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“What? Assassinating Elder Di?”

Hearing this sudden and frightening information, Lu Zhao’s expression was not angry or shocked, but rather at a loss, but a bit not knowing what to do.

“Wu Chao, are you sure you assassinated Elder Di, not kidding?”

“What I got from Duan Ziqi’s memory is indeed this. Of course, it is not ruled out that Duan Ziqi is only an Outer Member in the Demon Spy Team. The information he got is all fake. But this information was investigated by him, not the devil. The ethnic spy told him. “

“Secretary, you … don’t seem to believe it?” Wang Qianfeng looked doubtfully towards Lu Zhao. “From the point that the Devil does not want Wang Lan to participate in the Provincial grade martial gathering, Duan Ziqi’s information is likely to be true.

After all, we have just gotten the news. In this final of Provincial grade martial gathering, Elder Di will come to Jiang province. It is entirely possible to take advantage of Elder Di’s assassination in Jiang province. “

“Elder Di has been in Modu, why haven’t he been assassinated in Modu? If the Demon Clan wants to assassinate Elder Di, why would he have to wait until Elder Di leaves Modu?”

“Isn’t it because the Demon Clan doesn’t have that strength …” He Mingxue laughed disdainfully, “Elder Di is so solid in the Devil’s Capital, even if the Demon Clan wants to assassinate Elder Di, he must have this ability.”

“Isn’t Elder Di coming to Jiang province a solid solution? Why did the demon dare to assassinate Elder Di?” Lu Zhao sneered and knocked on the table.

“First, Elder Di went back to the final field of the Provincial grade martial gathering in Jiang province, but he has not yet determined the host city of the Provincial grade martial gathering. The probability is that Yanshi. If so, what is he doing in Suzhou City?

Second, I still do n’t believe it. During this year, the Mozu have suffered setbacks in Suzhou City. Can they still organize an assassination of Elder Di? To have this ability, I should have been slaughtered by Heavenly Sword Bureau.

Wu Chao, is there any other information besides these? “

“Yes, as far as Duan Ziqi is aware, he and his on-line poisonous snake are indeed an independent group. They have such groups all over the country.” Speaking of which, Wu Chao’s face became extremely ugly.

“This plan was executed twelve years ago, and it was called infiltration. It is the demons who discover that our Jade Country is born at the bottom, but children with good innate talents are brainwashed and trained. When they grow up, they enter my Jade Country and work in various industries to act as a disintegration. The borer of Jade Country.

Penetrate, break fast from the inside, and achieve the victory of defeating the goal.

Duan Ziqi was discovered by his superior poisonous snake 5 years ago. Over the years, poisonous snake and Duan Ziqi have been in one-line contact. “

“A plan that has been implemented for 2 years?” This information made Lu Zhao’s face suddenly ugly. If the information about the assassination of Elder Di seems to him to be whimsical, then this infiltration plan is a chronic poison.

Silently infiltrated, by the time it was unearthed, it had 1000 sores and 100 holes.

“Good very ruthless! Does Duan Ziqi know the list of other members of the infiltration plan?”

“I don’t know! From Duan Ziqi’s memory, I see that the flags of these infiltration plans are all independent. They have no contact with each other, and no one knows who. I am afraid that the only list will be inside the Demon Headquarters. The list is almost impossible. “

“This intelligence must be reported to the Ministry of National Defense, and the entire country must be closely investigated. Is there any?”

“There is also one. Duan Ziqi has also been secretly investigating poisonous snakes in the past 5 years. Possibly the poisonous snakes have not thoroughly brainwashed Duan Ziqi these years. He has identified ten or two traitors.

These people have their own careers on the surface, but they have been sending intelligence to the demons in the background. I have imprinted the identities of these 2 traitors. “

“That’s right, hitting the iron while it’s hot, and now kill these 2 traitors.” Xu Shiyun said excitedly with a smile.

Although he has been verbally criticized for his hasty actions, he could n’t blame Xu Shiyun, right? Moreover, although beat the grass to scare the snake failed to maximize the results, so much information can be dug from Duan Ziqi enough to make Xu Shiyun’s credit book a good one.

This time, Wang Lan was his first hero, but Xu Shiyun also participated from start to finish, not in soy sauce. Thinking of the near future, he will put on a black military uniform and wear a school-level epaulet, and the entire corner of his mouth is subconsciously split.

“Xu Shiyun, why do you brat grin like a scoop? Very happy, right? I don’t care about the credit?” Wang Qianfeng unable to bear drank.

“Wang Lan, what do you think?”

“The first piece of information, assassination of Elder Di, I think it may be true.” Wang Lan frowns said hesitantly.

“Oh? What do you think?” Lu Zhao frowned and asked solemnly. This is not that Lu Zhao disagrees with Wang Lan’s statement, but attaches importance to it. Originally, Lu Zhao didn’t care much about the information that the Mozu wanted to assassinate Elder Di.

To put it awkwardly, one day the Devil does not want to assassinate Elder Di? Not to mention Elder Di, Mozu dreams are probably thinking about stewing 5 Elders into a pot. But 5 Elders is firm in Jade Country ’s Peak, such as 5 monuments shining on Jade Country star martial artist. For decades, he has never been injured by a demon.

What Lu Zhao did not believe was that the Mozu wanted to assassinate Elder Di. What he did not believe was that the Mozu had the ability to assassinate Elder Di.

