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“Classmate Xie Sisi, who do you want to challenge?”

“I want to challenge Wang Lan classmates!”

The director’s face didn’t have time to react, and Wang Lan had stepped down from the battle stage. Come to the field, “I admit defeat!”

“I rely on! There is traitor!” The students on the stage who heard all of this suddenly exploded.

“Although I have long heard that Xie Sisi and Wang Lan have a good relationship, didn’t expect to be so good? Is this a blatant cheating?”

“That’s why I said that there is adultery!”

“That … Classmate Wang Lan, the city’s selection is not a child’s play. You must have a justifiable reason to admit defeat so easily? And, if you deliberately cheat or cheat, you will be punished.

If you didn’t know Wang Lan’s identity, the Director of Teaching had already yelled. Xie Sisi’s challenge to Wang Lan is already ridiculous. Do you still admit defeat? Play?

“Teacher, Xie Sisi and Star Martial grade are both Star radiance grades. I have no advantage in star force. And Xie Sisi is a Water Attribute star martial artist and masters many Water Attribute star martial skills. My Fire Attribute Being restrained by her, it is reasonable to admit defeat. “

I am reasonable for a day!

Xie Sisi can beat Wang Lan, even if it’s all Star Radiance Realm, Wang Lan has two 2 Nebula realms in succession, and both of them are crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Can’t beat Xie Sisi?

But … Wang Lan’s reason is completely correct. According to common sense, Fire Attribute star martial artist at the same level is restrained by Water Attribute. Is it true that Wang Lan, you are a normal Fire Attribute star martial artist, can’t say the reason.

“Sisi, what are you waiting for, come and sit.” Xu Xiangwen stood up and waved at Xie Sisi.

“Sisi, go.” After finishing, Wang Lan laughed at the director, “Director, I want to challenge!”

The teaching director recovered, his face warmed up a bit. It turns out that Wang Lan is going to help the young girlfriends to participate in Provincial grade martial gathering … Forget it, as long as the main force of the city representative team remains unchanged. Anyway, two will be eliminated in a round, and everyone will bring it.

Senior high school is strictly prohibited from early love, but you are about to graduate, and the director of the teaching plan is to turn a blind eye.

“Okay, who do you challenge?”

“Duan Ziqi.”

The name of the teaching director suddenly became gloomy.

Duan Ziqi, Wang Lan, Xu Xiangwen, three are the school’s default starting team, Duan Ziqi eliminated Xu Xiangwen has made the teaching director look very ugly. But how to say Xu Xiangwen still has the qualification to continue to challenge.

But Duan Ziqi has already used the challenge opportunity, and if he is challenged this time, he cannot be resurrected. This is what the Director of Teaching does not want to see.

“Student Wang Lan, do you want to change individuals?”

“Director, does this mean the school?”

“It’s my personal suggestion. I know that you have some contradictions with Duan Ziqi, and you can’t ignore the big picture because Duan Ziqi challenged Xu Xiangwen? This time it was the selection of the Suzhou City team. The honor of the school and Suzhou City is important.

Xu Xiangwen still has the chance to challenge the resurrection, but Duan Ziqi will lose if he loses. The strength of Duan Ziqi can be your comrade in the Provincial grade martial gathering … “

“Director, I insist on challenging Duan Ziqi.” Wang Lan drank again in a deep voice.

“As long as we don’t violate the rules, in principle we can’t forcefully intervene in the change.” Principle Zhang, who was on the viewing platform, said suddenly.

“Then … well. Classmate Wang Lan challenged Duan Ziqi players. Please invite Classmate Duan Ziqi to accept the challenge.”

Duan Ziqi’s face suddenly changed, showing a sullen sneer.

Stand up and walk down the battle stage step by step to the playing field.

“I’ve been around you, I can’t think of you or not being spared. After the last fight, did you swell that your strength is really stronger than me?”

Wang Lan stood quietly and looked at Duan Ziqi’s somber face quietly. I didn’t know what Duan Ziqi had experienced so many days. His skin color seemed to be much darker than it was 3 days ago.

These days, the Brothers of Heavenly Sword Bureau have been monitoring Duan Ziqi for 20 hours, but Duan Ziqi not at all other activities except cultivation. And the amount of cultivation of the past few days, that is, the brothers of Heavenly Sword Bureau are all secretly surprised.

However, I haven’t heard of the suntan at night cultivation.

“Wang Lan vs. Duan Ziqi Challenge, start now!”


The moment the whistle sounded, Duan Ziqi’s figure disappeared into a stream of light disappeared. Also at the moment when the whistle sounded, Wang Lan’s dynamic vision opened.

Under dynamic vision, the speed of Duan Ziqi’s gallop is constantly being slowed down, and the slower the speed, the greater Wang Lan’s consumption of star force and eyes.

Wang Lan’s star force was rioting all around, and the rays of light in his right eye seemed to overflow his eyes. His eyes swelled, and there was a burst of pain. After slowing down 20 times, Wang Lan barely saw Duan Ziqi’s movements.

Under 20 times, Wang Lan’s body seemed to be frozen, and every movement was like a snail wriggling.

“Not good, it’s too late.”

Within an instant of ideology, Wang Lan determined that even if the eyes could keep up, the body’s movements would definitely not keep up with Duan Ziqi’s blow. In an instant, Wang Lan changed his tactics and gave up his intention to use the Blazing blade to enable Nebula sword dance.

