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It ’s already dark after returning from the star martial skill collection, and this is still the result of Wang Lan ’s accelerated pace of shopping.

Finally, Wang Lan spent all the points cleanly before giving up.

Water Element, he bought a water-cutting knife, Wood Element bought Sylvan Vientiane, Earth Element bought S-Rank light replacement technique and Underworld Sect two S-Rank. Fire Thunder Attribute so he did not continue to buy, and finally bought a Wind Element S-Rank star martial skill wind network snare, also a range cutting star martial skill.

Four S-Rank star martial skills cost 1600 points. This is still because Wang Lan purchased four S-Rank star martial skills at a discount.

Going back to the dormitory, He Jing and Ming Guodong are playing games in the living room, “Wang Lan, are you back? I heard you signed up for Nine-Storey Pagoda?”

“en! Are you going? “

” Go to a ghost, we can’t be taken by the second princess without your such a good life, even for our freshman in Nebula, even if the head iron is gone, it is cannon fodder. Please be careful, although there is a second princess to take care of it, Nine-Storey Pagoda has senior seniors dying in it every year.

The senior seniors are on average the strength of Star River.

“He Jing, do n’t worry about Wang Lan. You forgot that he has Phoenix Form?”

“Yeah, I ’m so worried. There is Phoenix Form. You should be better than most senior seniors. But be careful, it’s dangerous inside. “

” Understood, please eat hot pot when I come back … “

Before finishing the speech, He Jing quickly covered Wang Lan’s mouth and even forgot to push the tower.

“Hold the grass, what flag are you okay?”

Wang Lan laughed, close the door to return to house. Put down the backpack and take out five metal boxes from the bag. In the past two months, Wang Lan has accumulated 60,000 skill points through the development of vaccines and has not been willing to use them.

Five star martial skill, just learn. As for learning essence, it was impossible before entering Nine-Storey Pagoda.

Three days passed by, and it was time for Nine-Storey Pagoda to open in the blink of an eye. Outside the mountainside of the Academy, eight classes in senior year form a neat team and enter Nine-Storey Pagoda in turn.

Jiang Xinyu took Wang Lan’s hand tightly, worried. Nine-Storey Pagoda’s dangerous, during this time she specially browsed the campus stickers.

Seniors put out a difficulty level for each university trial. The common difficulty is to close the suddenly different space. Most of this is a bit stupid to use Space Stone to open the heterogeneous space and he can’t figure it out, so the students of Academy help wipe the ass.

The general difficulty is to go to the scouting space for internship, and the difficulty is to go abroad to support a small country that is ravaged by heterogeneous space. Nine-Storey Pagoda is a trial that is higher in difficulty than in Hell.

Even in the Star River environment, it may accidentally die in it.

“Xinyu, you can rest assured, Wang Lan will give it to me, and ten days later I will return you a complete Wang Lan.” Yu Ruoyan patted Jiang Xinyu’s shoulder comfortably.

“Yes, that is. Jiang Xinyu junior sister, rest assured, Wang Lan will be fine with us.”

Jiang Xinyu looked at Yu Ruoyan and the senior Peak expert month blast, Only then did Wang Lan release his hand.

“I am waiting for you outside. Ten days later, you must come out.”

“Relax! Am I the kind of person who will mess up?”

As the team enters the Nine-Storey Pagoda, it turns out that, as rumored, one layer one World, one page one sea . After walking through the golden gate, there is an endless landscape of mountains and rivers.

The mountains in the distance are rolling, some are bare stone mountains, and there are dense green hills. At a glance, I can’t see the end.

“Let ’s first follow the big army to sweep the stronger beast groups on the 1st floor, and then we will enter the 4th floor layer by layer.”

The army went out, and the direction was invincible On the 4th floor, under the leadership of the Teacher, all the students went to fight in four directions in four directions. Wang Lan’s direction is the fourth road, north.

“Bai Ji-”


Wang Lan and the four came to a wild dog-like beast tribe, in Under the command of Yu Ruoyan, the four men cooperated tactically.

Bai Ji flashed star force all over her body, “hong long long ——”

The earth suddenly trembled violently, with the tremor of the earth, the ground underneath suddenly rose , And the mane hound tribe in front of him also began to be alert.

With a series of calls, countless mane hounds quickly gathered together and watched the surrounding environment with vigilance.

The ground beneath Wang Lan ’s feet quickly rose, and in Wang Lan ’s field of view, a wall of earth suddenly rose around the mane hound. It seems that the geological changes of the blue sea turned into mulberry fields were compressed and completed within a few minutes. A few kilometers of landforms have been changed, and all that is caused is a star martial skill played by a girl with a baby face.

“Meteor Fire and Rain!”

Yu Ruoyan ’s fingers suddenly sky, and the star force of fiery-red overflows from the whole body, turning into a huge red array. Yu Ruoyan threw the array high, and the array shone on the head of the mane hound like an ornament inlaid in the sky.

Suddenly, hundreds of fiery-red pops out of the array and fiercely hit the mane hound ’s station with great force.

hong long long ——

A dense bang, hundreds of mane hounds were killed by this dense meteor. In addition, countless mane hounds were injured by the aftershocks of the shock.

“Ooooo—” A cry of exclamation sounded, and the hundreds of surviving mane hounds quickly gathered together and slammed into a gap reserved for Bai Ji.

The gap is narrow and long, with a distance of several hundred meters. At the gap, Wang Lan and Yuefeng have arrived in place.

