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“Hu ——” Wang Lan bent over and gasped violently, his throat as if a flame was burning.

This 5-minute veneer cut is different from any previous match. This is a complete confrontation with no effort at all.

The speed of 2 people is evenly matched, but to be honest, Wang Lan’s approach to Wrestling is better than Lei Tianxu. At least, Wang Lan’s Blazing blade has been cut on Lei Tianxu more than ten times. But Lei Tianxu’s body can really be described as monster. Blazing blade can’t break Lei Tianxu’s thunder jacket’s defense.

In the end, Wang Lan could only take all on one throw, using Purple Flame Transformation as the Extreme Yang Origin Wheel, which left Lei Tianxu with a wound. But Lei Tianxu was also a fierce person, kicked Wang Lan with Thunder Strength on one foot, and scrapped half of Wang Lan’s body.

When the body is damaged, the healing star martial skill is automatically activated. During Wang Lan’s respite, the internal injuries within the body quickly recovered.

Blood flowed like a stream on Lei Tianxu’s shoulder. He glanced sideways at his face, the thunderbolt flashed, and the wound was quickly scorched.

“You can beat me to this level, you really made me unexpected.” Lei Tianxu’s voice was like a bell, and the head of a blown person was buzzing. For my foot, even the armor of the tank can be flattened. You better not be brave. If you feel paralyzed, your internal organs may have been damaged. “

Of course Wang Lan knew that the previous foot almost kicked the spleen and kidney. But at this time, Wang Lan had returned to his original position, slowly standing upright and raising his hand.

“It seems that I still don’t plan to give up, anyway … I don’t want to rub it up. Wang Lan, except in the trial field and scouting space, I haven’t used Bloodline innate talent in the competition. Do you know why?”

“Because this is your hole card, you don’t want to show too much, afraid of being spotted in a weak spot.”

“Wrong, because my Bloodline innate talent is too lethal, so I can’t hold my hand.” Then, Lei Tianxu’s star force suddenly surged wildly, and the flames lingered above his head.

Wang Lan was shocked in his heart, where did he dare to hesitate, a star force surging around him, a flame rushed around Wang Lan instantly, above his wrist, the golden wings spread out, and the wings fluttered down, as beautiful as a dream.

“Purple Flame Thunderbolt–“

Loudly shouted sounded, an arrow wrapped around purple lightning rushed towards Lei Tianxu.

In an instant, Lei Tianxu had completed the activation of the crazy soldiers Bloodline, and his body rushed to Wang Lan instantly, just taking a half step. The arrow has hit the face gate, this arrow, Wang Lan has locked with his right eye, Lei Tianxu has no time to dodge, and can only bear his hands folded on the front of the chest.


The loud noise exploded, and Lei Tianxu’s figure flew away.

Previously, Wang Lan and Lei Tianxu were separated from each other, and Lei Tianxu was 20 meters away from the competition venue. Lei Tianxu flew away, and Wang Lan’s figure moved instantly. His figure pierced like lightning, and the arrows in his hand kept blasting.

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

“Lying trough!” Everyone who saw this scene couldn’t bear to burst a spit. What is this tactic? Is it too special?

Before Wang Lan and Lei Tianxu met force with force at close range, this was Wang Lan’s miscalculation of Lei Tianxu’s style and chose melee. Now, of course, he used a long-range attack to fly the kite.

The four star martial skills have been connected in series, and now the speed of the crescent moon arrow launch is so fast and accurate. Coupled with the rapid approach of Wang Lan’s figure, Lei Tianxu in the air was suspended in mid-air and could not land.

ten meters … 5 meters … 3 meters …

“Ah–” Suddenly, Lei Tianxu made a roar in the sky, the oscillating sound 4 spread out, and the horrible star force like a nuclear bomb exploded. The arrows shot by Wang Lan seemed to melt away instantly as if Bing Xue encountered a flame.

Wang Lan complexion greatly changed, his body suddenly retreated.

Amid the diffuse thunderbolt arc and black mist, a silhouette came step by step.

Lei Tianxu’s coat has disappeared, his naked skin has turned brown, and the shoulders that have just been treated with coking are tickling with blood.

A pair of red eyes, staring at Wang Lan like a wild beast. But this wild beast’s eyes are not madness, but vulgar.


When looking at the situation of the two people on the field, there was a burst of exclamation in the stands.

Lei Tianxu suffered a great loss at this time, and the injured shoulder was many times more severe. Even if Lei Tianxu’s current imposing manner is boiling, but seeing him in such a miserable manner, it looks like he wants to sing a cool song.

“You’re fine, Wang Lan, you’re really good … I didn’t think I used Bloodline innate talent, but you could hurt me so badly. However, it’s all over. In the form of my crazy soldiers, my various All aspects of the quality will be improved by 3 times, you have no chance. “

“But you were injured.” Wang Lan said coldly on one foot, bending over.

“I don’t feel pain.”

Wang Lan raised his hand instantly, and a thunderbolt arrow shot from Wang Lan’s fingertips, but this time, Lei Tianxu was already prepared. Body flashed, fast as lightning avoiding Wang Lan’s thunderbolt arrows, the figure turned into a streamer and rushed towards Wang Lan.

Wang Lan’s thunderbolt arrows already have the speed of Thunder Attribute, and the speed is no less than that of firearms. But even if the speed is comparable to a bullet, Lei Tianxu can still escape.

