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After listening to Gong Feiyu, Wang Lan knew instantly.

Wang Lan said before that to use the multi-star martial skill requires 4 hearts to be used together. Normally, it is difficult for a person to achieve 4 distractions. However, Xu Xiangwen is a person who can divide 4 physical avatars. If each of the 4 avatars dominates a part, plus 4 avatars in one concentricity can really achieve distraction 4 use.

If it weren’t for Xu Xiangwen who only had Yang Attribute, he had 2 more attributes to play the compound star martial skill than others.

“Bang bang bang!” A burst of smoke, a silhouette retreated from the violent strikes. Duan Ziqi retreated to the edge of the game field, covering his chest and suddenly wa’ed and vomited a pool of blood.

“Student Duan Ziqi, how is your injury? Can you continue to participate in the game?” Referee standing on the side of the battlefield quickly asked.

“It’s okay.” After Duan Ziqi spits out mouthful of blood, he stood up again and gently wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth.

Lifts the head, looking at the Buddha illusory shadow composed of Xu Xiangwen.

“This move has the strength of the Nebula realm. It is a pity that you are a star martial skill jointly launched by 4 people, and you cannot move is the biggest weak spot of your move.”

“Even if you stand still, you can be shit.”

Duan Ziqi danced around in his clothes, slowly breeze, and slowly rose into the sky. Standing high, watching Xu Xiangwen below like a god.

At a height of 100 meters, the silhouette of Duan Ziqi was shaded by the sun. All of them stretched their necks and endured the intense sunlight, watching the dazzling sunlight.

Suddenly, the star force surged in the sky, and a fierce gust of wind rolled up. Just ten thousand li in the clear sky, and suddenly the situation changed suddenly. The gusty wind swept and the white clouds gathered.

Wang Lan looked solemnly at Duan Ziqi falling from the sky, and his heart also mentioned his chest in an instant. This move made Wang Lan feel the strong oppression force.

For Wang Lan himself, to take Duan Ziqi this move can only use the Purple Flame Bullet to fight, which is the reason why the flames restrain Duan Ziqi’s Wind Attribute.

Duan Ziqi turned his head down, turned into a rapidly rotating wind drill, especially a point between his fingers, condensed into a substantial wind blade as if converted into lightning.

The characteristic of lightning is cohesion. Wind blade cutting combined with extremely strong cohesion makes this move not only have the cutting power of wind blade horror, but also the speed of lightning horror.

“This move, Xu Xiangwen can’t take it.” Jiang Xinyu suddenly drank nervously.

It’s not just Xu Xiangwen who can’t take it, the star martial artist below the Star River, even the Metal Attribute star martial artist, who is famous for its defense, can’t take it.

Suddenly, Duan Ziqi’s attack fell on top of Xu Xiangwen’s head, and Xu Xiangwen’s Thousand Hand Buddha suddenly launched a intensive terrorist attack against Duan Ziqi in the sky. But Duan Ziqi was like a ghost in the wind, swiftly avoiding 1000 strokes, and fiercely hit the Buddha’s forehead.

“Boom–” The strong air pressure burst in an instant, strong wind scattering the last clouds raging Heaven and Earth.

“Xiangwen, withdraw–“


An explosion exploded at the instant Wang Lan’s voice sounded, and a silhouette was blasted from the center of the explosion by aftershocks and blasted outward.

Wang Lan body flashed and disappeared on the battle stage in an instant, like a snake walking across the snake-shaped route to catch Xu Xiangwen before landing.

At the moment of catching Xu Xiangwen, Wang Lan face instantly changes extremely gloomy. Xu Xiangwen’s injury at the moment is more than ten times worse than he thought. All over, there are densely packed wind blade cuts everywhere.

In Wang Lan’s induction, there are countless small wind blades cutting the muscle tissue of Xu Xiangwen’s body. Without a powerful medical category star martial artist, every organ and every limb of Xu Xiangwen’s body will lose contact.

Even if it is alive, it is a mass of meat.

When Wang Lan took over Xu Xiangwen, Jiang Xinyu and Gong Feiyu instantly appeared beside Wang Lan. Wang Lan has already ripped Xu Xiangwen’s clothes off and pressed his palm to Xu Xiangwen’s chest.

star force surge, heal star martial skill launch.

“Xiangwen how is he?”

“Give me a Soul bead!” Wang Lan drank low.

After Jiang Xinyu listened, his face changed instantly, and his cold eyes stared at Duan Ziqi who smashed a big pit in the game. At the moment in Duan Ziqi one-knee kneels, the whole body was like a haze.

How strong is Wang Lan’s healing ability, Jiang Xinyu knows that his reserve star force, even the dying Wang Lan can save two. The heavier the injury, the greater the star force required. Even Wang Lan needs to add Soul bead to complete the treatment, Xu Xiangwen’s injuries are several times dying.

It can be said that every body in Xu Xiangwen’s body has a small wind needle cutting in every area in millimeters. Therefore, the treatment of Wang Lan is equivalent to rebuilding the Fleshy body for Xu Xiangwen.

This kind of injury, except for Wang Lan Divine Immortal, could not be saved.

Without hesitation, Jiang Xinyu took a Soul bead from his pocket and gave it to Wang Lan. With Soul bead bottoming out, Wang Lan’s heart settled down.

