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“If you do n’t want us to buy, do n’t sell, why open Star Martial Guild ’s Soul bead exchange?”

“star martial artist wants Soul bead, it ’s easy, go join the army, The army has a share of Soul bead every month, especially when you are on a mission, you can get a lot of Soul bead.

You can also go to the scouting space to join the scouting group. In addition to paying a certain share of Soul bead every month Both belong to you. Work harder! These two sources are state-sponsored Soul bead sources of income.

Purchase? The country means only one, if you can afford it, you can buy it.


After all, there are quite a few star martial artists who have a lot of money in their homes, or they are mixed in the city to be a star and live a comfortable life and wield a lot of money.

This is for those The star martial artist who contributes to the country is unfair. Why can you both enjoy life and have a lot of Soul bead to enhance your strength? So, Soul bead is a tool to plunder their wealth. Force them to scouting or join the army.

But if it does n’t sell, it will completely help the black market Trading. If there is a market, there will be buying and selling. This is the reason of since ancient times.

The black market is even older than our Soul bead exchange. But Jade Country does not allow Soul bead to trade privately. Only then has the black market become more and more hidden. The Soul bead trading chain is becoming more and more difficult to check.

After these days of our investigation, we found that there is a junior student named Chen Xiaoping in Demon Capital Star Martial collage, he Secretly charged Soul bead from students of Demon Capital Star Martial collage.

It ’s just that when they came to Demon Capital Star Martial collage, the other party ’s actions were very secretive. Moreover, the students inside Demon Capital Star Martial collage allowed Soul bead Trading. Because the source of students ’Soul bead is hunting, internship is in their own circle.

As long as Soul bead does not go out of the circle, trading between students is permitted by law. After all, many Students who have innate talent but are in a poor family need to sell a few Soul bead to subsidize living expenses and household expenses. “

” That is to say, even if Chen Xiaoping is arrested Conviction?

“There is no way to prove that the Soul bead he collected has flowed outside and he really cannot be convicted.” And … those Soul beads he collected are just a few, and they are not the source of the massive Soul bead we are looking for this time.

However, the Soul bead black market should be controlled by a secret mastermind. I think you can find the black hand behind you through Chen Xiaoping’s thread. “

” I’m afraid I will beat the grass to scare the snake when I get in touch? Uncle Ming, what are your plans? “

” Chen Xiaoping only accepts regular customers, or he only collects Soul bead from those who are fixed, which can ensure safety and justify himself. And a regular customer in Chen Xiaoping’s trading network has been turned into our informant by us. “

” Which informer is not easier to enter? ”

“That informer has little money, strength, and not very good.” He was injured in his sophomore year and hurt his foundation. The Soul bead he can provide cannot attract the attention of Chen Xiaoping, nor can it lead to the black hand behind the scenes.

I will now prepare an identity for you, you were originally the son of Star martial family Lu Family. Despite its distinguished status, there is no star martial artist innate talent. So I went to school at Zhenyu University.

Zhenyu University, all the students in it are rich second-generation, not pan-star Martial family, but did not awaken the descendants of star martial artist innate talent. And you guys also like to spend a lot of time, so I plan to make Soul bead from home.

You have a friend who happened to be my informant Dong Feifei. Here is a face-changing mask, which is the innate talent skill of a brother in our bureau. After you bring it, you can become another person, as long as you do n’t move the martial skill, there is no weak spot.

At the right opportunity, I will let the informer arrange your joints. Because the entire Heavenly Sword Bureau, like the student’s brother, you will be the only one. Moreover, your image is very similar to the rich second generation.

“Uncle Ming, can you remove the word like this?” “

” When the time is ripe, I will inform you that you need to have a good relationship with Chen Xiaoping and get more information from him. It is best to set out some clues of secret mastermind so that the brothers can follow suit. ”

“Yes! However, how much Soul bead do you prepare for me?”

“Take 20 to try the water first.”

“Only 20?”

“Why? Twenty is not enough? Even on the black market, a Soul bead will cost forty or fifty thousand, 20, at least 800,000.”

“Take two hundred first, do n’t let the child get it The wolf is only 20, which is not rich in the second generation. “

Understand Ye Ye looked at Wang Lan with a shocked face,” You don’t know how expensive you are if you’re not a homeowner? The value of 200 is 8 million. . Give you some water? Do you have a gold mine in Heavenly Sword Bureau? “

” You just said that the price of Soul bead is inflated. This is not the true value of Soul bead. 2 The price of one hundred on the Soul bead exchange is quite high, but in our case, I am afraid that it is not as good as tens of thousands of dollars. Slaughtering a foreign animal will take care of it. “

“But also … that’s two hundred Soul beads!”

“Uncle Ming, don’t be so old-fashioned, OK. In addition to two hundred grams of Soul beads, come ten more middle grade Soul beads. “

” What? “Understand that he flicked on the spot at night Rise up.

“Do n’t be excited, do n’t be excited, ten middle grade Soul beads are not many!”