After evading two arrows, Wang Lan understood that this scene was still a veneer.

Purple Extreme Yang Origin Wheel took out, thunder attribute activity opened to the maximum instantly, fiercely greeted Lei Tianxu.

“The thorn—” Lei Tianxu burst a thunderbolt illusory shadow of Wang Lan with a punch, and the thunderbolt illusory shadow burst instantly, and a strong electric current ravaged Lei Tianxu’s body, taking advantage of this at the crucial moment On the occasion, Wang Lan struck Lei Tianxu’s injured shoulder.

Boom-Lei Tianxu and Wang Lan are staggered in shape, and the thunder teeth fiercely plunge into Wang Lan’s shoulder. It was not until Wang Lan passed Lei Tianxu that Wang Lan noticed the injury.

So fast, so fast.

The speed of Lei Tianxu was comparable to Wang Lan before. After activating the soldiers Bloodline, this speed is even faster.

But after the two figures were staggered, although Wang Lan’s knife left a scar on Lei Tianxu’s body, Wang Lan’s left shoulder was also hit hard.

“What—” Many people exclaimed again from the stands.

“Wang Lan is about to lose. Lei Tianxu has no pain under the crazy soldiers Bloodline, and his physical strength has increased many times. But Wang Lan is not good, unfortunately, it has already hit this level.” Zhuang Haotian’s face Sorry to say.

The director of teaching is also speechless now. I just looked at Lei Tianxu so miserably. I thought that all three people could pass the third round. However, it has already passed two. It doesn’t matter if Wang Lan loses. The Suzhou City team has not yet reached the fourth round. Since the fourth round, it has always been the four strong cities to compete for hegemony.

“It’s fair now.” Lei Tianxu looked at the wound on Wang Lan’s shoulder playfully with a smile.

“Really?” Wang Lan gently tore off the clothes that had been turned into cloth during the battle, and learned to be topless like Lei Tianxu.

Compared with Lei Tianxu, Wang Lan is too thin. Although the lines of the muscles are very symmetrical and very aesthetic, the difference in body shape is like a lion and a hound.

But the next moment, Lei Tianxu’s expression froze.

The wound on Wang Lan’s shoulder, naked eye, recovered visibly.

“I rely on -“

“Fake it?” On the stands, both the students who participated in the Provincial grade martial gathering and the Teachers of the Xingwu Academy who were observing, looked at Wang Lan with stunned eyes.

The naked eye on the shoulder has been restored? This … this is a star martial skill? Or Bloodline innate talent?

“Forgot to tell you, I am actually a medicine category star martial artist.”

Go to the medicine category star martial artist of your grandma’s leg, have you seen the medicine category that you can hit? Moreover, your medicine category is for you?

Lei Tianxu just vomited inwardly, but the stand was already blown up.

“Fuck, you said you are a medicine category? Are you a dad? I beg you to be a person, haven’t you seen it before?”

“It’s no wonder that Lei Tianxu kicked so many times, it’s okay to punch so many punches, and thought that the body was particularly resistant to beating, it turned out that he had been suckling himself.

Many people in the stands are reluctant to believe, and Wang Lan’s fans have already climaxed on the online curse platform.

Wolf King is a medicine category star martial artist. Everyone who has seen the Star Wars competition knows that this is not a secret. Everyone who has studied Wang Lan carefully knows it. But Wang Lan is just a Star Radiance Realm. Star Radiance Realm star martial artist. How many of the big guys who participated in the Provincial grade martial gathering set their sights on Wang Lan?

Basically, the first glance when reading the information, um, Star Radiance Realm, trash, skip.

After the official opening, Wang Lan showed great strength. When I wanted to study Wang Lan, there was no such time and no such conditions.

So people who know know, people who don’t know are as dumb as a fool.

Suddenly, Wang Lan discovered a new tactic, which seemed to fit the situation right now. Suddenly Wang Lan showed a cheap smile, come on, exchange injuries for injuries, hurt each other, see who can’t stand it first.

In an instant, Wang Lan moved again, and the four star martial skills worked together. Although they do not have an advantage in speed, you can use thunderbolt illusory shadow to create illusions. Your body is not afraid of pain, but the injury is not fake.

Wang Lan’s tactics became tedious. Every move is a way of injury-to-injury, this kind of injury-to-injury match can best disrupt the rhythm. Originally you came to block me, you killed me to avoid training well, and suddenly it became unclear how to fight.

Even if Lei Tianxu has the advantage of speed, can’t he always be chased by Wang Lan? You opened the crazy soldiers bloodline innate talent You are not just not crazy at all, but also so serious? Is this the past?

Injuries for injuries are fierce person.

But compared to Wang Lan’s shameless tactics, Lei Tianxu is really a good baby. With a bite of a bite, with a sigh of relief, he looked at the wound on Wang Lan’s body healing quickly, with blood flowing from his own body.

After being forced to change his injury with Wang Lan once, Lei Tianxu clenched his teeth and fell straight.

Even the iron man no matter how iron, can’t stand the shameless consumption of Wang Lan, finally, the man fell down. Wang Lan, looking at Lei Tianxu covered with blood on the ground, secretly lost his breath.

Wang Lan’s star force has bottomed out. If Lei Tianxu does not fall, Wang Lan can only admit defeat.

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