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“Student Wang Lan!” Zheng Gong closed the lesson plan, and his voice seemed to suppress shouted anger.

Wang Lan secretly sighed, leaned his head out from behind the notebook, and then stood up.

“Are you ill?” Zheng Gong’s words immediately aroused the laughter of the whole classroom.

The star martial artist is sick, which is a joke in the eyes of the star martial artist. In particular, Wang Lan ’s leave application is even more powerful. I ’m afraid that since Demon Capital Star Martial collage started classes, there has been no such awesome leave application for three decades.

I have a cold and feel uncomfortable, so I ask for ten days off!

star martial artist will catch a cold? Ten days off? Isn’t this a joke? But what can I do? The person has disappeared, even if the two words are not approved on the leave.

Such a ridiculous request for leave should not be approved at all, but the teaching office did not know which head was caught by the door, and even approved it. This belly fire can’t be found in the teaching office, it can only be sent to Wang Lan’s body.

Now you finally appear, very good!

“My illness is cured, many thanks Teacher cares.”

“Very well, let ’s postpone the content of today ’s lecture, let ’s do a review of the front class, Consolidate the knowledge of the previous teaching. Come, Wang Lan, you come to cooperate. “

Wang Lan walked to the podium with a wry smile, and countless beautiful eyes sent Wang Lan sincere blessings.

Wang Lan, hold on!

Wang Lan, come on!

“Let ’s start after the mirror image is presented, Wang Lan student, what is the point of exploring the memory of others?”

“First let the target recall related memories through language induction, Then connect with the target’s brain nerves through Spiritual Power, and invade the target’s brain against the current to watch the required target memory. “

” Is there anything other than this method? “

” Manufacturing Illusion Technique, if you do not create Illusion Technique, use intimidation, intimidation and other methods to make the target mind sway and create chaotic thoughts, so as to find the entry point. “

” What are the elements of the mirror image like the memory of others? ” p>

“Spiritual Power synchronization, mind and picture synchronization in mind.”

Every question of Zheng Gong, Wang Lan can answer the questions smoothly. This made at first the students who thought Wang Lan wanted to be ugly in public and gradually put away the expression of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, but instead showed a little surprise.

He definitely took ten days off? Are you sure you haven’t come to class? This pair of answers is not like they didn’t come to class at all.

“How to determine mental synchronization?”

“Ah?” Wang Lan looked at Zheng Gong with a brutal expression. “Synchronous Spirit Power still needs to be confirmed? Synchronization means synchronization.” Ah? “

I finally asked a question that Wang Lan couldn’t answer, and Zheng Gong’s old face finally hung up.

“Just three days ago, I once emphasized that the frequency of brain waves is very complicated and uncertain. To determine the connection of brain waves, we need sophisticated instruments to detect the docking degree of brain waves. It must be disconnected immediately after 70%, otherwise it will infringe on the other party ’s brain. Unless … the other party is the spy you interrogated, the traitor. “

” However, this danger will only appear before connecting the brain waves After the brainwaves are docked, you only need to control the other party ’s brainwaves and your own frequency, is n’t it? “

Wang Lan asked questions because the Gold-level spirit markings he mastered tell him this is the case. Wang Lan has always thought that spiritual engraving is the best way to interrogate and inquire about information, so he does not hesitate to add valuable skill points on top of spiritual engraving and point to Gold.

If you let Zheng Gong know that the spiritual imprint in Wang Lan ’s eyes is to get information from other people ’s heads, it is estimated that he dragged Wang Lan to the Ancestral Master ’s tombstone and collapsed to comfort Sect Founder In the spirit of heaven.

Wang Lan dared to swear at his character, he really did not raise bar with Professor Zheng. He was simple and modestly raised his doubts. And Teacher … Isn’t it just to teach students to solve their doubts?

However, listening to the words of the classmates present, it is completely different. Silently raised a thumb, it is worthy of you, a little green in the thousands of flowers, either the mutant flowers or the thorns in the flowers.

“Very good!” Professor Zheng praised hard. With a click, on the wrist, the folding space equipment emits dazzling rays of light. If it were n’t for Professor Zheng ’s exposure, no one knew that the plain watch on his wrist turned out to be a foldable space device worth tens of millions of dollars?

Boom —

a light sound, an upright, general equipment that appears to be an intelligent guide robot installed at the elevator entrance of a mall appears in the classroom.

“This is brainwave connection detection equipment, which can intuitively let people see the connection of brainwaves. The kind of possibility you just said … Come, let ’s try to connect brainwaves, it is you Is it right or right? “

” Teacher, I do n’t mean this … “

” Are n’t you puzzled? After the brain wave docking is completed, it is not easy to break away. So I have doubts about what I said, so let’s experiment. After all, practice is the standard for testing truth. “

Since Zheng Gong said so, Wang Lan also let go of his concerns. Learning Zheng Gong’s way, put his hand on another crystal ball of the instrument.

“Introducing Spiritual Power into the instrument is just like spiritual exploration, which should not be difficult for you. Are you ready?”



In an instant, silver white came out of both of them, like holy rays of light. Being able to apply theory to practical operations, Wang Lan’s performance has surprised many students in the class.

