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All in all, the country of Bing Xue is very difficult, and the beasts of the country of Bing Xue are very fierce. This time they are rescued by the savior to save the country of Bing Xue.

After arriving in the country of Bing Xue, be sure to obey the command, Jade Country has a complete assistance plan.

The journey on the plane is fifteen hours, and you can arrive in the middle of the morning. However, there is a time difference due to going west, and it may be noon when you arrive in the country of Bing Xue.

Precautions are completed. The leader of the total sect officer Longya simply distributes the team directly on the plane. Thirty Star Sea tactical teachers, with ninety senior elite Academy, one teacher with three people. Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan had fought Nine-Storey Pagoda with their seniors, and they were familiar with each other.

Wang Lan is the Twelfth squad, the teacher named Wu Shaohua, the double attribute star martial artist. After all, he is the Teacher of his own Academy. Wang Lan knows Wu Shaohua’s ability very well.

Wu Shaohua graduated from Xiangjiang Xingwu Academy, and then served in the military department. Before 30 years old, he broke through the Star Sea environment, and then was hired to Demon Capital Star Martial collage as a tactical teacher. He has rich combat experience, especially strong combat strength in harsh environments.

The initial attribute was fire. After the breakthrough Star River environment, the Earth Attribute was developed, and no other attributes were developed afterwards. In the Star River realm, you have mastered the martial skill of lava star fusion.

After reaching Star Sea, he directly completed the transformation of lava elementalization. After entering the battle state, he is lava, and lava is him. Among the thirty teachers who lead the team, his strength is also Peak.

Wu Shaohua 鈥檚 team members are only Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan, who obviously took extra care.

The barren ground, the continuous Bing Xue, a snow-white military car pressed over the snow-covered road, and drove slowly. It seems that because of the cold, the engine suddenly stopped and the car stopped steadily.

Suddenly, a dozen snow-white camouflage cloths were pulled out of the snow around the car, and a dozen armed men armed with guns pointed at the parked car in white clothed.

“This welcome ceremony, I don’t like it very much.”

鈥淚 know, because this is not a welcome. Why did Jade Country 鈥檚 assistance come? You promised me that no country dared to assist the country of Bing Xue, at least this year. You also let us be on top of Jade Country 鈥檚 head Use force? Do you think we have no use value to let us die? “

“Dear Qiu, do n鈥檛 be excited, do n鈥檛 be excited, this is an accident. The 12-nation expedition successfully brought back samples, and I prepared five mutant Xingwu toxins for Jade Country. Think about it, five will happen. The seven variants of Xingwu toxins will be retreated after changing any country?

But … my god, Jade Country is a miracle country, they succeeded in making a vaccine. And it is not a form of vaccine, but a vaccine of seven variants of five toxins.

If I were King Your Majesty, I would kneel down and ask Jade Country for assistance, even if I turned the country of Bing Xue into a province of Jade Country. So, this is an accident. “

“Then the original plan was cancelled.”

“No, the original plan has already begun. Once opened, it cannot be canceled halfway. If you insist on canceling, then I ca n鈥檛 guarantee that there will be no accidents in the different space.”

“How strong is Jade Country this time?”

“Thirty Teachers and ninety smell of mother’s milk not yet dried students who have no combat experience. Good deal, I believe you!”

“Fart! Thirty coaches? Please make it clear that there are thirty Demon Capital Star Martial collages with a strength of at least the tactical coach of Star Sea.

Ninety students without combat experience? That was a senior student at Demon Capital Star Martial collage, and had at least three years of battlefield, each with rich combat experience.

This lineup can destroy a small country in ten days! “

“Yes, they are indeed very strong and very deterrent, but they are not the same for you, my dear king, but you are a helpless bird of paradise that gives the United Nations a headache, let alone, are they not in the sky? In the sky, is n鈥檛 Divine Kingdom of Paradise? ”

“Okay, tell your purpose.”

“I just tell you that the plan cannot be changed, otherwise the cooperation will be terminated!”

“Understood, get out, if you do n鈥檛 disappear in my sight within 3 minutes, I may be able to bear to kill you.”

“wu wu wu 鈥斺€?#8221;

While Wang Lan and the others were chatting in the warm atmosphere, the plane’s siren suddenly sounded.

When the student is still stunned, Teacher whizzes up and rushes to the cab.

“What’s going on?”

“Not good, we were locked by the missile.” The driver screamed brow beaded with sweat.

“What?” Teacher Complexion greatly changed.

The star martial artist is powerful, especially the star martial artist in the Star Sea realm. Most thermal weapons cannot pose a threat to the star martial artist in the Star Sea realm. But this inability to pose a danger is not to say that you are standing and let the hot weapon fight all right, but that the hot weapon cannot hit the star martial artist in the Star Sea.

In the World of star martial artist, no matter how strong the output is, it will be invalid as long as it does not hit.

