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Brother Li’s words may be true or false. Taking Brother Li down is also an insurance precaution. But also because of Brother Li’s information, he gave a more powerful object of suspicion.

That night, the intelligence system of the Intelligence Service began an investigation around Duan Ziqi.

“Duan Ziqi, whose parents are unknown, speculates that it may be the consequences of the mischievous boy and girl who stole the forbidden fruit and was put in the door of the orphanage shortly after birth. The hospital did not even have his birth information. 2 kg.

Later, he survived under the care of an orphanage. He grew up in an orphanage and developed Duan Ziqi’s very strong autonomy. From the age of ten, Duan Ziqi’s way of thinking and action has become very mature.

Duan Ziqi 9-year-old awakening star martial artist innate talent can be said to be very genius. However, due to resource constraints, his progress is not fast, and his strength was advanced by leaps and bounds only when he was in junior high school.

In senior high school, he was already Star Radiance Realm, and then broke through the Nebula environment around October last year. Master a set of A-Rank star martial skill, a B-Rank star martial skill and 3 C-Rank star martial skills. But this is only public data, and there are no unknown martial skills. “

After the information was summarized, Xu Shiyun made a summary.

“Duan Ziqi is just an orphan, but he can grow no less than Jiang Xinyu … isn’t it strange?”

“Not surprising!” Xu Shiyun said, leaning back in his chair. “Duan Ziqi was born in an orphanage. Before him, there were under 18 years old brothers who left the orphanage. Some of them joined all walks of life. A few confuse the underworld.

It is not difficult for Duan Ziqi to intervene in the underground forces of the ancient city area. In addition, Duan Ziqi is a star martial artist. His strength is also very strong. Over the past 5-6 years, he has dominated the ancient city area and accumulated a lot of money.

A child in his twenties turned out to be a controller of the underground forces in the district. Changed other children, I am afraid that this age is full of toys.

Moreover, Duan Ziqi has been to the trial site many times. Although his growth trajectory is not as Legendary as you, he has a common ground with several of your friends.

Of course, I also tend to see the way behind Duan Ziqi’s rise so smoothly. There are 2 options now. First, we immediately arrest Duan Ziqi and dig out the demonic forces behind him. Second, secretly monitor and quietly close the net. “

Xu Shiyun stared at Wang Lan with staring eyes, and Wang Lan’s eyes showed the color of contemplation. Although the benefits of direct arrests are the most direct, what may happen is to secretly monitor. But Wang Lan thought of two robbers who kidnapped Xu Dongdong’s picture of the sudden killing of the robbers when they wanted to speak out.

The demon’s methods are weird and changeable, and no one can guarantee that Duan Ziqi has not been caught. Once Duan Ziqi is arrested, the most likely thing is to get a body.

“Secret surveillance, Duan Ziqi has been picked by me. If the purpose of the Demon Race is not to want me to participate in Provincial grade martial gathering, will he have any other means? I observe at school, you send someone to observe in secret.

I always feel that what kind of action the Mozu will take against this Provincial grade martial gathering? If Duan Ziqi is really a Devil’s chess piece, then his piece will definitely move. “


Duan Ziqi gloomy face walked slowly in the dark night, gorgeous lights, and deep alleys. Suddenly, a sound of wings fluttered. A bat landed on Duan Ziqi’s shoulder.

“How was the gross profit taken by the Heavenly Sword Bureau? Are you exposed?”

“Xu Donghai is a top-ranking seed student in the school after all. His business is easy and calm and tranquil. The cooperation between Xu Donghai and Maori is not difficult to find. It is normal to find the head of Maori.”

“But it was Heavenly Sword Bureau who won the gross profit.”

“Xu Donghai is a star martial artist, is it normal for Heavenly Sword Bureau to intervene?”

“Are you too despising Heavenly Sword Bureau, Heavenly Sword Bureau’s strength is not trivial, they are likely to have found your head.”

“If this is the case, you are impossible. What did you say to me at this time? I should also be the body of the forensic Dissection.” Duan Ziqi sneered in the corner of his mouth.

“All these changes are caused by your mistakes. Please don’t provoke my bottom line. In the penetration plan, you are by no means the best.”

“But I will be the best one sooner or later. We haven’t found the evolution potion in this way, and Heavenly Sword Bureau should not find it. As long as no evolution potion is found, Heavenly Sword Bureau impossible pays more attention to this case. After a few days, the case will If it cannot be solved, it will be closed with an open case.

If you don’t worry, control a star martial artist to expose it, and then kill Xu Donghai on top? “

“You pay attention.”

“The school has informed that the challenge will start in 3 days. Will I continue to block Wang Lan?”

“Are you sure?”

“Give me an evolutionary potion, it should be no problem. After this year of experimentation, I have been able to use the strength of the evolutionary potion without deforming.”

“No action is allowed without my permission!”

The bat flapped its wings and flew high into the sky and disappeared into the night, and all this was very concealed, even the people who were secretly monitoring were not aware of it.

Three days went quietly, and it was another weekend of the week. Principle Zhang is back from Jin City, and the three-day challenge will be held at the first week.

After the students were out of school, the school leaders of the Star Martial campus were called together for a meeting.

“This time I went to Jin City for a meeting, mainly because I conveyed the instructions for the national unification of Provincial grade martial gathering. This Provincial grade martial gathering is different from the past. In the past, it was a closed competition. Only the observers from universities Teams from participating cities can watch the game in person.

