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“Ten years ago, you abandoned me, the country abandoned me!” Xiao Qing shouted with red eyes, “I guard the frontier for the country, I can fight for the country.

But why do you deceive me? Obviously you will not support me, obviously there is no reinforcements. However, you want me to wait for support after the break. Thirty brothers, thirty brothers are thinking until death , Thinking of reinforcements.

They have always believed that reinforcements will come, but you simply have no plan for relief. We stayed for three days, and how should the speed of Jade Country ’s response come.


Later, it was the hellfire that saved me. The belief of the country has collapsed in my mind. Now I am a ghost who lives for money. I was arranged to make a black market transaction by Modu to make a profit, It’s that simple. “

” Since you are a person of hellfire, why are you keeping secrets for those people. “

” I said it before, I have it here Women also have children. Although women and children were sent abroad by me. But as long as I confess Hellfire won’t let them go.

I tell you, even if you get the transaction information, it ’s useless, almost all Star Martial family of Modu have deal with me. You really want to think about it. Check it out, all Star martial family has the ability to do it. “

” Ming place! “At this time, the door of the interrogation room was pushed open,” The evidence department has been downloaded, and all transaction details are In. “

” Okay! Take him to withdraw. Wang Lan, let ’s go! “

Following the night to come to the evidence department, a dozen computers are fast behind Sorts out these data.

“Ding Section Chief, how is it?”

“Your brother really has the ability to flip a hand of the hand gather the clouds, another flip turns them to rain. The vital evidence is available in advance. I do n’t know, I ’m shocked to see it.

The devil has a star Martial family with a surname, and all of them are selling Soul bead in secret. Soul bead quantity Although not many, so many of them add up enough to be the largest source of the entire black market transaction. “

” Is the goods that suddenly hit the black market price found? “

” Not yet, Looking for. “

” Found! “Suddenly, a short-haired girl raised her hand,” Ming Jing, Ding Ke, look, on September 5, Xiao Qing took 100,000 Souls at once. bead. “

” One hundred thousand, he really can eat it! We only seized so much this time, he ate it all at once? “

” One hundred thousand A Soul bead, no wonder the Soul bead transaction brought such a big impact. Soul bead source? “

” The account book is a person named Liu Xiao, but there is no other than the name His records. Do the demons have the Star martial family with the surname Liu? “

” Wait! Liu Xiao? The name, how can I hear something familiar … “Wang Lan passed by quickly, “Demon Capital Star Martial collage seems to have a teacher named Liu Xiao.”

As soon as the words came out, Wang Lan suddenly became unable to bear and took a breath.

If these 100,000 Soul beads are from Demon Capital Star Martial collage … then it ’s a major event.

And soon, I understood that the staff list of Demon Capital Star Martial collage was investigated at night, and I found Liu Xiao ’s name in the Finance Department. Liu Xiao, Director of the Finance Department, Nebula Peak cultivation base. Because he was injured on the battlefield, he was assigned to Demon Capital Star Martial collage to do chores.

Because the work is earnestly promoted, twelve years to become the position of supervisor of the Finance Department. This guy, for twelve years of indifference, just to catch this one! What a terrific person, is a fierce person. ”

“Anywhere, arrest?” Wang Lan asked hesitantly.

“After all, it ’s the Xingwu Academy ’s people, do n’t be too loud, ask me routinely, Wang Lan, will you take your brother this time?”


The three cars came to Xingwu Academy. It was noon at this moment, and the students went to the cafeteria after class. speaking of which was known in the morning as Heavenly Sword Bureau, and I haven’t eaten anything yet.

“Several people, do you want to go to the cafeteria to eat?”

“I said Wang Lan, what time is this and you still have the leisure time to eat. Confirm early and rest assured Ah. When I thought that the 100,000 Soul bead might come from the Academy, I was trembling. “

” Worry about something, the sky collapses and there are also people in the top. “

Look None of them were in a mood to eat, nor did Wang Lan feel hungry. When I came to the Finance Department, only a senior Senior Sister was there to help.

Brother “Tian …” just had to take out his ID, Wang Lan held it down.

“Senior Sister, is Director Liu here?”

The other party lifts the head and saw Wang Lan ’s smile like the sunshine suddenly, eyes shined, “Director Liu took sick leave today , Didn’t come to school. What did you find Director Liu? “

” Please take sick leave? Where is Director Liu’s home? Or does he have his mobile number? “

” He If I live in a school dormitory, I have the phone number. However, you have to tell me what to do with Director Liu. Otherwise, I cannot tell you. “

” Wang Lan, what happened? “A voice rang from behind . Yu Ruoyan came with two people wearing student union armbands.

“Jade Senior Sister, didn’t expect shocked you so quickly?”

“The student union is not only responsible for assisting the school management sequence, but also maintaining the safety of the school. Six If non-school personnel enter, it will naturally trigger an alarm. If you do n’t take it with you, the student union will come out and intercept it.

They are who, what do you bring them to do? “

” They are my colleagues in the Heavenly Sword Bureau, and we looked for Director Liu of the Finance Department. “

Yu Ruoyan took out his mobile phone and quickly found it. After a while, he called the phone.