But hearing Wang Lan’s words, Lu Zhao’s expression suddenly became dignified.

“Director, several directors, don’t know if you remember the bank robbery we met in early February?” Wang Lan’s words suddenly changed Lu Zhao’s complexion greatly.

“Wang Mingling!”

“Secretary, a dangerous person like Wang Mingling, I really can’t think of the reason why he suddenly returned to Jade Country. When he comes back, he will be chased and blocked by Jade Country. If there is no purpose, he will not come on vacation.

And the killer who can call Wang Mingling at this level is at least a national politician, right? Elder Di seems to meet this condition very well. “

The office became abnormally silent. After a long time, Lu Zhao spit out a long cigarette.

“Although there is no evidence to prove that Wang Mingling colluded with the Demon Race, your speculation is very likely. Although Wang Mingling showed signs in Suzhou City, he may not have returned to Suzhou City. He may have returned to Jiang Province. Jiang Province is worth Wang Ming Smart hands … not much. “

“Are there any?” Wang Qianfeng asked again.

“There are also the ten or two traitors.” Wang Lan’s fingers beating slightly, “poisonous snake and Duan Ziqi’s mission is to infiltrate the plan, which can be inferred. Poisonous snake will definitely not even have the task of detecting intelligence. Do it yourself.

He alone can’t receive the information of ten or two traitors? Behind him, there may be a spy team. “

“Um … very likely.”

“Twelve traitors are certainly damn, but the Demon Spy behind him is the most important. The poisonous snake was killed because Duan Ziqi was exposed. I think that the Devil It shouldn’t be giving up the ten traitors. After a period of time, the demon will definitely come to take over the legacy left by the poisonous snake and contact these traitors again. “

“A Feng, Wang Lan’s idea is very consistent with your usual style.” Lu Zhao said with a chuckle.

“We are doing intelligence to maximize benefit intelligence.”

“Okay, everyone has been busy for the night, and Duan Ziqi is under strict custody. Let’s go back to rest and we are very tired.”


It’s 4am since leaving Heavenly Sword Bureau. It’s still dark at 4am in early April. Wang Lan and Xu Xiangwen walked out of the Heavenly Sword Bureau together. On the way back, Xu Xiangwen was always in a state of excitement.

“The Secretary talked to you?”

“Talked! The young is strong, the country is strong, the young is wisdom, the country is wisdom, the young hero, the hero young, Wang Jun does not live up to the expectations of the country, the pillar of success …”

Looking at Xu Xiangwen’s excited expression, Wang Lan couldn’t help but twitched, “The director is best at playing chicken blood, and one is in the soul, so I gave you a non-staffing and you screamed that you would sacrifice for the country?”

“Will you speak people? Temporary workers are temporary workers, so we have to see who is doing the temporary work. Besides, who didn’t convert from a non-staff organization? When I graduated from college, I can change it. “

“I’m not.” Wang Lan said silently in his heart, and he didn’t intend to stimulate the poor child anymore.

After being sent home, he took a nap. The city’s selection has ended, and the official Provincial grade martial gathering will be until May 5th.

In this way, this semester seems a bit short. The school starts in February, and it is Provincial grade martial gathering by May 2th, and then the college entrance examination on June 5 5 6.

This sleep made me sleepy. If it wasn’t for a phone call, Wang Lan didn’t know how long to sleep. After being awakened, Wang Lan’s head was a little dizzy, and the confused eyes opened and looked at the call to remind.

In an instant, full of energy.

“Hello, Secret Wang!”

“You are in the game now.”

“Ah? Is something wrong …”


Did you hang up the phone so anxiously? At this time, Wang Lan only noticed that the time is now 2 o’clock in the morning, that is to say, Wang Lan fell asleep for 22 hours.

Without hesitation, Wang Lan quickly turned over and sat up, dressed and washed, and drove off-road vehicle to the Heavenly Sword Bureau and ran away to the Heavenly Sword Bureau.

When he arrived at Heavenly Sword Bureau, Wang Lan immediately felt that the atmosphere of Heavenly Sword Bureau was a bit wrong. At the door of Heavenly Sword Bureau, there are 2 rows of black clothed masked people in the dark night action. Cheng Yanxing arranged, although they could not see the expression, but they could also feel the real hostility from their cold eyes.

Parked the car, an SUV rushed over quickly, and a beautiful drift stopped in the parking space next to Wang Lan. The dignified Xu Shiyun came down from the car and saw Wang Lan, gloomy and nodded.

“Big brother Xu, what happened? This battle is not right? Is it possible that, the demon started the Heavenly Sword Bureau?”

“I don’t know, it’s definitely a big deal anyway.”

2 people walked into the Heavenly Sword Bureau side by side, and every floor should be alert to the people in the night operations. This posture raised Wang Lan and Xu Shiyun’s heart again.

Go up the 5th floor and pass through the guard at the Shadow Operation. The shadow action is like a sculpture. Although there is a strong imposing manner on the body, it does not block Wang Lan and Xu Shiyun. No interrogation, no interrogation, let Xu Shiyun look solemnly guess what happened?

“Da da da! Report.”

“Come in.”

Pushing the door open, Lu Zhao and the others sat in Wang Qianfeng’s office.

“Are you coming?”

“Just half an hour ago, Duan Ziqi was silenced.” Wang Qianfeng looked up at Wang Lan and Xu Shiyun, and said lowly.

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