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“Demon Capital Star Martial collage just found me and invited me to join Demon Capital Star Martial collage.”

“Also?” Wang Lan quickly sent a question mark.

“Yeah, haven’t you promised Elder Di to enter Demon Capital Star Martial collage? Then we can stay together without being separated.”

“Teacher Sun told you?”

“Well, isn’t it?” Jiang Xinyu’s information was quickly returned. Seeing this, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Wang Lan’s face. No wonder Demon Capital Star Martial collage came the latest, and even played this move.

“Yes, yes! I forgot to tell you before.” Wang Lan hurried back.

4 The admission conditions given by Daxingwu Academy are almost the same, no matter which one you choose is very satisfactory to Wang Lan. But each of the four Xingwu Academy has its own advantages, which one is really difficult to choose. But since Jiang Xinyu chose Demon Capital Star Martial collage, Wang Lan didn’t need to worry about which Academy to choose.

Put away your phone and take a deep breath.

Turn around and open the door to enter the Conference Hall.

“Student Wang Lan, have you thought about it?”

Wang Lan entered the Conference Hall, and everyone stopped to talk or put down their things and looked up at Wang Lan.

“Teachers, I think about it. I decided to enroll in Demon Capital Star Martial collage.”

Wang Lan’s words fell, and Sun Li’s face showed a mysterious smile. The remaining three faces didn’t change much, just a pity.

4 Daxingwu Academy, the strength is comparable, and the conditions for opening are similar. Wang Lan chooses any one as it should be by rights, and choosing one will naturally give up three.

But even if Wang Lan had already given the answer, the other three Xingwu Academy did not intend to do so.

Director Zhao gently leaned back in his chair and looked at Wang Lan with his arms, “Student Wang Lan, can you tell me the reason for choosing Demon Capital Star Martial collage? Or, why do n’t you choose one of our three. “

Wang Lan cast a look for help to Sun Li, but Sun Li returned an empathetic expression. Wang Lan’s face crossed and he smiled bitterly, “Do I have to answer?”

“Must answer.” Director Pang stared at the lightly opened the mouth and said Wang Lan.

“Because … the demons are relatively close to home.” Wang Lan’s shy smile on his face was innocent. “I haven’t grown out of Suzhou City before I grew up. Imperial Capital and Xiangjiang are so far away … away from relatives, friends … … I was unwilling in my heart.

How close are the demons, and one day I want to go home, I can go home on Sunday and Sunday, 6 hours is enough. “

3 people were shocked, no one didn’t expect Wang Lan would be such a reason. They would think that Wang Lan gave countless reasons to choose Modu, but they never thought of being close to home!

Director Zhao long sighed, “Well, since you have made a choice, then we are not reluctant. Classmate Wang Lan, I heard that you have a good relationship with Classmate Jiang Xinyu? Is there her phone?”

“Yes …” Wang Lan’s mouth twitched slightly, pretending to be a serious replied.

“Call her and let her come over.”

“Why, Director Zhao took a fancy to Jiang Xinyu? She just got the 9th place.” Director Pang asked indifferently.

“But her performance is also very good, has reached the entrance standard of Imperial Capital Xingwu Academy, can not recruit Wang Lan, can’t you let me run for nothing?”

“Director Zhao, I’m afraid you really want to run for nothing.” Sun Li smiled with a smug smile. “Before I came, Jiang Xinyu had agreed to enroll in Demon Capital Star Martial collage.”

“En? Jiang Xinyu you go to first?” Yu Shaojian looked at Sun Li with a puzzled face, his eyes flashed with fine mans seemed to think of some kind of guess.

“Yeah, is there anyway, recruiting Jiang Xinyu classmates will not take much time.”

“Oh! You are so quick to start. The two good seedlings in Suzhou City No. 2 have been taken away by you. Forget, run for nothing.” Then, Director Zhao stood up and walked out of the Conference Hall.

“Then I will say goodbye.” Major General Yu stood up and left Hu Buxiongfeng.

After a while, there were only 2 people left in the conference hall, Wang Lan and Sun Li. Sun Li beckoned to Wang Lan, “Come and fill out the voluntary application form.”

Wang Lan took the word and filled it quickly with the pen from Sun Li. From the tip of his nose, a fragrance came from time to time.

“Student Wang Lan, there is no one now. I want to hear your real reason for choosing Demon Capital Star Martial collage.”

“Isn’t the Teacher Sun understood? Why bother?”

“It seems that my strategy has worked? You can rest assured that your commitment will not change, and your young girlfriend will be treated much better than the average student.”

Wang Lan filled out the form, and the system in his mind suddenly sounded, “Congratulations to the host for being admitted to the Demon Capital Star Martial collage, and being admitted to one of the 4 major Xingwu Academy tasks to complete, rewarding 20000 experience points and skill points 1000.”

“Teacher, although these conditions are very beneficial to me, but I am very puzzled, will this treat me differently will bring me a disadvantage. For example, just lemon?”

“No, because this is the convention of Xingwu Academy. Xingwu Academy’s educational purpose has never been fair and fair, nor is it the banners hanging at the entrance of the elementary school.

Everything for child, everything for child.

