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In an instant, the woman in the property office complexion greatly changed, “Heavenly Sword Bureau’s people are coming? You have been under surveillance? Did you bring the Heavenly Sword Bureau’s people here?”

“I … I didn’t.” Duan Ziqi panicked suddenly, but one thing he knew, he was watched. It’s just that he never reported it to him. He knew that once reported, he might be treated as a potential threat.

“You damn it!”

Wang Lan outside the wall instantly opened Phoenix Form.


With a loud noise, the walls exploded, and Wang Lan’s figure appeared in the room as if the space spanned. And in this instant, the palm of the woman on the opposite side turned into a weird blood blade, slashing into Duan Ziqi’s throat.

Duan Ziqi’s strength is nothing more than Nebula realm. In the face of the assassination of elite demons in Star River realm, let alone resistance, there is no time for reaction.


The flame-covered Devil May Cry and the Demon Blood Blade attacked, the horrible hurricane suddenly exploded, and all the furniture in the room was flying ash annihilation in the aftermath of terror.

The strong shock wave flew Duan Ziqi strikes back, and fiercely hit the wall behind him. The load-bearing concrete wall was hit by a canyon-like crack. Duan Ziqi hangs on the wall like a sculpture inlaid on the wall, a mouthful of blood spurted, and his face is full of horror.

Wang Lan exudes a bloody mist that dances like flames, as if wrapped in red lotus, the terrible air pressure turns into a fierce wind.

Although it seems hazy, his face is still clear. Duan Ziqi recognized Wang Lan’s identity at a glance, his eyes widening suddenly.

In my mind, I suddenly recalled what the poisonous snake said just now, trifling Star radiance? There are more than one elite soldiers who died in Wang Lan’s hands. Is this the real Wang Lan? I am proud of the innate talent, proud of the strength, what is in front of Wang Lan?

trifling Star radiance, but at this moment, Wang Lan showed the strength that made him as horrified as a solid abyss.

“Boom–” The two silhouettes quickly retreated, and Wang Lan stood in front of Duan Ziqi, staring directly at the demon elite in front of him. The body of the demon elite changed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into an upright monster.

It has a snake-like head, a body similar to that of higher demons, and a pair of bat wings on the back. This Demon image challenges Wang Lan’s understanding of biological evolution. They even began to wonder if the so-called Demon Clan broke things from the two-dimensional creature’s wall.

“Wang Lan! You really are our biggest hindrance, you should kill you early.”

“It’s not too late for you to kill me now!” The words fell, and Wang Lan’s body swished into a streamer towards the poisonous snake. Blazing blade turned into a purple lightning, but the place where it fell was nothing.

So fast!

Wang Lan’s heart snapped, and he hurriedly started dynamic vision to capture everything around him.

A dark shadow flashed from behind the head, the golden light in the right eye of the instant locked, after the Phoenix Form was turned on, the body’s reaction speed was more than ten times that of the previous one. power.

With a knife back, he cut into the poisonous snake’s throat when the opponent’s sneak attack hit his back. The speed of the poisonous snake is beyond Wang Lan’s imagination. Even when Phoenix Form is turned on, Wang Lan’s dynamic vision can hardly be captured. This blade has Mongolian ingredients, but Wang Lan is just right.

In the eyes of poisonous snakes, Wang Lan can keep up with his own speed, and can he counterattack?

This is terrified.

For Wang Lan, poisonous snake did detailed homework. Because of this person, it caused tragic losses to the Divine Race Suzhou City latent team.

at first thought Wang Lan was just good luck, but his strength was not good, and had thought about whether to assassinate directly. However, the three elite groups composed of elites are all destroyed, and Wang Lan alone kills the leader of the elite group.

This allows the demon to reassess Wang Lan’s strength.

Poisonous snake, although an elite group of demons, is a speed specialization. It is like the difference between a motorcycle and an off-road vehicle. Although they can speed up together, they may be more flexible. But it was really a collision, the motorcycle must be awful.

However, Wang Lan’s speed is not under his own, and Wang Lan’s strength is obviously above himself.

The thought had just settled, and with a whine, poisonous snake rushed out of the window and spread its wings to the night sky.

This scene made Wang Lan stunned and Duan Ziqi stunned. In Duan Ziqi’s impression, the horrible poisonous snake, which is as strong as the human peak expert’s poisonous snake, will even run away.

But the consternation did not last, and Wang Lan’s figure burst out of the breach.

In the sky, the poisonous snake runs towards the starry sky like Great Roc Spreading Wings 9 ten thousand li. In an era when flying star martial artists are scarce, being able to fly is an unparalleled advantage. The wings behind him thumped desperately.

Wang Lan instantly started dynamic vision, and the poisonous snake on the night sky was locked by dynamic vision.

This kind of locking is not like gazing through the sight, but projected into reality. Poisonous snake running wildly clearly felt an invisible rope behind him, pulling himself desperately.

Wang Lan raised his hand and flames raged around him.

A pair of Phoenix colored wings suddenly spread out in a burst of phoenix, and Wang Lan’s back completely emerged a Phoenix illusory shadow. Facing the sky, raised his finger.


An arrow like Anubis’s long spear burst out of Wang Lan’s fingertips.

