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“Group Leader Xu, come on, smoke!” Ma Weidong took out the cigarette and reached back.

“Wei Dong, are you also called back?”

“Isn’t it? I’m almost on the plane.”

“I was also depressed. I ran around. Madele, this person was dug out of me, and I took a credit for the import bag. The cooked ducks all flew.”

“Isn’t Li Ge saying he didn’t die? As long as he didn’t die, the duck hadn’t flown.”

“The heart has been smashed, do you say you are dead?”

“Dead?” Ma Weidong looked at Xu Shiyun in amazement.

Li Ge’s face on the side suddenly changed, and he was about to speak, but Xu Shiyun spouted a cigarette column first.

“not yet!”

“Huh?” Ma Weidong stunned, and then smiled. “Don’t laugh, you say that your heart has been smashed, how can you not die?”

“You forgot the last time you were exposed through your chest, who held your life?”

“Oh!” Ma Weidong immediately nodded to understand, “That little brother named Wang Lan. I wanted to thank the Little Brother after I was discharged from the hospital, but found out that his identity information turned out to be A-Rank authority. I couldn’t find anyone else. … “

“Wang Lan’s medical star martial skill is unique in the world, but the heart is smashed into mud. Even Wang Lan’s medical star martial skill can’t help. Fortunately, there is organ cloning technology in the National Defense Hospital. I hope that the traitor can persist for a few days. Etc. The heart is cloned and Wang Lan can save him. “

“Treasure damn, what do you do to save him? Is it a waste of food?” Li Ge snorted coldly snorted and said.

“No way, who let him know the identity of the traitor?”

And small groups like Li Ge and Xu Shiyun who are talking about traitor and traitor state seem to spread like a virus.

One day passed quietly.

It’s cool in the month, shady in Gaogang, and brushed with fine wind. The grass under the feet is already lush and green, bright moon night, but unexpectedly quiet. Insect Cry slept, the wind turned cold.

One hand, weirdly protruding a palm from the bottom of the top of the hill, like a ghost coming out of the grave.

“What’s going on? Why didn’t the stinger die?” The dark shadow drilled from the depths of the ground asked out his head with a low head.

“hu ——”

A little fire star lights up, the original stone on the top of the hill under the moon is just a standing person.

“A sting is so heavy? Do I need to take the risk of exposure?”

“If it weren’t for him, how could the poisonous snake be exposed? The poisonous snake sneaked into the Jade Country 50 years ago, and has been diligent in delivering intelligence to the empire. The hard work of 50 years was so high that it was actually harmed by a stinger …

Humans are untrustworthy, and the adults who made the infiltration plan are absolutely … in human words, their heads were caught by the door. “

“So … is that stinger not at all necessary to kill your mouth? The reason you asked me to shoot before was also a lie to me?” Suddenly, the previous voice became deeper, as if suppressing endless anger.

“Of course, at least he knows the infiltration plan.”

“Why didn’t he eat brain eating insects in his brain?”

“It’s the poisonous snake’s decision! Brain eating insect will limit the development of the stinger’s strength. This stinger is currently the best stinger, and he can be cultivated into the most outstanding and deepest stinger.”

“But now … Poisonous snake was suddenly didn’t exist by Wang Lan’s arrow!” Black Shadow drank indifferently, “but knowing a penetration plan alone will not let me take risks.”

“No, if you kill him successfully, you are in no danger. Your danger is, why didn’t you kill him?”

“He is dead!”

“If he is dead, you won’t be so angry, flustered and exasperated. If he is really dead, you won’t ask me to meet.”

“I can be sure that he is dead … but … but … I really don’t know how they did it. Humans are too fragile, they have a lot of points, and just hitting a point can kill them.

My last knife has completely destroyed his heart, he should have died. However, Heavenly Sword Bureau has an excellent medicine category star martial artist. This star martial artist is extremely powerful … It is entirely possible to say that he hung the stinger’s life.

Just today, I personally took charge of a group of Soul bead escorts, which were sent to the special wards of the National Defense Hospital. Heavenly Sword Bureau has spent so much effort, it seems to be determined, and will not stop until I find out. “

“What do you mean by this?”

“I should evacuate.”

“No, the next action requires your cooperation. The consequences of your evacuation will cause us to give up our achievements. How miserable we will die, you should understand.”

“No, it’s only you who died miserably. It’s your violation that increased the risk of my exposure. I continue to stay and may be exposed at any time. I have reasons to evacuate.

“For the next plan, your reason seems so pale. That is the task that must be completed even if you lose your life.”

Black Shadow was silent and took a deep breath.

“I cannot be exposed, but now, I may be exposed at any time. The risks of my exposure, you must be responsible for eliminating them.”