“Student Wang Lan, how about Xu Xiangwen’s injury?” Referee ran nervously.

The movement of Fang Cai shocked him, and with such a violent impact, he almost thought the two people were perish together. Fortunately, Duan Ziqi is fine, and Xu Xiangwen also seems to be alive.

“It’s ok, give me 3 minutes.”

Above the stands, after a brief silence, a buzzing discussion sounded.

“Damn, I used to think we were classmates. Everyone has 2 shoulders against one head. But now I understand that they are great gods, and we are mortals.”

“This kind of movement, we can do it in our life and can laugh at 9 Fountains. This is the 2 Nebula realm is fighting? If I say it is the Star River realm, I believe it.”

“Forget it, a bunch of Star Radiance Realm guess what, maybe this is really the normal battle strength of the Nebula realm, the Star River realm may be the kind that can destroy a city with one punch.”

“Yes, you watched more animations. The Star River realm destroyed a city. The Star Sea realm smashed a country. 5 Emperors are all the kind of punching a planet. 5 Elders is the kind of Shockwave destroyed half of the galaxy. “

“Hey, you’re wrong. 5 Emperors is our Jade Country’s strongest battle strength. 5 Elders may not be stronger than 5 Emperors.”

The buzz of the discussion continued, and after Wang Lan consumed 2 Soul beads, he moved his hand to Xu Xiangwen’s chest.

“How is it?” Gong Feiyu asked nervously.

“It should be fine.”

“Why haven’t you woken up yet?”

“Xinyu, why not chill?”

呲 ——

A cold smoke threw away from Jiang Xinyu’s palm, facing Xu Xiangwen’s face.

“I get up right away, immediately—” Xu Xiangwen yelled and turned up to sit up. But even when you sit up, your eyes are closed. extend the hand.

“What are you looking for?”

“What about clothes …”

“How can you eyes opened?”

Only then did Xu Xiangwen open his hazy eyes, “Huh? Why am I here? This is, the playground? What day is it today?”

After a violent impact, a short fragment will appear. This is the self-protection mechanism of the human body. When it is determined that this memory will not cause harm to the body, the memory will gradually return.

“Today is a challenge.” Wang Lan grabbed Xu Xiangwen’s hand and pulled him up. As long as Xu Xiangwen was okay, the mood of Wang Lan’s people suddenly improved and he began to tease daily.

“You just slept in school last night in order not to be late. Now you are called up to participate in the competition.”

“Bullshit, I’m impossible to sleep in the school even when I’m sleeping … Wait, I seem to be playing a game … Am I interrupted?”

“Although the memory is not good, the IQ is still online, it’s okay. Stay in the stands and wait for a while before challenging. You have another chance to challenge.”

After sending Xu Xiangwen away, Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu Gong Feiyu returned to the stands, and Duan Ziqi was already seated in Xu Xiangwen.

“It’s my location, I will definitely be back. Wang Lan, your medical star martial skill very difficult to deal with. After the Provincial grade martial gathering, please take care of me? You will not use public office for this private complaint to avenge private wrongs? “Duan Ziqi faced Wang Lan’s faint said with a smile.

“No.” Wang Lan smiled the head.

“Wang Lan, actually I wanted to challenge you again, but before the Principal found me, I said you must participate in Provincial grade martial gathering, not because of your strength, but your medical star martial artist status is the city The team is indispensable. “

Duan Ziqi chattered about Jiang Xinyu and Gong Feiyu looking steadily forward. Jiang Xinyu gently tapped his finger, Gong Feiyu rubbed his chin and wondered whether he would like to go after school …

“Hmm … are you finished? Where can your confidence be sure to represent the team?” Wang Lan looked at Duan Ziqi with a smile on his face.

“I’m sitting here now. Do you think anyone else can drive me down?”

Wang Lan gently took out his phone, “Hey, Sisi, how is Xiangwen now? Can I still call?”

“He is still a bit confused, and it may take another hour to recover.”

“You participate in the challenge.”

“Ah? Me? Who do you challenge? I can’t beat a few of them.”

“Challenge me.”

The three words landed, Jiang Xinyu smiled, Gong Feiyu turned back suddenly and looked at Wang Lan with admiration. What kind of talent, how do I didn’t expect?

Duan Ziqi, who was listening to the whole conversation, suddenly turned dark. He absolutely didn’t expect Wang Lan to play this hand. Wang Lan went all the way to the top ten, and he was challenged to lose a chance to challenge.

“Ah? Is this bad?”

“It’s okay, my purpose is to participate in the challenge, you know.”

“Is there anyone to challenge? If you need a challenge, please come and sign up. If not, the challenge will be over.”

“I challenge!” Xie Sisi shouted at the challenge stage declaration.


Instructor director frowned, Xie Sisi, he still knows, is a good seedling. But Xie Sisi’s rising platform is definitely not in senior high school at university. Her strength, even if she participates in Provincial grade martial gathering, can’t pass the first round.

But the rules are there, although Xie Sisi is not willing to participate in the challenge, but nodded agreed to Xie Sisi’s application.

“Student Xie Sisi, which one do you want to challenge?” The instructor said casually. In his view, the challenge is to lose everyone.

“Student Wang Lan.”

“Pu ——cough cough cough ……” The instructor’s mouth gulp out as if full of teeth.

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