In addition to those Natural Power Powerhouses who have Illusion Technique innate talent, there are also some family sources. In addition to the Divine Seal engraving that has been learned very early, normal zero-start students are far from impossible to this level.

Wang Lan ’s performance was both surprising and easily accepted. Only if it is, Wang Lan is a child of a Star martial family. I learned a similar ability very early.

“Spiritual Power starts to connect, the connection is 100% ——”

The prompt sound of the instrument starts, and all the students are at a loss.

This instrument … is it stuttering?

It ’s not unconnected before, the normal routines of mental connection are not all … connect 10%, 50%, 80%?

Slowly, you may have to move up by 5%. What do you mean by 100%?

Despite the doubts of the students, Zheng Gong’s face changed.

Because of the moment when he emits the spiritual connection signal, Wang Lan ’s Spiritual Power is like an octopus. Moreover, in an instant, the active connection is completed, and the connection is 100%? What kind of spiritual manipulation ability is this, Wang Lan, a child … how high is the innate talent of spiritual imprint?

While Zheng Gong was thinking about how high the innate talent of Wang Lan’s Divine Seal was carved, Wang Lan’s voice sounded in his mind.

“Zheng Teacher, in fact … My fine Divine Seal carved innate talent is not very high. The hope you engraved me as a rescue fine Divine Seal is too exalted me …”

The appearance of this sound shocked Zheng Gong. Can I read my own thoughts and still make me unaware? impossible …

“Teacher, what ’s next?”

“I ’m going to try to break free from your spiritual connection and see how you stop me!” Zheng Gong calmed his mind, Suddenly manipulate Spirit Power to disturb the frequency of brain waves.

But it ’s just starting to control, Spiritual Power is like a beach stagnant water motionless. The reminder of mental connection is still 100%.

At this time, Wang Lan began to take action. Wang Lan extend the hand, lazily stretched a lazy waist, and Zheng Gong around him, at the same time, made Wang Lan’s exact same movement, even the expression of Daha’s breath was completely synchronized.

This scene surprised all the students to stand up.

“Fuck, really fake? Wang Lan manipulated Professor Zheng?”

“It ’s a man of fancy old lady … it ’s a little too good!”


“cough cough cough …… Classmates, hold on, Wang Lan has a girlfriend.”

“Are there? Who?”

” Jiang Xinyu! I listened to He Jing in his dormitory. “

” That woman … a little fierce, cannot afford to offend. “

” Wang Lan, come to sing Sing it? “

” Wang Lan, dance and circle! “A class of 48 students, 40 of them are girls. Such a joyful scene suddenly exposed the girl’s nature.

Furthermore, star martial artist World is divided into men and women? I am not afraid to tell you that in the world of star martial artist, women can be more men than men, and more rogue than men.

“This classmate, please do n’t insult me, this Young Master sells his body but not his art!”

This is normal from Wang Lan ’s mouth, but from Zheng Gong ’s mouth , Then the festival will not be guaranteed. Wang Lan quickly disconnected from Zheng Gong’s spiritual connection. After regaining his freedom, Zheng Gong looked at Wang Lan in surprise.

No one can understand what kind of despair Zheng Gong experienced when being controlled by Wang Lan’s spirit. That kind of body does not belong to itself, like a puppet.

Spiritual connection, Wang Lan used the effect of Puppet Technique, which Zheng Gong could not imagine. But this does not mean that Wang Lan’s spirit is more than Zheng Gong. At least, Zheng Gong doesn’t think so.

But this at least proves that in the low-level field, Wang Lan ’s accomplishments have exceeded Zheng Gong ’s. This innate talent … once again amazed Zheng Gong.

What did Wang Lan say just now? In fact, his spiritual imprint is not very good? Modesty, it is too modest.

“Quiet, well, the atmosphere is almost alive, we continue to class. Wang Lan, you go back to your seat. Although you have mastered the spiritual connection, you also need to listen to the class. Some things, you If you can do it, you do n’t have to write it. ”

Wang Lan returned to his seat for class, and in the reception room of the Academic Affairs Office, the young assistant served Wang Qi with a cup of aromatic coffee.

In the past, Wang Qi, even with the identity of the Peak Court Academecian in biology, came to Demon Capital Star Martial collage as impossible so as one pleases. But now, Wang Qi is no longer the former Wang Qi.

She is now not a Peak scientist in the field of biological genes, but only one god-like scientist. She is also an outstanding talent awarded the Human Science Progress Award by the United Nations.

Even if Demon Capital Star Martial collage, she must be regarded as a guest.

Opposite Wang Qi, a full of energy old man is sitting, “Wang Qi Court Academecian, I ’m the deputy dean of Demon Capital Star Martial collage, may I ask what happened to your sudden visit?

“I would like to ask if there is a teacher named Sun Li in your school?”

“Director Sun? She is the director of our medical department. What is wrong with her? ? “

” In the past few days, our company received dozens of faxes from Sun Li Teacher, asking us to sample for her. Each of these samples is a vaccine of Xingwu toxin. I guess, Sun Li Teacher has mastered the efficient method of developing the Xingwu toxin vaccine, so I come to visit and study. “

” What? Is this happening? ” Self-control stood up fiercely.

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