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Something wrong, can the star force of the two of them merge? Stronger strength broke out after the fusion? However, I haven’t heard that Phoenix Form and Dragon Emperor Form can merge? Otherwise, would n’t Flame Emperor and Azure Emperor join forces to be invincible in the whole world?

Sanguo only hesitated a little, and his body exuded a strong wave of star force instantly. When the wave went away, the person was already disappeared.


There is a ripple in the void, and a silhouette is suddenly smashed out of the void. Mulberry’s body flew backwards, but his face showed a horrified expression.

My own technique of Night Roaming God was cracked so unpredictably … Not only was it cracked, but even the other party could n’t see it? How is it possible …

At this moment, Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan disappeared, and in an instant, the two appeared in front of Mulberry. Yu Ruoyan’s body has some time when he has put on a sword with bright red armor, which is more honorable under the Dragon Emperor Form. Yu Ruoyan punched Mulberry’s face with a punch.

Sanguo instantly extended the hand palm to block Yu Ruoyan’s punch, and the left-hand knife instantly cut back to block Wang Lan’s light sword.

Yu Ruoyan ’s cheeks suddenly swelled up and a pillar of fire spewed out. The purple flame told Mulberry that the temperature was at least close to 10,000 degrees.


Sanguo ’s face seemed to shake out a residual image, and an invisible strength spewed out, as if a strong magnetic repulsive force burst out instantly to disperse the flames from Yu Ruoyan.

Wang Lan flew upside down, suddenly turning into a butterfly and flying away. Wings of the Insect Butterfly fluttered like a star in the night, each butterfly flashed at least ten times per second.

Sanguo’s eyes and eyes keep on wandering, observing the location of each black butterfly flash.

Suddenly, a strong crisis struck from birth, and Wang Lan’s body sprang out of the mud, and he cut the star to the mulberry.

Sanguo ’s body suddenly twisted, as if he had swapped the space and moved a dozen meters. His body had just stabilized, and Wang Lan’s water-cutting knife was cut off against his head.

“Tianzhen!” Sanguo slapped his head to the top of his head, and suddenly the surrounding space seemed to tremble as if put into an ultrasonic instrument. The water-cutting knife was also transformed into a sky of mist in the shock.

When Sanguo breathed out a little, and finally stabilized the battle, a bright red silhouette appeared strangely in the corner of Sanguo’s eyes. Yu Ruoyan punched Mulberry’s cheek with a punch.


The shock of the space was disappeared, and Sanguo’s figure flew back instantly, hitting his head into the rock wall behind him. The rock wall shattered, and the gravel shot out. The dust cleared, revealing the crystallized Space Stone mine behind the rock wall.

Unexpectedly, Space Stone has so many reserves.

Sanguo ’s body was firmly attached to the Space Stone, and the Space Stone behind him cracked like a spider web.

Sanguo gently wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth. He never thought about the titled powerhouse, which made the world feel frightened by the world. One day, he was injured by two teenagers less than 20 years old.

“Boss, Big Boss–” There was a shout among the corridors on the side. In the blink of an eye, a dozen soldiers of paradise ran out of a corridor.

“Found, Great Commander, we have found the gem of time and space.” A bird of paradise cried in surprise with a 20 cm square of black liquid crystal in his hand.

“You really are looking for the gems of time and space!” El Princess exclaimed, protruding his head from the ruins.

“Idiot!” Sang Guo’s annoyed palm cracked the brains of the idiot shot in front of him. Turn around instantly, in the sky rippling waves.

While not waiting for his silhouette to disappear, Wang Lan did not know when to appear in the position of Mulberry and punched Mulberry down with a punch.


Once again, Mulberry smashed a human figure on the rock wall. Even so, Mulberry didn’t let go of the time-space gem in his hand.

“Want to run? Have we agreed?”

“cough cough cough ——” A light cough sounded, Mulberry crawling out of the humanoid hole with time and space stones, and a deep fist mark on his chest. This is Wang Lan’s fist of furious blood.

In the state of Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness in Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan, even the mulberry fruit at the peak period is not an opponent even more how now he is seriously injured.

“Hand over the gems of time and space, I can still escort you to the International Tribunal for trial, or else … kill on the spot!”

“You two juniors, it is really arrogant!” Sang Guo smiled and replied. “But … I wonder if you have paid attention to the excitation equipment built outside when you came?”

Sanguo ’s words reminded Wang Lan and the others of the strange space-time doors on the open space before diving in.

“It seems that I have seen … do you know what that is? The giant Space Stone excitation device. If I am destined to be unable to retreat with the space-time gems, then let us all sleep in the chaos of time and space! hahaha-“

Sang Guo ’s laughter paled Wang Lan ’s face instantly changes, and at this moment, Wang also sensed the faint sound of vibration outside, as if it was the roar of the engine starting.

“Not good! They have activated the device.” Yu Ruoyan is also face deathly pale as paper.

In Nine-Storey Pagoda, a Space Stone pyramid that was less than ten meters sent them to Seventh Layer. In the second space, a Space Stone tower with five meters high caused a Xinghaijing Teacher to die in the chaos of time and space, and the remaining two were also seriously injured.

