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In the Dean 鈥檚 Office, not only Dean Elder Di, but also Deputy Dean Nangong. Seeing Wang Lan coming in, three pairs of eyes instantly looked towards Wang Lan.

“Wang Lan, I heard Professor Zheng say that Soul bead grenade was invented by you?” the deputy dean asked hurriedly.

“Yes!” Wang Lan said without hesitation, he said quickly.

“What level of Soul bead grenades can be made? C-Rank? B-Rank is it okay?”

“In theory, what level of star martial skill do I have? What kind of Soul bead grenades can be made. But the prerequisite is that the Soul bead corresponding to the attribute and the star force contained in the Soul bead must also be enough to release the star martial skill. “

” So? So, can you make an A-Rank Soul bead grenade? “Vice President Nangong asked excitedly again.

“It should be fine, but a middle grade Soul bead is needed.”

“What about S-Rank?” Elder Di asked suddenly. As soon as these words came out, both Nangong Dean and Zheng Gong were shocked. Because S-Rank star martial skill can only be mastered by Star River. Wang Lan has just broken through the Nebula environment, and in theory he does not have it.

“It should be fine.” Wang Lan whispered.

“Nanong Dean, give Wang Lan a Fire Element middle grade Soul bead.”

“Okay, let me go here.”

Nangong The Dean hurried away, Elder Di looked at Wang Lan with a loving smile.

“I read you right, your innate talent is higher than your mother. I do n鈥檛 mean strength improvement, but in creation. You invented the Soul bead grenade, which The value is far more than a Peak’s peerless powerhouse. “

” The dean has won the prize. “

” I have not won the prize, and my mood at this moment is very exciting. You create it first The Xingwu toxin vaccine has completely solved our inferior disadvantage to poisonous beasts. Now, Soul bead grenades have been invented. In these two ways, you will have a long name.

I will replace humans instead of Humans Race, thank you. “

” Where does the dean say, am I also part of Human Race? “

” Really! “

Very good Soon, Nangong Dean returned with a bright red middle grade Soul bead, solemnly handing the middle grade Soul bead to Wang Lan’s hands. A middle grade Soul bead is at least a monster or demon of Star River realm strength.

Star River is already a very powerful enemy. In the hands of each raging Star River monster, there are at least multiple Star Radiance Realm star martial artist lives.

Wang Lan took Soul bead, closed his eyes slowly, star force surging around him, Spirit Power seen by naked eye was imprinted in Soul bead.

It takes half an hour for Zheng Gong to make a Soul bead grenade, and it is only the formal power of the C-Rank star martial skill. But Wang Lan can imprint an S-Rank star martial skill in twenty minutes. If the same star martial skill is engraved, Wang Lan only needs 10% of Zheng Gong’s time.

After waiting patiently for 20 minutes, Wang Lan 鈥檚 star force fluctuations all over him disappeared.

“President, Teacher, all right.”

“What star martial skill do you imprint?”

“Gushing Earth Flame Sea!”

“Sure enough, Gushing Earth Flame Sea has been given to you until now … almost Four months? What level of control do you have? “

” It should be no problem for actual combat. “

” Go, let 鈥檚 try the star martial skill test site together, this S-Rank’s Soul bead grenade is easy to use. “

The four left together and walked for half an hour to the star martial skill test site. The method used by Soul bead grenades has been mastered by the vice president of Nangong. It is nothing more than using Spiritual Power to trigger the lead in Soul bead, and then throwing Soul bead out.

After Soul bead is triggered, a burst of red voluptuous rays of light emanates, and Nangong Dean throws it hard, turning it into a parabola and falling in the center of the star martial skill test field.

And many senior students who are cultivating star martial skill in the test field are also curiously watching. Seeing the vice president of Nangong throw out a middle grade Soul bead, all of them look unfathomable mystery.

Suddenly, the middle grade Soul bead exudes strong star force fluctuations, and a red light-like array of general light rules spreads all around around Soul bead.

In the blink of an eye, the array spreads to a distance of 30 metres. At the moment when the array was formed, a turbulent flame spewed out, with a three-meter-high flame tumbling. All the students who saw it were mouth opened wide with a ghastly expression.

“Operation is not as flexible as one who has personally performed, but formidable power is not bad. And the duration … is not bad.”

“Unless the star force in Soul bead Exhausted, otherwise the star martial skill will continue to be released. “

” If a Star Radiance Realm team carries ten such Soul bead grenades, his team 鈥檚 battle strength will reach a late Star River level. “

” More than that! You haven’t considered the terrain problem. If you are on the right terrain, even if you only produce such a Soul bead grenade, it can cause up to five hundred kills. “

Hearing this, the vice president of Nangong was excited, watching Wang Lan excitedly as if he saw a sparkling piece of gold.

Sent! Demon Capital Star Martial collage has found the treasure … No, not the treasure, but the treasure! hahaha ……

“Yes, yes. Wang Lan, do more Soul bead grenade in addition to your studies.” The president of Nangong said excited with a smile.

“President, I have a heavy academic background. I have ten courses. Except for the study time, almost all of my time is spent on developing the Xingwu toxin vaccine. There is really no time.”

Develop Xingwu toxin vaccine, a five thousand experience value, two or three hundred skill points. While making a Soul bead grenade, Mao didn’t have any. Wang Lan is not stupid, of course he knows how to choose.