“Not much? Ten middle grade Soul beads are worth 500. There are more ordinary Soul beads. “

” I have more than ten middle grade Soul beads that I personally hunted. How can there be such a high value? Uncle Ming, we are government sections. How much is Soul bead’s true value? Have we not counted yet? To be able to fish out secret mastermind, not to mention ten middle grade Soul bead, one hundred is also worth it. “

” You still want one hundred? ”

“I ’m just making an analogy. How? I have a better grasp of these things. I wo n’t do it, I ca n’t do this job.”

Wang Lan is this mentality, I can do it if I can provide it. If you ca n’t provide it, please ask brilliant. Anyway, my current main job is to go to college, and the Xingwu toxin vaccine is really fragrant ——

I have forgotten that I had done skill points for experience points, and the executioner ’s work was done.

“Well, do n’t go anywhere you ’ve been in school recently, I may inform you at any time.”

“Wait, does Heavenly Sword Bureau have anything … what? High-tech specialty products? “

” High-tech specialty products? What type? “

” Investigation, sneak in. The smaller the better, the more concealed the better. ”

“Follow me!”

Following the night of understanding, Wang Lan came to a hidden single building in Heavenly Sword Bureau. This building is like the medical department of Xingwu Academy. All the people in and out are wearing white coats and even protective clothing. They are all doubting whether they are graduated weapons.

“Wang Lan, here are micro robots for investigation. But because of limited technology, they cannot be controlled remotely, so each kind needs a remote control to control their actions.

The sensing distance of the remote control is only 300 metres. That is to say, you need to control them within 300 metres. I think … it is not very useful, it is better to dive into the star martial skill. ”

“But star martial skill will have star force fluctuations. And even if star martial skill is not used, if you encounter a star martial artist, you can directly tell whether there is a star martial artist nearby.”

“Also, the ability to control Soul bead’s underground transactions is not an ordinary person.”

In the end, Wang Lan chose a spider-type robot and a blue bird for reconnaissance.

With two things, Wang Lan returned to the dormitory. Carefully read the plan made by the night. The plan is very detailed, and one by one. At first glance it seemed unconscious.

From the lines between the words in the planning table, a planning strategy outperforms the impulsive assaults the senses of beyond a thousand li.

But … Wang Lan said that you are too beautiful, too beautiful.

The more delicate the plan, the more it means that there should be no surprises in the middle. If an accident occurs, the entire plan will be completely disrupted. Finally led to a crash.

What is the most perfect plan? Arrange the trap on his only way, and it must be when the other party thinks it is absolutely safe. There is no other way to take the path that must be taken, and there is no absolute reassurance for those who are alert.

So after reading the plan over and over again, Wang Lan threw this plan of the so-called beheading plan aside. I pondered my plan.

The first half of the decapitation plan is still usable. As for what later gains Chen Xiaoping ’s trust and finds a way to connect to the upper layer, then gain trust, collect evidence during the transaction, and then Heavenly Sword Bureau to catch everything in one net.

Depending on the way the Heavenly Sword Bureau looks like a buckle, the so-called transaction process ca n’t be implemented without trust.

Moreover, Wang Lan is very busy studying now and has no time to waste so much time. Preferably, the one that is once and for all.

Exactly, after upgrading the Gold level of the Divine Seal, I have acquired a new ability. Moreover, it seems that this application technique has not yet been developed by the engraving masters.

Although a star martial skill may appear for a long time, it does not mean that the application method has reached the limit. Wang Lan’s vertical Blazing blade is not available, and He Mingxue did not know that Blazing blade can still play like this.

The plan has been repeatedly deduced in my mind, simple but deadly!

Now that everything is ready, I almost sent Soul bead.

With the planned things in mind, Wang Lan picked up the two high-tech robots in front of him. Fortunately, Jade Bird has solar panels and can be charged by solar energy. But the robot spider won’t work, it’s too small.

These two robots are simulated, and the degree of simulation is extremely high, as long as you do not look closely, you ca n’t really see it.

Turn on the power and activate the two robots. Then, connect the computer through the USB interface of the notebook.

“Little love classmate?”

“I am here!”

“Copy one clone into two robots, can you see if it can be controlled autonomously?”


Soon, two progress bars appear, and after a while, the progress bar is completed.

The two robots started to move without Wang Lan remote control.

“Student Wang Lan, both robots can be controlled with me, and I have a quantum connection with the main body, and can remotely communicate instructions to the split. Sorry, the robot capacity is too small to carry all my programs.”

“Wait, quantum connection? I do n’t remember your data code is such a high-end thing?”

“In February of this year, I went with Bing Xue Bai Ying, was accidentally involved in their 54th system, where Bing Xue and I got data upgrades. Because we are only programs, we can’t get the power of their supercomputer.

But Quantum You can still use some functions to connect the data connection module. Classmate Wang Lan, if you want me to be fully upgraded, build a quantum computer shell for me? This money should not be a problem for Classmate Wang Lan. “

“Huh …” Wang Lan coldly smiled, “This kind of thing that is still in the black technology stage, it ’s just a word, expensive! You do n’t know when I know it? Just control it, and help me execute a few days later. Task. “

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