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Elder Di ’s face is somewhat gloomy, but not at all angry, but asked in a low voice, “Who is it?”

“At present, Liu Xiao is found, but he It may have been silenced. There must be someone behind. “

” First check the inventory, how much has been resold. “

Able to sell Soul bead, definitely by Academy High-rise. But at the same time, senior executives shouldn’t sell Soul bead at all.

What did you get for reselling Soul bead? money? But what is the money for the senior of Academy? Who is short of money?

Not to mention that the rich can be the enemy, but it is easy to have millions of income a year. This is still net income not counting welfare subsidies.

For senior academics, clothing, food, housing, transportation, and even the life and employment of loved ones, the study of children is clearly arranged. I really can’t figure out why I sold Soul bead.

If you simply want to pursue money, quit your job and go to the sea. If you want to have status, you need status, you need to earn 100 Wan Family property in a few years.

There is no reason, it is really unthinkable.

Wang Lan stands for Heavenly Sword Bureau, Yu Ruoyan stands for the Student Union, and Elder Di personally leads to the finance department to get the key and enter the Soul bead warehouse door, and then enter the Soul bead storage room.

“There should be 300,000 Soul bead in school inventory.” Section Chief of the Finance Department said nervously about the bill.

“Check —”

“Box No. 1 is full!” Soon, the results of taps from the Student Union came out one after another.

“Box 2 is full!”

“Box 3 is full!”

As each and everyone ’s full warehouse is reported, Yu Ruoyan ’s expression is gradually It became easier. But Wang Lan’s brow slowly frowned.

All full positions? No reason!

If that person is really Liu Xiao from the Finance Department, where else can he get Soul bead from Academy instead of Soul bead? The finger in Liu Xiao’s dormitory seemed to prove that Liu Xiao was right.

“Report Dean, all full warehouse, 300,000 Soul bead is right.”

“Great Grandfather, it seems that the one hundred thousand Soul bead did not flow out of the school. Although that The person may be Liu Xiao, but Liu Xiao does not have the authority to withdraw Soul bead from Academy, and has such a large share. “

” Well, it ’s not just Academy … “Elder Di said calmly nodded .

“Wait, I ’ll check it again.”

Wang Lan still ca n’t figure it out, except for Academy, he ca n’t think of any other place where he can take out so many Soul beads at once . Is Eastern Sea scouting space? If scouting space, then the shot of these Soul bead should be the upper level of a certain scouting space and not Liu Xiao.

Two storage cabinets were checked in succession, but nothing was found.

Just when Wang Lan thought that these Soul beads were not from Demon Capital Star Martial collage, Wang Lan opened the No. 3 cabinet.

At that moment, Wang Lan ’s complexion changed, and at that moment, Wang Lan showed a shocked expression.

Seeing Wang Lan’s expression, everyone’s heart was raised again.

“Wang Lan, what’s wrong? What did you find?”

“Fuck, this … these are not Soul bead!” Wang Lan grabbed a Soul bead and spread it out, “These … these are glass marbles!”

Everyone was stunned. In an instant, Yu Ruoyan came to Wang Lan and took out Soul bead. Just a glance, his face was pale with anger.

Because Soul bead is expensive, there are many fake Soul bead made of glass products on the market. And glass is really a peculiar thing. Soul bead is very similar, it is exactly the same in appearance.

But Soul bead is, after all, a vital thing for star martial artist. Soul bead contains star force fluctuations. Therefore, whether it is glass marbles or Soul bead can’t hide the star martial artist, this can only deceive the ordinary person who knows nothing.

And ordinary person can not deceive, because of the characteristics of Soul bead, Soul bead inside has not been absorbed, Soul bead is indestructible. Even if you use a bomb, it will not be broken, but after the star force inside is absorbed, Soul bead will automatically break.

So, just hit a mallet to know if it ’s a real Soul bead.

Before the student union just checked the quantity, so really did n’t expect the Soul bead here would actually be a glass marble. If Wang Lan was not particularly keen on the fluctuation of star force, it would be really confusing.

Fooling people with glass marbles? Who is insulting?

The faces of the people who knew the truth were suddenly angry.

“Identify the impact of Soul bead, reward 10,000 experience points and 800 skill points.”

The late system reminder finally reminded me that Wang Lan was so happy. raise.

“Inform all directors to come to the Conference Hall on the 8th.” Elder Di said lowly, turning around and leaving the storage room with his hands behind his back.

The Soul bead ’s reselling is not a wall that is impenetrable. Soon, the school leaders have almost heard of it. One hundred thousand Soul beads were stolen and sold.

So in the Conference Hall, everyone’s face is extremely gloomy.

The Soul bead of the school is mainly assigned to the star martial artist Teacher who works in the school. They gave up the opportunity to build meritorious service, gave up the opportunity to go to the scouting space to hunt down the beasts to accumulate Soul bead to teach the students in Academy, these Soul bead are what they deserve.

Soul bead is used for both teaching props and rewards.

In the World of ordinary person, Gold is a hard currency. In the world of star martial artist, Soul bead is money.

One hundred thousand Soul bead is the share of Demon Capital Star Martial collage in one year.

“Everyone has heard about this? Soul bead has been resold by 100,000! Demon Capital Star Martial collage History … No, it is something that has not happened in the history of the four major Star Academy. “Elder Di leaned on a cane and slowly said complexion is gloomy.”

