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“This is impossible!” Yu Ruoyan quietly came to Bai Ji and took a pick head to look up and down. “There is no antidote, let alone Star Sea, even if it is a titled powerhouse, even half a step.” The expert who enters the Soul of the Stars can never come here safely.

When you are in this valley of death, is the life exclusion zone unrecognizable?

This person can come here, I must have gotten the medicine … Huh? “

Suddenly Yu Ruoyan was surprised,” The production date on this pickaxe turned out to be … Last December? “

” Last year December? At that time, the Nine-Storey Pagoda was closed? Was it just opened this year … Is this pick pick appearing here only recently? “

” If the production date above is not garbled …… It’s been less than five days since this pickaxe appeared here. After all, we could have been on the first three floors for the first three days. “

” But, why would anyone bring a pickaxe to the Valley of Death? “Bai Ji Asked some confused.

“Just now Wang Lan and I discovered a space box in the jungle fifteen years ago. There was a pile of Space Stone in the space box. This proves that there is a Space Stone mine on the 4th floor.”

“If he is here to mine, it is presumed that either he was thrown into the Valley of Death and killed, or that the Valley of Death is his must pass. But even if he is thrown in to kill him Can’t go to this position.

And the number of people who secretly come to mine will not be large. If they detour from other places, they will face the danger of encountering powerful monsters. If they have an antidote, pass Death Valley It should be the safest way.

The Space Stone mine is either inside Death Valley, or Death Valley is the only way. ”

“ It ’s unlikely to be the only way. Death Valley ’s scope is not large, and it ’s possible to bypass Death Valley with our footsteps for a day. Spending one more day will not have to go to the risk of Death Valley. ”

“ Then, what will pick the pick Throw it here? “

” Either he accidentally dropped the pick head here, or he had an accident. “

As we exchanged speculations with each other, a reasonable causal logic was deduced.

“Are you going to tell the school?”

“I do n’t believe that only one person is here to mine, and they are coming with the team this time and may be digging with a pickaxe. Let ’s go, let ’s find them first, when the time comes when there is evidence and evidence, there is no way to deny it.

Damn bastard, it ’s no wonder that the demons have been opened in different degrees all these years. It has been strange how there are so many Space Stones. The original problem is here. “

” Dare to move the soil on top of Xingwu Academy’s head, the people behind are not so courageous. “Yue Fengfeng smiled and counseled A shoulder.

Four people began to explore Death Valley. Because ghost eyes hid underground and escaped, Wang Lan first used Hymn of Life to expel the Xingwu toxin contained in the three within the body. After all, both the antidote and the ghost eye toxin are highly toxic, and only if they are compatible can they cancel each other out.

Wang Lan is also considering where the people who come to mine get the antidote to Xingwu toxin? Even the oldest space box was something fifteen years ago. In other words, the antidote has been in existence for more than fifteen years, and Space Stone has been mined for more than fifteen years?

Death Valley was banned more than 20 years ago, but someone is secretly mining? Did someone carry the school secretly, or did the school arrange with those people?

“Ruoyun, gusts of wind, felt the knocking vibration of the underground space.” Bai Ji put his finger on the ground and said suddenly.

“Where? Right in front, three kilometers.”

“Go, guard the formation.”

The distance of three kilometers is not a distance for four people at all. Within ten minutes, the four people approached the place where Bai Ji said. .

On the surface, there is no problem at all. At the end of the whole basin, eroded potholes are everywhere on the sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces. It’s like a crater on the moon’s surface, densely packed and uneven.

“The percussion sound is just below us.” Bai Ji said solemnly, “The number of people should not be too small, only less than ten.”

“This is also the same We guessed it almost, impossible large-scale mining, so there are only ten people. “

” Look at that! “Yue Fengfeng pointed at the cliff halfway up the mountain, one hidden among many potholes. The deep hole is so incompatible with other pits.


The four people flashed in an instant and came to the edge of the pothole in a blink of an eye. Wang Lan caressed the traces on the edge of the pothole, which were manually chiseled, and should have gone down from here.

It ’s dark in the potholes, you ca n’t say that you ca n’t see your fingers, but in the world of star martial artist, eyes are not the only way to rely on action. Sound, air flow, air pressure, and even odor can be used as tools to distinguish spaces.

In particular, Wang Lan ’s thermal sensory eyes can see things in the dark. The hole is very small, but it is very spacious inside. The two-meter cave winding down was dug with a pick.

Wang Lan felt the uneasiness in the bottom of his heart while touching the trace on the mountain wall.

Yu Ruoyan walked ahead in the lead, Yue Fengfeng walked behind, Wang Lan and Bai Ji, two objects in need of protection, were in the middle. It seems that Yu Ruoyan wants to catch the guy who secretly digs the Space Stone. Although it seems neither too fast nor too slow, it actually walks very fast.

“Ruoyun, slow down, I always feel something is wrong.” Wang Lan said softly.

“What ’s wrong?”

“I did n’t think about it for a while, this channel is a bit strange, we went down at least 300 metres, it seems reasonable already underground, but why The entrance to the cave should be on the cliff wall? “

” Is n’t it hidden? “Moon blast behind him asked,” The surroundings are all like this kind of corrupt cave, one of which is the entrance to the mine. top secret. “

” Are you sure? “Wang Lan looked back at Yuefengfeng and asked,” Why did you find the cave at a glance?

