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“Fengying Teacher said to me this morning … The junior meeting he brought next month organized a group of people to help the Middle East. He asked me if I wanted to go together, and I agreed.” Jiang Xinyu stirred Looking at the drink glass in front of him, he looked at Wang Lan with some fear.

“Well, you have always been cautious, and your strength is not bad, I have nothing to worry about. Go and go, today Yu Ruoyan also invited me to form a team into the Nine-Storey Pagoda, and I agreed.”

A sharp gaze shot like a knife.

“Why did n’t you discuss with me?”

Wang Lan has something to say about this. You promised to go abroad without consulting with me. I just tried your reaction at school. The typical Xuzhou official set fire …

However, under the pressure of Jiang Xinyu ’s eyes, Wang Lan still did n’t quibble too much.

“She fancyd my medical ability. I was accompanied by a medical support team. She also specially arranged people to protect my safety. Furthermore, this is the school ’s trial site. There is a Teacher Escort. The degree of danger is far less dangerous than when you go abroad.

Yu Ruoyan is the strength of Star River Peak, but I find that her real strength is probably far more than that. Her real strength should be in the Star Sea. “

” en! I know, she has a dragon skill, it seems that there is a star martial skill similar to your Phoenix Form, called Dragon Emperor Form. “Listened to Wang Lan ’s explanation , Jiang Xinyu’s complexion became a lot more beautiful.

“You are different now. You are not just an ordinary Soldiers, but also a world-renowned scientist …”

“Wait! Me? Scientist?” Wang Lan has always felt that this title is far from himself. What’s more, he was a freshman, OK? There is no title of Professor Court Academecian, so kindly called a scientist?

“Yes! Your contribution to the Xingwu toxin vaccine is irreplaceable. So you are naturally named as one of the great scientists who have influenced human history. The international voice is very high for you. So In any case, you can’t be involved in the risk. “

” I think too much, I am me, I used to be, and I will also be in the future. Even if these nicknames are heard, I am now a scientist, and it will not be long before I get punished. Called an inventor. Tired of it? “

” Inventor? What are you doing? “

” I invented a Soul bead grenade, that is, the star martial The skill is imprinted in the Soul bead. Throwing the Soul bead will activate the star martial skill like a grenade … Wait, are you finished? “

” en? “Jiang Xinyu can’t keep up with Wang Lan escaped thinking, but was still nodded.

“You come with me.”

Taking Jiang Xinyu’s hand, Wang Lan hurriedly returned to school by riding an eMule. Looking at the school gate, Jiang Xinyu was a bit depressed.

Wait until Wang Lan is free, the appointment was originally intended to date. You pour it well, have you been brought back after a meal?

But looking at Wang Lan ’s excited expression, Jiang Xinyu was a little curious about where Wang Lan took himself.

The school ’s experiment building has the main function of giving students experiment classes. Of course, it is also the place where some professors and scholars research topics. Those who can have an independent laboratory in the experimental building are world-class first-class scientists. And Wang Lan has just one laboratory.

Although it ’s not big, it ’s less than seventy squares, but it also makes Jiang Xinyu take a look at it.

After Wang Lan invented the Soul bead grenade, the director of Nangong specially approved it for Wang Lan. The purpose … Let Wang Lan make Soul bead grenades, it is best to make a hundred S-Rank Soul bead grenades a day, the more the better. Of course, it’s not just work in vain. In addition to wages, credits are credited.

“This is where I made Soul bead grenades. Come, I will show you some good things.”

Say, open the safe and take out three aluminum alloy gold hand suitcases from the safe.

“This suitcase is my Soul bead grenade, S-Rank star martial skill Gushing Earth Flame Sea engraved in Fire Attribute middle grade Soul bead, No Attribute middle grade Soul bead engraved in Purple Flame Bullet, blue is Thunder Snake cone.

There are these white ones, I made a few more. Inside is my medical star martial skill Hymn of Life. Middle grade Soul bead can be treated Fatal injuries. Those small ones are partial injuries.

If not fatal, use a small Soul bead, these are for you. “

” Give me? This is the school You give me your property? No! “Jiang Xinyu quickly waved his hand.

“I handed over everything I made for the school. This is what I made with scraps. It ’s mine.”

“How can there be scraps in Soul bead?”

“Soul bead has no leftovers, but there is a scrap rate. Do you think making Soul bead grenades is easy? This is fine work. A seven-level fine Divine Seal engraved Master can have a 30% pass rate. It ’s amazing. . My pass rate is 50%, and the school should not be too happy. “

” 50%? “Jiang Xinyu brows slightly,” Is 50% of the scrapped here? “

“en! After all, Soul bead grenades are handmade products, I can only accumulate so much in a week. Anyway, you will not go abroad until next month, wait for me to come out from Nine-Storey Pagoda and give you more praise.”

“This…not good? “Jiang Xinyu was still a little uneasy. Although it is said that these all are good things, it is definitely false to say that you do not want to. Especially medical Soul bead! Wang Lan is not around, Jiang Xinyu is uneasy, and with these, it is like fighting with Wang Lan still.

“What’s wrong, is it good to spoil Professor Zheng?”

Jiang Xinyu’s eyebrows turned, “Wait, so, you are fine Divine Seal The strength of the engraving has exceeded Professor Zheng Gong? I remember that you came here to learn the fine Divine Seal engraving? “

” It should be, in fact, fine Divine Seal engraving and star martial skill In the same way, as long as you open the second pulse of Ren Du, you will learn quickly. “

” What is the second pulse of Ren Du? “

” It is the basic condition, you think, a natural born Is it possible for people with unforgettable abilities to participate in the endorsement competition to cheat? Others still need to recite, but he only needs to glance.

