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The larger the heterogeneous space, the stronger the Space Node. After all, Space Node maintains the strength of the entire space. The small heterogeneous space can be broken even in the Nebula environment. And in the heterogeneous space of the intensity of scouting space, even 5 Emperors have to fight for a few days and nights.

The No. 5 space of different degrees is not big, but little is not small, even though El Princess is the strength of Xinghai Realm, he still beat Space Node more than twenty times in a row.

The moment the Space Node shattered, the space began to twist and collapse. With Space Node as the center, gradually differentiated space. The annihilation of the heterogeneous space is much like the formation of a black hole, with Space Node as the singularity, constantly consuming the space until the entire space is engulfed. But unlike the black hole, the demise of the heterogeneous space will not leave a terrifying black hole to devour everything.

When the last piece of space is engulfed, the heterogeneous space will collapse and disappear like a soap bubble.

“Wang Lan, run! What are you doing?” Wu Shaohua saw that the Space Node was broken and was about to run off his legs, but he saw Wang Lan as if he was a fool.

“Skill cooling time … it’s up!” Wang Lan said hardly, and the whole person fell. Wu Shaohua grabbed Wang Lan and ran Wang Lan directly on his shoulders.

In the depths of the universe, there is a dark Nebula. Nebula is like a dark cloud floating in the universe, dark and cold like the background of the entire universe.

But if you pass through Nebula like death hell, you can see the bright Star River inside. This piece of Star River seems to be sealed in Nebula. There are stars floating in the black cloud all the time, and then it is swallowed by the terrifying energy into a part of Nebula, and there are stars all the time rushing like a fire moth Nebula.

Inside the Star River, a shining civilization spreads across a galaxy. Countless huge spaceships like beetles patrol the huge honeycomb buildings in the universe. If human scientists are here, they will be amazed by the magic of cosmic creation, and even such a large honeycomb social civilization can appear in the universe.

“Reporter Marshal, I just sensed that the human space channel was activated.” At the corner of the huge complex, a high-level Demon Race entered a weird worm room and said to a humanoid beetle-like creature inside.

“The space of the human world? It’s only 70 years since the agents who stayed in the human world have to open the channel to impatient? What happened to the human world? Or are they bored?”

“I don’t know, space is only sensed to be not at all turned on, and within a few seconds only space sensing is extinguished. But it is certain that this is the energy fluctuation of the eighth space-time gem.”

“No. 8 … Is n’t it the last time it was a space-time gem of 10,000 years ago? From 100,000 years ago, when twelve time-space gems were buried, until now, there are only a few of them, and most gems are a few. Thousands have only started once. No. 8 has not been started for ten thousand years … “

“It is true, but the time and space gem was activated but failed to open the channel. This has never happened. Marshal, did something happen?”

“What can happen? It ’s just a low civilization.”

“But … people in the Academy say that the civilization developed by the human world this time is a rare civilization that has never appeared, and may become the biggest threat to the Divine Race. They proposed that this time they should not be used as a harvest just like before. Hunting ground, but completely destroy Human Race. “

“Destroy? Do you really think that the sleeping ancient god was a decoration? Why did the ancient god imprison the remaining 3,000,000 Human Race in the galaxy? That was the last seed for Human Race.

If we destroy their seeds, he will perish with us. Demon God has not returned yet, we are unable to resist him. Because of this, we have destroyed their civilization time and time again without destroying their race.

Demon God does not return, the ancient god is our eternal threat. “

“We do n’t have …”

“But we do n’t have to take risks, do n’t we? Demon God just lost his way in the multiverse, and when they return, let alone a Gaia, even if all the ancient Divine Race is resurrected, they can fly ash annihilation within a few fingers. Now, we This situation needs to be maintained, so that human civilization will always be in a wild stage. They will be broken and we can destroy them at any time. “

“But, Marshal, those of the Academy have already mentioned this to the Imperial League many times, and the degree of threat to human civilization is very high. If the Academy is yours, your majesty still believes it.”

“It ’s not just your majesty who believes it, I also believe it. But they like to exaggerate some things. I have studied the so-called technological civilization of human beings, they were enlightened from about 2000 years to 3000 years ago, up to more then 2000 In the history of years, their civilization still stays in the era of making tools. Even if they invented something called a gun a hundred years ago, the formable power is really ridiculous.

Only their star martial artist can pose a threat to us. The human race’s cultivation civilization is only the scattered sand in the Magellanic Cloud. The strongest within the realm star martial artist is nothing but a low level of demonic weapon.