“You can’t do it again? Since the stinger is in the hospital, you can do it much easier than in the Heavenly Sword Bureau.”

“Operation Department, Intelligence Department, Shadow Operation Department, 3 sections of the joint preparedness. The seemingly to protect the safety of the stinger, but in fact internal investigation.

I shot, I will be exposed immediately. “

“I see, I will assist you.”

“As soon as possible, most recently I will be ready to evacuate. I will evacuate if there is any tentative wind and grass. This is my bottom line.”

“Understood …”

Dark shadow slowly sneaked deep into the ground, disappeared.

Unconsciously, 2 days have passed. Wang Lan has been quarantined for 2 days. If it were not for Heavenly Sword Bureau to ask Wang Lan for leave, and the non-Editor Xu Xiangwen knew something, Wang Qi and Jiang Xinyu would probably call the police.

It was another night when Li Ge had just finished the shift and went home to plan a fresh sleep. Just came to the door of the house, Li Ge suddenly stopped.

Ma Weidong does not know when to appear behind Li Ge.

“Leaving Captain, Li is alive and ready to act.”

“it is good!”

Li Ge didn’t hesitate, put away the keys, turned and followed Ma Weidong away. The meeting point is near a street community in the park town.

When the car stopped, Li Ge and Ma Weidong got off and saw Li Weixin and several familiar brothers sitting outside the open-air tea shop in the community.

“Everyone is here, I will explain the task now.” Li Weixin took out a few pictures from his arms. “This man is named Huang Ziang, and he is the instructor of the Xingwu Wrestling Club. He has long provided intelligence to the Devil to sell Human Race’s interest, caught him, live. “


“Secretary Li, is the intelligence of the intelligence service? The outside is so busy that the intelligence service can still be so powerful?” A member curiously asked.

“Don’t ask, don’t ask, don’t you know this discipline? It’s a clue dug out by Major Wu. Don’t ask about anything else.”



A traitor of Star Radiance Realm Peak and 2 Nebula Peak Elites are of course very easy to catch. Huang Ziang was caught by Li Ge before he could resist, and the back cover was dragged out like a dead dog.

“Major Wu … I saw Major Wu go to the hospital when I changed classes this morning. Isn’t the hospital’s regulations allowed or not allowed? Where did he get the information?” A brother at the action spit out.

“Don’t ask if you shouldn’t.” Li Ge drank coldly.


“Brothers are complaining casually, don’t be so serious? Recently, we are just like thieves in the bureau, and it is normal for brethren to have complaints in their hearts.”

“Everything is for Human Race, if the traitor does not catch it, the precautions will not be eliminated. What’s the point of complaining? As long as you are conscientious, how to check in the management board?

“Though saying that … but my heart always feels a little unhappy.”

The night is quiet, it is still the top of a hill like Chaotic Burial Mound, and a scary ghost shadow sticks out a palm from under the ground.

“pa 叽-“

A military boot stepped on!

“Ah–what are you doing?”

“Why use this appearance every time? I look upset.”

“Isn’t it for safety?”

“It’s safe for you to see me. If it’s not safe, I can still appear in front of you? Jerk, what are you doing these 2 days?”

“Us? We are laying out for that plan, so busy … What’s wrong with you today? Is it so hot?”

“Are you so forgetful? How did I tell you last time? You must eliminate the hidden dangers I exposed. What are you doing? After 2 days, I may be exposed at any time.”

“Oh? Has Heavenly Sword Bureau narrowed its suspicion?”

“The stinger is not dead. Wu Chao has already started to read the stinger’s memory. Today I captured the downline from Wu Zhao’s memory. The bastard …”

“Is that so? It seems that the action has been advanced. I thought I had five days left …”

“What do you mean?”

“I have recently handed over my task to others.”

“Handover to others? What do you mean?”

“The one in the hospital, which is your aura, is also our bait. Heavenly Sword Bureau uses Yangmou, either to find you, or to fish me out, me and you must die one.”

“You …” The shadow in military shoes suddenly froze, staring blankly at the annoying guy with a cynical smile on his face. But at this moment, this nasty face makes the shadows hate not not raise.

“Qiu Chan, you are right, you cannot be exposed. Your value is far more than the completion of the plan. I am dead, my task can be handed over to other groups. And if you are exposed, the plan will be completely impossible to carry out. .

Since only one can live between you and me, this person can only be you. My job is almost over. I will attack the hospital tomorrow. You should know the guard strength distribution of the hospital, right? “

“How much strength do you plan to use?”

“An elite group, and some cannon fodder.”

“Impossible, an elite group can’t even touch the threshold of a small building.”

“My purpose is not to conquer the hospital, I just need to kill the stinger to relieve your threat.” The laughed of gā gā gā, like a paper boat sinking in the water, slowly sinking, disappeared.

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