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It was already 3 AM at this moment, but the office building of Heavenly Sword Bureau was still brightly lit. Not to mention Wang Qianfeng is back, even Lu Zhao returned to Heavenly Sword Bureau after receiving the news.

In the Conference Hall on the 7th floor, Wang Lan and Xu Shiyun walked into the Conference Hall to salute Wang Qianfeng He Mingxue.

“Wang Lan, you said, what happened tonight’s sudden action?” Wang Qianfeng asked lowly.

“Report Secret Wang, Director, it ’s about a student in Suzhou City No. 1 being killed. The student was killed, and the murderer seems to have intentionally or unintentionally wanted to blame the case on me and prevented me from participating in this year Provincial grade martial gathering. This caused me to be alert.

Then, Captain Xu found out that Xu Donghai was killed, and it was just incidental to me to blame. The real purpose seemed to be looking for something. Later, the subordinates found that it was to find the Demonization agent. “

“Potion of Demonization? Appeared again?” Lu Zhao’s face instantly changes became dignified.

“Xu Donghai stole the Demonization potion from another classmate Duan Ziqi and took it home, but he absolutely didn’t expect because the Demonization potion contained biological genes and was stolen by a spirit dog and buried in In the garden, Xu Donghai was killed, his parents were killed, and the murderer did not find the Demonization potion.

Immediately after I got the Demonization potion, I was alert and locked the suspect. It was Duan Ziqi who was mentioned by his subordinates.

Duan Ziqi is an innate talented human being, but his family background is not good. Because he was an orphan, he had a sense of belonging to humans, Human Race not at all, so he betrayed humans with a little temptation.

Demonization agent is from Duan Ziqi.

Afterwards, we monitored Duan Ziqi and found that Duan Ziqi had sneaked away from home to find him online this evening.

It’s a pity that Duan Ziqi was on the alert for a while. According to Duan Ziqi, his online code-name poisonous snake is an elite spy who has been lurking in Suzhou City for 20 years.

When poisonous snake escaped, I was killed on the spot. “

Listen to Wang Lan speaking here, Xu Shiyun’s mouth is disabled to bear twitched. That’s an elite demon spy. Are you so light-hearted that I was killed on the spot?

“Is this Duan Ziqi connected with the demon killed by you on a single line? They don’t have other groups or string contacts?”

“Unclear, the trial of Duan Ziqi has not begun.”

“Xu Shiyun.” Wang Qianfeng suddenly whispered with a sullen face, “Maximizing the results is the consistent guideline of our intelligence department. Wang Lan is still a little unknown, Xu Shiyun, don’t you know? The instructions I gave you the day before yesterday It is observation, silent follow-up, and investigation of anyone who has contact with Duan Ziqi.

Duan Ziqi just sneaked out for the first time. Are you impatient? Can’t you keep up with it secretly? Then secretly monitor his online? So to continue to expand the results? “

“Hey! Don’t you blame them first? This line, they dug out, and can follow up from a homicide to this step, they must have done a lot of forbearance and tracking. If it was notpelled by circumstances, I don’t think they will catch people. “Lu Zhao quickly persuaded.

“Xu Shiyun, you say, what’s going on?”

“Yes!” Xu Shiyun quickly stood up to salute, “Director, Director, Duan Ziqi’s quiet departure tonight was not tracked by our brothers. It was tracked by Wang Xiang’s classmate Xu Xiangwen.

Xu Xiangwen called Wang Lan, and Wang Lan decided to go to investigate in person and then called me. And I did not go to catch people, but in order to guard against the unexpected.

If Wang Lan can withdraw safely, we will quietly retreat. But didn’t expect the other party is very alert. The other party’s hidden identity is the property of Yage Garden. There is monitoring and investigation of the entire Yage community.

When we came to the Accord community, we were exposed, our targets were alert, and we were forced to help Wang Lan to act. The opponent is a demon elite spy, the strength should be in the Star River realm. If it weren’t for Wang Lan, we might have difficulty keeping him. “

“That was still a mistake.” Although Wang Qianfeng drank it this way, his tone was not as strong as before.

Wang Qianfeng’s mood is happy to be able to win a senior demon spy. But he got a spy, which made Wang Qianfeng a little unwilling. Even if you can’t pull out the radish to bring out the mud like those days in the New Year, you have to dig out the entire spy group like the first time?

Want Wang Qianfeng’s idea to be known by Xu Shiyun, Xu Shiyun will definitely appraise the sentence, Secret Wang, you have been worried that Wang Lan will float, the one with the most affection is you.

When I changed to another city, I was happy that I caught a demon fish who can beat the gongs and drums for a long time. I can also ask the organization for help 2 times 3 times.

You’re good, not satisfied with killing a demon elite? Still want the entire elite elite group? Still want new year’s results? The new year’s results will be different in a year, or in three years, all the spies of the world’s demons should be wiped out.

Secretory Wang, what about your reason? Can it be true?