“Developing Xingwu Toxin Vaccine … I 鈥檓 not in a hurry … Anyway, our Jade Country has little space for the poison heterogeneity. Instead, Soul bead grenades can bring the most intuitive benefits to Jade Country. “

” Deputy Dean, I am alone, even if I do n鈥檛 eat or drink, I ca n鈥檛 produce a few in a day. An utterly inadequate measure, to solve the Soul bead output, I have to Fundamentally solved. “

” Fundamentally? How to solve? “

” Improve the number of fine Divine Seal engravers, and let the fine Divine Seal engravers work hard to engrave together.

“We will plan and arrange these naturally, but you are the only one who can engrave S-Rank star martial skills. Make more Soul bead hands when you are free. Come and find me if you need Soul bead “

” It seems that I have to raise the graduation threshold of Jing Divine Seal. “Elder Di’s eyes flashed,” Wang Lan, the Soul bead grenade What are the minimum requirements? ”

“Imprint the star martial skill into the Soul bead, this is the minimum requirement. As for how many levels of star martial skill you want to imprint, it depends on your personal strength.”

“Nice, fine Divine The graduation standard engraved by Seal is raised to level 6, but you ca n鈥檛 pass level 6 without graduation. 鈥?/p>

Elder Di 鈥檚 mighty shouting board, and the crowd of students watching around frightened them to their feet. Almost fell directly. Is it so cruel?

And from Elder Di 鈥檚 mouth, 80% is enough.

Why? Why should the standard be raised suddenly? Is there any democratic spirit? You are directly raising the difficulty of graduation from difficulty to Hell Level.

Wang Lan 鈥檚 gaze glanced over and saw that many classmates were already posting. It is estimated that it would not take long for things to improve the level of engraving the graduation level would explode the campus Internet cafe.

The situation is not good, so hurry up.

Hurry up to say goodbye to Elder Di and Nangong Dean, and after getting permission, run away.

At this time, it was already sundown, and Wang Lan also looked at the time for dinner. Go back after dinner.

Going back to the dormitory, He Jing and Ming Guodong have n鈥檛 returned yet. Wang Lan took a shower and pulled out his phone to show a wretched smile.

Chen Xiaoping clearly lives on the second floor of the boys 鈥檇ormitory, and at the moment he is leaning on the bed shirtless. Just now, he had 200,000 more in his account, one hundred thousand was a commission, and one hundred thousand was a red envelope that the boss gave him.

Chen Xiaoping does n鈥檛 know how long he can work, or, perhaps, he wo n鈥檛 graduate, and Heavenly Sword Bureau will come to school to take him away. Even though, he believed that he was very careful and vigilant every time.

However, he even believed in a sentence, mixed out, will sooner or later be returned. Often walking by the river, how can there be no wet shoes?

In a trance, Chen Xiaoping remembered one day last year because the father 鈥檚 business had a serious accident. The negligence of security precautions is typical. The father went to prison, and the family carried a huge amount of compensation.

Everything that can be sold and monetized can be realized by a hole that is a few hundred thousand. At that time, my mother and two younger brother younger sister even had problems with eating.

At this time, the boss came to the door. Although I know that once I do it, I can’t look back in my life, and I completely walked onto the Road of No Return. But … Chen Xiaoping still did.

Even if he can borrow money from his classmates, he can pay it back later. But relaxed and difficult, Chen Xiaoping chose easy. At that time, he thought that as long as I show my worth, the country may pardon me. In addition, Chen Xiaoping also hates Soul bead’s price. He always feels that Soul bead exchange monopolizes Soul bead with high prices, which is actually the exploitation of star martial artist.

For a while, with brain fever and fluke, he broke through for the first time.

After waiting to calm down, he can no longer turn around.

His only hope now is that the boss can keep his promise and only continue until he graduates. After graduation, they will be Hanjiang Guying, Jianghu passers-by.

Listening to the boss, there are great characters behind them … I do n鈥檛 know how long these great characters can shelter them.

“ding dong 鈥斺€?#8221;

a light sound, the phone prompts the sound.

Chen Xiaoping picked up his phone and gave a transfer prompt. Opening the Penguin, his face was shocked.

“Junior Shao transferred 100,000 jade coin to you.”

Looking at the postscript, there are only two words: red envelope!

Chen Xiaoping extends the hand and is about to click to receive confirmation. But his hand suddenly stopped, and he had a bad hunch in the midst of it. But this hunch is not strong, just, a little uneasy.

But looking at the amount on the red envelope, Chen Xiaoping still clicked.

“The other party has already received it.”

Wang Lan showed a smile after seeing the phone prompt.

“Student Xiaoai, was it successfully implanted?”

“Already successfully implanted.”

“Find his address book and contacts. “

” Yes! “

Chen Xiaoping is really a very alert person, and the mobile phone that Xiao Ai dives into should be just his spare mobile phone. Even if this phone was turned upside down by Xiao Ai, Wang Lan did not find what he needed.

It does n鈥檛 matter, at least the bait has been released.

The time when Soul bead traded out was at 3 pm, that is, at 3 pm tomorrow, the mental fluctuation will be stimulated, when the time comes Soul bead is where the old Feng nest is.

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