“The dean, who can take Soul bead out of the sky and resell it, must be someone with a certain status. At least, it is also above Section Head Grade. And it must be someone from our Academy. I suggest Check it out immediately. Whoever has been to the warehouse should have a record. “

” The person who took Soul bead should be Liu Xiao from the Finance Department. But he does not have permission to open the Soul bead lockbox, and Liu Xiao should have been His mouth disappeared. Heavenly Sword Bureau found a finger in his dormitory, probably Liu Xiao ’s. ”

“There are not many people who have permission to open the Soul bead lockbox. Who did n’t come?” Nangong Meng’s eyes swept around Binghan, and suddenly his eyes stared at the third empty space on the left hand side.

“Why did Vice President Qi not come?”

“The father of Vice President Qi suddenly passed away the day before yesterday, and he went home to do the funeral …” Elder Di frowned, “fight Ask him about a phone call. “

Nangong Meng quickly took out his phone, but after a long time dialing, he put down his phone.” No one answered! Is it him? I will take the student to find it.

“Give this clue to Heavenly Sword Bureau, Heavenly Sword Bureau is more professional than us.” Elder Di hesitated for a while after lightly saying.

“No, it ’s the Academy ’s own business and it ’s up to the Academy to solve it. If Heavenly Sword Bureau intervenes, it ’s inevitable that it will be passed on and have a major impact on Academy ’s reputation.”

“ I also suggested with the Nangong Dean that the school had this matter, the first thing to consider was the reputation of the school. One hundred thousand Soul bead is small, but if the reputation of Academy is damaged, then our school would like to re-rank again. Big handle. “

” Everyone! Soul bead is being resold. This is a criminal case and should be investigated by the Heavenly Sword Bureau. We are Academy after all. We have neither the right to pursue the case nor the right to arrest and arrest people. . This is how it is settled and handed over to Heavenly Sword Bureau. “

Elder Di is quietly standing out from the crowd. Nangong Meng still wanted to say, but after glaring at Elder Di, he had to obey his words.

“Now, 100,000 Soul beads have been stolen, and the inventory of Soul beads is seriously insufficient. How do you say how to solve them?”

“What else can we do to fix those that have been broken?” The students all went out and went to the five scouting spaces to do internships. By the way, our Academy recently received several international assistance tasks. I thought about slowly talking about the price, or else … promised? “

“Students go out for internships or international assistance. According to the practice, the school does not charge Soul bead.”

“Then there is nothing, we do n’t take it in vain, exchange it with credits, ten. Soul bead is one credit. “

” This is not good, it will cause no end of trouble if it is opened in this case. It ca n’t be opened even in extraordinary times. Our school has many children of Star martial family , Which of their homes do not have Soul bead?

This is a disguised purchase of Soul bead from Star martial family with school resources. “

” Elder Di, let me see it, or turn it on Nine-Storey Pagoda, anyway, it will be opened soon. This time Nine-Storey Pagoda is not just for big The students’ trials can be opened to all students in the school. “

” This is not enough. Nine-Storey Pagoda is more dangerous than scouting space. Many of the monsters inside are mutant monsters. The strength of seniors All are reluctant, and it is too dangerous to open to all students. “

” It ’s not for anyone who wants to go. The school can evaluate it. Individuals are not allowed to participate. They must apply in teams. The average strength of at least four teams Must reach the Star River level.

Although seniors have the highest average strength, there is also a lot of strength from freshman to junior in the senior year. They are regarded as first-class experts. Let them go to collect Soul bead and then Soul bead exchanges credits to avoid the hidden danger of being starred by the Star martial family. “

Nangong Meng ’s proposal suddenly caused a lot of response. This approach seems pretty good.

While Academy was discussing the opening of Nine-Storey Pagoda, suddenly, a news feed caused Demon Capital Star Martial collage to explode.

“talented youngster solves the ancient problem, the Xingwu toxin vaccine is released, and the poisonous animal is no longer a threat to humans!”

“Demon Capital Star Martial collage freshman , Cracked Xingwu toxin and successfully developed a vaccine. “

” The gene coding formula was successfully applied to Xingwu toxin vaccine editing, which opened a new chapter in dealing with poisonous animals. “

These news swept almost all the media overnight. Both the mainstream and non-mainstream are reprinted insanely.

Just because in the Kingdom of Angels, Sun Li ’s paper on the successful development of the Xingwu toxin vaccine has been tested layer by layer and proved to be completely feasible and effective.

When Wang Lan saw this news, the corner of his mouth was disdainful and deflated. What a waste.

The Kingdom of Angels has the most medical star martial artist in the world. This country is rich in medical star martial artists, and it is also a country with many medical star martial skills.

The Kingdom of Angels, not just in name only, but also in reality.

A country with such a powerful medical star power actually took half a month to successfully verify Sun Li ’s thesis. During this time, Wang Lan has developed hundreds of Xingwu toxin vaccines.

They have all been applied before you complete the verification? Still need your verification?

Even if Wang Lan feels unconvinced, it really needs the verification of the Kingdom of Angels.

After being verified by the Kingdom of Angels, it means that this new technology has been officially stamped and determined to be an orthodox technology.

Many countries have witchcraft, even if inherited for thousands of years, because they ca n’t get the verification stamp, they have been judged as a traitor and even apostate.

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