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Every time a vaccine is edited, 5000 experience points are credited and there are a few 100 skill points. As long as 40 vaccine codes are developed, you can upgrade from Nebula to Nebula 2 and increase your skills by an average of Rank 1.

Wang Lan said that I can develop 100 copies a day!

But … the ideal is full, but reality gives you a discount.

In order not to be too shocking, Wang Lan did not dare to fully fire. After all, you crack 100 copies of Xingwu toxin a day, develop a vaccine, and after all the viruses are resolved, he should almost be on the gallows. Even if it is not burned as heretic, it is highly likely to be sent to the institute for slicing.

Of course, this is a joke. In fact, every time a vaccine is developed, Wang Lan has to tirelessly explain the process of each step.

For 7-8 consecutive days, Wang Lan felt that what he said in his life did not add up to the past few days.

In addition to Sun Li barely grasping the genetic formula coding, the rest of Senior Senior Sister is still listening to Heavenly Book with a face of coercion. Ye Jiang will not, Ye Jiang will not. Wang Lan, who was rarely irritated, almost wanted to serve people with virtue.

“I say you big brother big sister … are you anyway elite? I have said so clearly and thoroughly, why don’t you understand it? Didn’t you say that the average IQ is 100 5? Are you sure you don’t underreport 100? “

Wang Lan collapsed and knocked a brick on the desk. A German character was engraved on the brick.

the past few days, Wang Lan ’s prestige has also been established, especially after the first black spider spider vaccine proof was sent back. After confirming that the vaccine is not only effective, but also that the human test is perfect, all Senior Senior Sisters Xinyue is sincerely convinced.

This is the case at this World. Although there are arguments about seniority, it is ultimately who is the best. Besides, everyone is a student who ca n’t talk about seniority at all. Wang Lan has the strength of Teacher, and naturally has the majesty of Teacher.

People are in a hurry, even if the Buddha is angry. Wang Lan was sore from the chest of these insatiable minds, and he could not care anymore. Those classic Teacher quotes blurted out without any pressure.

“Student Wang Lan, are you sure this is very simple? Every step is like a maze. A small step needs to take into account dozens of changes while satisfying more than a dozen conditions … And there are a total of 100 steps like this. Without computer assistance, is this something the human brain can do? “

“Then you use a computer!”

“But the formula has not been mastered, and I can’t edit it into the calculation software.”


There are 3 words stuck in Wang Lan’s throat as if having a fish bone stuck in one’s throat.

“Okay, well, everyone has worked hard these days, and understanding and mastering the gene editing formula is really not an overnight matter. Otherwise, Ms. Wang Qi has announced it for so long, and no one has jumped out to say it is fully mastered.

So many Peak scientists have not been able to master, so it is really not easy for you to master within a few days. In this way, let you take a few days off tomorrow to relax your mind. “

“Teacher …… You should have mastered it, no matter our life or death?” A female student asked with a grudge.

“Hoho ……… foolish child, what do you say, Teacher is the kind of abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal?”

The students were nodded hard and did not care about Sun Li’s face at all.

“Xiao Zhang, go and fax the virus vaccines edited these days to Jiayi and let them proof us as soon as possible. Teacher intends to retreat for a week, and within a week you will be fine and don’t bother me.”

“Uh? Teacher, would I stay here this week to continue editing the virus vaccine?” Wang Lan asked with eyes shining.

Without the restraint of Teacher, without the drag of these senior brother and senior sisters, Wang Lan can be fully fired, earning 500,000 experience a day is difficult. That day, it was beautiful to think about it.

Sun Li looked at Wang Lan with pity, the eyes of crafty rays flashed in his eyes, “foolish child, did you forget that you are still in school? Did you also forget how many classes you have not taken? Go back and make up for the missing class? Otherwise, you will have a bad look on the face when you complete the exam at the end of the exam. “

“Aren’t you …” Wang Lan cautiously asked, “Don’t you say hello to the teachers who teach? Have you helped me out?”

“Yeah, it’s settled, I just asked you for ten days of sick leave.”

Wang Lan looked at Sun Li with a horrified face, Teacher of the students of the strength pit, I will serve you!

“Take a good hurry this week and wait for me to get busy again after I leave the border. The same is true for other students. The test report, learning experience, and class notes are all indispensable, and they will be accepted after I leave the border.”

After leaving the medical department, he dragged his tired body back to the dormitory. Compared to the 2 goods in the dormitory, that is the real university life. Doze off in class every day, play games after class, and go out for a small barbecue together if there is nothing.

“It’s so early today?” He Jing asked, looking up at Wang Lan returning so early.

“I’m free! Go to class with you normally tomorrow.” I went back to bed and sorted out my gains.

In these ten days, 80 kinds of Xingwu toxins were cracked, and less than 500,000 experience points and 30000 skill points were harvested. Star martial grade not only reaches Nebula 2, but also a step away from upgrading to Nebula 3.

