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“Captain!” The three Yang Yang also rushed over at this time.

“You guys just came, check who this phone is.”

“Captain, I’m back.” Liu Yifeng ran back with brow beaded with sweat. “I asked ten witnesses. They all came out after hearing the loud noise. They saw it when they saw it. A masked man in red tight clothes chopped at the six people with two knives.

Both knives are very sharp and very fast. They described that in less than five seconds, all six were dead. Then the masked man got into the wall and disappeared. “

“Drill into the wall, do the earth perform art?”

“Captain, whose identity has been found, his name is Duan Mujing, and he is a sideline of Duanmu Clan. He just graduated last year.”

“Duanmu Clan? Is the murderer’s purpose Duanmu Clan?”

No useful clues were left at the scene. The only clue should be Duanmujing ’s mobile phone.

The sky gradually became darker, and Wang Lan and the team of four gathered to the Superintendent. Using the resources of the Superintendent to handle cases is also the usual operation routine of Heavenly Sword Bureau.

The clues are rearranged, and it can be determined that the murderer has a clear purpose. Every time he shot, he killed the same person. No identity, no experience, age is between 25 years old and three 15 years old.

Although it is difficult to imagine how to conceal a person ’s identity from birth until now.

Although this may happen in remote mountain villages, some people have not reported their ID cards in their entire lives. But in big cities, you can’t do it without identity.

Which one does not require an ID card?

The only gain this time should be to get a mobile phone and find the phone of one of the dead. After finishing the clues, Wang Lan’s temporary office for five people was knocked.

“Major Wang, Duanmu Clan’s people are here.”

“Okay, you make them wait!”

Wang Lan sorted out the materials in front of him and took four people out of the room. speaking of which, the cheeks of the four people were a little hot at this moment. Because from the reception of the case to now, the four of them have been with them all the way. There are neither constructive suggestions nor major discoveries.

Wang Lan asked what they thought, and they were in a hurry. After all, the identity of the deceased is unknown, and the identity of the murderer is unknown. People without identity like the deceased are even more unaware.

Duanmujing, who only knows his identity, may not be related. There is currently no evidence to prove that Duanmujing is related to those victims.

The enquiry room is an elderly couple. Although they are almost sixty years old, they are very well maintained. Although the expression of the two is very heavy at the moment, look pale.

“Duanmujing is who are you?”

“He is my son.” The old man quickly returned, “This police officer … my son … he was really killed by a murderer? He was fine yesterday …”

“Do you know why he appeared in the alley of Hojo Ancient Village?”

“I don’t know, he said today that he was looking for a friend, and he left for less than half a day … didn’t expect …” He said, sobbing with his face covered.

“Police officer, has my son been killed? Why was it killed?” middle-aged man asked sullenly.

“Are you the father of Duanmujing?”



“Duanmu Banner.”




“Nebula’s late star martial artist is now the head of the sub-group of the Duanmu scouting regiment. The last Moon Wheel took a break before returning home to rest.”

“Do you know these people?” Wang Lan brought the restored photos to Duanmuqi. Duanmuqi took it and looked at it one by one.

After a long time shook the head, “Do n’t know, who are they? The murderer who killed my son?”

“No, it ’s the person who was killed by the murderer with your son. They all have no identity information, not a missing person, or a fake identity. They have no identity since birth, mysterious person who has no information .

We suspect that they are people of the same organization, and Duanmujing and them are mixed together … “

“Impossible!” Duan Muqi said flatly, “If my son has any organization, it must be Duanmu Clan. Although my family is a member of Duanmu Clan’s side, but he is also not worried about food and clothing in the family, and even more impossible to abandon the family and What unpredictable organizations are involved.

Moreover, my son is not like me. He is a talented student who graduated from Jin City Xingwu Academy. Now he has the strength of Middle-Stage in Star River. The family takes it very seriously. The breakthrough Star Sea environment is a matter of time. The family will not treat him badly, and there is no need to join any organization. “

“Star River realm strength?” Wang Lan’s pupils shrank sharply, “Star River realm strength was killed if he could not even resist?”

“This police officer, my son is a good child and very enthusiastic. The people around him very much agree with him. Maybe he heard the movement and rushed over to see, but he did n’t want to be involved.

You need to catch the murderer as soon as possible and give my son a fair one. “Old Lady cried again.”

Wang Lan patiently recorded confessions for the two old people, and continued until the eight-nine point before stopping.

The Superintendent called Wang Lan five people for takeaway, because they knew that they were all star martial artists.