“A Feng, Mingxue, interrogate Duan Ziqi as soon as possible, be sure to pull out the information immediately.”


Heavenly Sword Bureau interrogation room, Duan Ziqi expressionless was confined to the chair, glancing at Zhang Yeqiu and Zhang Xiaoxue in front of him. He seemed not at all to realize his own situation, and was carefully discerning the difference between the twin sisters’ faces.

Although the discerning person can see the difference between the two at a glance, this is a difference in temperament and not in appearance.

“Duan Ziqi, when did you turn to Mozu?”

“When? I think … presumably … probably 5-6 years ago, at that time it seemed that I had just finished the first day … yes, at that time.”

“Why betray Human Race?”

“Betrayal? Did I swear to serve Human Race?”

“You are Human Race, do you still need to swear?”

“Why do you always say that I am your fellow countryman when you need me and accuse me? Where are you when I need countrymen and need a country? Where are you when I am hungry? At that time, who came to tell them that we are fellow citizens?

I am 8 years old awakening star martial artist innate talent, I am so amazing. However, I have not been trained, and I cannot enjoy the benefits I deserve. For 5 years, I have been standing still, it is the opportunity that poisonous snake gave me to grow. I work for him, he pays me, it’s that simple. “

“At this moment, you don’t know how to repent? It seems there is really no cure.” Zhang Yeqiu sighed to hook the head.

“It’s as if I’m repenting of weeping bitter tears now, crying and saying that regret can save my sins. I feel sick every time I see the sentence of the criminal in the TV news.

each and everyone, crying and shouting to change the past, change a fart! I wouldn’t do it before I would change it. If I did, I would shoot straight. “

“Then you are the next one! I’m so relieved to see you so spineless. Since that is so …”

“Wait!” Duan Ziqi drank suddenly.

“You 10000000 don’t be the disgusting person in your mouth, since you have such a bone, please be tough in the end.” Zhang Xiaoxue shooked his arms coldly.

“I have the information you want.”

“What intelligence?”

“Promise to let me go and not pursue me afterwards, I will tell you what I know. My intelligence is very valuable. Once the Devil succeeds, the entire Jade Country will Heaven and Earth turning upside down. I can leave Jade Country, and guarantee that you will never step into Jade Country in your life. “

“You think beautiful.”

“My intelligence is worth the chip.”

Suddenly silent, Zhang Xiaoxue suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers, “It is a waste of time to ask you questions again, Major Wu, please.”

The side door pushed open, and Wu Chao in a black uniform came from the side door. Duan Ziqi quickly looked over and saw a moment of terror in Duan Ziqi’s heart when he saw Wu Chao.

Wu Chao looks elegant and wears a pair of gold glasses. But in Duan Ziqi’s eyes, this proper image of a scum scum. In particular, getting along with poisonous snakes all year round gives Duan Ziqi the illusion that this person will tear off the disguise on his face and turn into a poisonous snake.

“What … what are you going to do?” Watching Wu Chao walking slowly, Duan Ziqi struggled violently, but the star force was blocked and his hands and feet were restricted. Cover your head.

The one-way glass next door, Wang Lan is curious not to overdo it.

Xu Shiyun held his arms coldly smiled, “Spiritual imprinting is a pure way of using Spiritual Power. You can imprint memories, star martial skills, etc. Under spiritual imprinting, as long as you have something in your mind, you can keep it intact Imprinted. But the side effect is that it will cause certain damage to the brain.

For this kind of garbage scum, there is no need to be long-winded and directly engrave the work. “

“Spiritual imprint?” Wang Lan immediately recalled the memories of Wang Qianfeng and He Mingxue who pointed their fingers at their brows and engraved the star martial skill in his mind.

“Spirit engraving is a compulsory course in college. You can get the graduation certificate by engraving the star martial skill in your mind into the mind of others.

Of course, if you want to continue your studies, you can burn the memories of others and record them with Soul bead like Major Wu. However, this is already an advanced application of spiritual imprinting and requires certain innate talent. “

In while speaking, Duan Ziqi next door had sent a wave of ghosts and howl like wolves, and Wu Chao ’s body star force surged, pressing Duan Ziqi ’s head with one hand, holding a junior Soul bead with one hand, Soul bead Among them, the star force rotates.

When Wu Chao moved his hand away from Duan Ziqi’s head, a seal inscription appeared on Soul bead in Wu Chao’s hand.

“The fine Divine Seal is now completed and handed over to the evidence office for filing.” Wu Zhao said, taking a towel and wiping his hands. “Go, let’s go back to the director.”

In the next room, Lu Zhao and Wang Qianfeng were sitting on the sofa, and everything in the next interrogation was under the watch of the three gangsters. The door opened quickly, and Wu Chao entered, saluting Zhao Li.

“Director, Duan Ziqi does have a lot of information, and the most important one is the one, the Demon plans to assassinate Elder Di.”

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