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“My art–” A middle-aged lady suddenly fell to the sky after hearing the news.

Under “Mrs.”, people quickly helped his wife.

The painful face of Madam Mu was twisted together, his mouth wide open, but he could n’t make a wailing sound. His eyes pleaded at Duan Muqing, who was sitting on a chair like a woodcarving motionless.

“Lord ——”

“What a Wang Lan, a son of Flame Emperor … vicious and merciless … really vicious and merciless! Yeer just has an attempt, If you have n’t succeeded, you have to kill to the last one! “

” Lord, our son died and was killed, do n’t you avenge him? “

” Revenge Of course you have to report, but you have to wait, you have to wait for the opportunity. “

” Lord, at worst fights with him. Did n’t you keep saying that my Duanmu Aristocratic Family is the First Aristocratic Family except the Imperial Family? Are you still afraid of him? Even if the Flame Emperor is a strong team, are n’t you afraid of both sides suffer? “

” I thought they would be afraid of Duanmu Clan. The life of the child. Didn’t expect …… oh!

If Duanmu Clan can work with a common purpose, I can earn a fair one. But even if I am a patriarch, I ordered a counterattack, within the family Not necessarily how many people are willing to listen to my words and fight back. “

” Why? We are all bullied into the face Ah! “

” Because this time Yu Family and Flame Emperor teamed up to suppress us. “

” Then … Is Yier dead in vain? “Duan Madam Mu Suddenly sad to cover his face and burst into tears.

“Lord, there is a person from outside, claiming to be … Vermilion Bird company commander. But … I look at his rank … Is it a general?”

“Vermilion Bird company? “Duan Muqing’s face suddenly changed, and he stood up sharply.” You go to take him to the reception hall … No, I will go in person. “

” Lord, Vermilion Bird company is … … “

” Flame Emperor’s lineup of troops, although Flame Emperor has retired from the company commander for many years, Vermilion Bird company is still one of the main battle strengths of the Flame Emperor family. The company has five classes, only a few Ten people, but the titled powerhouse accounted for half of the elite troops. “

Duan Muqing hurriedly ran to the door, but saw a middle-aged man dressed in the rank of general sitting in the hall. . He saw Duanmu Qingcang coming and stood up.

“General Zuo, you ’re here, come on, please inside.”

“Mr. Duanmu is good, and a sudden visit will cause you trouble.”

Two People came to the internal guest hall and sat down.

“Mr. Duanmu, I ’m a soldier, I like to go straight, so I wo n’t turn around. I came here just for the conflict between Linglang and Wang Lan.”

” What else is there to say? Classmate disputes, Wang Lan actually vicious and merciless to kill my son. The murderous heart is so heavy, I am afraid it is not a national blessing. “

” This is not a classmate dispute, The execution of Duan Muyi was unanimously voted by the Standing Committee of Modu. “Then, Zuo Ming took a Soul bead from his side and reached Duanmu Qingcang in front of him.

“In this Soul bead, there are things that Duanmuyi committed and killed. Frankly speaking, Duanmuyi ’s crimes have been made public for the people of the whole country to blame if he did n’t worry about Duanmu Family ’s face.

It ’s ridiculous, you still use Duanmuyi and Wang Lan as an analogy to compare their mention on equal terms. Is Duanmuyi eligible to compare with Wang Lan? Can Wang Lan get Medal with merit of Brilliance.

If Duanmu Clan still ca n’t swallow this breath, we will make these things done by Duanmu Yi public. When the time comes, you should not be able to parry us without our action.

“General Zuo, can I take what you said as a threat?”

“Do n’t! Please do n’t be so unsure, I am here to threaten. And I still Let me tell you, whether it ’s Wang Lan ’s friends, relatives, or related people. As long as we are harmed by unfathomable mystery, we do n’t need evidence and directly expose the crime of Duanmuyi. And … ”

Zuo Ming stood up and smiled lightly, “Duanmu Family under the butt The face is not clean, and it should not be difficult to destroy Duanmu Clan. “

” You! “

” Not much to disturb, leave! “

Zuo Ming left before leaving, leaving a meaningful smile, body flashed, people have been disappeared. While Duanmu Qingcang, holding Soul bead tightly in his hand, complexion is gloomy.

He now finally understands why the Modu Standing Committee passed Duanmuyi ’s death sentence. If it was Jiang Xinyu alone, it would definitely be sentenced to death.

What did Duan Muyi do, how could Duan Muqing, who is a father, not know. If no family wiped his butt for him, he would have been arrested by Heavenly Sword Bureau.

But … How dare Heavenly Sword Bureau … How dare to imprint Duan Muyi’s memory? Duanmuyi impossible cooperates with Heavenly Sword Bureau, so only the memory is forcibly imprinted. And by forcibly marking the memory, those who are marked will definitely become idiots.

How dare Heavenly Sword Bureau? In case nothing is found, how would they explain to Duanmu Family. This is why Duanmu Clan has never worried that Duan Muyi will be investigated and found those evidences.


The storm in Duanmu Clan soon passed. Even if it becomes a topic of Demon Capital Star Martial collage for a while, it will not last long. Wang Lan’s life is still very fulfilling. He usually takes classes and develops Xingwu toxin vaccine in his free time.

