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For the first time, it is necessary to have a good relationship with the team members. Even if it’s just a temporary team, you still have to eat in a system in the future.

Even for Wang Lan, it 鈥檚 okay to investigate by yourself, but this is society.

Wang Lan chose a barbecue restaurant. This barbecue restaurant’s main style is original flavor, without adding extra seasoning, so that customers can taste the original taste of meat.

Less than half a year after opening, the reputation is good.

Four people, ordered the weight of ten people. Talk casually during the meal, the five people formally became familiar with each other.

The four people’s impression of Wang Lan changed quickly. I originally thought that Wang Lan was promoted to major at a young age, and he must have been born out of the ordinary. Most of these people from out of the ordinary have a common problem. It’s arrogance.

Even if the surface is very approachable, occasionally it will show a lonely expression and words. But these are not at all seen in Wang Lan’s body. Wang Lan gave the two gay men the feeling that their personalities are easy to get along with, and they don’t speak at all.

The feeling for the two girls is warm, after all, girls are more sensitive in this respect.

After eating, Wang Lan started to step on the spot where each case was found. Yang Yang had been in contact with some of these cases before, but he did not touch much. With reference to the information, the site was barely restored.

“The manager of the bar also said that these two people were very restrained for the first time. They just sat on the bar and watched silently, not talking to girls.”

“He is so sure that these two are coming for the first time?” Wang Lan asked.

“This bar is clean. The people who come here to drink are elite people. The whole bar environment is relatively quiet, they just come to relax. Generally, those who come to have fun, go to those p bars. There are dance floors, Have big white legs.

So most of the people who come to the bar are acquaintances, and the manager recognizes his face even if he does n鈥檛 know him. Those two are very restrained. The manager said that he was very sure that he had rarely or never been to such an occasion. “

“The identity of the deceased is unknown, the identity of the murderer is unknown, and the motive for the murder is unknown. There is no way to start this case.”

“Go to the next place.”

In the afternoon, I ran five places, all of which were the same as the first place, with no information. There is no ID card, no mobile phone, and no clue that you can trace your identity.

“No wonder the brothers in the intelligence department have such a headache, it is like a hedgehog ball, there is no place to start.”

“Bai Xu, what are you talking about?” Wang Lan suddenly looked up from his contemplation.

“Nowhere to start?”

“No, what is it like?”

“Hedgehog in a ball?”

“Teams form a ball …” Wang Lan quickly took out his mobile phone to bring up the map. “If we change directions, this is Qinghai District, and all the places where the cases occurred are concentrated in the area of 鈥嬧€婦onglin Town.

Do you feel strange? Why did this group of unidentified people appear? We have perfect auxiliary equipment, and we can use all resources of Modu to investigate their identities. Even so, their identities are not investigated.

How exactly did the murderers find them? It is too simple to know that such unidentified people have to hide. It’s too easy to leave.

As long as they hide somewhere, the murderer cannot be traced, unless the murderer stares at them all the time. But there is only one murderer, impossible stares at many people at the same time. “

“Maybe the killer is not one?”

鈥淚f it 鈥檚 not one, the killer does n鈥檛 have to be killed by one by one. To stare at least double their number, the killer can kill several at the same time.鈥?

“Will anyone be secretly stalking, and there is only one who kills?”

“Classmate Xiao Ai?”

“I’m here!” This product still knows how intelligent it is? This formulaic answer resembles the most common AI intelligence.

“Organize the cameras of all crime scenes, and find out who was staring at or following the victim before the incident.”


“Captain, is this … your internet sprite?”

“Well, when I was in senior high school, I was very interested in intelligent robots, so I wrote an intelligent code to handle some cumbersome operations for me.”

“It’s very good, not worse than the artificial intelligence on the market.” Liu Yifeng just commented.

Oh, this is Xiao Ai’s intentional hiding. If he wants to turn on the fire, the whole World except Bing Xue is all younger brothers. Just analyze the image data collected by Heavenly Sword Bureau?

Impossible, Xiaoai absolutely invaded all monitoring systems in the entire area for analysis and investigation.

While Xiao Ai is monitoring all the surveillance, Wang Lan has delineated the range of the killed on the map. On the map, present a circular track.

“Captain, do you think there is any regularity in this trajectory?” Bai Xu asked, looking at the trajectory map marked by Wang Lan.