The speed of Duan Ziqi is carried out with the help of Wind Attribute star martial skill, flexibility is not enough, and it is impossible to achieve the ultra-fast nerve reaction speed like Yang Attribute and Thunder Attribute.


The students in the stands only felt a flicker in front of them, a stream of light skipped their eyes, and the two people had changed their positions.

Wang Lan’s throat still has the sharp feeling that Duan Ziqi passed by. Duan Ziqi’s eyes also showed doubts. Wang Lan’s speed was roughly understood during the last game. According to his estimation, Wang Lan cannot avoid this speed.

But Wang Lan avoided it, and in Duan Ziqi’s eyes, Wang Lan just drifted back gently, avoiding his cutthroat.

Wang Lan gently rubbed his right eye. The original dynamic vision has its limits, but the speed reached a certain level, even if the eyes were slammed, it might not be clear.

But what matters now is not the problem of the eyes, but the question of how to win this game. This time Duan Ziqi’s strength was too strong. Now Duan Ziqi can easily turn over two of them 3 days ago.

In 3 days, can there be such rapid progress?

Once again, Duan Ziqi turned into a green light. At this time, Wang Lan has already prepared to instantly maximize the dynamic vision, and the Blazing blades of both hands also light up at the same time.

Under dynamic vision, Duan Ziqi turned into a wind demon and hit the face door. The wind pressure strikes the face door, and the wind blew his face. In Wang Lan’s field of vision, he saw the cracked teeth of wind magic illusory shadow.

“Cross, Blazing blade!”


A wind dragon suddenly exploded and hovered. In front of Wang Lan, the cross Blazing blade burned the flame of a purple like a holy cross. In front of the cross Blazing blade, there is a long gap of more than ten meters. The silhouette of Duan Ziqi seems to have disappeared out of thin air.


Wang Lan’s extended fingertips, a drop of blood fell on the fingertips, slowly descending.

Silently raising his head, a black shadow was suspended at a height of 100 meters above Wang Lan’s head. The blood was dripping from Duan Ziqi.

Just that blow, at the crucial moment.

Apart from Wang Lan and Duan Ziqi, no one knows the details of what happened.

At the crucial moment, Wang Lan successfully sacrificed the Blazing blade and blocked it in front of Duan Ziqi’s attack. The sharpness of Blazing blade easily cut the wind blade barrier.

Duan Ziqi was naturally reluctant to wait for his death. The dagger pierced with a sword, intending to attack Wang Lan’s throat to come back together. But Duan Ziqi miscalculated his arm length. If he continued to hand the dagger, his entire arm would be removed.

Duan Ziqi had to use the rising force of the wind and flames to go straight to the sky.

But Duan Ziqi’s shoulder was still injured by the Blazing blade, and the blood dripped.

Not to mention the audience on the stand, the school leaders each and everyone on the rostrum were dumbfounded.

“Principal, this is definitely a final quality match, that is, last year’s last year’s finals, no one has shown such strength? Look at this star force fluctuation, you see the dangerous degree of this tactic … Wang Lan and Duan Ziqi All should enter the city team. “

“Then you haven’t thought about it, what will happen if you have a bad heart in the team? Today, even if the Wang Lan challenge fails, the next one will be the Jiang Xinyu challenge. During these 3 years, to what extent did the conflict between Duan Ziqi and Jiang Xinyu go to you? You should know. Which one is right, what do you say? “

“But for the honor of the school and Suzhou City, they should abandon stereotypes …”

“He he he … you don’t know what they think after zero, in their words, school honor, Suzhou City honor has anything to do with me? Youngster, don’t you just ask for an idea, refreshed?”

Duan Ziqi floats high above the sky, but he knows that he has no choice but to be able to fly in the air after changing someone else. But Wang Lan can shoot quasi-martial skill, the self in the air, in Wang Lan’s eyes is nothing more than a target.

Sure enough, after Duan Ziqi had quickly recovered the star force, Wang Lan raised his right hand to himself.

“Your star martial skill is nothing more than a morphological change, you don’t need a bullet firearm. Since that’s the case, let’s decide the outcome of the battle. Greed anger roar!

In an instant, the star force fluctuations in the sky surged wildly, the raging wind, the Heaven and Earth turbulent wind, a condensed wind blade formed from the sky, and Duan Ziqi’s body fell rapidly from the sky.

Looking at this scene, Xu Xiangwen in the stands suddenly stood up suddenly.

“I think of it … Wozhi, Wang Lan, flash, this move is very terrifying, the wind blade is composed of countless wind needles, can’t defend, can’t resist!”

Xu Xiangwen’s excited voice exploded, but he was swallowed weakly in the screaming wind.

Suddenly, Wang Lan’s star force surged around him, raising a pair of huge wings burning the flame of purple immediately above his wrist.

In the trance, in the eyes of many people, Wang Lan’s arm turned into a purple flame composed of Anubis long spear.

“Ziyan, Arrow!”


The arrow composed of purple flames instantly blasted into the sky of Duan Ziqi, and almost instantly, the arrow and Duan Ziqi’s wind blade converged.

Time seems to freeze in a flash, Heaven and Earth has a slight pause.

Then, the huge wind blade in the sky also seemed to become a purple. Almost instantly, the flame of the purple engulfed the huge wind blade.

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