With the Xingwu toxin vaccine, a large number of harvest experience points and skill points, Wang Lan has even left Nine-Storey Pagoda behind. Nine-Storey Pagoda? Are the benefits higher than vaccines? No? Go aside.

Unconsciously, another week has passed.

This week, Wang Lan ’s Star martial grade has been maintained at Nebula Three Realm. Nebula three breakthrough Nebula four, a full 400,000 experience points. At least one hundred Xingwu toxin vaccines can be upgraded.

Experience points have steadily improved, and skill points have been rewarding. Almost all freshmen’s strength is stagnant, only Wang Lan is soaring at a rapid speed.

It’s another weekend, but compared to the students of Xingwu Academy, the weekend still needs to learn. Not Teacher’s request, but forced to be helpless.

Nine disciplines, each of which is very esoteric. If you do n’t spend all your time studying and reviewing, the chance of completing the final exam will be 50% higher.

Not everyone is as good at learning as Wang Lan.

After having breakfast, Wang Lan is planning to go to the medical department, at this time, the phone rings.

Wang Lan glanced, his face slightly dignified, “Hello, Uncle Ming?”

“Are you praying today? Come to the bureau.”


Turn around and walk outside the school gate, and called a taxi to the gate of the disguised park outside the Heavenly Sword Bureau. Heavenly Sword Bureau’s Headquarters is still in a large park. Even many citizens do not know that there is such a Feng Shui Treasure Land behind the park.

The entrance of the magically Heavenly Sword Bureau is more sci-fi than Heavenly Sword Bureau. Can you imagine that the stone table of a pavilion turned out to be an elevator? Anyway, the first time I saw this operation, Wang Lan wanted to vomit.

Heavenly Sword Bureau is not underground, walking from underground, but just the entrance tunnel. After entering the Heavenly Sword Bureau, Wang Lan went directly to the office on the third floor to understand the night.

“Check in!”

“Come in!”

Enter the office and understand that Ye Ye is reviewing the documents in the endeavor, and after seeing Wang Lan, feel free Said with a cry.

“Listen to Guodong that you have been busy recently and have been Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail?” A little bit. “Wang Lan said low-key with a smile.

“That bastard actually lied to me that the learning task is light and flirty, which is much easier than senior high school. It seems to be itchy …”

I heard this, Wang Lan’s neck shrank slightly. Guodong, it’s not brother who pits you.

In the light of night, Wang Lan is a Suzhou City study god, and his academic performance is much better than that of Ming Guodong. Even Wang Lan feels that the task of university study is heavy. Ming Guodong dare to say that it is very easy?

What does this mean? Didn’t study well, let it go!

Do not fight at this time, do you keep the New Year?

“Uncle Ming, it ’s not like that either. I study more subjects than Guodong, and my elective courses are much more difficult than Guodong. It takes a lot of time to study. If you are a general subject, It’s relatively easy … “


Unable to bear in Wang Lan ’s heart has rejected his disobedience. As for the goods of Ming Guodong and He Jing, they will skip classes if they are okay, and even the simplest subjects of playing games when they go back to their dorms will become scum.

It is estimated that he was temporarily holding his feet.

“Well? Wang Lan, you have a good study, high self-discipline, and more supervision and supervision of Guodong. In the past, under my mother and I managed to work hard, once no one looked at Tieding. Played. “

” Okay! Uncle Ming, you called me this time … “Wang Lan time is precious, not much time to grind.

“Yes, I have a task here. Recently, a large number of Soul beads have appeared on the black market of Modu, which not only seriously disrupted the Soul bead trading market, but also caused Modu to suffer huge losses.

Before they were maintained at a controllable level, we can turn a blind eye. But this time they are greedy.

Heavenly Sword Bureau is determined to rectify, but the black market is not at all fixed trading venues. There is no fixed network. The Heavenly Sword Bureau does n’t want to cast a net to catch a fish, so it catches stinky fish and rotten shrimp. This time, our plan is to decapitate and take down the secret mastermind from the Soul bead transaction in the black market.

“Uh … the bright place is for me to participate in the action?”

This is the first time Wang Lan has been so repulsive about the task. It’s not that Wang Lan is floating, but the Xingwu toxin vaccine is too fragrant.

“Good! What do you mean?”

“Serve the country, die forever!” Wang Lan immediately stood up and shouted, “It’s just … How did this black market Soul bead trading market arise? “?

” Do you think the Soul bead transaction in the country is expensive? “He asked after a night of drinking tea.

“Not expensive!”

“cough cough cough ——” almost choked on a sip of water, “not expensive?”

“One is only eight Ten thousand, one hundred is only 8 million, what can 8 million do? In Modu can’t even afford a house? “Wang Lan said with a sense, suddenly letting him know what he had to say at night.

Wang Lan, your measurement of value is too … precise, I am speechless.

“hahaha … Uncle Ming, I will make a joke … Do n’t say the price of Soul bead is high, it ’s ridiculously high. Do n’t talk about the average person, even those star martial artist families ca n’t afford it Right? “

” Yes. “

” Why do you set such a high price? This price gives me the feeling that I do n’t want anyone to buy it. “

“Soul bead is a luxury item. Now some men and women are in love, and boyfriends do n’t send perfume bags or diamond rings, so they send it to Soul bead. Just last year, a rich man customized a Seven Soul bead necklaces. This is an off-topic, but the purpose of the country ’s price of Soul bead is so high that I really do n’t want you to buy it. “

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