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Sun Li ’s mood Wang Lan can understand, after all, just now, Wang Lan also wanted to give Jiang Xinyu what he could give.

So Wang Lan at this moment is very grateful to Sun Li.

“Do n’t look at me with such eyes, if you really want to thank me, you will come out alive. There are tens of thousands of Xingwu toxins waiting for you to develop vaccines in the school ’s inventory.”

“Teller at this point, please don’t worry, don’t develop all vaccines of Xingwu toxin stocked in the school, I will not be willing to die.” Wang Lan said this from the heart.

Jiang Xinyu has been in retreat since getting the two star martial skills of Wang Lan. She is not like Wang Lan fishing for three days and fishing for two days, so the first semester of Nine Science has been completed by herself. In order to study the star martial skill, closed schools are open to the door.

It is still three days before the opening of Nine-Storey Pagoda. If you change anyone in three days, you can only adjust your mindset. Don’t even think about enhancing your strength.

But for Wang Lan, three days are enough for him to do many things. With more than 1,600 credits in the student card, Wang Lan decided to go to the Star Martial Skill Collection.

Although I guessed that I was a full attribute four months ago, I have never had the opportunity to learn the full attribute martial skill. Now, it is time. I used to think that there was no need to learn too many attributes. Thunder-fire two attributes are enough. But that is enough to make up for the hidden danger of the attribute being restrained.

Now that we are in Nebula, plus Yang Seal can store star force, Wang Lan ’s star force reserve has reached a solid level. Although, they are not as perverted as those with super star force.

But to truly become almighty, you have to be an all-attribute. Various attribute star martial skills need not be many, but must have.

80% of the star martial skill in the star martial skill collection is provided by the state, and a small part is developed by Academy itself. Many forbidden techniques, even if there are credits, cannot be exchanged. This requires an application and approval from the school to study.

The star martial skill collection hall can be said to be the soul of Demon Capital Star Martial collage and the Holy Land in the hearts of all students. Many students will come to the collection hall to look at those star martial skill solutions even if they do n’t have points.

The layout of the collection hall is like a museum, sorted by attribute classification, each attribute has a dedicated area, and there is a liquid crystal display on the side of each star martial skill to play the launch of this star martial skill. The picture, even the battlefield uses the picture.

Text introduction and video commentary seduce students who come to visit again and again. From this point of view, Wang Lan seems to have realized the sinister intentions so arranged by the school.

I like to see your greedy Liu Ha Lazi but can’t get my expression. Conscience is bad.

Entering from the collection hall, the first area to arrive is Water Element. Water is the source of all things, and Water Attribute is also the most versatile attribute. Water can be used as an elemental attack or as a physical attack, which can be used for damage output and defense, and can change the terrain to adapt to sea, land and air.

Fogy water can be used as perception, detection, and confusion. Liquid water can cut, impact, squeeze, and resist defense. Solid water can be frozen, shielded, cut, and sealed. From the introduction, if you learn Water Attribute well, you can unrivaled beneath the heavens …

The star martial skill of Water Attribute is mostly C-Rank B-Rank, not even A-Rank. There is only one water cutting knife. Use a high-pressure water gun to make a water knife. Within 30 meters, you can cut anything, including water and rock to restrain water.

This star martial skill Wang Lan is very fond of, the water-cutting knife not only has strong cutting power, but also terrifying impact, without much hesitation, Wang Lan snapped his fingers, “Senior Sister, I want Water-cutting knife star martial skill. “

” Junior Brother, give me your student card. “

At the moment Wang Lan spoke, several people around him stared at the star martial skill Liu Ha Lazi’s sister suddenly looked towards Wang Lan. This look made Wang Lan very useful.

“Junior Brother, are you freshman?” Senior Sister asked Wang Lan’s student card and asked suddenly, “Junior Brother. Star martial skills cannot be bought with money, they can only be purchased with credits.” You are in freshman year and credits are definitely not enough. “

” You check my credit … I think it is enough. “

” he he he … “Senior Sister chuckled softly, “It is only two months since the start of the school. The points you can accumulate in two months can only buy a c-level star martial skill at most. This is also the chance that you will not miss any points from the first day of school. Only possible. Even if I do n’t watch … ”

While speaking, Senior Sister has placed Wang Lan ’s student card on the magnetic induction table.

“Dididi —”

Senior Sister ’s voice froze, staring at the numbers on the card reader ’s display with unbelievable eyes and Wang Lan again.

“You points … Is it robbed?”

“Senior Sister? Can the points in the school still be robbed?”

“No ! …… But this is too much? Junior Brother, you listen to me, this water-cutting knife is only A-Rank star martial skill, I have S-Rank star martial skill here, giant food jelly, once the enemy is caught, No matter how many people will be swallowed up by giant food eaters. Do you not consider this star martial skill? “

” Don’t consider, thank you. “

” Then, look at this , S-Rank star martial skill mirror crystal? This is the ultimate version of Extreme Water Rampart, known as Absolute Defense’s Water Element star martial skill. A crystal wall in front of you, even if Demon God is in vain. Any attack will be crystal wall Offset or even rebound. “

” Is this evolved from Extreme Water Rampart? “

” Should it be … should I buy this? “Senior Sister asked with bright eyes Road.

