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“Om —”

Suddenly, the entire mountainside rockery shivered violently. The students guarding Nine-Storey Pagoda quickly opened the closed door looked towards Nine-Storey Pagoda.

When I saw the plaque on the Nine-Storey Pagoda 7th floor, the student union ’s face suddenly changed.

“Fake it?”

“How is it possible?”

“whiz whiz whiz ——”

Suddenly, counted The silhouette appeared on the mountainside, and several tactical teachers noticed the movement and hurriedly came.

“What happened? Why did Nine-Storey Pagoda suddenly tremble.”

“Teacher, something went wrong, as if someone got through to the 7th floor.”

“7th floor? impossible, even the strength of the Academy cannot reach the 7th floor.”

“But!” The student union pointed to the flashing plaque on the 7th floor of the Nine-Storey Pagoda, “7th The floor is lit up. “

” Damn it! Why is the 5th floor Sixth Layer not lit up? Could someone skip 5-Layer 6-Layer and enter the 7th floor? “

” Hurry, notify the dean. “

In an instant, the entire Academy was clamoring. What is the concept of 7th floor? Most of the beasts in the 4th floor are in the middle and late stages of Nebula realm, a large number of beasts in the Star River realm and even the Star Sea realm.

Based on this, most of the monsters in the 5th floor should be in the Early-Stage Middle-Stage in the Star River realm, and there are many Star Sea realms that may even exist beyond the Star Sea realm.

Getting through the 5th floor, Nine-Storey Pagoda may not be available to Xingwu Academy. Because once the 5th floor is cleared, many 5th floor monsters will be reduced to the following 4-Layer. Even if the students of Demon Capital Star Martial collage are geniuses, they are not suitable for trial in Nine-Storey Pagoda.

That’s why Nine-Storey Pagoda stopped at the 4th floor.

When arriving at Sixth Layer, almost all of the monsters are in the late Star River realm or above Peak, and one third of the monsters is above the Star Sea realm. What is this concept?

The space on the first floor is huge, and there are few million beasts in it, and hundreds of thousands of them are above the Star Sea level. It was entered by a team composed of Peak Sea Star Peak, which was also nine deaths and still alive.

And the 7th floor … All the monsters are above the Star Sea level, and there are a large number of powerful monsters that even the titled powerhouse cannot match. Even if 5 Emperors enter, the probability is that it is never but returned.

Because of this, let ’s not say if we want to get through the 7th floor, even if we think about it, we ca n’t beat it with the current strength of the entire Jade Country. If you really have this idea, then you must do a good job of awakening all the star martial artist strength of the entire Jade Country before you can try it.

It ’s not because the head is caught in the door, how could it try to get through the 7th floor.

Now, the plaque on the 7th floor is on. This shows that someone has entered the 7th floor.

It must be an error? Sure?

The fifth Sixth Layer is not bright. How can the 7th floor be bright? How could someone hit the 7th floor? Fake, absolutely fake.

“What happened?” Elder Di also came to mountainside accompanied by the vice president of Nangong.

“President, the 7th floor is on.” A tactical Teacher came to Elder Di. “However, the 5th floor and Sixth Layer are not on.”

“impossible!” Nangong Meng said flatly, “It should be a display error. To enter the 70th percentile, you must first enter the fifth Sixth Layer. Besides, who can enter the 7th floor? Impossible.”

Elder Di complexion is gloomy Ink, thinking for a while, “In the notice, the Nine-Storey Pagoda trial ended early, let them all come out and see who is missing.”

“Elder Di, you believe that someone entered the 7th floor

“In case? Nine-Storey Pagoda unpredictable and mysterious, who knows if there will be any hidden space channel in it? End the trial and let everyone out.”

Silent canyon, ethereal birdsong sounded.

Wang Lan was suddenly alert and suddenly opened his eyes. Sitting up, he found Yu Ruoyan’s hand tightly held in his hand. Pulled by Wang Lan, Yu Ruoyan also moaned and woke up, eyes opened, which was a scene of lush and green.

This is a basin, but it is definitely not a basin like Death Valley. The basin is several times larger, and there are rolling hills and dense woods around it.

“Where are we … Where? Go out? Or are you in a different space? Or still in the Nine-Storey Pagoda?”

“Although I do n’t know that we are here Which, but certainly did not go out. “Wang Lan stared at the distance sharply, suddenly, a huge horror spider like a small car came out of the jungle, step by step toward Wang Lan.

“Hands on! Fire Dragon Flames!” Yu Ruoyan instantly shot, star force surging, a Fire Dragon blasted from the red array, roaring towards the spider in front.

Suddenly, the spider spit out a bite of white material and turned into a large net in the air to meet the Fire Dragon flame.

In the moment of contact between the two, the Fire Dragon was divided by the spider silk and drifted from the air. Looking at this scene, Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan complexion greatly changed. Yu Ruoyan’s Fire Dragon is also an A-Rank Attack Type star martial skill. The spider can accept it if they avoid it, but the spider can divide it with no difficulty, which is beyond their expectations.

But the two did not hesitate, Wang Lan instantly performed Illusion Phantom steps and suddenly appeared on the side of the spider.

“Water-cutting knife!”

Gold-level water-cutting knife, can spray a water knife with only a small finger from the mouth, even if the cutting force is 20 centimeters, the steel plate can be cut instantly Break.

The waterjet speed exceeds the speed of sound, hitting the spider instantly.