The Star River realm can withstand the impact of bullets, but a rocket and a grenade will blow the star does n鈥檛 exist in the Star River realm martial artist. The missile, except for the powerhouse of level 5 Emperors, cannot be resisted.

If it is changed on the ground, the missile will hit them and run. A flash can run out of several hundred meters away, and launching a defensive star martial skill is basically intact.

But now they are in the sky and there is nowhere to run even if they run.

And even if it can run, what about the hundred students on the plane? These are the lifeblood of Academy. It is their duty to ensure the safety of every student even if they all die here.

So, when they heard that the plane was locked by the missile, they turned black on the spot.

This is a secret route, except for the countries of Jade Country and Bing Xue, who knows the route to the plane and the departure time. How could a missile attack them? Almost instantly, they thought of the country of Bing Xue.

“Can you throw it away?”

“Big brother, that 鈥檚 the Punisher Missile, at the speed of Mach 6, no plane in the world can throw it away.”

“What about dodge?”

“This is a large passenger aircraft, not a fighter aircraft. It is possible to disintegrate a plane with any dodge operation. I can only do some simple and small evasion … not good, here we come.”

A dozen light spots suddenly appear on the aircraft’s induction radar, which is rapidly approaching.

And seeing the number of spots, the driver’s face was white.

“Twelve–” A high, broken sound seemed to tear his throat apart.

“What should I do?”

“You dodge first, let me strengthen the aircraft defense.” Wen Liang Teacher shouted, body flashed came to the inner wall of the cabin, and took a palm shot on the aircraft.

At almost an instant, the teacher 鈥檚 body became silver white, a liquid metal that flows like mercury, and this liquid metal spread to the entire body of the aircraft at a very fast speed.

But the plane is too big, even if he is a Star Sea Metal Attribute star martial artist, it is impossible to cover the entire plane with the star martial skill.

Suddenly, the plane sank violently, and a violent person on the plane turned over. Fortunately, when the alarm was issued, everyone fastened their seat belts, and nothing happened.

Wang Lan, who was sitting on the seat, skimmed the corners of his eyes, and just saw the wing out of the window as if it had really become a wing.

Next, several streams of light passed over the plane’s head.


Wang Lan’s scalp exploded instantly. Although the stream of light flashed only at tenths of a second, Wang Lan definitely didn’t think he was wrong. If it is not UFO, it can only be a missile.

“Intermediate main cabin–” The driver made a roar again.


A loud noise instantly reminded me that the whole plane burst into flames.

“It’s over!” In 0.1% of a second, Wang Lan’s mind crossed the idea.

It’s really over. The plane was hit by a missile. The armor of the passenger plane basically disintegrated 100%.

However, the disintegration that followed immediately did not all happen, and suddenly a dark dung beetle was raised where the missile was attacking.

At the crucial moment, Metal Attribute Teacher sacrificed armor defense. Although he saved the plane, he spit a mouthful of blood and lay weak on the outer wall of the plane.

Although elementalization changes the body structure of star martial artist, elemental elements are also the body of star martial artist. The use of elemental metal shields to resist a missile hit is also equivalent to using the body to resist a wave.

“Wang Lan 鈥斺€?#8221; Wu Shaohua’s voice broke out.

“Come–” Wang Lan instantly unfastened his seat belt, body flashed and rushed out of the cockpit, and at this moment, the plane trembled violently.

“What’s going on?”

“This big brother, quickly remove the armor on the outside of the aircraft. You changed the air flow.” The pilot managed to stabilize the aircraft with excitement and shouted.

“cough cough cough-understand!”

The armor outside the plane disappeared again in a stream of light. But he still didn’t dare to relax his vigilance. Only a dozen detractor missiles succeeded in stopping them. These missiles all have the function of positioning and tracking.

Wang Lan’s rays of light were on, and Hymn of Life launched a quick treatment of the teacher’s injury.

“Instructor Wen, are you okay?”

“I carried a wave and injured 30% of my body. But now I have recovered 10% … Not bad, boy, your medical star martial skill is not under Vice President Han.”

“Beep-Beep–” A rapid alarm sounded, “Not good, they are here again.”

“How many can you dodge?”

“A maximum of seven. But I can’t avoid four.”

“Report four positions!”

“Old Wen, you will die.”

“Dead me is better than everyone playing?”

“Teachers, can’t we intercept the missile?” Wang Lan quickly asked.

Some words surprised me suddenly.

“More than six Mach speed, how can we intercept? There is no time to start the star martial skill.”

“I will try it!”

Wang Lan didn’t care about asking for a look, body flashed, and used Illusion Phantom steps to appear on the aircraft’s cabin door. He quickly buckled the seat belt on his belt and quickly opened the door.

When the cabin door is opened, the things in the plane are sucked out of the cabin. If not everyone buckled their seat belts, everyone would have to follow the things on the plane.

As soon as he was sucked out of the cabin, Wang Lan saw three light spots on his abdomen rushing at a terrifying speed.

“Dynamic vision, open!”

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