As he waited, Yu Ruoyan’s brow furrowed tightly.

“No one picks up. Wang Lan, what ’s wrong with Director Liu?”

“Either it ’s gone, or something happened. Go to his dorm!”

p> Under the leadership of Yu Ruoyan, Wang Lan and the others soon came to Liu Xiao’s dormitory. After no one answered, Wang Lan kicked the door of the dormitory.

There was no one in the room. The closet was opened and the drawer was opened. They walked in a hurry.

“Look for it!” Wang Lan said to the brother around him. For finding clues, they are professional. Wang Lan followed Yu Ruoyan’s eyes several times and then came to the balcony.

“What the hell is going on?”

“Heavenly Sword Bureau killed an underground Soul bead trading network and searched out a large number of Soul bead. From the transaction book of the underground network, we found a Huge shipments.

A person named Liu Xiao has produced 100,000 Soul beads at one time.

100,000 Soul beads, even Duanmu Aristocratic Family is also impossible So many rich and imposing ones? So we suspect that Soul bead came from the school. And it happened that the director of the school ’s finance department is Liu Xiao, he has the ability to access the stock Soul bead. “

“Impossible! Even if he is, he simply has the authority to withdraw Soul bead, and also shipped out so many Soul bead. Although he is in charge of finance, he needs to apply for anything.” “But at present, I can only get this explanation.”

“Found it!” suddenly exclaimed, Wang Lan hurriedly entered the dormitory.

“Wang Lan, found a finger under the desk.”

“Finger? Take it back for DNA comparison. Classmate Yu, you see, I am afraid the matter is really what we guessed. Same. “

Yu Ruoyan ’s browser tightly frowns are together. Although Yu Ruoyan is not as beautiful as Jiang Xinyu, it is also more than eighty-five points of public aesthetics. And some women, although not high in appearance, have excellent temperament.

Frowning so slightly, there is a feeling of not being angry. Yu Ruoyan is tall and taller than Xie Sisi. Gently beckoned to call Wang Lan to his side, Wang Lan’s height was only a little taller than her.

“What is the attitude of the Heavenly Sword Bureau?”

“Recently, the Soul bead price shock caused by the flooding of Soul bead in the black market, the significance of the Soul bead exchange has disappeared for a long time. Therefore, Heavenly Sword Bureau has to thoroughly investigate Soul bead shady.

Heavenly Sword Bureau wants Soul bead market stability, not to give someone an explanation. Of course, if you can thoroughly investigate, it is naturally excellent. But now it seems that this Liu Xiao is also just a substitute for the dead ghost.

secret mastermind deliberately pretended to be Liu Xiaowei’s crime and absconded, but did not want to pay for it with one finger. At this point, even if Heavenly Sword Bureau I did n’t want to do a thorough investigation, but now I have to do a thorough investigation. ”

“ There are not many people who have the authority to smuggle inventory Soul bead, only the top of the school. Whether it is the current senior or the former senior Once stabbed, it will be a shame that cannot be washed away by the school. “

” Yu classmates also regard the school’s reputation as their own duty? “Wang Lan asked in surprise.

“My Great Grandfather is the dean.”

“Because of Elder Di ’s reputation, could he be stigmatized? Even if a pit is poke, Elder Di also has No, no one dares to let Elder Di get a little! “

Although this metaphor is disgusting. But it’s apt!

Elder Di ’s reputation has reached the point of spiritual belief. No one would think that this would be related to Elder Di. So … after thorough investigation, Demon Capital Star Martial collage may be shamed, but Elder Di will definitely not be shamed.

“Yu classmates, again, this matter is not just as simple as selling Soul bead. The Soul bead provided to the behind-the-scenes exchange includes almost all Star martial family.

These Heavenly Sword Bureau can be ignored. But the 100,000 Soul bead of Demon Capital Star Martial collage, but must be thoroughly understood. Let ’s go to meet the Dean, it ’s not too late. ”


Soon, Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan came to Elder Di’s office again, and Nong Meng Meng, the deputy dean, was also there.

“Ruoyun, you are here? Wang Lan, you are just here. Zheng Gong has already approved the patent application for you. This is the authorization document. As long as you grant the patent to the country, the country will never treat you badly.

And other countries want to use this technology, you have to give you a patent fee, in this regard the country will try to fight for you. “

” 30 years? Dean, actually white You can also send it. I can permanently authorize the country. “

” First 30 years! “

Wang Lan simply signed the authorization document.

“The news of Soul bead grenades will be temporarily suppressed, about half a year. During this time, the country has to make some preparations. Once the news is spread out, it will have a huge impact on the whole world. By the way, this paragraph Did you do Soul bead grenade in time? “

This Nangong Dean feels like a grieving goblin, and Yu Ruoyan stopped talking several times.

“Nangong, I think Ruoyun and Wang Lan have something to discuss with me. You go back first.”

“Uh … well, the dean, I’ll say goodbye first. “

When Nangong Meng left, Elder Di facial expression grave said,” What’s the matter, tell me. “

” Great Grandfather, someone may resell the school Soul bead. “

” Oh? The student will find it? The student or the teacher? “

” No, it was found by the Heavenly Sword Bureau. The amount is huge, there are 100,000. ”

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