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After returning from Xu Qingshan’s home, Wang Lan and Xu Shiyun soon round. As for the matter of Xu Dongdong, it will be handled by the Superintendent of Police. This is the second time Wang Lan has seen the strength of the Heavenly Sword Bureau Intelligence Department.

The first time was to solve Xie Sisi’s trouble. In just an hour or so, Xie Sisi’s investigation was clear, and he was shot on the spot, almost cremating directly.

At this time, it took only half a day to contact Xu Donghai’s activity trajectory in the past six months with who to investigate the most.

Star Universe Building, the top floor, the printer of Wang Lan’s home is running fast, and fax documents are printed one by one. This is the intelligence information gathered from the various intelligence stations of the Information Office. Wang Lan and Xu Shiyun only need to filter out useful information from the intelligence information.

“In addition to being a member of the Civilian Genius Society, is Xu Donghai still working privately? No wonder he can have a B-Rank star martial skill and 3 C-Rank star martial skills with his family conditions.”

“Retired from the Civilian Genius Club a week ago …” Wang Lan sighed with the intelligence in his hand. “Is it because he got the Demonization potion and climbed a higher branch before he quit the Civilian Genius Club or from the Civilian Genius Club?” Stole the potion? “

“Wang Lan doubts your classmate? Is it Duan Ziqi?”


“Indeed, after all, the first scene of the incident was at the school, but neither Xu Donghai nor Duan Ziqi were resident students, so what happened at the school may not necessarily be related to the students. Moreover, it is almost certain that you do not want you to participate in the Provincial grade martial gathering. The words of Mozu are that the probability of the students is not big.

You see this information, ancient city district, the brother of the underground casino brother Li, known as the vampire. This person opened an underground casino and issued a loan shark. But for no reason, the superintendent of the ancient city district has not rectified this place.

Xu Donghai awakened the star martial artist shortly afterwards with this Brother Li, but he always wore a mask while working with Brother Li and was called the ghost face by the ancient city underworld. Only a few of Brother Li ’s close friends know that the true identity of the ghost face is Xu Donghai.

Wang Lan, remember the crow before? “

“Do you suspect that Brother Li is like a crow?”

“It’s very possible! Even I suspect that this Brother Li, like the crow, is a hidden star martial artist.”

With more and more information summarized, there are 3 places where Xu Donghai is in contact. The first is relatives, but the Xu Donghai family has been wiped out, and there is only one brother-in-law on business trip. Xu Donghai has been spared. The probability of the Demonization agent is not great.

Then the second direction is a school, or a civilian genius club. But as far as Wang Lan knows, the civilian genius society is limited to schools. They exchange ideas about cultivation together, have good methods or envisage mutual verification, etc. After school, they not at all communicate closely.

In the words of the wealthy students, a group of cannon fodder wailing.

The third direction is of course the Brother Li side, which Xu Shiyun feels is the most likely direction. After discussing with Wang Lan, it was decided to gather intelligence around Brother Li, and tonight I will start Brother Li to catch everything in one net.

Brother Li has been able to open an underground casino in the ancient city area for so many years and has not been eradicated. There must be some means of survival. In order not to beat the grass to scare the snake, this operation is dominated by Heavenly Sword Bureau, with the superintendent as a subsidiary. Heavenly Sword Bureau against an underworld gang is definitely an operation to kill a chicken with a sabre.

Just at night, the lantern was at the beginning.

Several famous entertainment streets in the ancient city district are full of lights. But if someone looks down on the ancient city area from the sky, they can find that the center of a renovated building similar to the Imperial Palace is surrounded by police cars.

As the night grew thicker and deeper, the blockade of the streets continued to advance. Gradually, the underground forces in the ancient city area were aware of today ’s anomalies.

“It’s Brother Li’s site?” A middle aged big man with two fingers missing stood on the balcony and smoked a cigar deeply. “Brother Li has done something extraordinary recently, and the Superintendent is not hesitating to destroy it. Want to engage him in a balanced way? “

“I haven’t heard? Is it something that was collected for the year before? It’s not right. Brother Li is very decent in his work, and it’s generally profiteer.”

Hanjingjue Palace, the top floor of the only 5-Star level hotel in the ancient city area. A young girl in a black lace dress plays with a lupin in her hand. “

“Ninth sister, do you call me?”

“Notify sisters that they will all be off work tonight.”

“Ah? Why?”

“Did you see the big move above? Although I was going to Brother Li, but it would inevitably be innocent. Call the sisters who are working on the Brother Li site and immediately withdraw, no matter what method you can use Just run. “

At this moment, it was not just the young ladies who were going to run, Brother Li’s men also noticed something was wrong. This time it was n’t a surprise check and so on, but I did n’t say hello and went directly to ambush from ten sides.

Starting from 3 blocks away, the Brother Li’s nest was progressively blocked like Copper Wall Iron Bastion.

Brother Li at the moment is reflecting deeply. What has he done this year? Ancient City District 3 stands on top of each other and checks and balances each other. It has been the best area for public security in Suzhou City for 2 years.

Although, it is very much to have no shame to summarize the reasons for good public order on the underworld forces. But in Brother Li’s words, as a Taoist and a boss, as long as you don’t take the initiative to cause trouble, it is enough to win a good citizen award.

