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After sending away the mother and daughter of Ni Yushu, Wang Lan returned to house holding the middle grade Soul bead in his hand. Really rich and imposing, A-Rank star martial skill, just give it.

This is not an ordinary A-Rank star martial skill, or a very powerful one of the A-Rank star martial skill, and the price may be around 8 million.

At the moment of absorbing Soul bead, a stream of information rushed to the head with the star force in Soul bead, the star force was stored in Star Palace, and the information flow entered the Divine Consciousness Sea. Find out if you can learn star martial skill, whether it takes 100 skill to learn.

Wang Lan has just earned 600 skill points. Before adding it, the balance is 200 points, and 800 skill points are not worth it. After spending 100 skills, a shiny silver skill icon suddenly appeared in the star martial skill page.

Illusion Phantom steps, Silver LV1 (0100)

When the skill icon lights up, a feeling rushes into your mind, close your eyes, the field of vision in front of you is no longer dark, a feeling that can be understood, but not described hits your heart, vaguely, far away There is another side, as if Wang Lan only needs to take one step to reach the other side.

Wang Lan took a tentative step.


With a loud noise, the crowd watching TV in the living room suddenly jumped, and stood up and rushed to the door of Wang Lan’s room.

“Ao grass–“

Inside the door, there was a terrible cry from Wang Lan. Xu Xiangwen kicked the door open, but saw that Wang Lan was really tightly attached to the wall in a large shape, like a climbing gecko.

On the wall, with cracks densely covered, Wang Lan like a playing card generally fell from the wall and landed firmly on the bed. The nose is crooked and tears flow. But in an instant, the healing skills automatically circulate, and after a while, his face will return to its original state.

Xu Xiangwen glanced at the humanoid figure on the wall, and then Wang Wang, who was lying on the bed and wondered about life, “Little Lan, why can’t you tell the brothers that there is no need to hit the wall?”

“My day, it hurts, I’m wrong …” Wang Lan clutched his already restored nose, embarrassed.

“I just learned the Illusion Phantom steps, and in the light of the experiment, but didn’t expect the room space is too small, directly put me on the wall … Don’t hurt.”

“Pu ——Little Lan, you are so talented … wait …”

Suddenly, World became so quiet … the atmosphere became so dignified. Xu Xiangwen’s expression changed, and finally came to Wang Lan, staring at Wang Lan’s eyes.

Looking at the flame-like eyes of 4 people, Wang Lan somehow hatw guilty.

“What did you just say? Do you want to experiment with the Illusion Phantom steps that you just learned? And then it’s on the wall?”

“Ah-what’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?” Xu Xiangwen grabbed Wang Lan’s collar and shook it back and forth. “That’s the A-Rank star martial skill, A-Rank-it took you less than ten minutes, you told me you already Learned?

An A-Rank star martial skill, do not spend a week to practice can not even get started? You told me now that you learned it? Are you still human, are you human … “

Wang Lan broke free from Xu Xiangwen’s magic, “No!”

Wang Lan said decisively, not hesitating at all.

“Meet me on the first day? I haven’t been a person for a long time. Isn’t it an A-Rank star martial skill? I will have so many A-Rank star martial skills, which is not one minute?”

Xu Xiangwen, who was convinced by Wang Lan ’s shameless look, embraced the cup one fist in the other hand, “On the cheap, Xu Xiangwen would like to call you the strongest.”

At the same time, although the injuries were cured and the peak state was restored in the elevator, Xu Jie was upset.

“What’s wrong?” Ni Yushu asked, hugging his daughter’s shoulders.

“Illusion Phantom steps in exchange for my treatment, the price is too high.”

“What’s bigger? If you can achieve good results in Provincial grade martial gathering, the biggest price is worth it.”

“But … 10000 Wang Lan learned the Illusion Phantom steps to make up for the shortcomings, it is not easy for us Jin City to win the championship.”

“Folish child, that’s A-Rank star martial skill, where do you want to go? He wants to master, there is no impossible study for a month. One month, let alone Provincial grade martial gathering, it is the end of the college entrance examination.”

“But … even then, it’s Illusion Phantom steps.”


“Well, I didn’t even learn …”

“You are a flame system star martial artist, you are destined to take the path of the legal system, the maximum radius of Illusion Phantom steps is 20 meters, and the radius of your flames is 30 meters. What do you learn from this?

Remember, there are so many powerful martial skills in the world that are not suitable for every star martial artist. A star martial artist only has a precise positioning of himself, is he a strong start.

Illusion Phantom steps are suitable for Wang Lan, but not for you. Moreover, it is good for you to make good connections with Illusion Phantom steps. In the future of Wang Lan, no one knows how far he can go. You need to work hard not to be pulled down too much by peers. “

“He?” Xu Jie raised her head proudly. Although Wang Lan innate talent is extremely talented and a great genius, who is not a genius? Who is afraid of who.

“I can be sure that if there is no accident in the future, Wang Lan will become a leader-level person. If there is an opportunity, try to gather around him.”


While Xu Xiangwen and others were urging Wang Lan to show Illusion Phantom steps in the room, the TV outside suddenly announced that he was preparing to draw a preview of the 4th round 6 8 into 1 battle table.

