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“hu ——”

The wings flapped violently again, and the mirroring on both sides made virtual lines. Like a meteor, he quickly approached the solitary peak.

chi chi chi ——

Suddenly, dozens of huge beasts rushed out below, although the size is not as huge as the golden eagle first seen, but this size Also know not to be trifled with.

And when these silhouettes rushed to shaker void, one after another beam of light hit like dense raindrops. If Wang Lan was not in a hurry, he predicted that these beams would definitely not be able to escape him.

And the formidable power of these beams of light, for Wang Lan and the two, they are both ruined and die in the middle.

Although it is extremely fast, the flame wings behind Wang Lan are unexpectedly flexible. It seems that every feather can be manipulated to fine-tune, allowing Wang Lan to change his direction dexterously while staying fast.

The interest of the monster underneath in Wang Lan does not seem to be particularly strong. After a few rounds of trial and error, he did not pursue it, allowing Wang Lan breakthrough to fly into the Gufeng range.

“Wang Lan, bumped, bumped, and bumped—” Yu Ruoyan was frightened with fright.

“Fuck, star force is not enough–” Wang Lan was also scared of complexion greatly changed.

“Boom —”

With a loud noise, Wang Lan hugged Yu Ruoyan tightly in his arms and turned around to use Phoenix holy at the crucial moment Cloth fiercely’s resistance to a wave of terror.

“boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Not far away, there was another intensive explosion, and the Wind God Wing dragon group chasing behind was also chasing forward. . But they do n’t have Wang Lan ’s dexterous evasion ability.

Almost wiped out by the following wave of strange beasts.

Wind God Wing’s protective barrier around the dragon’s body did not make any use, even if it was just rubbed by a beam of light, it instantly burst into the air without die burial site.

At the moment, Demon Capital Star Martial collage outside. After receiving the temporary end of the Nine-Storey Pagoda trial, seniors and students who signed up for the Nine-Storey Pagoda trial walked out of the door one after another.

As the number of people goes out more and more. Elder Di’s complexion also grew darker.

“Elder Di … Yu Ruoyan he …” a tactical teacher look pale asked. Although he already had speculation in his mind, he dared not ask.

All the students walked out of the door, but the most important student had no news.

“Who has seen Yu Ruoyan?” Elder Di asked lowly in front of the standing crowd.

“President, I met five days ago, Yu Ruoyan and three classmates brushed monsters on the golden wings fire scorpion. And … the battle is very fierce.”

“I remember that a war broke out. When we hurried, we didn’t find Yu Ruoyan, but the golden wings fire scorpion tribe has been erased. There are traces of aftermath on the scene. I guess Yu Ruoyan should go to Scolded elsewhere. “

” Have anyone seen Yu Ruoyan since then? ”

The students were silent for a while. The last time they saw Yu Ruoyan was two days ago. The Nine-Storey Pagoda changed this morning.

“How about this casualty?”

“Twenty people were killed and 150 were injured, and the rest were not injured or slightly injured.” The teacher said.

Elder Di looked at the flashing rays of light on the seventh floor of the Nine-Storey Pagoda mountain, “Nangong, I plan to go to the 7th floor, Academy will leave it to you for the time being.”

“President! Please think twice.”

“If Ruoyun can’t do anything!” Elder Di can’t be shouted.

At the moment Elder Di took a step, he suddenly shivered. Lifts the head, but saw the plaque on the 7th floor go out.

Experienced countless times winds and waves, has always been the elder Di who never changed, but in this brief moment complexion greatly changed.

7th floor is off, what does it mean? It means that everyone who enters the 7th floor is dead. Nine-Storey Pagoda can’t sense their Life Aura.

In an instant, everyone complexion greatly changed, and all people who understand what is going on have different expressions.

There is shock, panic, anger, and luck.

“President, they are dead!” Nangong Meng suddenly said Elder Di’s arm.

“Open the tower!” Elder Di’s cheek twitched violently, holding back the angry shouted.

“President! They are already dead, it makes no sense for you to go again. Maybe, even the body will not stay.”

“At least I can find out how they are I went to the 7th floor. “

” President, even if the 7th floor monster is 5 Emperors, you ca n’t be calm, you ca n’t calm down, Academy cannot leave you. “

” Yuan Long — “

Teacher who responded in a hurry quickly kept in unison.

Elder Di grabbed Nangong Meng ’s arm and walked towards the door of Nine-Storey Pagoda step by step.

“The Dean! They are dead. Do you really want to destroy Academy ’s 200-year foundation for those who have been sacrificed? What do you do if you hit the 7th floor? What about future students? Nangong Meng asked Elder Di’s back.

“If they are still alive, I will accompany you even if they fight the whole Academy, but … you see! The 7th floor has gone out!”

Nangong Meng’s words , Let Elder Di tremble all over again, like a moment, all the strength was pulled away from the body and disappeared.

Nine-Storey Pagoda 7th floor, Yu Ruoyan walked Wang Lan through the long seven thousand steps.

The violent impact was finally resisted by Phoenix Form, but even so, Wang Lan ’s inner government was hit hard. However, there are self-healing innate talents that can be recovered quickly as long as there is no death on the spot.

After Phoenix Form ended, Wang Lan fainted happily.

