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A few days later, the admission notice for Demon Capital Star Martial collage was handed in. It was delivered on the same day as Jiang Xinyu. The other students in the class are working hard for the college entrance examination.

In addition to Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu, Zhuang Haotian Gong Feiyu received the submission quota from Shanxi Xingwu Academy. Xu Xiangwen originally wanted to fly with Gong Feiyu, but unfortunately Shanxi Xingwu Academy not at all invited him, he also Can only work hard to prepare for the exam.

Xu Xiangwen has something to say about this.

He was eliminated in the same round as Gong Feiyu. Why does Shanxi Xingwu Academy look down on people so much? Even Zhuang Haotian’s first round was guaranteed, but he didn’t.

In this regard, Wang Lan, as a good brother, naturally wants to comfort him.

“Xiangwen, don’t be discouraged, isn’t it a guaranteed place? With your strength of Eldest Young Master, it’s easy to be admitted to the first-class Xingwu Academy. Besides, Shanxi Xingwu Academy can’t see you anymore? What about you? It can be proved that Shanxi Xingwu Academy’s eyes are not blind. Look, Jin City Xingwu Academy has not contacted you. “

It sounded like human words in the front, but when the next words came out, Xu Xiangwen, who was originally standing on the rooftop, turned and rushed to Wang Lan.

“I ah-labor and capital fight with you!”

“Xiangwen is at ease, even if you go to Pheasant University, several brothers won’t despise you, and will take you to fly in the future.” Gong Feiyu didn’t do anything for brother, he just sprinkled a proper amount of salt.

“Don’t say that … Xiangwen is already pitiful. Do you still apply salt to his wounds like this?” Xie Sisi said weakly.

It’s okay not to say this, and as soon as I spoke, Xu Xiangwen shut himself up. Your comfort is better not to say.

“It’s okay, the labor and capital are iron, this is still a bit of a state. Shanxi does not look at the labor and capital, I am not rare. With my strength, I can take the exam.

The labor and capital must exceed his admission score by 20 points, and he still cannot go to his broken school. Decided, I want to take Jin City Xingwu Academy. “

“Jin City? Not with me?” Gong Feiyu stunned slightly. The reason why he so salty Xu Xiangwen was not really hit a person when he’s down. With Xu Xiangwen’s strength, the first-class Xingwu Academy basically means where to fight.

And in the second gear, Peak Xingwu Academy is not worse than Shanxi Xingwu Academy. There are 2 nations in the country. Xu Xiangwen can always be accepted one way or another. If you do n’t receive the invitation, you may not necessarily look down on him, but there may be a limited number of places.

For those with strength, it is not important to guarantee or not, even if you take the college entrance examination. Of course, except for the 4 Star Academy.

“Che, they are so blind that I still get up? I don’t want to face up? Besides, Jin City Xingwu Academy has always been my goal. If there is a first-class Xingwu Academy to send me an invitation, I would go, if not, the first choice is Jin City. “

“Ah-how many Xingwu Academy do you refuse these days?” Gong Feiyu shook his head and sighed, “Lu Prefecture Xingwu, Hunan Xingwu, these are not worse than Shanxi Xingwu.”

“You can’t go beyond the tenth place!” Xu Xiangwen waved his hand, shouted with domineering side leakage.

“Old Xu is mighty.”

“By Sisi, what about you? Which one do you plan to take?”

“Um …” Xie Sisi looked down slightly, a little sorry, “Jin City.”

“Uh?” Xu Xiangwen looked at Xie Sisi in surprise. Even Jiang Xinyu looked over curiously.

“I know that Jin City is difficult to test, and my strength is still a little bit worse. But … my theoretical grades are okay, plus the experience of participating in Provincial grade martial gathering, and the extraordinary innate talent controlled by star force. If you play well I think I can give it a try. “

“It’s true that if Sisi had developed a little late, the potential of innate talent was no worse than that of Xinyu and me.”

“Little Lan, which eye do you see when Sisi is developing late? That figure … tsk tsk tsk!” Xu Xiangwen’s point of whispering is always so precise.

“Little Lan, listen to your tone, as if our innate talent is not good?” Gong Feiyu asked with grinning teeth.

“Do you want to deny it?” Wang Lan gave a glance at don’t give face.

In a 5-person group, Wang Lan is the only one in the ranking of innate talents, Jiang Xinyu 2nd, Xie Sisi 3rd. Xu Xiangwen has Bloodline innate talent and has great potential. So the 4th, Gong Feiyu’s innate talent is actually very general.

Of course, this is generally compared with Wang Lan’s specialty. Gong Feiyu is an Earth Attribute, and there is no special Innate Ability in itself. The fighting style is very stable and good at defending. In Suzhou City, it is a first-rate good seed, but if you want to look at the whole country, it is much better than him.

This is also the reason why Xu Xiangwen said that Shanxi Xingwu Academy is blind. On the strength of Xu Xiangwen, it may not necessarily win Gong Feiyu. But in terms of potential, Xu Xiangwen is much stronger than Gong Feiyu. The future influential figure must have a place for Xu Xiangwen.

In the next few days, Wang Lan will go to school after 2 o’clock. The rhythm is soothing and the mood is comfortable. Frankly speaking, since the beginning of elementary school, after awakening this damn system, Wang Lan has never been so relaxed.

In order to open the system, he is trying to improve himself every day, and his nerves are always tense. Then successfully opened the system, and has been trying to catch up with Jiang Xinyu. In order to earn skill points, so many dangers have been experienced in order to upgrade.

Now, he is finally accepted by Demon Capital Star Martial collage, and the achievement in one stage is considered to be completed. Although the road ahead is still a bumpy thorn, the threat of the Devil has always been the sword of Damocles hanging above his head. But now, Wang Lan can really take a break. At least, a summer vacation.