Also, this cave is indeed It was manually excavated. But … not at all traces of ore on the rock wall. In normal mine caves, traces of ore are everywhere on the rock wall, even if it is not worth mining because of the scarcity, it certainly exists. But this mine The rock wall in the cave is no different from the outside. Are you sure there is Space Stone? “

” Although you are right, but since you found this artificially excavated cave, you have to find out who is excavating for what purpose? ? “Yu Ruoyan said afterwards.

“Who!” Suddenly, a light shout was emitted from the mine. Yu Ruoyan heard the sound and rushed forward in an instant.

And the other party seems to feel the movement in front of him, and suddenly the whole body ignites the bright star force fluctuations, and the body flashed runs towards the depths of the cave.

“Chasing!” The moment when Yu Ruoyan’s words fell to the ground, people had become streamer disappeared. Even if Wang Lan wanted to stop it, it was too late. Clenching his teeth, he had no choice but to follow, star force surging around him, the door of Star Palace opened. In an instant, Sacred Phoenix Clothes rushed out of Star Palace and put it on.

Wang Lan suspects that there are traps in it, and holy cloth is the last guarantee under the rush. If the holy cloth can’t stop the attack, even the dodge can’t dodge.

Do n’t worry about whether it will be exposed. The speed of the four people ’s pursuit is fast as lightning. The top 300 meters walked for nearly half an hour, but now, 300 meters is just in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, he followed the previous person to a cave, and a pyramid of Space Stone was stacked in the cave. At this moment, a circle of instruments around the pyramid flashed an arc, but there was no crackling of the arc.

Yu Ruoyan star force launched, counted around the wind blade and outflanked the star martial artist who was running away in front of him.

Body flashes, and Yu Ruoyan falls beside the pyramid.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?”

After seeing the pyramid, he has confirmed that it is indeed not a mine, and there are no Space Stone mines. Maybe, the space box 15 years ago was not dug into the Space Stone in the treasure tower of Jiucheng, but was the Space Stone shipped into the Nine-Storey Pagoda?

Thinking of this, Yu Ruoyan narrowed his eyes slightly, “Who are you? What are you doing here? Why are you shipping so many Space Stones here?”

“Princess Jade, We I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. “Suddenly, a black clothed person body flashed appeared on top of the pyramid.

“Wait for me?”

“Good, wait for you! My host invited Princess Jade to go to a different space!”

The other party ’s words fell to the ground , Wang Lan’s face changed suddenly. The figure retreated instantly.


Straight hit an invisible Formation, Wang Lan complexion greatly changed. This is really a bump into the head, the other party has already prepared inescapable net waiting.

“Boom —”

The pyramid in front of me suddenly burst into dazzling rays of light. With the rays of light, horrible energy swept through, and I stood before the pyramid The person at the top was instantly engulfed by the rays of light and dissipated.

“Broken Space Stone ——” Wang Lan shouted hoarsely in a hurry.

In an instant, the star force is surging all around, and the four star martial skills connected in series converge at the inside of Wang Lan ’s within the body. All star forces are injected into this earth shattering attack without reservation.

Yu Ruoyan around him is also reflected in Wang Lan ’s reminder. The fusion of the five attributes turns out to be a composite star martial skill similar to Wang Lan.

“Purple Flame Thunder Gun-”

“Chaotic Dragon Elephant-”

“Blasting Electric Wind-”

“Boom —”

Three attacks destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth instantly hit the Space Stone in front of them, and the pyramids piled up by the Space Stone shattered instantly, terrifying energy overflowed. The aftermath of the imaginary explosion did not happen.

The wanton energy is absorbed by a distinguished space projection appearing above the head, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Space Stone collapsed and collapsed like a pile of burnt firewood, and the space above his head was severely twisted. But also because the three of Wang Lan suddenly joined forces to launch a terrifying attack, the surrounding Formation has been disappeared.

Wang Lan grabbed Yu Ruoyan ’s hand, “Go, leave here!”

Yu Ruoyan ’s strength came from his hand.

“This is no longer what we can …” Wang Lan’s words froze abruptly.

It ’s not right, now it ’s not just Yu Ruoyan resisting, but his body is also being pulled back by an invisible strength. Wang Lan turned back violently. The top of his head was originally a distinguished space projection, but now it has turned into a crack.

While he is pulling Yu Ruoyan, Yuefeng pulls Bai Ji, and is barely resisting the suction of the sky crack.

“Ruoyun, you have a good academic record, can you explain … why can the heterosexual space be opened in the heterosexual space?”

“The heterosexuality is opened in the heterosexual space Space will only merge two spaces. Unless … Both spaces are fixed two spaces. Nine-Storey Pagoda is special, and what happened here cannot be explained by common sense. “

“Don’t analyze it, try to find a way … I can’t stand it anymore.” Yue Fengfeng grabbed the rock with one hand and shouted hard.

“You’re just fast, I can’t stand it anymore …” Bai Ji’s words didn’t finish, suddenly his body flew away, and was swallowed directly by Space Crack with the moon blast.

While Space Crack engulfed Moon Blast and Bai Ji, Wang Lan could n’t help but let go, as if sucked into a crack by a vacuum cleaner, and was instantly disappeared.

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