But this time Provincial grade martial gathering uses live television. Provincial grade martial gathering is directly broadcasted by provincial TV stations and network platforms in each province. “

“What? This is a precedent that Provincial grade martial gathering has never been held for 50 years. Isn’t it nonsense? Don’t you know the importance of Provincial grade martial gathering? Still live?” The instructor asked incredulously.

“Yeah, I was puzzled at the time, but I heard that it was decided after 5 Elders negotiated.”

“Principal.” Liu Jie raised his hand and asked suddenly, “Provincial grade martial gathering used to be a closed competition. I always thought it was a practice. Can you listen to the tone of the teacher, does it seem necessary to close the organization? Now that information technology is so developed, should n’t we keep pace with the times? “

“Teacher Liu You are young after all, you might as well think, Provincial grade martial gathering, who participates in Provincial grade martial gathering are all who?” The teaching director looked at Liu Jie and asked lowly.

“Both … are the best students in each city, right?”

“I ’ll put it another way, Southern Flame Emperor, participated in Jiangxi Provincial grade martial gathering 20 years ago and took the 5th place in the province. Eastern Green Emperor, Qi Province Provincial grade martial gathering champion, Western Snow Emperor, 8 years Former Provincial grade martial gathering champion.

Of the 1700 20 titled powerhouses in my Jade Country, all of them participated in Provincial grade martial gathering, of which 80% achieved the top ten results in Provincial grade martial gathering.

The seed of today’s Provincial grade martial gathering is the sky of the future Jade Country. You now understand why Provincial grade martial gathering cannot be made public? “

This point is clear. Where is the star martial artist from Jade Country? All are from the basic education and training of Jade Country. Those who can participate in Provincial grade martial gathering are definitely the most elite and talented students in each city.

They are the future of Jade Country. If public. It is equivalent to putting an era of Jade Country in front of everyone. If there is a hostile strength sniping against the future of Jade Country, what will Jade Country be after 20 years?

“Okay, this decision was decided after 5 Elders deliberated, and now the discussion is meaningless. In addition to the publicity of the Provincial grade martial gathering. There is another thing, the host cities of the provinces … have not yet decided.

“Aren’t you always in Jin City?”

“In the past, Provincial grade martial gathering was in the provincial capital, but the strange thing is that this year it seems that several cities were randomly selected without prior notice. Thirteen cities in Jiangxi province are Jin City, Suzhou City, Tong City, Xu City, Xi There are 3 cities in the city, and tomorrow I will discuss with the mayor. If Suzhou City is selected, what should we arrange. “

“So arranged … it feels like something is being guarded.”

“By Principal, did the Week at first challenge determine the Suzhou City entry list?”

“All other cities’ lists have been submitted?”

“Submitted, I have obtained the list information.”

“How about strength? Can we turn over this time?”

“How to say … If Mingyue Wucheng they participate in Provincial grade martial gathering, we can still have a hope, but they have no intention of signing up.

Although Jiang Xinyu has good strength and strong innate talent, he is a bit worse than the players from Jin City, Chang City, Tong City, and Tai’an, which are the four old strong cities.

Especially this time Jin City’s starting team, all Nebula situation. There are several attribute geniuses in Tong City. There are several children of Aristocratic Family and Star martial family in Tai’an City. Not to mention Chang City, both Star Martial family and civilian genius are ahead of Suzhou City. “

“Really? It seems that I am still too optimistic. Besides Jiang Xinyu Mu Shaoyun, what about other good seedlings? Duan Ziqi, Wang Lan? And Zhuang Haotian, Xu Xiangwen, Gong Feiyu?”

“Principal, such a big thing happened to Mu Shaoyun’s family, and he hasn’t come to school for nearly 20 days. Duan Ziqi was eliminated by Wang Lan in the preliminary round, Zhuang Haotian was eliminated by Jiang Xinyu, even if the challenge can be resurrected, I feel that I can Only Jiang Xinyu was the one who picked the big beam.

However, counting on Jiang Xinyu’s probability alone, or as usual, fight for 6 and 5. “

“Well, that’s it.”

At the same time, the information of the representative teams of various cities has been circulated in Jiang province through various channels. Almost all the first-party information of the cities has been exposed. Only 2 cities have not determined the list of representative teams for some reasons.

This information naturally fell into the hands of Jiang Xinyu. Jiang Xinyu’s intelligence collection ability has always been good, even if Xu Xiangwen they all have the power to collect, they are too lazy to start.

Because they are used to it, Jiang Xinyu will send the information immediately to share.

After seeing the city’s starting lineup sent by Jiang Xinyu, Xu Xiangwen spouted with a grip.

What is this starting lineup?

Comparing the start of last year, the distinct gap between the primary school team and the National Team.

In the past, a team with 3 Nebula borders was considered a strong team, and Nebula borders exceeded half, which was a champion.

But this year, Jin City made its debut, all Nebula. Tong City, 9 Nebula A mysterious Aristocratic Family. In Chang City, 8 kings bring 2; Tai’an City, 8 kings bring 2.

What is the Divine Immortal team?

Xu Xiangwen thought that he, a Nebula environment expert, could flash the rays of light and struggle for several rounds at Provincial grade martial gathering. Looking at this lineup, this is the rhythm of kneeling.

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