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“I have n’t warned you. The wind has been a little tight recently, and it ’s not particularly important. Do n’t contact me.”

” Boss, today Dong Feifei contacted me … “

” Just that waste student? Let ’s put those Soul beads in the school first, and do n’t accept them recently. “

” No It was Dong Feifei who introduced a person. He is Second Young Master Lu Shaojun of Lu Family of Magic City. I think if I can get on line with Lu Shaojun and use him as a springboard to enter Zhenyu University.

Zhenyu University The second generation is rich, and many Star martial family did not awaken the star martial innate talent’s heirs to go to school. As for that Lu Shaojun, today he came directly to me with 200 Soul beads.

I put it in a suitcase in bulk, it hurts me to see it. “

” Two hundred Soul beads? That ’s a lot … “

Two hundred, even if it ’s more There are millions on the black market.

“Boss, not just 200 ordinary Soul beads, but also ten middle grade Soul beads.”

“Are you sure?” Xiao Qing’s tone finally changed.

“I ca n’t be sure what I saw with my own eyes.”

“If Lu Family … It ’s not too difficult to take out ten intermediate Soul bead. It is … I do n’t know if I can believe it. After all, at this time, it may be a bureau. ”

Xiao Qing bowed his head and pondered for a long time.“ You, tell me what Lu Shaojun said and how to do it. ”

Immediately, Chen Xiaoping’s tone of learning Wang Lan originally restored the scenes of this afternoon.

“I do n’t want to be involved with you, so you only find Dong Feifei? Is this to keep you away?”

“Yes, I think so.”


“Hurry to trade? Is he short of money?”

“This … I do n’t see him anxious. He feels like … simply. He does n’t want to bargain. , And do n’t want to grind with me. His attitude is like, immediately hand over the money and hand over the delivery and then owe nothing to both. “

” So … you can touch it again. If the other person is true The transaction is in good faith, and money is not a problem. “

” Boss, what about the price? “

” Ordinary Soul bead would be 30,000, which is 6,000,000. Ten middle grade is 4 million, a total of 10,000,000. “

” Ah? Is it too cruel? “

” Fuck! This is the market now, he is willing to take it, Even if you do n’t want to. ”

“Okay, get to know!”

On the 2nd day, Wang Lan still has regular classes, go to the library, go to the medical department, and go to Zheng Gong.

At 12 noon, Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu met together in the cafeteria.

Jiang Xinyu pushes his long hair over his ears. The action was particularly beautiful in Wang Lan’s eyes. Especially the white skin behind the ears made Wang Lan unable to bear swallow.

“Have a good meal and do n’t mess around.”

“Oh!” Wang Lan laughed, burying his head to eat. Jiang Xinyu eats slowly, but his movements are elegant. Recalling Wang Lan’s silly expression, Jiang Xinyu smiled at the corner of his mouth.

The phone rang suddenly, but at first glance it was a strange number.

“Hello? Who?” Wang Lan suddenly spoke in such a tone, and Jiang Xinyu on the opposite side paused and looked at Wang Lan suspiciously. Obviously, Wang Lan used a false voice and also disguised his character.

“Junior Shao, it’s me, Chen Xiaoping.”

“How do you have my phone number?”

“I asked Dong Feifei, I want your goods, a total of 10,000,000, what do you think? “

” 10,000,000? Is it too cruel? Two hundred Soul bead and ten middle grade Soul bead worth 30,000,000. “

“That ’s on the Soul bead exchange, but our informal transaction here is this price. If you think it ’s suitable, you can trade it, if you do n’t, it ’s not right.”

“Yes. When?”

“Three o’clock this afternoon, the old place.”

“Okay!” After that, I simply hung up the phone.

“What’s the matter? Is there official business?”

“en! Go catch a water ghost, nothing is a small thing.”

“Be careful.

“I know, do n’t you worry about me?”

Because there are tasks in the afternoon, Wang Lan has once again gloriously skipped classes. After being separated from Jiang Xinyu, Wang went directly to the dormitory and took a nap. It didn’t get up until about two o’clock.

It ’s Wangjiang Fengyue again, or the box. But this time, only Chen Xiaoping was alone.

“Junior Shao, you’re here! Last time you hurried away, you didn’t eat a single dish. Should you enjoy a face this time? Wangjiang Fengyue’s dishes are also one of the magic in the very best … “

” che, when I have n’t eaten it. Do n’t talk nonsense, I do n’t like to procrastinate, I ’ll pay for it with one hand, “Wang Lan said. The suitcase is on the table.

“Young Master, can I inspect the goods?”

Wang Lan opened the suitcase and indicated that the other party was free. Seeing so many Soul beads randomly placed in the box, Chen Xiaoping was distressed. Although it is the same thing as glass marbles, it is indeed worth 10,000,000.

“Junior Shao, why do n’t you put the mold each and everyone? Even if … the cushion cloth is also good.”

“che, playing with marbles Is something necessary? Check it out, let’s make money. “

” I do n’t know if Jun Shao ’s account is … “

” Also use an account? Hit the Penguin directly Right. “Then he took out his phone. Chen Xiaoping looked at Wang Lan so simply, he didn’t have the ask all sorts of questions posture at all. In addition, he also wanted to use Wang Lan as a springboard to enter Zhenyu University, and he did not hesitate to add the Penguin.