The days that don’t need to be laborious, live quickly.

The calendar turned from May to June. On June 5th, it was the college entrance examination for the Star Martial campus and the unified entrance examination for the whole province. But such a big scene, Wang Lan, missed each other.

Xu Xiangwen took the college entrance examination, and Wang Lan and others didn’t need to take it and went on vacation. After leaving school, he was completely relaxed.

Although there was no pressure to go to school before, but watching other students sprint, Wang Lan also took lessons with them in class. After the holiday, Wang Lan directly became salted fish. Playing tea with Jiang Xinyu he he, playing games with Gong Feiyu, unconsciously, 5-6 days passed.

Suddenly hanging out completely, Wang Lan began to feel a little uncomfortable. It felt like the whole person was dull. Aware of the decline in his physical condition, Wang Lan was immediately alert, even during the summer vacation.

But the trial field is being rectified, and the practice field at home is too small. Moreover, after letting go of the hands and feet of Provincial grade martial gathering, it is particularly awkward to fold your hands and feet.

After Wang Lan told Xu Shiyun of this distress, Xu Shiyun immediately replied, “Your girl is full, it’s not easy to maintain the state? Come in the bureau, train every day, make sure you are all everyday Best state.”

“I might be born with a miserable wretch.” I drove to the Heavenly Sword Bureau and murmured when I came down.

When you are busy, you complain that you are so tired to live, and you lie down without thinking of anything. But after lying down for a few days, I felt lost. Unable to bear himself and ran back to Heavenly Sword Bureau to ask for more training.

In addition to the Heavenly Sword Bureau internal trial site, there is also a giant trial site with a folding space. Wang Lan had heard about it before but hadn’t been there once. It has been a year since I joined Heavenly Sword Bureau speaking of which, but I am either busy studying or busy catching spies. The time really staying in Heavenly Sword Bureau is really not long.

Among the red-clothed captains, there is no one who has been to the folding space cultivation field. I am afraid that Wang Lan is the only one.

Folding space technology is definitely the black technology of black technology. It is said that the raw material is Space Stone, which is only produced in different degrees of space. But Space Stone is a national prohibited item. Anyway, the state has stricter control over Space Stone than drugs.

A huge iron door similar to the trial field, Xu Shiyun palms the iron door with a touch, and the iron door slowly opens. The dazzling white light irradiated and completely engulfed the two people’s figure.

Enter the folding space cultivation room, the endless gray ground, and the endless pale sky. From a distance, the silhouette in the distance is chasing and fighting in the vast space.

“Here, it’s similar to the space of different degrees?” Wang Lan asked after looking around.

“It’s not the same, simply is!” Xu Shiyun tossed the cigarette butts out suddenly, and the cigarette butt suddenly went out.

“See it, the way of burning outside is different here. Every time a cigarette smoke comes in, it needs to be relighted.” Then, Xu Shiyun took out a cigarette, “Come, give a fire.”

Wang Lan’s fingers lit a flame to light the big brother’s cigarette, “Since it’s a different space, how come there are no strange animals?”

“It’s done. Use Space Stone to open up the alien space, and then kill the beast, strengthen the Space Node, and leave the space to reserve materials or cultivation.”

With that said, Xu Shiyun pointed at the flashing silhouette in the distance, “It’s all brothers in the bureau, don’t be restrained, just practice with them directly. And learning the star martial skill here is also good, as if Li Ge recently Half a month has been closed inside. “

“Don’t he do the task?”

“He learned a new star martial skill, secluded cultivation.”

“Speaking of which, I also learned a new star martial skill. I haven’t been able to find a suitable place to experiment. It seems to be possible here.”

“Remove the seemingly, the biggest advantage here is that the star martial skill can be placed casually.” While speaking, the 2 people walked to a relatively empty place.

“Yo, Captain Wang is here? Few guests.”

“It seems to see Captain Wang for the first time.”

Several nearby brothers stopped and greeted Wang Lan. They knew Wang Lan. Wang Lan didn’t know them and had nodded to respond.

“Captain Wang, you are super hot now, and you are known as the strongest senior high school student in the history of Jiang province. Also, what is the star martial skill that was exhibited that day? Too strong.”

“Don’t ask if you shouldn’t ask, what do you do with the 8 hexagrams? You don’t have the motivation to train or should I help you?” Xu Shiyun suddenly shouted.

“No need, just take a break, just take a break.” The 2 people quickly spread their smiles and moved away from Xu Shiyun.

“Wang Lan, what is your new star martial skill? Is the champion reward for Provincial grade martial gathering?”

“Well, it’s a Fire Element star martial skill, Gushing Earth Flame Sea.”

“Which?” Xu Shiyun beside him suddenly exclaimed.

“Gushing Earth Flame Sea. You seem surprised?”

“That’s S-Rank star martial skill!”

“Yes, is it amazing to reward an S-Rank star martial skill?”

Looking at Wang Lan’s casualness, Xu Shiyun wanted to slap him.

“I don’t have an S-Rank star martial skill yet. Also, even if they are Secret Wang, they are just a S-Rank star martial skill, you are a senior high school student … there is an S-Rank star martial skill. . “

“I have graduated.” Wang Lan replied faintly, and the star force suddenly surged around him.

“Wait! What are you doing? Come a little bit and try to use the star power as soon as you come up.”

“A little bit? Why a little bit?”

“Isn’t it necessary to learn star martial skill?”

“Need it?”

Install, you are loading the goods! Who learns star martial skill without steps? Why do you have to take off your pants when shit in the toilet? But this idea just flowed through my mind, but nothing was left that was shocked by the scene before him.

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