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The country of Bing Xue is gray.

The landing airport that was temporarily opened was still a bit rundown. Around the airport, however, stood a group of well-dressed honor guards looking forward.

For the assistance sent by Jade Country this time, the Bing Xue country presented the highest courtesy. The king of the Bing Xue country led the royal family and all the ministers and nobles of the Bing Xue country gathered at the airport anxiously waiting.

This is an aid related to the fate of Bing Xue’s country. How many days and nights have been expected in 12 years.

If Bing Xue is still struggling in the first seven years, the next five years will be struggling on the verge of extinction. Countless times of despair, countless times of dying to death have given Bing Xue a kind of obsession.

Bing once, even if there is a big country that can do its utmost to provide assistance, instead of simply sending some supplies, Bing Xue can survive.

Even in the most difficult times, King Bing Xue asked the great powers in a very humble manner. As long as you can save Bing Xue, you are the God of Bing Xue. From now on, Bing Xue will only believe in you.

But … in the past five years, no big country is willing to send a large army of star martial artists to help, Bing Xue ’s monster teroifying.

No one didn’t expect. The god of destiny did n’t seem to give up on them. When they were most desperate, the people who had escaped from Bing Xue earlier passed back the reserved channel to a sense of trance. As if to hear the news of the hymn to heaven.

Jade Country ’s Demon Capital Star Martial collage, a student successfully invented a vaccine production method to suppress Xingwu toxin. For thousands of years, the current situation of being helpless to Xingwu Toxin will change.

While other countries are still trying to confirm whether the news is true, the country of Bing Xue is already boiling, and immediately requests assistance from Jade Country. After waiting for two months, I finally waited for this day.

Kane Kane has never felt that one evening is as long as it is today. In just ten minutes, he has watched his watch nearly twenty times.

Why not come yet? Why haven’t you arrived yet?

Beep beep-

Jade Country ’s ambassador to Bing Xue ’s phone rang suddenly, and Heze took out his cell phone in a subtle way, and just a glance at his face made it instantly dignified.

“Hello, Hello Prime Minister, this is …”

Since ten years ago, 100 countries around the world have withdrawn their embassies, and only those who can stay until now are the Jade Country family. On this point alone, Bing Xue’s country’s recognition of Jade Country is far more than others.

Because when the country of Bing Xue is abandoned throughout the world, only Jade Country is still willing to view Bing Xue as a country that can establish diplomatic relations, even if this country is in the heart of Jade Country is also about to sink into the sunset.

“What? How is it possible … Okay, I understand … Yes! Yes!” Ambassador Heze’s voice suddenly rose loudly, and his expression became very solemn.

Putting down the phone, Kane looked at Heze nervously, “Ambassador Heze, will nothing happen?”

Heze looked at Kane for a few seconds, but these seconds gave Kane a feeling of falling into an ice cellar.

“The Demon Capital Star Martial collage aid group that took off from the magic capital of Jade Country encountered a missile robbery on the way to the country of Bing Xue.”

Although the voice is very light and the tone is unusually smooth, it seems that thunder is flat and it usually explodes in the ears of Kane and a group of Imperial Family members.

As soon as the news came out, even a few nobles staggered under the feet.

“What? How could this be … Who is in charge of the country of Bing Xue … How dare they? What country did it?” Princess Elder of Legendary, the country of Bing Xue asked eagerly.

“The plane was attacked in the air in the country of Bing Xue!”

He Ze’s words made the complexion greatly changed, and Kane’s face suddenly turned pale.

The attack over the country of Bing Xue means that the attack was sent from the country of Bing Xue, not another country. This means that it is Bing Xue ’s own country that buryes Bing Xue ’s last hope.

“Dear King Kane, Jade Country needs your explanation. Why, our aid team will encounter a missile attack in the volley of the country of Bing Xue. Why, we risked mortal danger and helped you unselfishly, but Under attack from the military. “

“I …” Kane opened his mouth blankly, at the moment he had lost his ability to think.

Why? I especially want to know why. This is Bing Xue’s last hope …

“Selfless? Humph hmph!” A dissonant voice sounded, and Heze suddenly looked in the direction. Kane’s younger brother, Kaiser, looked steadily forward and looked at Heze.

“Now, I hope that the country of Bing Xue will immediately send people to search and rescue, and one or the other can be rescued. Secondly, I hope that the country of Bing Xue can give an explanation and a satisfactory response to Jade Country for this incident.”

“I …”

“King Kane!” Heze looked at King Kane still not knowing what to do, and suddenly shouted.

In a flash, a silhouette flashed and appeared in front of Kane, and the beautiful El blocked Hezer’s approach.

“Ambassador Heze, I will immediately lead the Imperial Family Guard to search and rescue. Please be sure that the country of Bing Xue is absolutely impossible to attack the Jade Country, and even more impossible to attack the selfless devotees who came to assist.