Yu Ruoyan, who also used Dragon Emperor Form, is not as happy as Wang Lan, although she also overdrawn the star force and physical strength, but she still insists on carrying Wang Lan, walking the long steps, putting Wang Lan Back to the door of a great hall.

Putting Wang Lan on the ground, Yu Ruoyan is paralyzed sitting on the ground. Just three seconds after sitting down, Yu Ruoyan climbed up again. Looking at Wang Lan with a worried face, his eyes flashed.

Wang Lan is in a bad state at the moment!

The golden flame flashed all over the body, and this time, his flame not only failed to protect Wang Lan, but also eroded Wang Lan ’s body madly.

Yu Ruoyan had felt Wang Lan ’s state at the moment when he carried Wang Lan, Wang Lan is now like a cultivation deviation, with the body flowing through boiling star force. Yu Ruoyan, who has also experienced the integration of star force, is completely different from Wang Lan.

Dragon Emperor Form stuck for almost three years, even after breaking through the star force fusion.

Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness actually means this.

Even Uncle Azure Emperor, who inherited Canglong formula, did n’t really learn Dragon Emperor Form because of the lack of Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness. But Azure Emperor has a wonderful talent.

Fusion of Canglong Jue and Profound Truth of Wood will create a new form of Azure Dragon. But this method is too difficult and the conditions are too high. I am afraid that since ancient times, only Azure Emperor can complete it alone.

Originally, Yu Ruoyan also planned to wait for the cultivation base to reach the late stage of the Star Sea, and tried to take the path of the uncle, even if it is not the same path, it can also be used as a reference. But … absolutely didn’t expect, the conditions of Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness were achieved so smoothly.

But … what’s wrong with Wang Lan?

Yu Ruyun bit her lip tightly and extended the hand to Wang Lan ’s forehead. Phoenix star force continuously entered Yu Ruoyan’s body, and the deterioration of Wang Lan’s body eased down again.

But this is not the way, the star force is not appear out of thin air. Without absorption of Soul bead, the abnormal growth of star force has only one source, which is the life of overdrawn cells.

For a while, several white hairs appeared on Wang Lan’s head.

Yu Ruoyan ’s eyes twitched, suddenly pretty face blushed, staring blankly at Wang Lan ’s serene face, slowly, extending his magic claws to the tender grass.

Wang Lan had a very deep, terrifying dream. He took Yu Ruoyan to hit the lone front, and then he continued to break the mantle and reached the core without changing the trend.

Hot lava is everywhere in the center of the earth, and the heat is almost impatient to cook him. But at a critical moment, Jiang Xinyu came across time and space, and the aurora bloom frozen the entire mantle, and the scorching heat dissipated.

After returning to coolness, Wang Lan felt the heavyness of his eyelids and opened his eyes quietly. Wow, a light sound came from my ear. Wang Lan Do n’t overdo it, the Phoenix holy cloth on his body is somehow disassembled and scattered on the side.

Yu Ruoyan sits not far away, his star force flashes like a pulse.

In an instant, Wang Lan recalled what happened before and quickly sank into Divine Consciousness Sea. Phoenix Form has evolved into Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness, and is also a diamond-level martial skill.

Hurry, Wang Lan hit Spiritual Power on top of Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness, and Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness have the power of Dragon Phoenix. After activation, the formidable power doubles, and the skill points consumed are still ten points a second. Fortunately, fortunately, the system still has a morale, not sitting on the ground to raise prices.

The only thing that makes Wang Lan uncomfortable is that the starting point for learning Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness has raised another level, from the previous Star River to the Star Sea.

Seeing that I am about to break through to the Star River, I can master Phoenix Form and other star martial skills in general. Have you even evolved?

Wang Lan sighed, sit up slowly.

“Are you awake?” Yu Ruoyan’s voice made Wang Lan feel a very unnatural gentleness. Well, it may be that she wants to be gentle, but she is not used to it, so it seems awkward.

“Where is this? How did we get here?” Wang Lan was curious about the great hall. This is a run-down great hall. The center of the great hall should have dedicated a god. But at the moment, only a pile of rubble was left on the worship stage. Even puzzle level 9 is difficult to restore.

“This is Xian Cloud Sect! The lone front we hit was the mountain gate of Xian Cloud Sect. After falling down, I found this complex, and then I came with you on your back. How is your body? Is there any discomfort? “

” My body? “Wang Lan was confused, and Yu Ruoyan’s tone was not an ordinary greeting, but a concern as if he was seriously ill. It may take a long time to think that I’m lethargic.

Normally speaking, a self-healing person should not sleep for so long. Even Phoenix Form’s repercussions, he has been immunized a lot.

Impossible was unconscious by Yu Ruoyan.

“Is something wrong with my body before?”

“en! My Dragon Emperor Form and your Phoenix Form blend with each other to achieve the Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness. Because the dragon tactics of my cultivation must go through the Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness Foundation Establishment, I am unable to cultivate success.

But it succeeds after blending with your star force. But because of my star force The level is much higher than yours, causing too much Phoenix star force to absorb you and cause your Foundation Establishment to fail. Therefore, your star force starts to backlash your body. Finally, I will halfway through the Dao Foundation of Canglong Jue You saved it. “

” It sounds very dangerous … Can Dao Foundation also ride? “

Yu Ruyun ’s expression is a little unnatural,” Special methods can indeed . But this is a secret technique. “

” I understand that I didn’t plan to learn. “

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