However, on the side of the spider, there seems to be a transparent magnetic field. When the waterjet hit, the twisted shock magnetic field appeared, and the waterjet was instantly shattered into water mist, which could no longer cause damage.

“Not good, the strength of this monster is beyond imagination.” Wang Lan complexion greatly changed shouted.

Suddenly the spider jumped over and instantly crossed the distance of 100 meters to push Yu Ruoyan’s head.

“Ebony fell-”

Yu Ruoyan opened his palm violently, and a straight wooden gun burst out of his palm fiercely hitting the abdomen of the spider. The spider was pushed backwards and flew away. But in an instant, the spider spouted a bite of silk award chopped ebony, and then turned into a cobweb to envelope Yu Ruoyan.

“Blazing blade!”

Wang Lan’s figure flickered beside Yu Ruoyan, his palms danced, and the number ten came to the purple Blazing blade to fly out of his palms and chop towards the spider silk. In a burst of blade light, the spider silk shattered and was melted by flames in the air.


Wang Lan quickly exhibited the S-Rank Wind Attribute star martial skill against spiders. The spider had just landed at the moment, and was swallowed by the wind net before it stood up. It is the wind blade with the strongest cutting power that is compiled into the wind net. As long as it is engulfed by the wind net, even the well-known armor will be cut into pieces.

But the wind web is just the pusher spider backwards, and the sharp wind blade ca n’t hurt the spider.

Looking at the mediocre spider, how could it be so strong? Is it that you accidentally encountered a leader beast?

“Yellow Springs quagmire —”

Suddenly shouted sounded, and the spider ’s feet instantly turned into muddy mud, which turned into countless tentacles and engulfed the spider. Bring it to the quagmire.

Behind the spider, Bai Ji and Yuefeng also arrived at Huihe.

“Ruoyun, frozen slough!” Wang Lan quickly shouted.

“Ice Freeze!” Yu Ruoyan did not hesitate, the wind Attributes merged in an instant, and a freezing light rushed towards the spider. In an instant, the mud was frozen into a hard ground, and half of the spider ’s body was frozen Enclosed in the mud.

“Blast, make up the knife-”

“Come —”

Boom —

Suddenly, around the spider The frozen ground was broken, a huge bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl swallowed the spider in one bite, and a huge black snake with a scary horn on its head appeared in front of the four people.

The shock of that scene made all four people ’s expressions dumbstruck.

Such a huge beast, do n’t say Wang Lan has n’t seen it, even Yu Ruoyan and Yue Fengfeng have n’t seen it before. A single head is as big as a dirt truck, and the two eyes are like lanterns.

Big means powerful.

Especially in the World of the Beast, big means horror.

Being stared at by such a huge black snake, Wang Lan only felt cold throughout his body.

Yue Jifeng kept Bai Ji slowly approaching Wang Lan, but they were forgotten to move by the black snake with a staring look.

The black snake did not immediately attack, staring at the four Wang Lan with ruthless eyes.

“Wang Lan, guess what this black snake is waiting for? Are we waiting to turn around and escape to reveal a weak spot?” Yu Ruoyan’s voice shuddered, holding a bite of star force.

As long as the black snake has a little action, she immediately activates the star martial skill to fight back. But … does your star martial skill harm the black snake? Can you protect Wang Lan from the successful evacuation? Also, what exactly is this place? Why is it so terrifying to have a strange beast?

“I guess … he might be thinking about whether to eat us. Eat, we are too small to stop our teeth, and do n’t eat. It is rare to have a chance to eat meat. “

” … ”


Suddenly, the sky resounded with the sound of eagles. In an instant, the sky dimmed.

Wang Lan quickly looked up, and suddenly his face was scared pale.

A giant flying bird appeared in the sky, no, it covered the whole sky. If you previously described a giant beast as big as a mountain, then the giant beast is really huge.

But seeing this huge golden eagle above his head, Wang Lan felt that the previous adjectives were too scarce. mountain peak? That’s an insult to it. The eagle’s beak can be described as a mountain.

At the moment when the giant bird appeared, the black snake in front suddenly plunged into the soil, and the earth trembles violently. Wang Lan and the others only felt that the earth seemed to flip over.


Wang Lan snarled and instantly activated the star martial skill to escape. The three also followed in an instant, turned into streamers, and rushed out of the distance of several hundred meters in the blink of an eye.

boom ~ boom ~ ——

It was another fierce trembling sound of the earth, and the terrifying air wave hit, as if facing the ten thousand zhang tsunami.

Under such a terrible aftermath, what defenses and defenses are just a joke. Wang Lan’s four figures flew violently, falling into the distance like duckweed.

Several hundred meters rolled on the ground before stopping.

When I look back, I see a heartbreaking scene. The huge black snake, which was several hundred meters long, was caught by a golden eagle. The giant snake is like an Insect in the golden carving mouth.

The wings flapped, a horror hurricane rose, and the golden eagle flew into the sky, and disappeared into the clouds in the blink of an eye.

all around, once again died down.

Yue Fengfeng helped Bai Ji stand up, gu lu sounded, Yue Fengfeng swallowed a spit.

“Where is this special? Where are there so many horrible things?”

“Such a powerful beast, I am afraid that only the Sixth Layer and above will have … Having said that, Yu Ruoyan’s complexion changed suddenly.

“Are n’t we … to 6-Layer?”

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