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“The mouth has been extinguished? Where has the mouth been extinguished?” Xu Shiyun subconsciously asked. As for what was killed in the Heavenly Sword Bureau, Xu Shiyun couldn’t even think of it. In the Heavenly Sword Bureau, how could such a guard be so strict?

Wang Lan instantly thought of the guarding of the Heavenly Sword Bureau today, and he felt a little stunned.

“Nowhere to go, it is at Heavenly Sword Bureau.”

With that said, Wang Qianfeng turned on the TV in front of him.

On the TV screen is the cell where Duan Ziqi is located. Outside the cell, three brothers patrol outside, while Duan Ziqi squats with his legs on the corner of the cage.

Suddenly, the picture changes, and the image presented on the picture becomes infrared detection.

“The murderer turned off the power, and the backup power will start 5 seconds after the power is turned off. During this time, the camera’s reserve power will start the infrared sensor device.”

With Wang Qianfeng’s commentary, a silhouette appeared in the picture. The silhouette’s speed is extremely fast. It appears in an instant. The hands are staggered, and the head of a guard brother is cut off with a knife, and then the other two brothers are killed instantly.

The time on the camera flashed quickly, and in an instant, three brothers were killed on the spot. At this moment, the camera’s screen has passed for 3 seconds. At the last second, the murderer threw the knife in his hand to Duan Ziqi.

The power is restarted and the screen becomes a clear image again.

But at the moment the image was lit, there were only three bodies of the brother who fell to the ground. The murderer had already been disappeared.

“Traitor! Definitely traitor.” Xu Shiyun complexion ashen’s deep drink.

“Since the last time Chang Yu suddenly received the warning call, we suspected that there was a traitor lurking inside us. We conducted many internal investigations, but we never found them. This is the consequence of … carelessness.” Lu Zhao gently patted Sitting on the table, said indifferently.

“Fortunately, fortunately, we used the Divine Seal for Duan Ziqi in time. There is no background to dig in Duan Ziqi, which is not a big loss for us, but for the Devil, they may expose a Demon Spy. “He Mingxue quickly relieved.

“Laozi still needs you to be relieved? What do I want? What about your preliminary investigation?”

He Mingxue’s face suddenly became a little low, “We are working hard to check the situation, I believe there will be results soon.”

“Soon? I do n’t know your skills? As long as the traitor is not leak-proof, you have also investigated 2 times and found no suspicious person. If you ca n’t find it, it means that the traitor really did not have a weak spot. .

I can’t find it now, and the result tomorrow will be the same. Now, in the Heavenly Sword Bureau, people were alarmed because of a traitor. Except for these people on the battlefield, others cannot be ruled out of suspicion.

Although Duan Ziqi has no value anymore, within the Heavenly Sword Bureau, among the heavy guards, he was killed by the demon spy. I can’t swallow this breath. “

“That … the seat.” Wang Lan took a step suddenly. “Duan Ziqi may have no value before, but now … he may still have value to dig.”

“Everyone is dead, what’s the value?” Lu Zhao asked inversely, if it was Wang Lan who said it, Lu Zhao would have scolded him.

Such a big event happened last night, and Lu Zhao’s heart suffocated his stomach. At the moment he is a gunpowder barrel, the kind that explodes on touch.

“Secretary, sometimes the value of a dead person is greater than that of a living person. Secretary, leaders, who else can see the murderer now?

“If someone sees us, what else should we investigate? It is only because we see that the murderer’s hand is dead, so we need to investigate.” He Mingxue also suffocated his stomach and dared not rush to Lu Zhao or Wang Qianfeng. Isn’t it? Dare to rush to Wang Lan?

“Where, the heads of the two brothers have been cut off. To say that they are still alive, the demon may not believe it. But I think Duan Ziqi is intact. To say that Duan Ziqi is really possible.”

“You mean … that Duan Ziqi is still alive, and the traitor is hooked again? No, this blade is in the heart, and the dead can’t die anymore.”

“As long as the lies are made the same as the real ones, they can be faked.”

“Wang Lan, tell me carefully, what are your plans?”

“I must first make sure that the information engraved by Divan Seal by Duan Ziqi is kept secret. Is it possible for the traitor to know?”

“Duan Ziqi is top secret by the Divine Seal. Unless one of the people who was interrogated yesterday was a traitor, the traitor should not know.”

“That’s easy to handle, don’t we have the information of the 2 traitors? These conditions can also be applied.

Duan Ziqi ’s heart was punctured and destroyed. Let ’s say it more seriously. Duan Ziqi ’s heart has been completely crushed. But Duan Ziqi had a tenacious life force and did not die on the spot.

And is n’t Heavenly Sword Bureau still me? “

“You mean … Duan Ziqi didn’t die when you came, so you saved Duan Ziqi with medical star martial skill?”

“No, to say this, the traitor will definitely not dare to take risks. Only when the intelligence is unknown, and the two probabilities will happen at the same time, the traitor will decide to take risks.” Wang Lan said confidently.