The survival status of Xingwu Academy is that of natural selection, survival of the fittest. As long as you perform well enough, you can stand out and get extra care.

The discount for you is not unique to you, but only promised to you in advance. In fact, the better the students, the less they need it. Because even if there is no resource-biased treatment, it will quickly stand out after enrolling, and then the resources of the Academy will still be inclined to excellent students.

The purpose of Xingwu Academy is only one, to train excellent students, to train more excellent students.

Just lemon? What’s sour? If you have the ability, you are better than others. You are better than others. You have everything. “

Hearing Sun Li ’s explanation, Wang Lan had the bottom of his heart. “Is it almost the sect survival rules in Xingwu ’s novels?”

“Almost, you can understand the world Xingwu Academy as a sect, and the 4 Xingwu Academy is the strongest and largest sect. The only difference is that all sects are subject to national management, and there can be no fighting between the sects. Resources or something. “

“I heard that after attending Xingwu Academy, our actual battlefield is no longer a trial field? Will we enter the scouting space, or go abroad to support?” Wang Lan quickly asked with concern.

“Good! Star martial artist can’t improve without Soul bead, and Soul bead only exists in the beasts of different degrees of space. The trial field is to improve the junior star martial artist, relative to the safe environment. Can enter Demon Capital Star Martial collage, at least Nebula Realm. How can you go to the warm and pleasant place such as the test field?

Your actual combat will be in the scouting space, or receive an invitation for international support, and go to a place of turmoil. Of course, going abroad is much more dangerous than being in your own scouting space. But the gains from going abroad are also great. Soul bead does not need to give a part of their country all to pocket, but can also get a huge salary.

From the day you officially enrolled in Demon Capital Star Martial collage, although you are under the status of a student, you are already guarding the world in the country. At that moment, you are real Soldiers. And because of your own excellence, you will be more outstanding than scouting, Star Martial army.

For the ordinary person, admission to university is liberation. Life in college is much easier than in the previous 2 years. The star martial artist is just the opposite. University is the hard start.

Wang Lan, you and Jiang Xinyu are both excellent, and can be counted on one’s fingers in Suzhou City. But you should also see, how many of Jiangjiang Province are not under you? Those who participated in Provincial grade martial gathering had 30 good geometric conditions and those who did not.

Demon Capital Star Martial collage, for the whole country. Maybe here, you and Jiang Xinyu are peerless Heaven’s Chosen. But after entering school you will find out how much Heaven’s Chosen is. 10000000 Don’t give birth to my genius idea, enter the school, you will find that all are geniuses. “

“Yes!” Wang Lan hurriedly nodded, responding cleverly.

“Is there anything else to ask?”

“How to learn the star martial skill? I mean from where do I get the star martial skill learning qualification after entering the school? Is it the teacher unified teaching?”

“In addition to subject knowledge, actual combat experience, or teaching hands-on teaching when going to combat internships. Others such as learning star martial skills and developing star martial skills, Teacher can only give guidance.

After all, the star martial skill is transferred to the mind through imprinting. In addition to the cultivation method of the star martial skill, there is also the experience of the star martial skill. It’s all directly poured into the head, of course, no longer need to be extra verbose.

As for the source of the star martial skill, if the school has a star martial skill museum, just go and buy it. “

“So convenient?” Wang Lan’s eyes lit up suddenly. For him, anything that can be bought with money is easy to get.

“Do n’t be too happy, the purchase of star martial skill is not money, but points. The source of points is your performance in school, also known as credits. For example, participate in public welfare activities, do not be late for classes or absent from classes, and exams are not suspended. , Participate in the Student Union to assist school management, etc., how to earn credits after you enroll in. Anyway, the main task of freshmen is to learn theoretical knowledge and accumulate credits. You have a year to understand all of this. I will start with no other questions Go away, the admission letter will be put in your hand in a few days. “

“Teacher go well, Teacher bye.”

“By the way, although your strength is very good, you still belong to the medicine category star martial artist?” Li Li suddenly stopped and asked when she reached the door.

“I … count?”

Wang Lan is not sure about this problem. He would like to say that although I am good at playing, I am still in the medicine category. However, what Wang Lan said is not counted. It has to be asked whether others agree. I have seen medicine category beating, but I have never seen medicine category so good.

Do you count? No, you are not worthy!

“Count!” Li Li ticked her finger at Wang Lan. “Teacher I am also a medicine category Teacher. Remember to report to my class.”


Watching Li Li leave, Wang Lan sighed in relief. But for Li Li’s invitation, Wang Lan only forgot to clean his heart.

medicine category? Wang Lan still use the newspaper? Even if the Star Sea environment of the medicine category, no one has his treatment ability? After coming out of the Conference Hall and returning to the class, everyone’s eyes were staring directly at Wang Lan.

It is this man who has been successfully admitted to one of the 4 star Academy. Others have to sprint hard for the college entrance examination in less than 20 days, but he can sleep with open and aboveboard and go to school to fight soy sauce.

Look at the anger.

“Cough cough ——Wang Lan, go back to your seat, don’t disturb other students to learn.” The teacher said softly.

This is as if I had been in chaos in class before.

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