And here, Space Stone is more than thousands of times before? The time and space turbulence generated by the activation of so many Space Stones is enough to destroying heaven extinguishing earth! No matter what Phoenix Form Dragon Emperor Form is, it becomes dumpling filling.

“Teacher, El, go and destroy the device!” Wang Lan snorted and communicated with Yu Ruoyan, and the two of them burst out of their strength and blasted the head.


An unimaginable huge strength rushed into the sky and directly penetrated the geological layers of several hundred meters. The beam of light directly rushed into the clouds to bring an unprecedented spectacle to the space of different degrees.

“Go!” Wu Shaohua knew that he couldn’t help the two students. With a scream, the body had risen to the sky.

“Do you think they are too late?”

“No matter if they are too late, you should have the time you slaughtered first!” Wang Lan is also on fire, everything is under control, but this thing has nothing to do with moths, and now Wang Lan also has No other idea, kill you first.

The voice fell to the ground, the figure appeared in front of Sanguo, his hands danced, and his fists slammed into Sanguo like a machine gun.

“boom ~ boom ~ ——” Mulberry’s body suddenly twisted a barrier. This barrier seemed to distort Wang Lan’s attack and shift the attack out of most.

But even those remaining attacks can smash the mulberry’s five internal organs with broken pieces and blood spattering wildly.


Sang Guo shouted suddenly, the door of Star Palace exploded violently, and among the doors of star palace that exploded, the stars were surging like a sea, and every splash of water contained countless stars.


The violent energy exploded towards all around, and the Star Palace burst and exploded Wang Lan ’s body in an instant. Yu Ruoyan hurried up to catch Wang Lan, just hugged Wang Lan, the whole cave suddenly collapsed.

Sanguo falls like a cave in the endless abyss disappeared.

Wang Lan can fly both, and will not be swallowed by the black hole under his feet. But … the gem of time and space was held down by Mulberry.

“Let’s go down,” Wang Lan decided after a moment of thought.

“This black hole is weird, who knows what is below?”

“No matter what is below, as long as there are space-time gems, even the dragon’s pool and tiger’s den must be broken.” Wang Lan whispered.

The space-time gem can open the door of Demon Realm and lead the Demon Race army to the earth, of course Yu Ruoyan knows. Just for a moment, I was subconsciously forgotten. I was reminded by this, even if Wang Lan stopped her.

The star force surged around the two of them, and the rays of light emitted from the star force quickly sank down. The depth of this huge pit fill exceeded Wang Lan’s imagination, flying at least 2000 meters vertically from the top before reaching the bottom of the pit.

The pit is so big that even if the two of them output the star force with their full strength, they will not be able to shine on the surrounding environment. It was like falling into a world with only darkness, and the entire world was only two of them.

“Fire Dragon Dance Technique.” Yu Ruoyan suddenly launched an S-Rank star martial skill, but this star martial skill is not intended to attack anyone, but only intended to control the Fire Dragon to roam to provide them with lighting.

With S-Rank star martial skill lighting, Yu Ruoyan can be so extravagant.

Fire Dragon wandering, and finally let Wang Lan and the others see the surrounding environment. This is a valley basin, and the surrounding rock walls are all sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces.

This environment is a dungeon for most people. But it is not a problem for the two who can fly. The only problem is that there are still many strange statues here.

All around the sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces are covered with such statues. And these statues are extremely huge, more than ten times larger than Wang Lan’s previous caves.

“Is this the Altar of Demon Race? What does Demon Race sacrifice?”

“Ancient Devil God!” Yu Ruoyan replied softly. “The race of Demon Race is a little strange. He is the social structure of the caste system, but it has a brilliant civilization.

The upper castes have absolute power over the lower Demon Race, and the Ancient Devil legend they believe is a group of powerful existences that can independently cross the galaxy universe. It was only because a war 100,000 years ago was involved in the chaos of time and space and disappeared. They hope that through sacrifice, the Ancient Devil God will find a way back to continue leading them to the universe.

They advocate personal strength, but they have developed a technological civilization. This is difficult to coexist in our human society. It’s like if Ancient Era’s cultivation civilization was not destroyed by Demon Race, shouldn’t we be able to develop a technological civilization? “

“Found it!” Suddenly, Fire Dragon glanced over a sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces and saw a silhouette climbing hard in sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces.

The two are in a connected state, sharing their thoughts, and they instantly flash to the place where the mulberry is located.

“Go to death!”

“Ka-” made a crisp sound, and Mulberry ignored Wang Lan’s fist and pressed the space-time gemstone into a slot on the wall.


Suddenly, a barrier rose up the wall to block Wang Lan’s fist.

“hahaha …… didn’t expect …… really didn’t expect Demon Race actually left a space-time gem excitation array …… hahaha …… originally thought that we need to build our own excitation device to open the space-time Door.

Wang Lan, Yu Ruoyan, you finally lost! hahaha … tremble, tremble to welcome the arrival of Demon Race, Jade Country is over, Sky Blue Star is over, everything will be destroyed! “

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