Wang Lan squatted slightly, his hands pressed against the ground, “Gushing Earth Flame Sea!”

With a bang, Wang Lan suddenly burst into flames in front of him, and the flames rolled like waves Generally like the opposite mane hound sank away. The mane hound, who was madly charging, even if he knew that there was a sea of ​​fire in front of him, he could no longer stop and ran into the sea of ​​fire.

The waves are steaming and Wang Lan narrows his eyes slightly.

Suddenly, several silhouettes flashed in the sea of ​​fire, and a mane hound with a flame burning all over the body rushed out of the fire wall and rushed to Wang Lan.

They were basking in the sun at the station. Although there was no sun above their heads, they were still laid back. Suddenly being attacked, a belly fire was accumulated.

On the way to escape, he was ambushed by Wang Lan ’s Gushing Earth Flame Sea. After he was hit hard, his anger was even higher. Seeing the culprit in front, the eyes of the mane hound instantly turned into a scarlet.

“Kill you-”

Open the mouth, one after another Moon white’s wind blade sweeps towards Wang Lan like a wild wolf.

“Yellow Springs Gate —”

Suddenly, a strange door was erected among the narrow and long corridors. The door is made of huge stones, with a ghostly pattern carved on it.

Earth Element is known as the strongest defense of Yellow Springs. In this position, it successfully became a valve to tighten the pocket.

Windblade had a strong erosive force on Earth Element’s defense, but it was helpless to the gate of Yellow Springs. The moment the wind blade was resisted, accompanied by a burst of fierce impact sound.

The mane hounds fierce and unafraid of death hit the door of Yellow Springs, and until the ruptured brain pulp could not shake the door of Yellow Springs. The pace of the charge can only be stopped, but the attack of Yuefeng has already been launched.

In an instant, the shape of the moon blast disappeared, turning into the afterimage of countless months of wind in front of Wang Lan’s eyes. The afterimage appeared instantly, but disappeared instantly. And when the afterimage disappeared, Moon Blast had crossed the mane hounds and appeared opposite.

“Yue Luoxue”-Yue Fengfeng gently inserted the knife in his hand back into the scabbard, and the light voice spit out like a light smoke.

“Bah —”

All the mane hounds spewed out the green blood all at once, and almost immediately, the dog ’s head fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Wang Lan couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

Yu Ruoyan ’s meteor fire rain is powerful, but it does not make Wang Lan feel cold. But the blow of the moon blast was over, and hundreds of mane hounds fell to the ground within a second.

It is worthy of being the first speed god of senior year, which refreshes Wang Lan’s cognition of speed limit.

A tribe with nearly a thousand mane hounds was wiped out by Wang Lan with no difficulty. Such cooperation, such battle strength, in the eyes of the Teacher who swept the array in the distance also had to be evaluated with perfection.

The 1st floor looks endless, but under the sweep of the four roads and horses, less than half a day, almost all powerful beast tribes have been swept clean.

Nine-Storey Pagoda, each floor has four entrances to the upper level. This is also the intention of the soldiers to divide the four roads. The fourth road where Wang Lan is located seems to be the strongest, so they first entered the 2nd floor.

The monster on the 2nd floor is obviously one grade better than the 1st floor, and there are more types and more powerful individuals. And from time to time, you will encounter mutant beasts that seem harmless, but whose strength is very perverted.

But for the 2nd floor where most of the strength is only at Star Radiance Realm Peak and very few Star River environments will appear, the feeling of being a little stronger is not very strong.

After taking a short break, waiting for the other three roads to arrive, four roads began to sweep north.

The perception star martial artist gives the sweeping army the direction of the attack, which is much more efficient than the search for the beast tribe covering the mountains and plains.

As the fighting rhythm is getting faster and faster, the break-in of the Wang Lan four-player team has also reached a tacit understanding level. If Yu Ruoyan was required to conduct the previous cooperation, then now only a few words or a signal is needed to complete the perfect cooperation.

In addition to supporting his own team, Wang Lan also provides medical support to allies who are sweeping together.

The situation with medical star martial artist around is unimaginable to those without medical star martial artist. Injured? Danger? These hardly need to be considered. Especially when Wang Lan’s medical strength is so outspoken, the senior seniors around Wang Lan think they have opened undead special effects.

Wang Lan ’s treatment cost is a bit high, and at least two Soul beads make the bottom.

But in this Nine-Storey Pagoda, where strange animals are everywhere, Soul bead is a fart?

Unconsciously, two days later, Wang Lan and the others also successfully hit the 3rd floor. Looking at the goods received, Wang Lan still received the most goods among the four of the team.

In addition to the squad killing receipts, Wang Lan also transferred thousands of Soul beads through treatment. These Soul beads are Soul beads that can fit in Wang Lan’s pockets.

“I heard that a guy on the third road got a Star Palace Divine Item on the 2nd floor?” Bai Ji said with a bit of taste after just slaughtering a beast tribe.

“Well, he ’s good luck … he was seriously injured by a foreign animal as soon as he came in. After that, he suffered bad luck, either by being attacked by a foreign animal ’s sneak attack or by a stray bullet. To say that he was unlucky Well, being blown away by a star martial skill can happen to fall into a weathered cave, and you can find a baby in the cave.

His luck was exchanged for several deaths and still alive Ordinary people do n’t envy. It ’s his luck to change it, but it ’s not so good luck. You can turn peril into safety every time. ”Yue Lian laughed.

“But still envious! I really want the Star Palace Divine Item …” Bai Ji looks up to sky and heave a deep sigh.

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