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“In fact, the one to three floors of the treasure have almost been searched clean. This time Han Yu Senior was really lucky to get the Star Palace Divine Item. But White Senior Sister does n’t need to be envious, and is going to go soon The 4th floor is out, the development level of the 4th floor is not high, maybe we will get a treasure? “

” No, no … I just talk about it casually. “Bai Ji quickly shook his head at Jiang Xinyu. .


After a short break, the teacher who led the team suddenly shouted in the distance. Wang Lan and the others quickly stood up and ran towards the big army.

“Students, you are about to enter the 4th floor. The monsters on the 4th floor are completely different from the 3rd floor, that is, the ordinary monsters are all in the late Middle-Stage of Nebula and even Peak.

And among them, the mutated monsters are even more amazing. I remind you again, must be careful and be careful.

When we reach the 4th floor, we ca n’t concentrate on hunting together The monsters on the 4th floor have a tendency to congregate. When we gather together, the monsters will also greet us, causing our team of less than 200 people to face the impact of thousands of monsters.

So, after reaching the 4th floor, we hunted in teams. But must note that even in teams, the distance between each other should not be too far apart.

Let ’s break away from the big army , We are too late even if we want to support. It is best to form a squadron of three or five squadrons to hunt a strange animal tribe … “

Teacher talks about the dangers of 4th floor strange animals, but looking at these seniors Senior’s expression, Teacher can listen to one third.

Is n’t that just the trial space? How dangerous can it be? Even if it is dangerous, can it be more dangerous than the beast tide siege we saw when we went abroad for assistance?

Enter the 4th floor in sequence, and through the Space Gate, that hazy sense of trance strikes again.

“Wang Lan, Blast, Baiji, keep up!” Yu Ruoyan took the lead and figure like the wind flew away like the northern area.

While watching Yu Ruoyan flying, Wang Lan also jumped gently, his body floating like a balloon. Soon he flew side by side with Yu Ruoyan. Watching Wang Lan also float to the sky, Yue Fengfeng and Bai Ji were stunned.

Among the information they obtained, it seems that Wang Lan only has Lei Fire Attribute, right? Neither of these attributes has the ability to fly.

“Earth Element S-Rank star martial skill, light and heavy replacement surgery?” Yu Ruoyan looked at Wang Lan with surprise, “Do you have Earth Attribute?”

“I am a full attribute star martial artist. “Wang Lan declared again. Wang Lan has said this to people around him more than once, but he doesn’t know what’s going on. The more familiar people are, the less they believe Wang Lan’s words.

Xu Xiangwen said after hearing that, Little Lan, wash and sleep, everything in his dreams.

He Jingming Guodong listened to Wang Lan saying that Wang Lan could n’t think that your obsession with the whole attribute was so big that even you were deceived. Go see a psychologist when you have time, don’t be so stressed.

Huh? Is full attribute so hard?

Yu Ruoyan pondered for a while on the side, “Your attribute detection is only fire, and later when there is a thunder, I guess you may have cultivated the second attribute.

But now , I found that I still underestimated you, I did n’t think you even cultivated the Earth Attribute. It even became an S-Rank star martial skill. Wang Lan, you are the most terrifying genius I have ever seen. ”

“I …”

Sure enough, it is another unbeliever.

“I think Wang Lan is right.” The following Bai Ji stepped on the mud-rolling waves said with a smile. “In a strict sense, everyone is an attribute. Just go to the Star River. , You can cultivate the second attribute, and then derive the seven Great Attributes based on the relationship of the attributes.

We heard that all the attribute star martial artists are like this. Congenital attribute … I have n’t heard of it yet. Maybe it is. ”

“ Wang Lan, you honestly, how many attributes do you have now? ”Yu Ruoyan asked suddenly, she had a hunch in the underworld, Wang Lan likes to hide the cards. This Earth Element attribute may have been mastered before he went to university, and he was not exposed even at Provincial grade martial gathering.

“I count, fire, thunder, water, wood, earth, wind. At present, these six kinds!”

“My day, what are you doing with the Seven Great Attributes?” That ’s six? You have practiced everything except Gold Element? Wang Lan, do you have any opinion on my Gold Element? “

” Moon Senior is a Gold Element? I really do n’t see it.

“Metal Attribute is just one of my attributes. My Innate Ability is Thunder, with its own Thunder Attribute.”

“We are here!” Yu Ruoyan said suddenly.

The distant ground is reddish-brown’s weird rocky ground. The scorching heat distorts the space, making the world in front of you look more like a different-dimensional space.

The rock layers of reddish-brown are not connected as a whole, but are more like splicing out of irregular patterns. Among the stitching gaps, the fascinating red light flows in the gaps.

Wang Lan followed Yu Ruoyan to fall and watched the three people with dignified expressions. Wang Lan also cheered up.

“What kind of animal is this?”

“Golden wings fire scorpion, with four attributes of gold, fire, wind, and inflammation. Extreme Hot light can be ejected from the mouth, instantaneously It spans a distance of more than 500 meters, and the high temperature of up to 8,000 degrees can instantly kill a Nebula Peak Powerhouse.

Their shell is Metal Attribute and the strength is comparable to alloy steel. If you ca n’t kill it with one stroke, Their shell can recover quickly, and each time the shell is stiffer.

Back wings, flying height up to 30 meters, their flight speed is not fast, but the movement speed is extremely fast, and regardless of Whether they are flat or steep walls, they can walk on the ground.

Golden wings fire scorpion and excavated Innate Ability, neither stone nor earth can resist their excavation. “

Yu Ruoyan just explained the strength of this golden wings fire scorpion like an encyclopedia, and after listening to all this, Wang Lan suddenly had the urge to turn the table and turn away.