“I’m hitting Dayun now. Although I can’t rely on luck to solve the case, I can only run out of luck if there is no clue at all.”

“Beep Beep鈥擶ang Lan student, the big data search has been completed, not at all The people who meet your listed conditions appear, whether to update the search conditions.”

The last sentence is pure fart. To Xiaoai’s level of intelligence, impossible does not know what Wang Lan is looking for. Absolutely, I have searched all the possibilities. If not, then it really is gone.

“d墨ng l铆ng l铆ng 鈥斺€?#8221;

Suddenly, Wang Lan’s mobile phone rang.

“Hey, where is it? What? I will go right away.”

Wang Lan hung up the phone and his face instantly became somber, “The homicide happened again at the east gate of Dongming Hospital, and the two were killed on the street by the red-clothed masked killer. We passed immediately.”

The off-road roar turns into a ferocious beast and rushes to the street.

When he arrived at the scene, the guard of the superintendent was already maintaining the scene. Outside the isolation zone, there were a group of people watching the lively crowd.

Wang Lan and the others took out their documents, which allowed them to enter.

“The Army, the people of Heavenly Sword Bureau are here.” A police officer came to a detective and whispered.

The police detective quickly stood up and walked to the five people of Wang Lan. “You came very quickly. This time is the same as the previous few times. There are many witnesses, but the murderer masked the murderer and did not know what he was from Places pop up. So even if there are witnesses and cameras, he will not converge.

The two people happened to walk to the door of the hospital. Suddenly a man wearing red tight clothes appeared and pulled out two murder weapons from behind to kill one of them. The other seemed to be using the star martial skill, but was cut off by the murderer without being used. “

“Is there no identity information in the team?” Wang Lan asked in a low voice.

鈥淣o, we tracked down from the face recognition system and there is no such person. Our face recognition system is connected to the Yunhai Hub and can analyze 1,000,000 people per second.

There is no mobile phone, no ID card, no money, and nothing to prove their identity. “

Wang Lan scanned the scene, brutal and bloody. The police officer said that the first one to be beheaded was to be beheaded by the waist, the lower body and the upper body were separated by at least two meters, and the intestines were gushed.

And the second one is the separation of the head, the blood is like the ink painting.

“Have you tracked back in reverse?”

“Only one kilometer of the route can be traced. Previously, they seemed to be deliberately avoiding the surveillance of the camera and could not continue to trace.”

“Is this group of guys the axis? Knowing that someone is hunting them, why are you running out everywhere?” Yang Yang fiercely snorted. “Especially even the head iron should leave us some clues.”

Wang Lan has no way to deal with the identity of the victim and the murderer. There is no such person in the entire population of Jade Country. Where to find his identity, his relationship, and the next target of the murderer?

“d墨ng l铆ng l铆ng 鈥斺€?#8221; Detective Lu’s cell phone suddenly rang.

“Hey? What? Where is it? Good!”

“Major Wang, three kilometers to the east, someone called the police again and found that the murderer was chasing down five star martial artists.”

“Let’s go!” Wang Lan’s voice fell to the sky and swooped into the sky. Liu Yifeng saw Wang Lan flying into the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye, and quickly jumped into the sky.

Both of them have flying quasi martial skills. The distance of three kilometers is not far, and the distance is not close. It takes at least three to five minutes to fly three kilometers from the sky.

Being condescending and quickly discovering the turmoil, among the alleys at the foot, there is a densely packed alley that blocks some people looking at the lively.

Wang Lan still can’t understand this, why these people like to watch lively so much. And watch the lively, never look at the lively or not, should there be any danger.

Do you dare to watch the lively fighting of star martial artist? Dare to kill in a metropolis, don’t care about killing a few civilians by mistake?

Wang Lan falls, “Everyone goes home, no closer!”

When I called the police, I was afraid that it was over. Wang Lan rushed over and there was nothing but the Asura scene left behind.

Six bodies were poured in the alley, all freshly baked. The blood stains sprayed on the walls still carry temperature.

Wang Lan walked through the blood stains and carefully observed the death of these bodies. All were hacked and killed by the sword, which shows that the murderer is an expert with a sword.

It can also be seen from the camera shooting video seen by the police detective that the murderer is not only Blade Technique, body law fast as lightning, but also an invisible Innate Ability.

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