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“How long have I been sleeping?”

“About two days, there is no time to follow here, and I ca n’t determine the time accurately.”

Wang Lan stood up a little hard, oh la la, a necklace fell from his arms and spread out. The pendant of the necklace opened, and there was a photo inside.

A little girl in her tens looks like Bai Ji. Behind her, a man hugs her. When Wang Lan saw the man, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Yu Ruoyan looked at Wang Lan with curiosity and deflated the corner of his mouth. “Do n’t you have a girlfriend? When did you like Bai Ji?”

“Ah?” Wang Lan inexplicably looked up at Yu Ruoyan.

“Cut! Garlic still installed? I found out before, when Blast and Bai Ji came together, you saw them together several times with unnatural facial expressions. Now you stare at Bai Ji again I have seen the necklace for so long, have you seen things thinking? “

” I always thought you were a calm and rational woman, and I never thought you would show a sensual side. “Wang Lan smiled slightly , “And the skill of brain supplement is not under the ordinary girl.”

“Is your unspoken implication in your heart I am not a woman?”

“en! You are Goddess, And it is Volkswagen Goddess. “

” Oh … Xinyu said you are an elm pimple big hoof, it seems … she does n’t know you. You are very provocative. “

“I speak frankly only.”

“I do n’t want to listen to you bullshit, what I look like is clear to my heart, and my aesthetic is not different from ordinary people.”

“You When I’m complimenting you? Please, we are teammates, brother who carried the gun together, okay? Do you think I am Yan Gou? How can I be so superficial.

Your public Goddess label is not I posted it, it was posted by all Demon Capital Star Martial collage classmates. Not to mention, the two goods in my dormitory even said your name with respect, so I sang the national anthem. /p>

Do n’t you know your image in the heart of your classmates? You are like Goddess in the Moon Palace, lonely at the top, you can only see from a distance, not close. You are always strong, wise, wise and marvelous, only …… Contact a woman does not raise. “

” Okay, okay … don’t talk about it. “Yu Ruoyan waved his hand.” After that, I dare not look in the mirror. ”


“Fear of being unable to bear to worship at the mirror.”

“哈 呵 ……”

“那Why do you say you stared at the necklace in a daze? “

” There are photos in the necklace. “Wang Lan took the photo and showed it to Yu Ruoyan.

“Then? I’ve seen it before. This is just a normal photo, it should have been taken by Bai Ji as a kid.”

“But this photo told me Why did someone assassinate Bai Ji. ”

“Oh? Is that related to that man?”

“Well, that man is Xiao Qing, the man who was arrested by Heavenly Sword Bureau some time ago and controls the entire Soul bead transaction in the Underworld. And Xiao Qing has a lot of people who have traded, he was arrested, and many people wanted him to die immediately.

Although he did n’t give up who was behind him until he died. But the people behind him had to cut weeds and eliminate the roots. Unexpectedly, Bai Ji is Xiao Qing ’s daughter. What a civilian genius can achieve great achievements through hard work … Sure enough it is a fairy tale. “

” Is this so? “Yu Ruoyan seems not at all how much it feels, but think about it too, now that they are in a desperate situation, how can they feel the other way around.

“Is there no foreign animals here?”

“I do n’t know why the foreign animals dare not come close.”

Wang Lan feels almost recovered, slowly Stood up.

“Have you turned around?”

“Not yet, I have been guarding you. You almost died seven or eight times in the past two days. How about now? , Are you sure it ’s okay? “

” It ’s okay! “As long as the Hymn of Life star martial skill does n’t flash, it ’s okay.

“Go, turn around, what kind of school is this fairy Cloud Sect? Maybe it ’s really Immortal Sect. If you can leave a cheat, treasure, Golden Core and so on let us It’s so beautiful to fly directly in daylight. “

” I think too much, and I still fly in daylight. I think daydreaming is almost the same. “Yu Ruoyan said jokingly, standing up and taking a step but suddenly staggering. fall.

Wang Lan quickly extended the hand and held it, “What’s wrong with you?”

“It’s nothing, it’s just a bit off.”

The two helped each other Go outside the hall.

The moment you look at it, you are shocked by the landscape of nature.

The lonely peak that violently struck between them is located just east of the great hall, and the great hall is also at the peak of a mountain. Outside the great hall, there are steps leading to the foot of the mountain. Each floor step has a height of half a meter.

Surrounded by mountains, the clouds are undulating and the dense jungle ca n’t be seen at the end.

Countless flying beasts hovered in the sky in the distance, among the jungle, there was a burst of roaring beasts one after another.

“Are you carrying me up this ladder?” Wang Lan asked in surprise.

“What do you think? Otherwise, how can I get rid of it?” When Yu Ruoyan spoke, his cheeks were again faintly blushed. “If you are alone, it’s better to say that there are thirty armor on your body. Heavy, I carried nearly 200 Jin and you climbed for one day one night. “

” It ’s really hard for you! “

” It ’s okay. “

“Did that big clock be found?”

“I haven’t had time to find it.”