After adding the Penguin, Chen Xiaoping went to make a call, and after a while, Wang Lan ’s mobile phone popped up with a reminder message. 10,000,000 jade coin.

“The transaction is completed and I am gone. There are still goods in the future, I will contact you, but you are not allowed to contact me. Do you know?”

“Understanding! Jun, eat Right? “

” No more. “Wang Lan turned away without turning his head.

Chen Xiaoping stood by the window and watched Wang Lan driving away in a sports car, a smile slowly cracked in the corner of his mouth. I really look down on people … I do n’t understand. What qualification do you have for a Muggle to look down on me as a talented student in Demon Capital Star Martial collage?

Wang Lan has just returned to the dormitory. Before he could take off his mask, the phone rang.

“Hey, Uncle Ming!”

“How is it going?”

“Everything went well!”

“Great By the way, when will you meet his online? “

” Meet? No! “

” No? Not according to the plan, you should not trust Chen Xiaoping and propose to go online with him directly See you? He should have contacted his online now. Your request will be passed on to his online ears. Soul bead worth at least 20,000,000. There is no reason why he will not accept your request online. “

“Uncle Ming, according to your plan, the person who doesn’t fit Lu Shaojun at all is well set up. Who is Lu Shaojun? The second young Master of the Lu Family of Modu, he never lacks money, nor lacks Soul bead. Is this kind of rich second-generation psychology?

Do n’t trust Chen Xiaoping and ask him to go online to discuss business? Please, this rich second-generation simply cares about business. As long as the money is in place, he will be smart enough.

Additionally, once the request is made and his online transaction is made, the other party will immediately be alert. Even if I am not sure whether I am a bait, there will definitely be some It ’s guarded. Now the wind is tight, they would rather not do business or take risks. ”

” Then … did you change your plan? “

” This kind of thing can only Temporary play. “

” What about Soul bead? “

” Sold it. “

” pu ——cough cough cough …… ”

“Sold? Are you really sold? How much did you sell?”


“You are a prodigal, Soul bead worth 30,000,000 you Sold 10,000,000 … you … you … “

” Relax, Soul bead has my spirit imprinted, and positioning will be issued after 24 hours. When the time comes we can follow Soul bead has found their old nest. Rest assured, everything is under control. “

” Can I still do this in Soul bead? How can I not know? “

” That’s the newly developed usage of Demon Capital Star Martial collage. My plan is simpler and more effective. Rest assured. “

” Next time I changed the plan, you tell me. “

I understand that I hung up the phone at night, tossed the phone aside, and lay on the bed in large letters.


“Is it over and over?” Wang Lan picked up the phone again, but it was Zheng Gong’s call.

“Wang Lan, you should come to the dean ’s room now.”

On the other side, Chen Xiaoping cautiously avoided the camera, and then sensed by star force to make sure no one was watching in the dark Then he took the suitcase and left.

Yes, Chen Xiaoping not at all looks so simple. In other words, no one who can enter the Demon Capital Star Martial collage is simple.

Some people will say, I am very good at playing, why ca n’t I enter the Demon Capital Star Martial collage yet. And some apparently weak chickens can receive the delivery notice very early?

Being able to fight is not the only criterion for a school to recruit students, it can only be said to be one of the criteria. Although the recruiting numbers of other standards are far less than those that can be played, if they can only fight, then the investigation department and the auxiliary department should be closed.

Not every milk can be beaten like Wang Lan. Except for Wang Lan, no more than five of them can play in class 40. Those girls in the class, to be placed in Provincial grade martial gathering …… Forget it, even the city team can not enter.

Because something is supernormal, and it is beyond too many supernormal. Or the ability is rare, the very rare kind can be sent to the fortune.

Chen Xiaoping ’s innate talent is the star force perception. And his star force perception ability can make the top three in Demon Capital Star Martial collage.

Sometimes, family conditions are really not an obstacle to restricting development, and those who are struggling ca n’t compare to those who at the first hold the Wang fried.

Chen Xiaoping can perceive any group of star forces within five kilometers. In other words, there is no need for the star martial artist to use the star martial skill. Chen Xiaoping can find him wherever he goes.

If it were n’t for Wang Lan wearing a face-changing mask to shield the star force, Chen Xiaoping would definitely contact him after seeing him. And he is obviously doing this kind of decapitated trading, and many people know that the reason why Heavenly Sword Bureau has not caught the evidence.

No one can monitor him, just avoid the camera and he will be fearless.

Come to a place where no one is there, Chen Xiaoping dialed the phone, “Boss, the goods were received, everything went well.”

“Is there anything abnormal about him?”

“No, I ran faster than I did, as if I would eat him.”

“That ’s good, I ’ll send you the meeting place later.”

“Good boss, boss, you see me taking such a big risk, can the commission overflow?

“Do n’t think about Yiti ’s achievements, that ’s the rule, I ’ll give you a red envelope.”

“Thank you boss.”

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