“We must give the traitor a certain amount of time. The time should not be too long or too short. 3 to 5 days is the best. Although we hang Duan Ziqi’s life, Duan Ziqi’s situation is very dangerous.

The heart was crushed, and my medical ability could not reorganize the organ. So, we need to clone a heart. I remember that the National Defense Hospital has relevant research? “

“You want to put the net in the National Defense Hospital? Why can’t it be in the Heavenly Sword Bureau?” He Mingxue asked puzzled.

“Ming Xue, if in the Heavenly Sword Bureau, does the traitor still dare to move? Just one shot, the bureau will absolutely martial law once, and in a short time, the traitor will not dare to shoot even if he flees.

If you are in a hospital, the traitor’s courage may become fatter. In this case, we can arrange the traitor’s suspicion within the guard of the hospital. “Lu Zhao responded quickly and said quickly.

“But how do you urge the traitor to rush out?”

“Then it depends on Major Wu. When we held Duan Ziqi’s life, we asked Major Wu to investigate Duan Ziqi’s memory. But because Duan Ziqi’s injury was too heavy, and he was guaranteed that his brain would not be destroyed. Investigate a little bit. Ten or two traitors can be used as bait for this bait. “

“Don’t catch the Demon Spy?” Xu Shiyun asked the ghost messenger, tone barely fell, all smiled. Compared to the Demon Spy, the traitor hidden in the Heavenly Sword Bureau is really terrible.

“A Feng, Ming Xue, do you have anything to add to Wang Lan’s plan?”

Wang Qianfeng bowed his head and pondered for a long time, and lifts the head shook, “No, you can act according to plan.”

“I don’t have it either. I will go down and arrange it now. Wang Lan, I will send you to the National Defense Hospital from now on, and I will ask you to leave for the school.”

“The … seat, prepare to order Soul bead, to hang Duan Ziqi’s life in 20 4 hours, Soul bead is not enough.”

“Okay, this is not a problem.”

“Wang Lan, even if the sent Soul bead is also a prop, don’t take it seriously if you want to recycle it.” Wang Qianfeng stood up and solemnly warned.

“Secretory Wang, who am I like that?”

“Be confident, remove that image!”

Wu wu wu ——

The sound of the siren cut through the night sky, and an emergency vehicle mysteriously drove into the National Defense Hospital under the opening of a dozen black-brand military vehicles. Soon, the inpatient department of the National Defense Hospital isolated a small building, outside the building, Heavenly Sword Bureau guarded heavily.

It was very early in the morning, and the second wave of Heavenly Sword Bureau was in place. The operations team of Heavenly Sword Bureau, Intelligence Department, and the elite team of the Dark Night Law Enforcement Team were on duty for 3 rounds to guard the safety of the small building.

The National Defense Hospital suddenly became murmured, and the patients who came to the hospital were curiously discussing spiritedly. Guessing it, there was no result, only if there was a great great character living in that hospital.

At the edge of the flower bed outside the single ward, Ma Weidong and Li Ge stood together fiercely and took a breath.

“What’s this … I’m on the field, and suddenly called me back?” Ma Weidong said dissatisfiedly when he threw his cigarette holder into a special trash can in the smoking area.

“No way, the brethren in the bureau can’t use much.” Li Ge squeezed the collar with one hand, looked up, and spit out a plume of smoke.

“Not much available? What do you mean? Is there a major task? No, why don’t I know?”

“Haven’t you heard about the traitor in the game?”

“No? I was called back 2 hours ago. Is this happening?” Ma Weidong looked incredulous. “I went out to work in the field after I came out 7 days last time. I didn’t return to Suzhou City for 2 months. I came back the day before yesterday and just left yesterday. What traitor? What happened? “

Li Ge’s expression was slightly gloomy, looking at Li Ge’s expression Ma Weidong quickly laughed, “Forget it, I understand discipline.”

“It’s okay, you’re always out of the game, you’re screened as trustworthy, and it’s okay to tell you. The night before yesterday we caught a traitor, and we haven’t had time to interrogate it. It was killed last night.

“Oh? Are you sure the brothers in the bureau?”

“A person who can kill in a tightly guarded bureau, who can know the power supply, backup power supply, etc., has no other possibility than the brothers in the bureau.

“So what are we doing here? Check it out?”

“No, yesterday the traitor shot and three brothers were killed. But the traitor still had a breath … Damn, why did the traitor have a breath? Our three brethren died?”

Ma Weidong glanced deeply at Li Ge, “I said Li Ge … what do you mean by swearing … feels weird? You are a scholastic, don’t force yourself to learn from our elders. You don’t learn it like that, you still agree. “

After hearing this, Li Ge’s face suddenly became unnatural.

“Hey, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you should respond. It’s your mother who really said nothing. But the traitor is still alive, he should be the only one who knows how the traitor looks.”


“The look of the traitor will be dug out soon?”

“How can it be so easy?” Suddenly thought of a voice, Xu Shiyun wore a red-clothed uniform and strode forward.

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