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“Congratulations to the host for entering the fourth round, rewarding 4 experience points and skill points 10000.”

When referee announced Wang Lan’s victory, the system reward reminder in his mind came to mind, and almost all the audience stood up and gave warm applause to Wang Lan.

This battle made them look overwhelmed by emotions. This battle also made them happy and convinced, and made them forget the fact that Wang Lan is a Star Radiance Realm star martial artist.

The previous victory of Wang Lan can be explained by various reasons, unexpectedly, Star Palace Divine Item and so on, but this battle let them see the solid battle strength of Wang Lan. No matter who is eliminated or not, who is confident to fight Lei Tianxu?

No! Including a few of Jin City, I am afraid none.

Although the Lianshi team is not strong, even the city’s historical rankings are even behind Suzhou City, but to say Lei Tianxu, it is definitely the cream of the crop first-rate Captain. With the crazy soldiers Bloodline, he hardly exerted the formidable power of the crazy soldiers Bloodline in front of Wang Lan.

On the other side of the network, netizens have been thoroughly boiled. Wang Lan fans are not only the group of Suzhou City, but even netizens in other cities have expressed high recognition for Wang Lan.

Especially netizens in Lianshi, Wang Lan defeated Lei Tianxu, who is known as the strongest Captain in history, with a dignified strength.

As the game reached the third round, the battle also reached the most exciting stage. Naturally, accidents in the game inevitably occurred one after another.

Today there are ten or six games a day, and two games are almost ended by perish together. Even if he won the game, he was seriously injured. At this level of serious injury, the guarded medical star martial artist may not be able to cure it.

“I’m about to start drawing, I don’t know how many abstentions this time?” Xu Xiangwen said leaning on the sofa and staring at the TV.

“Even if you abstain, there are at most two.”

“It’s okay to have two. There are two strong competitors missing. Are you going one step further from the championship?”

“Da da da ——” The knock on the door suddenly sounded. Xu Xiangwen stood up to open the door, “This Teacher, may I ask who you are looking for?”

“Are Wang Lan students there?”

Wang Lan lifts the head, looking at it, I saw a dignified and beautiful middle-aged woman Teacher took a girl into the room, saw girl, Wang Lan eyes slightly narrowed, suddenly understood the intention of the other party.

“You are all here, hello Wang Lan, I am the teacher of the Jin City team and the professor of the tactical department of Jin City Xingwu Academy. My name is Ni Yushu.”

This identity was reported, and suddenly the few sitting there stood up. The leader of the Jin City team is okay, but the Jin City Xingwu Academy is amazing.

In addition to the 4th Star Wu Academy Academy in the first gear, Jin City Star Wu Academy is undoubtedly the Peak in the 2nd gear. For many top students, if you miss the 4 Star Academy, Jin City Star Academy is definitely the first choice.

4 Daxingwu Academy is open, Jin City Xingwu Academy can squeeze to the forefront among many Xingwu Academy naturally has its own unique features. Among the people present, Xu Xiangwen, Gong Feiyu, Xie Sisi, which one do not want to enter Jin City Xingwu Academy?

“Hello Ni Teacher … You are a professor of Jin City Xingwu Academy … How did you lead the Jin City team?” Xu Xiangwen looked at Xu Di’s eyes around Ni Yushu with a puzzled divine light.

“I was originally the honorary principal of the senior high school affiliated with Jin City Xingwu Academy, and I should be the leader of the Jin City team.” Said looking towards Wang Lan with a slight smile, “Wang Lan classmate, I would like to ask you to replace me Daughter’s treatment of injuries. “

“Student Xu Jie is your daughter?” Wang Lan was surprised, looking at Xu Jie who had a pale face. In the noble consciousness of the parents of the doctor, Wang Lan should have agreed. But at this time, Wang Lan shook the head, “Provincial grade martial gathering is equipped with medical star martial artist, you can let them treat Xu Xu classmates.”

“The medical star martial artist equipped with Xu Jie ’s injury cannot be completely cured. Tomorrow will be 7 9 into 1 games, which will affect tomorrow ’s game. The strength of Wang Lan ’s classmates is vividly and thoroughly demonstrated in today ’s World War I, with Star Radiance Realm The star martial grade of China has beaten Lei Tianxu with his strength. Jiang has not been as good as Wang Lan in the past ten years.

But I know that the medical star martial skill of Wang Lan ’s classmates is the best in the world, so I came to ask Wang Lan classmates for help. “

“Ni Teacher has won the prize. I have no other responsibility when I want to change it. But now … you also know that we are participating in Provincial grade martial gathering. We are competitors to each other, and it is difficult for me to answer your request.”

“If you promise to promise treatment, I can give you Jin City Xingwu Academy’s guaranteed places, and you must be equipped with Jin City’s best Teacher. You know, I have this ability.”

Looking at Ni Yushu, Wang Lan smiled faintly, “If I agree, I’m afraid I will leave an impression of seeing Xiaoli and forgetting the righteousness in Ni Teacher’s heart?”

“Does the rescue of the wounded help me see the small profits and forget the big things? Or, Jin City Xingwu Academy’s chips are not enough? Can Wang Lan classmates aim at the 4 Xingwu Academy?”