Similarly, there are only three conditions for fine Divine Seal engraving. Extraordinary Spiritual Power, extraordinary spirit and star force control ability, understand and master the way of fine Divine Seal engraving.

The first two conditions, I am born full, as for the last condition, I will understand it by reading the book . So it ’s not difficult to learn. I think Xie Sisi ’s score on the fine Divine Seal is also very good. You should I have contacted. “

” That’s right, Sisi’s progress is very fast, and it seems that it has reached Star Radiance Realm Peak in only two months. Don’t get rid of the topic! “Jiang Xinyu glanced at Soul bead grenade , Suddenly a crafty smile appeared on his face.

“Academy suddenly announced that it has raised the graduation standard of fine Divine Seal to level 7, is it because of you?”

“I am not, I am not, don’t talk nonsense.”

“I deny that all three have spoken, it seems to be you. Putting it that way Soul bead grenade production will soon appear on the lesson plan. After passing level 7, it is actually the production of Soul bead grenade. “?”

“It ’s Jiang Xinyu. It ’s so quickly associated.”

“hmph, do you know how much Senior Senior Sister vowed to find the one that caused them to extend their graduation or even fail to graduate? Guys? There is even Senior Sister offering the price of five middle grade Soul bead. “

” You certainly won’t betray me. ”

“You ’re understood? That ’s not money, but five middle grade Soul bead. Five middle grade Soul bead, I may be able to go from Nebula Middle-Stage breakthrough to late Nebula. You are already late Nebula, I haven’t. “

” There are twenty in front of you. Besides, how do you want me to be hunted down by Senior Senior Sister? By the way, this is specially prepared for you . “

As he said, he brought the three middle grade Soul bead to Jiang Xinyu.

“What? Soul bead grenade?”

“No, crescent arrow, Nebula sword dance, and the star martial skill of Illusion Phantom steps. I learned the Divine Seal At the moment, these three star martial skills were made immediately. You can cultivate without No Attribute. “

” I … “At this moment, Jiang Xinyu was really moved.

Although the man in front of him is so hopeless, he has never shown her heart. But what he thinks of Jiang Xinyu is so direct and pure.

Wang Lan almost gave everything she could! No amount of sweet words can compare to everything Wang Lan gave her today.

“Thank you …”

“Thank you, we both come to the devil, of course, we must support wind and rain on the same road.”

“I’ll take your three star martial skills, you keep these Soul bead grenades yourself.”

“What’s the use of me? I will also use the star martial skill of I will Soul bead grenade? I wo n’t release it myself? Besides, I do n’t have to worry about star force when I go to Nine-Storey Pagoda. I do n’t need it at all. Do n’t be hypocritical. This is not Jiang Xinyu I know. ”

“Hmph! Thank you!”


Jiang Xinyu and Jiang Xinyu just left the test building and the phone rang. At first glance, Sun Li called, Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu went to the medical department separately.

In the office of Sun Li, Wang Lan’s heart is a little embarrassed.

I ca n’t keep my eyes peeking at Sun Li ’s gloomy and uncertain expression. It was a very obvious signal. I wanted to get angry, but I couldn’t find a reason. Hurry up and give me a reason to get angry.

For Sun Li in this state, Wang Lan sees himself as a clay sculpture.

But obviously, Wang Lan ’s strategy failed. Sun Li didn’t have no reason to get angry, but there were too many reasons to get angry.

“pa ——”

a light sound, Sun Li’s fiercely beat table, “Wang Lan, what do you think? Nine-Storey Pagoda What is that place? Big Four students have to take a huge risk when they enter. Do you dare to sign up as a freshman? Are you tired of being crooked? “

” Teacher, my strength is not worse than most senior senior …… “

” What about combat experience? Can your combat experience be comparable to others? People have been to the scouting space, helped the military perform missions, and traveled abroad to fight for other countries. Every family is the same? “

” Teacher, you look down upon me too much? I’m also an elite captain of Heavenly Sword Bureau anyway. If the beasts are fierce again, can there be demon spies? “


Sun Li was so surprised that he couldn’t think of any rebuttal. No matter how fierce the beast is, it must be no match for the Demon Race. It seems that the guy in front of you has less combat experience than seniors …

“That ’s not enough! What is your identity? Do n’t you know your worth? You already knew that you should have followed Zheng Gong Let ’s go and study the Divine Seal.

“Teacher did n’t say that at the time. Teacher said …”

“I regret it! Do n’t you?”

“Yes! You are right.”

“Who team up with?”

“Yu Ruoyan, Yuefengfeng, Baiji.”

“I know the moon blast, the strength is good, who is Bai Ji? Forget it, with Yu Ruoyan and the moon blast, the team ’s strength is okay.”

“many thanks Teacher Concern, I went with the team as a medical star martial artist this time. “

” hmph! Now that the boat is done, it ’s useless for me to tell you more. Forget it … “

Say, Sun Li slowly released the space equipment on her body, “Here is a synthetic equipment, which is the type we usually use. But it is a mini type. There are poisonous monsters in the Nine-Storey Pagoda, May be useful. ”

” Too expensive Heavy, I … “

” I want to pay it back, you think I gave it to you! “Sun Li shouted with a white glance.

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