In order not to be shocked by the world, Wang Lan’s upgrade is still a very low-key choice to go to the toilet to upgrade, just use shit to avoid being beaten by Senior Senior Sister.

30000 skill points, Wang Lan is useless, now needless to say, 30000 skill points are also happy to watch. But now that there is free time, it is indeed time to consider the assignment of skill points.

Hymn of Life, Gold 2! As Wang Lan’s innate talent star martial skill, it is Wang Lan’s most important star martial skill.

Null milk and sports milk are not the most important things to Wang Lan. What Wang Lan cares about is his own ability. Silver 9’s self-healing star martial skill can already be brought back to life.

As long as Wang Lan is not cut off his head in an instant, he is sure to be resurrected with full blood. After evolving to the Gold level, Hymn of Life seems not at all a special change in milk itself …

Okay, there is one. Amputated!

Even if the hands and feet are cut off, it can grow quickly under the healing of rays of light. Of course, if the enemy can cut Wang Lan’s hands and feet, then it is not very difficult to cut Wang Lan’s head. In this way, this skill is still a bit tasteless.

What is the point of being able to regenerate a broken limb but not a brain?

add a bit! It must be added!

It took 10000 skill points to upgrade Hymn of Life to Gold 9, and there was no substantial change in Hymn of Life. Except for the increase in the number of milk and the distance, the milk itself has not changed.

But Wang Lan tasted it and found that it was not the case at all. Although there is nothing to show, Wang Lan feels that something has happened to his body … mutation.

This kind of feeling is like … I feel like a flower bud with a bud waiting to be released. But until the upgrade to Gold 9, this flower did not bloom successfully.

Perhaps, the powerful ability derived from this must be upgraded to the Platinum Gold level before it can be reflected.

As for the other star martial skills, after the university, the competition in the game class should be gone, and the chance of singles will become rare. Through understanding with Seniors, it is very necessary to master a group attack skill during college.

In the future, whether it is to go abroad to support or go to the scouting space for an internship, in the face of groups of monsters, a large-scale star martial skill will achieve the results that the single kill star martial skill cannot match.

Wang Lan’s Gushing Earth Flame Sea is good, so upgrade the Gushing Earth Flame Sea to Gold high-end, as for other star martial skills, Illusion Phantom steps are very good, 10000 things are also very good decomposition, and there are 4 big star martial skills , Inch Jin Fist …… these all are going to continue to upgrade.

Seeing that there are 30000 skill points, it is actually not enough.

While in Wang Lan cautiously, adding points to the system cautiously, as far as Jiayi Technology in Suzhou City, Wang Qi’s office fell into another mood.

Three days ago, a sample of the black spot spider vaccine was developed by Wang Qi and sent to Demon Capital Star Martial collage. I thought this was just an episode. Even if you want to mass production, you have to wait for a while.

There are not many poisonous beasts in Jade Country, and black spotted spiders are generally located in the heterogeneous space of the South African plate. Jade Country has not supported it for many years.

But didn’t expect, only 3 days passed. More than 80 proofs in one go.

What’s the matter? Is there a breakthrough progress on the Xingwu toxin vaccine? It’s like, did you develop a life potion yourself? However, it took Wang Qi nearly ten years to develop a life medicine, and it was only a medicine.

An agent suitable for most cancers.

But the Xingwu toxin vaccine is different. Wang Qi at first thought that the Xingwu toxin vaccine was the result of years of research. But in just a few days, how many vaccines have been captured?

The pen continued to rotate at the fingertips, contemplating for a long time, Wang Qi suddenly had a decision in his heart.

“Xiaoling, please contact Demon Capital Star Martial collage for me. I want to visit tomorrow.”


On the 2nd day, the first class in the morning is Zheng Gong’s class. Wang Lan came to the classroom early and opened his laptop in front of him. Frankly speaking, Wang Lan’s heart was panicked at the moment.

It’s like the kind of anxiety when elementary school students who forget to do their homework learn that Teacher is about to accept their homework.

The classroom gradually filled up, the class bell rang, and Zheng Gong stepped into the classroom with the lesson plan.

“Good classmates, today we are going to talk about memory marking. First of all, I want to solemnly declare that memory marking is a very dangerous and must be careful project.

It is the same whether it is to imprint the memory of others or to imprint one’s own memory. A little mistake will destroy the engraved brain. When the brain is destroyed, people become idiots.

I ’m not alarmist, even though Demon Capital Star Martial collage has had such painful lessons. I remember it was the 8th year. In that year, a classmate experimented without grasping the imprint of memory. When stripping his memory, Spiritual Power exploded in his mind because of the unstable control of Spiritual Power.

The result … His IQ is equivalent to a 3-year-old child, and he said goodbye to his life. So … “Suddenly, Zheng Gong’s voice stopped.

Scanning the eyes across the classroom, I accidentally found the ostrich-like figure hidden behind the notebook.

Ah? Do you finally know that it is coming?

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