The entire group hurriedly walked out of the room and made it on the sofa.

The character’s avatar jumped quickly, and the first one to jump out was actually Wang Lan’s avatar.

“Huh, am I the starting lineup?”

Soon, the avatar on the right was also frozen, which is Zhang Yu of the Jin City team. Seeing this avatar, Wang Lan was speechless. Should he be so clever? It feels like being arranged.

Having just mastered the Illusion Phantom steps, will you have an instant killing showdown with the Illusion Phantom steps expert? Seeing this match, Xu Xiangwen gently patted Wang Lan’s shoulder.

“Zhang Feizhan Li Kui … Come on.”

“From your tone, I heard insincere words.”

“How can I, I am actually very optimistic about you, very very optimistic about you.” Xu Xiangwen squeezed his eyes at Wang Lan, this playful smile, deeply sold the goods.

Indeed, even if Wang Lan learned Illusion Phantom steps, Wang Lan is just a beginner. Compared to Zhang Yu, a high-level expert who has been able to transpose 4 times in an instant, it is not enough to look at. But Wang Lan wondered, who told you that I want to fight Illusion Phantom steps with him?

After that, the second appearance of Suzhou City team was Mu Shaoyun, and his opponent was also a very strong opponent. But for Mu Shaoyun, the Suzhou City team is not worried, Mu Shaoyun played as old dog. His stability is not the stability of the power explosion, but the kind of stability that seems to be a dimensionality reduction.

It’s like, the other party has fallen before they can force it. Many people do not understand this kind of play, and even some teachers who have come to observe are confused.

In the end, Jiang Xinyu’s opponents all said that destiny is like playing tricks on people. What you don’t want to face, destiny just lets you face. Jiang Xinyu still faced Xu Jie, a Jiang Xinyu so far, who has studied only one opponent who feels unsure.

Looking at the finalized battle table, Wang Lan’s stiff neck turned slightly, “Do you regret it?”

Jiang Xinyu gave Wang Lan a glance, his palm lightly brushed the snow-white thigh, and stood up elegantly, “Sisi, let’s go.”

“Ah? Xinyu, are you … angry?”

“Go back to sleep, conserve strength and store up energy.”


The extraction of the match table is over, and Wang Lan 3 people also separated and went back to their rooms to rest. Although it is still early, it is also necessary to rest early to prepare for tomorrow’s game.

After returning to the house, Wang Lan opened the system again. Previously, because I accidentally posted it on the wall, the subsequent upgrade of Illusion Phantom steps was not carried out. It was also Wang Lan who made the first hit against the wall. Think about it and know that just after learning, this skill is obviously still in the introductory stage.

In terms of proficiency, it is barely able to perform, not to mention that practice makes perfect. Open the system, add skill points, the kind of confusion before, the vague sense of space gradually becomes bright and three-dimensional.

After all 800 skills were added, Illusion Phantom steps were finally upgraded to Silver 7. Wang Lan is standing in the middle of the house, the body flashed person has appeared in front of the wall, less than 5 cm away from the wall. This time the control of blinking has been accurate to within ten centimeters.

Wang Lan’s figure flashed again, three afterimages appeared in the air, and then returned to the original place. Flashes 3 times, like fire. At this step, Illusion Phantom steps can be regarded as cultivation to a high level.

Although it is worse than Zhang Yu’s 4 reentry, Wang Lan did not rely on Illusion Phantom steps to win. Against Zhang Yu, Wang Lan has almost 70% chance of winning.

I fell asleep contentedly. Suddenly, the phone vibrated and Wang Lan took out his phone confusedly, opened it, and just glanced in the haze, Wang Lan was awakened instantly.

Get up quickly and get dressed as fast as possible. When the window opened, Wang Lan’s figure was already disappeared.

Mobile phone vibration is an urgent request for assistance from Heavenly Sword Bureau. The target location is less than 3 kilometers away from Wang Lan. In fact, it was less than ten o’clock at this time. If it was not for the game, Wang Lan impossible was sleeping at this time.

The figure shuttled between the buildings, and before it landed, it was suddenly locked by a powerful ventilator. Wang Lan’s body twisted and appeared on a settled rooftop with the Illusion Phantom steps body law. Just after landing, a strong light hit Wang Lan’s face.

“Who, dare to make trouble at the venue of Provincial grade martial gathering?”

“Teacher Hello, I am a participating student. I have urgent business to deal with.” Wang Lan hurriedly took out the certificate of Heavenly Sword Bureau. The other party took the document and glanced suspiciously at Wang Lan. If it was n’t for the documents of the Heavenly Sword Bureau that could not be faked, they could not believe that a student was already the captain of the Heavenly Sword Bureau.

With the approval of Provincial grade martial gathering security, Wang Lan’s figure rushed to the target location again. When he arrived at the target location, the smoke of the battle had not yet time to disperse, but the battle seemed to have ended.

Here is a small town alley in the ancient city, leaning against a collapsed wall, a silhouette act recklessly draped over the broken wall. Wang Lan looked closer, and suddenly his face looked weird. “Captain?”

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