“How much does it cost?”

“1%!” Senior Sister’s mouth quickly said something was missing. The voice blurted out, and Senior Sister’s cheeks showed a blush, “Junior Brother, you’re really cunning.”

“Forget it, I will look elsewhere.”

“Junior Brother, think again, Water Attribute is a versatile star martial skill, there is always a suitable for you … “

Wang Lan did not look back.

Although the mirror crystal is really strong, Wang Lan also needs this star martial skill, but since it evolved from Extreme Water Rampart, Wang Lan can get Extreme Water Rampart from Jiang Xinyu, and then add some points To mirror crystal. Moreover, Wang Lan never believed in Absolute Defense.

The so-called Absolute Defense is definitely that the attack power has not reached its endurance limit.

“Senior Sister Senior Sister, how many credits did that freshman have just now?” Several young girls who watched just now asked after Wang Lan left.

“One thousand and seven, one A-Rank star martial skill is only one hundred credits, he can buy nearly twenty A-Rank star martial skills.”

” Hiss — “

” You can earn so many credits as a freshman? “

” generally speaking is impossible. Many seniors, even in senior year, may not be able to save all the points Full five hundred credits. I really do n’t know how he got so many. “

” Did it cost you to buy it? “

” Impossible, credits belong only to individuals and cannot be traded. How is it possible to buy and sell. “

” Wow, I suddenly found out that the boy was so handsome … “A girl suddenly sighed while covering her cheek.

“Do you think he’s very handsome? You are greedy for credit!”

After walking through the Water Element star martial skill, you came to the Wood Element star martial skill range. Wood Element star martial skill was once considered by Wang Lan as the weakest attribute as Water Element star martial skill. But as Wang Lan grew up in this World, he gradually realized how big his cognitive deviation was.

Wood Element star martial artist is rare, but has forged too much mythical powerful existence.

Eastern Green Emperor does n’t talk about anyone else. In addition to the powerful Canglong tactic, his best is the Wood Element star martial skill. In particular, the signature magical skill of the sky, a moment to open up a piece of Heaven and Earth can resist the world-level attacks.

The special attribute of Wood Element star martial skill is the absorption of star force. But not everyone can understand the law of absorption of star force. This is similar to Earth Element. Earth Element that cannot understand the law of gravity is a beaten Silly Iron, but once it understands the law of gravity, formidable power will destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

The same is true for the Wood Element star martial skill, which cannot comprehend the absorption of star force, and the attack power has a virtual form. Before Duanmuyi had absorbed the absorbed star force, but it was a pity that he encountered Wang Lan. Objectively speaking, Duan Muyi is also a great great expert in Demon Capital Star Martial collage.

Wood Element galaxy martial skills are mostly limited quasi-martial skills. This is a kind of strong situation, strong, and specializing in late-stage attributes.

“Junior Brother, want a martial skill?” With a raspy voice, a middle-aged person with a sexy beard on his face came to Wang Lan.

“Junior Brother, Wood Element star martial artist is rarer than Shaoxing, why have n’t I seen you?”

“I am a freshman and Uncle has never seen normal.” Wang Lan’s eyes stared at the uppermost S-Rank Wood Element star martial skill eyes without any shift.

“Uncle?” The temperature dropped a lot in an instant, and Wang Lan’s alert came back to his senses in an instant.

“Laozi is only 22, you call me Uncle?”

“Ah? I ’m sorry, I did n’t mean it.”

The other party gently nudged her sexy Beard, “Do you think this is a beard? Wrong, this is my fetal hair. Why is Junior Brother so lacking in eyesight? Say, what do you want?”

“Senro Vientiane!”

“cough cough cough ——” The other party coughed hard for a while, “What are you talking about? Awesome? That’s an S-Rank star martial skill, okay? Don’t think about it without 500 credits Yes. It ’s a martial skill with a range of 300 meters. “

” Yes, I know, I will buy this. “Wang Lan arrived in the past student card.

“Are you entertaining me? You are a freshman … gangster!”

When Wang Lan ’s student card was placed at the induction, the other side was almost scared. 1600 credits, are you hacking into the school’s credit library or are you dying?

But this tucao can only be thought about, it is simply impossible for someone to hack into the credit library. After all, credits are not only replaced by system, but also manually operated. Even if you control the school’s system, you can’t score so many points in your card.

Senrow Vientiane is a bit like the coming of the tree and flower world in Naruto. However, the advent of the Huashujie is within a range of several kilometers or even tens of kilometers, but Senro Vientiane only has the range of several hundred meters.

It is also different in nature. The Vientiane is based on the caster and spreads out the vines. As the vines become thicker and larger, the surrounding 300 meters are swallowed. During this time Need to consume the caster’s huge star force.

And once this technique is formed, it will no longer consume star force, and the entire vine becomes the body of the surgeon. Any creature that enters will be sensed by the caster and attacked.

If it is a composer who has absorbed the rule of star force comprehended, he can also restore the star force through this star martial skill hunting. Also, any attack maintained by the star force can be absorbed.

Integrated offensive and defensive, with a wide range, this is the most balanced star martial skill in Wood Attribute.

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