“This is still a fart? Change another target!”

“There is no simple beast on the 4th floor. The reason why I chose the golden wings fire scorpion is because of this The heterogeneity of the beast is not high, and the IQ is low. I have already thought about the tactics.

After a while, I angered them with a long-range attack and attracted dozens of them. Bai Ji used Earth Element to leave The strange beast stopped, and me and the wind blow to kill the incoming beast.

This time ten days of experience, we should no longer need to change the target, the number of golden wings fire scorpion is also slow enough for us Slowly brushing. “

” Since the student Yu has already planned, I have no opinion. “

” I listen to Ruoyun. “

Wang Lan had no choice but to spread his hand, “I don’t dare to guarantee it, just make sure that you rest assured that the medical matters will be given to me.”

hong long long ——

In the distance, the fierce fighting sounds one after another, and the other teams have already started fighting against the beast. In the past three days, the Wang Lan team received an average of 1,000 Soul bead, which is far from the basic goal of the four.

Besides, it ’s all junior Soul bead that does n’t work at all. Whether it ’s Yu Ruoyan or Moon Blast, their goal is intermediate Soul bead. One can be dozens lower.

The tactics are completed, and Yu Ruoyan flies up to the station of the Golden Wings Scorpion. star force surging, a blue rays of light surging around Yu Ruoyan.

But the star force fluctuation just started, the golden wings fire scorpion that was originally lying on the ground suddenly each and everyone woke up, and in an instant, hundreds of golden wings fire scorpions raised their heads.

“Not good!” exclaimed Yuefengfeng complexion greatly changed.

At the moment his words fell to the ground, hundreds of light-like flames rushed into the sky and shot like Yu Ruoyan. Yu Ruoyan complexion greatly changed, hastily changed the star martial skill, a waterfall came out.

“chi chi chi ——”

Dozens of flame rays hit the water bi waterfall that Yu Ruoyan took out, and dense white smoke rose out. Yu Ruoyan obviously underestimated the light penetration of the golden wings fire scorpion, battered and exhausted by this round of cover blow.

The Great Falls defense was disintegrated in an instant, and Yu Ruoyan quickly evacuated and evacuated, dozens of golden wings fire scorpions chasing after.

“Quick, support!” Yue Fengfeng hurried shouted, the three of them went to support Yu Ruoyan.

“The earth is surging–” Bai Ji quickly patted the ground, and the earth suddenly surged like a wave. The steps of the golden wings chasing the fire scorpion stopped, but the flames in his mouth still attacked Yu Ruoyan intensively.


Yu Ruoyan frowned, face instantly changes pale. The shoulder was hit by the golden wings fire scorpion’s light attack, leaving a penetrating wound.

“Bai Ji, act according to plan.”

hong long long ——

Suddenly, the ground rises, sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces rise After changing the terrain, less than a hundred golden wings fire scorpions were isolated and continued to charge them. In a blink of an eye, they came to Wang Lan and three people.

“Breaking water wave–” Wang Lan snorted, and a water jet spouted out of his mouth towards the front fire scorpion. And the fire scorpion just opened the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl to spray flame light, which was directly exploded by Wang Lan’s water jet.

Boom —

The gushing water rushed into the scorpion ’s within the body, as if exploded by an expanding balloon.

“Kill–” Moon Blast fluttered and instantly killed Golden Wing Scorpion. The afterimage instantly covered Wang Lan’s field of vision, and was instantly disappeared.

But the results of this time are not as great as previously shown.

With the blast of the moon and the snow falling, there are only five golden wings fire scorpions all split up and in pieces. The rest of the golden wings fire scorpion suffered heavy damage, but the carapace recovered quickly, just like the medical star martial skill Wang Wang displayed.

Yu Ruoyan in the sky fell and shivered over his shoulder. Wang Lan dived to Yu Ruoyan’s side, white light flashed around him, and a Hymn of Life chain was attached to Yu Ruoyan.

“Whee–” a group of red star forces suddenly ejected from Yu Ruoyan’s wound, and Yu Ruoyan’s naked eye on his shoulder recovered. In less than ten seconds, Yu Ruoyan’s wound was restored.

At this moment, the situation of Yuefengfeng was not so good, and was chased and blocked by dozens of golden wings. Although the speed of the moon blast is fast as lightning, there will be a short pause in the moment of the attack.

Golden wings Fire Scorpion will seize this moment to launch an attack on Moon Blast. Don’t say if they accidentally hurt the same kind. For golden wings fire scorpion simply does not have this concept.

Yue Fengfeng evaded the attack in a panic, but dozens of golden wings fire scorpions died in the hands of their companions.

“Blast, spread–” Yu Ruoyan screamed, star force surging all around, two arrays emerged in the palm of Yu Ruoyan, and in an instant, the two arrays were compatible. Feng Shui converges, and the frosts in the sky are like the golden wings of fire.

“Takaka —”

In a blink of an eye, the hot earth turned into Bing Xue. Due to the low temperature, the speed of the golden wings fire scorpion suddenly decreased.

“Good opportunity-”

The wind of the moon opened instantly, the sword in his hand turned into moonlight, “Quick Wind Sword dance!”

The shape is like The ghost flashes generally, passing through a group of golden wings in a blink of an eye. The golden wings fire scorpion, whose movement was restricted by Yu Ruoyan, suddenly seemed to be fixed without a point.

When the blast of the month returned to Wang Lan, nearly one hundred golden wings fire scorpions were simultaneously killed from being divided into two in the middle.

“Assisting skipping grades to kill, rewarding three thousand experience points and two hundred skill points.”

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