Following the gravel street outside the great hall, Wang Lan turned around and came behind the great hall. But after the great hall, it is a continuous ruin.

The ruins have been abandoned for many years. From the perspective of scale, this fairy Cloud Sect was once extremely glorious and prosperous. It may be annihilation and war, what can be seen everywhere are traces of war.

Obviously, Xian Cloud Sect is destroyed like this.

“Wang Lan, look!” Following the guidance of Yu Ruoyan, Wang Lan found that there are some bones in the ruins.

Wang Lan several jumps and jumps to the bones. The bones have been severely weathered and will break into a powder with a light touch.

Back to Yu Ruoyan again, “I am afraid that these bones have a history of thousands of years. Otherwise, they will not be so weathered. Xian Cloud Sect should have experienced a catastrophe, and the entire martial arts was destroyed. “

” But if that’s the case, why would the great hall remain intact? And, why don’t the creatures dare to come close? “

” Maybe it’s related to the big clock. After you Have you heard the bell? “

” I heard it twice, ten times each time, maybe, the bell rings once every day. But strangely, I ca n’t tell where the bell is coming from. Come. After arriving at Xian Cloud Sect, the bell sounds like everywhere. “

” Look for it, be careful! “

Wang Lan supported Yu Ruoyan and turned along Xian Cloud Sect A whole circle. Except for great hall, the entire fairy Cloud Sect is destroyed.

“Strange …”

“Dang —”

Suddenly, a bell rang, right in Wang Lan ’s ear. Wang Lan quickly looked up and looked around. But the bell sounded like everywhere, and no matter where Wang Lan turned, he heard a clear bell.


The distant birds left away in horror, and even the roaring beast roars stopped.

Suddenly, Wang Lan looked up at the sky staring blankly.

The sky seems to ripple and spread to the distance.

“Ruoyun, we … maybe … in the big clock.” Wang Lan said speculatively.

“What? Why ca n’t I see it.”

“This big clock covers the whole fairy Cloud Sect, and it is transparent. So we are in the big clock In the middle, the bells sounded as if they were from all directions. “

Yu Ruoyan learned Wang Lan to raise his head, and after a long time of nodded approval,” there is only one explanation. “

“Ruoyun, have you ever wondered why the entire Sin Cloud Sect has been destroyed and all the buildings have collapsed, but only the great hall is intact?”

“Maybe … The texture of the great hall is stronger? “Yu Ruoyan laughed himself.” I’m talking nonsense. The materials of great hall are the same as other buildings. “

” I guess … this The great hall must have been saved by Immortal Cloud Sect. But the martial arts are destroyed, why should we leave the great hall? “Wang Lan’s eyes lit up suddenly.


“It should be, go, go back to the great hall and look for it, they all say that there will be a blessing after a big disaster, we are all bad luck to be sent to this ghost place, to Can’t get a point for a fortuitous encounter. Sorry for this encounter. “

” Why do you think so? “

” What? “

” Be sure to encounter danger Will there be a fortuitous encounter? “

” Isn’t this the protagonist in the TV series? He was beaten off the cliff, won the Divine Weapon, and then returned to the rivers and lakes to kill the enemy. The Star Palace was abolished, but the Star Wu Myth, recast Star Palace and return to Peak. “

Yu Ruoyan watched Wang Lan’s eyes gradually grow strange, with deep compassion.

“You are really innocent and romantic.”

“This is not to be forgotten at first.”

Although you are fighting with each other in your mouth, it is nothing but solace. Tension. As for whether there is any treasure or inheritance in the great hall … there is a high probability.

Wang Lan has analyzed that all other buildings have collapsed, and the great hall is intact for no reason. Coupled with the invisible big clock that enveloped the fairy Cloud Sect, it was obviously for protection.

The big clock is definitely not protecting that ruin. So it can only be great hall.

However, there is also a mess in the great hall. Even the place where the chair was once placed was only dust. If there were no signs of chairs, Wang Lan thought that the great hall would be empty.

The central steps of the great hall have collapsed, and even the originally worshipped idols have been turned into gravel. The only thing there is, there is a pile of rocks.

Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan came to the gravel dedicated to the idol, and the gravel was very brittle, and it shattered with a pinch.

While reasoning about the gravel, Wang Lan hesitantly looked at an irregular stone in his hand.

“Ruoyun, you look at the stone color is a bit wrong, this does not look like a naturally formed stone, it is more like … concrete?”

“Teacher Wang, Please be sensible, it is less than 700 years since the advent of the concrete. “

” Ka “Wang Lan squeezed gently, and the concrete shattered.

A cyan Soul bead appeared in the palm of Wang Lan.

Wang Lan raised his eyebrows and looked at Yu Ruoyan. Although he didn’t speak, the meaning was very clear. Now, what else do you have to say?

Yu Ruoyan said hello to black people.

Is he really right?

Suddenly, Yu Ruoyan quickly started to dig out a stone that looked like concrete from the ruins. After a light pinch, the stone shattered and a fiery-red high grade Soul bead appeared in Yu Ruoyan In the palm of your hand.

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