A panic expression suddenly appeared on the poisonous snake’s face in the sky, and a strong sense of crisis struck my heart. Anxiously turned his head towards towards the back, an arrow with terrifying killing intent had struck his back.

At this moment, the poisonous snake suddenly had a trace of clear comprehension, desperate clear comprehension.

He should not run, nor should he run into the sky. Wang Lan may be stronger than himself, but he may not have no hope of escaping.

There are so many buildings on the ground that can be used as shelters, so many grass, ponds, and obstacles can provide a cover for myself. Why am I so stupid when I thought of running into the sky?

Even if you go to the ground, it’s better than God.

Flying into the sky, the field of vision is wide, and Wang Lan is another shooter … fuck … Is it sent to the door as a target?

But at this moment, all regrets are too late. The moment when the clear comprehension rises is also the moment when the poisonous snake is hit by the Purple Flame Bullet. The Purple Flame Bullet launched under the Phoenix Form, even the Heavenly Sword Bureau, which is 20 kilometers away, sensed the terror of the cloud arrow.


A silver wave of light flashed across the sky, and the air wave turned to all around. In an instant, a splendid firework burst into the sky above several hundred meters. The fireworks are gorgeous, and the night sky of the ancient city area is shrouded in a gorgeous color.

It seems that the fighting time is very long, but it is actually in a dozen seconds. Xu Shiyun and a group of brethren only had time to rush to the Yage community, and he saw Wang Lan standing alone in the languidness, with Phoenix illusory shadow behind him.

An arrow burst into the clouds, and nothing was clear in the dark night, and then a burst of fireworks bloomed and dazzled the whole night.

“Skipping grades to kill, reward experience value 3000, skill points 50.”

“Break the advanced Demon Spy, reward experience value 8000, skill points 500.”

Xu Shiyun waited for the night action teams to stand still.

The night action team are all dressed in black cloaks and masks on their faces. So although several of them have been dumbfounded, the posture of looking up at the sky is full of mysterious charm.

Xu Shiyun took off his mask and came slowly behind Wang Lan, “It’s over? Are you done?”

“Big brother Xu, the firework just now, is it pretty?”

“What was that … just now?”

“Duan Ziqi is on the line, an elite elite spy. The speed is very fast, the strength is very strong, really fight, I don’t have any grasp.”

“and then?”

“I fired fireworks with one arrow and died.”


Xu Shiyun’s heart hurt a little, and he felt Wang Lan’s language logic was very problematic. Um, a powerful demon spy, you really do n’t know anything about it? Then you were killed with a single arrow?

“From your tone, I can’t hear a bit of his strong meaning.”

“Duan Ziqi is inside. If he is not dead yet, Duan Ziqi may not be at all banned.”

Xu Shiyun gently waved, “Take it away!”

Wang Lan looked back, looking at the clothes on Xu Shiyun’s body, as well as a few mysterious brothers with cloaks behind them and masks on their faces.

“At the dark night operation? Sure enough you were dug away.”

“It’s not being dug up, but two jobs and two salaries. Forget it, don’t say this, let’s go, go back and pay.”

“Captain -“

Suddenly, two silhouettes ran in the distance. After approaching, Xu Shiyun’s face suddenly became somber.

“Ancient sword, you’re here …”

“Captain, we … we made a mistake, Duan Ziqi was … lost.”

“Lost? What happened?”

“He used the silhouette technique to cut a series of silhouettes. Then he simulated reading in front of the lamp. He used to be every day before, so we have no doubt. The light went out suddenly at half past one today, and before that his shadow was still in front of the lamp. Reading, so … we realized that Captain called before to ask what the situation meant. “

“It’s awesome … I don’t understand until I get this, right? Go back and write a review to me.” Xu Shiyun coldly snorted, pressing Duan Ziqi into the car with his head down, suddenly, Xu Shiyun looked back towards the front Xu Xiangwen, “Boy, I know you, Wang Lan’s good brother Xu Xiangwen.”

“Sir is good!”

“Don’t call me the Chief Executive, you are Wang Lan’s brother, also call me Big Brother Xu. Your investigative innate talent is very strong, others can only speculate on surveillance through various signs, but you can see it directly What the goal is doing. “

“Innate Ability, not worth mentioning.”

“Are you interested in joining Heavenly Sword Bureau?”

Hearing Xu Shiyun’s words, Xu Xiangwen froze for a moment, but in an instant, a joyful smile appeared on his face, “Will, Big Brother Xu can let me join me out of place?”

“You have investigating innate talent, recruiting not at all problems. Just like Wang Lan, he just became a star martial artist last year, but he can directly enter the Heavenly Sword Bureau. Heavenly Sword Bureau does not look at qualifications, only asks about strength.

“it is good!”

“Well, I will write a recommendation letter back to you. It is best if Wang Lan can also write one. 2 red-clothed. It should be fine. Okay, after joining Heavenly Sword Bureau, you have to belong to me … … “

“Wait!” Wang Lan interrupted suddenly, “Big brother Xu, Xiangwen is going to college, and his attribution will wait until he finishes college, four years.”

“Uh … it seems that too. It’s been a few months since you went to college.”

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