“It’s all for this role. Work hard. The 4 Star Academy is not so far away.” Wang Lan’s words are humble, but his eyes are very confident. 4 Daxingwu Academy, I want to decide Wang Lan.

“Only by entering the top 3, will you have the opportunity to be valued by the 4 star Academy, who is very confident?”

“I can give it a try.”

The atmosphere suddenly became depressed, and Ni Yushu’s face also became a little dignified. Xu Jie gently grabbed Ni Yushu’s sleeve, “Mom, let’s go.”

Ni Yushu glanced at Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu next to Wang Lan, “Are you for Jiang Xinyu classmates? With the strength that Wang Lan classmates have shown today, there may not be a chance of winning against Xu Jie, Xu’s flame system innate talent restrains Jiang Xinyu ’s ice attribute. “

“Teacher misunderstood. The strength of classmate Xu Jie seems to me to be the top 5 expert of this contestant. Frankly speaking, I have no confidence at all. I am a contestant and I have no obligation to treat my opponent.

I ’m afraid I ca n’t believe it. The reason why I was selected for the Suzhou City team is actually to make up for it. It is not easy to stumble to the present. My first task is to ensure that the Suzhou City team will play in a winning game every time. I hope Teacher can understand. “

“Teacher can certainly understand. However, Wang Lan, I wonder if you have found any flaws in your fighting style?”

“Hope to hear the details!”

“Not to mention your Star martial grade, you have 4 kinds of star martial skill, Nebula sword dance, Blazing blade, crescent arrow, Thunder Snake. What’s more difficult is that you have already put these 4 A-Rank The star martial skill cultivated to the point of perfection. And the cultivation of the compound star martial skill has been completed.

On the frontal battlefield, your skills and damage output have reached first-class level, that is, many Jin City college students may not have your strength. But again, your variability is much worse. You do not have the ability to control the field remotely, nor the ability to respond to emergency situations.

It ’s like Mu Shaoyun of the Suzhou City team. His earth-moving technique is unrivalled in the world. It seems silent and appears unpredictably. It seems to be more useful than your Nebula lightning remnant … ” .

Wang Lan frowns, can’t help but sigh in his heart, it is worthy of being a professor of Jin City Xingwu Academy, this view is really spicy. 2 A-Rank star martial skill fusion compound star martial skill, sometimes there is not a B-Rank star martial skill easy to use.

“For another example, if you meet the Water Element Captain in Chang City, how do you deal with his water and sea tactics and the technique of Nailuoyu? You do n’t have the ability to travel and you do n’t have any ability to escape. Your every move will be affected. The other party is restrained. Also, Tong City’s mirror innate talent Zhang Jing. What can you do to restrain his ability? What’s more, I have 2 of Jin City, an absolute speed, an absolute star force crush. “

The few examples cited by Ni Yushu are all opponents that Wang Lan cannot temporarily defeat. Frankly speaking, against them Wang Lan can only be front soldiers with generals and stem water with earth, looking for weak spots in the battle to win.

“Ni Teacher can teach?”

“You lack a escaped star martial skill, but your attribute is fire and thunder. Moreover, your thunder attribute activity is indeed very fast in the eyes of ordinary star martial artists, but in the provincial grade martial gathering of genius There is no advantage to your speed.

I have an A-Rank martial skill, Illusion Phantom steps! What do you think in exchange? “

Illusion Phantom steps, Jin City Ranked 3rd’s expert special skill, Illusion Phantom steps is a kind of instantaneous technique, you can instantly move to the enemy to attack, you can also instantly evade the enemy’s attack.

That Zhang Yu used Illusion Phantom steps plus superb nerve reflex ability, the first 2 rounds were almost instant kill opponents. Although the third round met the opponent, but also defeated the opponent by the flash of Illusion Phantom steps. It was him who said absolutely quickly.

This star martial skill, in Wang Lan’s eyes, thought of flying Thor, the greedy Wang Lan Liu Ha Lazi for a long time. But to say that it is different from Flying Thor, that is, he does not need to throw coordinates, nor can it blink indefinitely, and the distance is limited.

“Wang Lan, promise her.” Suddenly, Jiang Xinyu behind Wang Lan said lightly.

Wang Lan looked back and gave Jiang Xinyu a serious look.

“I know you do n’t want to worry about me. My ability is completely restrained by her. But you ca n’t underestimate me. I do n’t want Jiang Xinyu to do anything dangerous. Even if I choose to play against Xu Jie later Be dignified. Just say, even if the attribute is restrained, I might not lose. “

Looking at Wang Lan, he was still a little hesitant, Jiang Xinyu laughed, “And I really want to fight dignified with classmate Xu. Just give her a cure.”

“I said Xinyu, you said that treatment should be treated? You don’t think about it, where was Xu Jie’s injury?” Wang Lan sighed bitterly.

“It hurt a little bit under the abdomen.” Ni Yushu said suspiciously, “Is there any point? Is it still to be seen?”

“Ni Teacher, my star martial skill treatment method is contact. Only the injured part can be treated. It is not like the traditional medical star martial skill. It can be treated in isolation.”

As soon as these words came out, Xu Jie’s cheeks were instantly red, and there was still vapour gathering.

“Then trouble Wang classmate, can I watch it aside?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

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