They are our benefactors, God! We have no reason to do so. “

“I believe, but believe the facts more!”

“Hollin, notify the Imperial Family Guard army to gather immediately.” Elbe overdone and commanded loudly.


Princess El left, and the commotion suddenly broke out. In just a few minutes, the incident of the aid group encountering a missile attack spread instantly.

“Everyone is quiet!” Prince Cather coldly shouted, and the noisy buzzing was instantly disappeared.

Heze swept Prince Caesar again, his eyes flashing. Although it has been known for a long time that Prince Cather has unparalleled prestige, now he can’t help but pay attention to it. But what happened with the previous bit of hostility?

Kane came back to his senses, took out his handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead continuously.

“Ambassador, please must believe that we are absolutely impossible to attack the aid group. Without the aid group, the country of Bing Xue may be destroyed by foreign animals at any time. They are our hope …”

“I personally believe that you said, but the attack really came from the country of Bing Xue. I don’t think he has the ability to do so.”

“It is T !, it must be T, ambassador, you know, that T organization has been trying to drag the country of Bing Xue into hell, they are the incarnation of the devil, no, they have become the devil.”

“Even if it’s T, but why haven’t you taken precautions? You should solve the hidden dangers before our aid team sets off.”

“Ambassador, you know our current situation, and you can’t guarantee that you have no ability to solve T.” Kaiser came to Kane to replied after maintaining the order of the scene.

“That ’s your problem. If you ca n’t even guarantee the safety of the people who help you, how can Jade Country help you.

You know how important these people on the plane are to Jade Country. Even the second Her Highness the Princess of our Jade Country is on the plane. We have paid the most sincere sincerity to the country of Bing Xue, but in return, it was a ruthless missile strike … “

Kane ’s face was dripping with sweat.

Even Cather ’s brow furrowed, “Jade Country II Princess? Yu Ruoyan Her Highness the Princess known as the Pearl of Jade Country?”


Cather ’s face instantly changes pale, looking at Heze, and suddenly gently covering her chest with her hand and bowing deeply to Heze, “True did n’t expect Jade Country has paid such great sincerity. Highness the Princess comes to assist us in person.

We apologize for what happened today. We will mobilize the nation to search and rescue the survivors, and may the gods bless Her Highness the Princess safe and sound. “

The voice just fell to the ground, and there was a burst of exclamation behind him.

Cather’s face was a little unpleasant. Before turning around, he had no time to scold, and he was suddenly stunned by the scene in front of him.

An airplane, passing through the thick clouds, is slowly approaching.

The airport in the country of Bing Xue has almost been abandoned, and two or three planes have arrived throughout the year. Today, there is only one aircraft coming to the country of Bing Xue at this time.

Almost instantly, countless lights stared at Heze.

The kind of eyes that are so hot that even Heze, who has experienced countless winds and waves, can’t hold it.

“Ambassador Heze? Did you just joke with us? You said the aid team was hit by a missile?” The expression on Kane’s face was complicated, both wanting to be angry and having the ecstasy of avoided a catastrophe.

“I don’t think Jade Country will suddenly make a joke with me.” Heze also received a phone call to know the whole story. “I need to make a call back to ask now.”

The plane landed slowly and stopped smoothly on the runway. Cather quickly arranged to welcome the guard of honor.

Heze put away the phone and came to Kane ’s side, “King Your Majesty, I asked the country just now that the plane did indeed be hit by missiles, and it was still twelve crusade missiles. It’s safe. Although I don’t know how they turn peril into safety. “

“It ’s okay if they are fine, as long as they are okay.”

Several ups and downs, Kane ’s head has lost most of his ability to think, and he and Heze came to the plane to greet the arrival of the volunteer group.

The boarding station was gently lowered, and all the students walked off the plane one by one under the leadership of Teacher.

“Welcome welcome–” The warm cheers exploded, still in the language of Jade Country. Although it was very blunt, it was still understandable.

But all the people who got off the plane were gloomy face, who changed almost who was shot down by the missile, and his face was not much better.

“Hello everyone, I’m Heze, the ambassador of Jade Country’s embassy in Bing Xue.” Heze stepped forward and shook hands warmly with Longya.

“Good ambassador Heze, I am the leader of the team Longya.”

“Head Longya, I heard that you just encountered a missile attack? Is it true?”

“Almost dead, if it were not for the high level of students we brought this time, it would be good to live half of it.”

“This matter is already known in China, and the No. 1 chief attaches great importance to it. You are very happy that the country is safe and sound. We have arranged where you will settle down. We will talk about it in detail after a while.”


Wang Lan and the others took the three buses with the welcome of the band and the guard of honor. As for the luggage they brought, naturally people from the country of Bing Xue were responsible for transporting them to the camp.

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