It seems that star martial artists are all rice bins. This misunderstanding cannot be solved in a short time. The reason why star martial artist eats major event is to absorb the star force in the cells, which leads to severe malnutrition. But Wang Lan, these people never lack Soul bead, so the food intake is also maintained at the normal level.

Of course, let ’s not eat three servings, but eating ten servings is not stressful for five. Anyway, star martial artist doesn’t have to worry about the body’s shape. One day, it’s getting fat. It’s good to absorb some cell energy. You can lose weight in three days.

“It seems that this Duanmujing is indeed okay for those people, and was killed by the murderer. Duanmujing’s action trajectory is not suspicious. He did indeed leave this afternoon alone, and went to the shopping mall for a circle, drinking I have coffee.

Go to the ancient block at dusk, and then be killed in the back lane. His whereabouts were not hidden at all, nor did he deliberately avoid surveillance. ”

Late night, Wang Lan team concluded after studying the clues.

“Sometimes it’s hard to catch a clue, but it’s still ineffective … Damn, who is this group. As I said, they have a grudge that they can solve themselves.

Anyone without a registered population is not considered a citizen of Jade Country, just because they bite a dog and die. “

“Zhang Xiao, don’t be angry. Even if they have no household registration and no records, we must be responsible for the violence in Jade Country.” Yang Yang shouted.

“Okay, everyone will go back to rest very late. The case will continue to be investigated tomorrow. The Superintendent has arranged for you a dormitory. If you need anything, tell the Superintendent that all expenses will be reimbursed.”

“Captain is powerful!”

“Then Captain, we’re going to rest, and you also get to rest early. Although you are still young, you can’t stay up late to become a habit.”

“Well, I plan to take a break too.”

While lying in bed, Wang Lan couldn’t sleep anymore, and Duanmujing flashed through his mind, as well as those mysterious persons. As for the friend Duanmujing was looking for, Duanmujing’s parents did not know. It can only be guessed that Duanmujing once knew the partner in the mission.

Wang Lan checked and found, but no star martial artist was found near the ancient street. As for the murderer and the victim, it is like a haze of fog that makes people lose their minds.

Even if the murderer ’s identity is unknown, so many victims seem to appear out of thin air. What kind of organization is it, even if it is a demon spy, they still know to hide it with a disguised identity. If these people were not humans, Wang Lan felt that they were more like a demon who invaded the human world.

Youdao is thinking every day and dreaming at night. But Wang Lan’s dream was bizarre. He even dreamed that he would become the emperor, another inferiority, and another assassination by the dead.

Anyway, there is no logic.

When Wang Lan woke up, he couldn’t remember what he dreamed of. Anyway, it is the ancient background. The only thing that makes Wang Lan clearer is the dead.

I was assassinated and seriously wounded, but I could n’t find out how to check the dead. The dead were all orphans beggar, who had been brought up since childhood. After more than ten years of training, they did n’t know who they were .

Stand up and get dressed.

Suddenly Wang Lan’s movements froze.

Dead? Dead!

This keyword seems to be a key, knocking Wang Lan’s clutter. What if this group of people are dead? Will it be the dead of who? The deceased, cultivated from an early age, has no identity.

Only the Great Family will train the dead.

Wang Lan instantly returned to the table and unfolded the information on the table. Overthrow all previous speculations, and then substitute these people’s identities into the dead.

The deceased must perform tasks that cannot be exposed. Why can the murderer find this group of completely unidentified people accurately? No, from another angle, what if these people are sent to the door?

The dead are usually kept in secret places and will not be released. The released dead have only one situation to perform the task.

If they are the deceased of Duanmu Clan, then Duanmujing is normal with them. And Duanmujing’s parents’ explanation seems reasonable, but there is a loophole.

According to witnesses, it did n’t take much time for the murderer to kill them, about five seconds. Even if you start hearing the first sound, no more than ten seconds. No more than ten seconds, Duanmujing, the enthusiastic teenager just happened to arrive? Was it unfortunately killed?

Furthermore, judging from the branch of the corpse that was killed, Duanmujing was not at the end but in the middle. This formation is more like being protected in the middle.

If this speculation holds true, why did Duanmu Clan send the dead to come here, what is it that Duanmu Clan cannot just and honourable appear, and must send the dead?

Wang Lan looked towards the map again, and all the branches of the slain formed an arc.

All the killed are between 25 and 35, and no one is identified.

“Duanmu Family must be doing something … but what is it?”

Wang Lan’s finger tapped on the table, and after about ten minutes, Wang Lan’s finger suddenly stopped.

Hurry out of the phone and enter the system of the Heavenly Sword Bureau Information Office with permission.

“Sure enough!”

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