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When the barrier was raised, Sanguo ’s body was suddenly thrown out of the barrier as if flying by an electromagnetic bomb.


With a loud noise, Yu Ruoyan punched Mulberry’s head with a punch. Losing the protective barrier, Mulberry’s head was instantly crushed like a big watermelon, the brain splattered, blood water fuse together with the deep pit on the ground.

dignified titled powerhouse, the mulberry that made the entire host nation frightened after the defection, died unexpectedly in this horn.

Yu Ruoyan, who smashed Mulberry ’s head with one punch, lifted his fist and lifted the head slightly, watching Wang Lan struggling to beat array formation at 45 degrees, his eyes full of heartache and regret.

“This is an array specially arranged by Demon Race, even the 5 Emperors ca n’t be shaken. Wang Lan, do n’t waste your energy, the war begins.”

As if catering to Yu Ruoyan, suddenly a splendid beam of light rushed above the gems of time and space and went straight to the sky.

On the other side, Wu Shaohua and El Princess disregarded their injuries and braved the fate of the bird of paradise to finally open the way to the Space Stone excitation device. When Wu Shaohua launched the star martial skill to destroy the device in one fell swoop, the device warmed up.

In an instant, the terrifying energy is inspired, and the gorgeous light curtain like aurora spreads all over the world.

At this moment, Wu Shaohua’s expression is so desperate. Just a little bit, just a little bit less. Obviously we have all worked so hard … why … in the end, we lost time and lost everything.

Such a huge Space Stone mine is excited, and the energy released will be beyond imagination. The energy value of astronomical figures will tear up everything around and even the entire space in an instant.

It does n’t matter if he dies, he is just an insignificant little star sea. But Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan cannot die. One is the peerless genius that came out once in a thousand years, and the other is Heaven’s Chosen, which has never existed before. When they die, Jade Country will miss the opportunity for a leap, and even make Jade Country fall into civil strife again.

The massive Space Stone energy is excited, but there is no space-time turbulence. Endless energy gathering, condensing intangible and intangible energy into a liquid state, and turning it into an energy tide towards the direction of space-time gems.

This kind of energy, not to mention opening the door of Demon Realm, is enough to build a safe passage between man and demon.

“Pure energy can be loaded in the front, please don’t miss it.” Wang Lan’s mind, always a low-key system, suddenly spoke at this moment. Stubborn and imbalanced told Wang Lan that I am actually an intelligent system, not a low-profile and brainless type.

“Has the war begun? Then I will let him end!” As the words fell, Wang Lan suddenly jumped for life, rushing towards the beam of light with the momentum of moth flies into the flame.

“Wang Lan!” Yu Ruoyan absolutely didn’t expect Wang Lan to make this move, but it was too late to stop it. I watched Wang Lan crash into the beam of energy.

The energy of the space-time gemstone can be opened even to the door of Demon Realm, and the space energy contained in it can be imagined. Not to mention that you bumped into one head, it was a capital letter that 5 Emperors bumped into it hand in hand.

“Fool!” Yu Ruoyan yelled out of control after Wang Lan disappeared.

“Find the loadable energy, whether to load it.”

“Yes!” At that moment, Wang Lan only felt a paralysis all over, and the Sacred Phoenix Clothes on his body instantly turned into stars as if they were wiped out. Such energy intensity, not to mention a Bronze holy cloth, even Gold holy cloth may not be able to withstand.

“Please choose to load the star martial skill.”

“Skyfire destroys the world!”

“Star martial skill level is too low to load.”

But as Space Stone was stimulated to burn, a huge hollow appeared. This hollow is very fragile, and with a light touch it will collapse like a pyramid of cards.

Wang Lan removed the space gem, which was the last straw that crushed the entire space. The space collapsed, such a huge area collapsed, Wang Lan four people were buried in the rubble without a chance to escape.

After a long time, among the rubble of the thick meters of each meter, each and everyone swelled up, Wang Lan four people drilled like undead crawling out of the tomb, fiercely spit out a spit.

If this kind of burial is replaced by an ordinary person, the thousand thousand people will all die, but it is not a big problem for the star martial artist. In particular, the four have either the level of Xinghai Realm or the strength of Xinghai Realm.

“Is everyone okay?”

“It’s okay!” Yu Ruoyan’s disgusted dirt on the pats, the dust, is the same as the cement factory’s dust.

“Human Race’s genocide crisis … is it just settled by us?” Wu Shaohua looked at Wang Lan dumbly, even if Yu Ruoyan and Wang Lan had already spoken in detail before, but still one Asked incredulously.

“Go, let’s go back, you two immediately write a report, I want to give you credit. It damn it, this time Jade Country must show a good face internationally. By the way, I can’t think of Wu Shaohua in my life Such a great thing.

Even when I am old, I can tell my grandson, you grandfather, when I was young, I used to take two students to save the whole world … I do n’t have any face. “

“Old Wu!” Wang Lan’s face showed a pitiful smile, “Do you have a girlfriend? Are you all thirty? Even a girlfriend doesn’t have a grandson?”

The expression of Wu Shaohua freezes instantly.

“Wang Lan, do n’t say that, although Wu Teacher is ugly, he is still very strong. If you want to get married, there are many girls who are willing to marry Wu Teacher for excellent genes. Maybe they will get married and have children next year “” Yu Ruoyan solemnly defended Wu Shaohua.

You might as well not help … Wu Shaohua burst into tears.

Yu Ruoyan looked at El Princess’s words, and suddenly thought of something and said quickly, “We finally came to the interior of Space 5, and died of the death and still alive. Closed? “

“Alright!” Wu Shaohua nodded.

“The space-time node … I just saw it.” El Princess said anxiously.


“It seems that behind the collapsed rock wall, I glanced at it, and then it collapsed extensively so I didn’t look carefully.”

“Dig!” Wu Shaohua hurriedly called, “I remember the rock wall at that location.”

“Not so troublesome.” Wang Lan smiled faintly, “The art of light and heavy replacement.”

As Wang Lan ’s star force surged, the soft gravel under his feet suddenly lifted off the gravity and rose to the sky. Soon, among the rising rubble, the blue vine-like Space Node seduce four people like a woman scratching her head.

“El Princess, you go!”

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