Where there is light, there is darkness, especially in Suzhou City, where the entertainment industry is particularly developed. There is Suhang in the heaven, how come? Just because of the beautiful scenery? Just because of the lake and mountains?

The starry sky in the prairie is not beautiful, and the scenery in Shuzhou is not magnificent? Why?

In Suhang 2 cities, you can enjoy the happiness of heaven. More people who have a pursuit of enjoyment and taste, and even come to Suzhou City not far from 1000 miles.

And these flamboyant places have long been saturated with underworld forces. Even if one is pulled out, there will still be new penetration. Therefore, most of the unplugged ones are not honest and violate Suzhou City’s bottom line.

Brother Li has asked himself for so many years, even if he opened a casino and collected a loan shark, but Brother Li did not deal with students, old people, and honest people.

Brother Li pits those profiteers, or the Kaizi who are here for fun. Brother Li thought about it but couldn’t figure out what he did.

Brother Li’s bald head light is as bright as a light bulb. The is a 2 statue in front of him, but it is a bead in his hand. Brother Li looked at the calm and composed, but the two younger brothers behind were anxiously brow beaded with sweat.

“Brother Li, do you still think? The guard will come to the door immediately, run!”

“Yeah, I have prepared all the clothes for you, and brought you wigs, when the time comes Brothers create chaos, you take advantage of the chaos to rush out. As long as you are fine, brothers will not have anything, just send you Brothers, there is still hope for going out. “

“Yes! Brother Li, really when the time comes, or is it reliable for our brothers. When you are in trouble, the brothers follow you step by step, ghost face? Where is this time?

He needs to be there and he can send you out by his own ability. I’m not sure, today’s incident was caused by ghost faces. “

“Kha–” There was a sound, the beads in Brother Li’s hands shattered, and oh la la spilled all over the floor.

“Ghost face … There is something wrong with Heavenly Ghost, so he can’t come … He took a leave with me a few days ago. But when you say that, I think it’s really possible.” Then, he picked up his mobile phone and fluctuated.

When I heard that the call you made was not in the service area, Brother Li’s face suddenly became dark.

“Brother Li, run!”

“You can’t run. How can you not be so prepared for such a big battle? You can all run, but I can’t run. If you want to run, run.”

“Pa pa pa ——” A round of applause sounded, and Xu Shiyun and Wang Lan rose slowly from the ground silently. In the eyes of Brother Li, this scene is a deep breath.

“Star martial artist? As for it? As for moving the martial artist to take me?”

“Brother Li! Is the ghost face mixed with you?” Xu Shiyun didn’t like wordy, asked straight to the point immediately after the deterrent effect was achieved.

“Sure enough it was him … Am I implicated by him? Even if I were to die, I recognized it, and I asked two big brothers to tell me, how did I get killed?”

“He has collusion with the demon, and he happens to be your man, logically reasoning, you have collusion with the demon …”

“I …” Brother Li stared at his head with glaring eyes, “big brother, don’t take you to reason like this! Me and the ghost face are in a cooperative relationship. He recommended it to me less than 7, let alone my men , It ’s better to say that it ’s 7 men. ”

“Less 7? Which 7 is less?” Wang Lan asked with a frown.

“7 is called Duan Ziqi, and people in the rivers and lakes call Qi Shao, and as time goes on, it becomes 7 less.”

“Duan Ziqi? Duan Ziqi in Suzhou City One?” Wang Lan asked again, staring at his eyes.

“Yeah, in the ancient city area, who dare not sell 7 face-savings? 7 have never been involved in the business of the ancient city area, but according to the regulations, we have to spend 1% of our annual business for the orphanage. . To say that the ghost face and the demon collused, then do n’t look for me. “

“1% every year, a lot, you are willing to give up?”

“He he he …… You see I am called Brother Li, but in the ancient city area, the real brother is 7 or less, we are at most the fish below.”

“So, did we find the wrong person?” Wang Lan didn’t doubt Brother Li’s words. He didn’t know that Xu Donghai and Brother Li arranged it by Duan Ziqi. If you know, Wang Lan will only stare directly at Duan Ziqi. In Wang Lan’s view, Duan Ziqi’s suspicion is much greater than that of Brother Li.

Hearing Wang Lan saying this, Brother Li’s face suddenly showed an exhilarating look, “Yeah, isn’t it the wrong person? This brother can ask me on the road and ask me who is Ali and hates the traitor most. It ’s a misunderstanding, it ’s a misunderstanding. “

“Since it was a misunderstanding …” Wang Lan looked at Xu Shiyun sideways, “Let Hu Qing catch people?”

Brother Li was about to express his gratitude, and the words came to a close but choked on again.

What do you mean? Still have to catch it? Isn’t it a misunderstanding?

Looking at Brother Li’s incomprehensible look, Wang Lan laughed, “Come all here, how can I go back empty-handed? How bad is a trip?”

“I give money …” Brother Li’s words hadn’t had time to say. Wang Lan grabbed Brother Li’s neck, and a star force poured into Brother Li’s body.

“Ah-it’s hot …”

Wang Lan loosened Brother Li’s neck, “There is no star force to exclude it, it is indeed an ordinary person.”

Xu Shiyun picked up the phone, “Inspector Hu? Take the net and catch people.”

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