions …”

“Evolution potion?”

Wang Lan’s eyes narrowed, and his heart shook violently. On the other hand, Xu Shiyun’s face changed suddenly, and he instantly looked at Wang Lan’s eyes.


“should be!”


The golden hair lying on Xu Dongdong suddenly shouted and jumped out of the hospital bed, “Wang–“

He made a call to Wang Lan and walked out of the ward.

“Does it keep me up?” Wang Lan instantly understood, and quickly turned to chase after Golden Retriever.

After Jin Mao left the ward and ran all the way, Wang Lan hurriedly followed. The motor nerve of this golden retriever is a little too developed. As a star martial artist, Wang Lan ca n’t keep up without star martial skill.

Jin Maofeng rushed out of the hospital and then ran along the city road. Outside the hospital, the old grandpas walking just felt a gust of wind pass by.

“What just now? Looks like a dog?”

“That’s a dog …”

Huh, Wang Lan’s figure rushed past them and chased away to the golden hair in the distance.

“Is the dog walking like this now? Fortunately, I have a turtle. If I want to walk the dog like this, my body is definitely broken.” He said, looking down at the Brazilian turtle with his palm under his feet. 100 steps. “

The Brazilian tortoise looked up at the old man with a desperate look, simply turned over, 4 feet pretending to die.

Jin Mao’s physical strength was beyond Wang Lan’s expectations. He sprinted swiftly throughout the journey and even ran for 7 or 8 kilometers without stopping. Looking at Jin Mao’s direction, Wang Lan’s eyes flickered.

Obviously went to Xu Qingshan’s house.

Xu Qingshan lives in the country and daughter-in-law lives in the city, less than ten kilometers away.

“Wang —“

The isolation zone of Xu Qingshan’s family has not been removed, and many police officers are still searching for clues in Xu Qingshan’s family. Suddenly there was a bark, and a golden stream rushed from a distance.

The guard was about to stop, and Wang Lan’s figure appeared in front of the guard instantly.

“and many more!”

Jin Mao walked into the yard, sniffing things constantly in the vegetable garden. After a while, he quickly dug up, and soon, a hole was pulled out by Jin Mao.

“Wang —“

Jin Mao called Wang Lan twice.

Wang Lan stepped forward and saw a few bones hidden in the pothole, as well as a black cloth bag. Wang Lan hesitated to pick up the bag, and there was a bang in the inside. Wang Lan quickly reached in, and really took out 2 bottles of blue medicine.

Seeing the potion, Wang Lan understood it all.

Why was Xu Donghai killed? He stole the Demonization potion. It was just a surprise that he was stolen by Golden Retriever and hid as a bone.

Dogs steal things, Xu Donghai’s family is naturally not understood. And no one thought that it would be a dog to steal.

“Ding ding ding ~ ——”

“Hello!” Wang Lan picked up the phone to answer.

“Wang Lan, I asked almost here, it should be the Demonization Potion. The kidnapping Xu Dongdong interrogated the whereabouts of the Demonization Potion, which was stolen by Xu Donghai.

But the murderer’s claim is that Xu Donghai stole the Demonization potion home, but he disappeared in a blink of an eye. I wonder if it’s still taken by my family. Because of this, Xu Qingshan and his wife were kidnapped.

The murderer had interrogated Xu Qingshan and his wife before interrogating Xu Dongdong, and Xu Dongdong saw the video of the brutal killing of her parents. Hu Qing has asked his brother to go to the scene to kill Xu Qingshan and his wife. “

“I have also found the Demonization potion here.” Wang Lan said after listening.

“Um … wait? Have you found the Demonization potion? How did you find it?” Xu Shiyun exclaimed suddenly. The murderer spent so much effort, and it was a murder and an interrogation that was not found. Was Wang Lan found it in less than half an hour?

“Yes, you definitely can’t think of it. It was this golden retriever who stole the Demonization Potion. The Golden Retriever may have a Spirit Beast aptitude. He instinctively felt the strength of the Demonization Potion, so he stole it and buried it in the yard.

When we asked the pharmacy in the hospital, Jin Mao might have understood what we wanted, and took me to the yard of Xu Qingshan’s house, and dug out the Demonization pharmacy from the vegetable garden, a total of 2 bottles. “

“I’m going!” The information provided by Wang Lan directly gave Xu Shiyun an unreal feeling. What is this? A bloody incident caused by a dog? But in an instant, Xu Shiyun’s depressed voice came from the phone.

“Now it needs to be clarified whether these 2 bottles of Demonization Pharmacy were produced before or after the pharmacy workshop was destroyed.”

“So now I need to know where Xu Donghai stolen the medicine.”

“Leave it to me.” Xu Shiyun said without thinking.

“Come together, the past few days I ask for leave, I can’t miss this case.”

“it is good.”

As long as it is the whereabouts of the Demon Spy, it represents a lot of experience. What is Wang Lan missing most now? It is the experience value.

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