If it were n’t for the suppression of the ancient god ’s realm, we would send a random person to destroy the Sky Blue Star. You do n’t have to pay too much attention. The group of Old Guys in the Academy may say that it may become a reality, but that is after the facts of thousands of years. Do you think the Human Race civilization can live to that time? “

“Marshal Yingming, it seems that I’m in a hurry …”

“No, being cautious is a precious quality. All possible threats must be taken seriously. The Academy said that human civilization is so powerful not at all wrong, but it is just too urgent. That’s all, wait for it to open next time After the passage of time and space, let’s erase the technological civilization. Lest the group of Old Guys declare any scientific civilization threat theory every day. Annoying! “

“Okay! Then let the people in the testing department be more serious and check the exciting state of the space-time gemstone.”

“en!” Marshal waved his hand, and his men were about to turn around to leave. The marshal suddenly yelled, “When will you and Mora get married?”

“Ah? I … I”

“Why? Didn’t you plan to marry my daughter?” While speaking, the Marshal was ready to kill the scumbag in front of him.

“If Mora Young Lady is willing, I can go to the cave tonight.”

“en! Do n’t worry so much, wait for me to inform you, you can go on.”

Wondering, Wang Lan does n’t know how long it has passed. Anyway, when he regained consciousness, the first thing he saw was the sky and stars.

You ca n’t see stars in alien space.

He is sitting in a car at the moment, and the car bumps on the bumpy road. But he suddenly woke up not because of the bumps in the road, nor because of the fading of skill repercussions, but the hint that suddenly popped out of his mind.

“Congratulations to the host for successfully preventing the Demon Race army from coming, rewarding EXP 7,000,000 and skill points 200,000.”

“Congratulations to the host for successfully closing the No. 5 space, rewarding EXP 300,000 and skill points of 10,000.”

The two prompts sounded almost simultaneously.

Closing an alien space can reward 300,000 EXP? This is already a very high reward. But compared with the previous reward, is it even unsuitable for lifting shoes?

7,000,000, EXP? Although after the Star River, the upgrade experience starts at 2,000,000, but Wang Lan has never received so many EXP in his life. And even skill points, instantly increase by 200,000? 200,000 skill points can upgrade all star martial skills that dare not upgrade before.

The star force is increased due to the change of physique, so that Wang Lan can see that he can take the pure law system route. However, the pure law system route is too much skill points, and now Wang Lan can have just a few skills. A lot of S-Rank star martial skill can only learn first and then get ash.

The melee line that was set before and the dance of the Phantom Butterfly seems to be beautiful, but Wang Lan also found problems in the battle with Sanguo.

Although the sword of light is good for formidable power, it is for the Star River. If you face the titled powerhouse like Mulberry, the attack power of the Cleaver is too bad.

Even if you are able to countless changes, what is the point of not being able to break the defense?

Like a light feather attack, Mulberry stands still, and the star force shield alone can withstand the light feather attack. If you want to continue this route, you can only improve the attack power of the sword of light.

But the sword of light is not skill points and cannot be strengthened by adding points. So this path cannot be said to fail, but you must find a star martial skill to replace it.

While breaking through the Star River, Wang Lan has upgraded Blazing blades such as Dance of the Nether Butterfly, Skyfire Extinction, and Earth Roar to Platinum Gold. Blazing blade evolved into extremely hot light when upgraded to Platinum Gold level.

Platinum Gold 1. The initial temperature is 10,000 degrees. Ten thousand degrees, exceeding the temperature of the purple flame, is already very strong. But the lethality of ten thousand degrees is not as high as imagined. The upgrade route for extreme heat is to increase the heat of light, which Wang Lan clearly feels. If you want extreme heat to replace the sword of light as a powerful output, you must increase the temperature of extreme heat several times.

While the Platinum Gold level must be upgraded every time, with a score of 20,000 points, Wang Lan simply cannot afford it. Even the natal star martial skill life light is only Platinum Gold. In the absence of skill points, those bright futures can only rely on daydreaming.

With 200,000 skill points credited in one go, Wang Lan’s collapsed with excitement.


With a loud noise, the car jumped up under the huge impact and scared Wu Shaohua, who was driving, and turned back quickly.

“Wang Lan, don’t get excited after you finish playing.”

This situation, Wu Shaohua used to see it often. Many star martial artists struggled to a coma and were carried to the rear hospital for treatment. The first moment after waking up was an attack. Therefore, each of the battlefield doctors has mastery of elusive evasion ability. If the evasion is not good, it is not allowed to go to the frontline hospital.

In case you are rescued, but the rescued person is beaten to death with a punch, do you say you are not losing?

“Ah? Oh, it’s okay? It’s okay.” Wang Lan went down the slope to resolve the embarrassment.

But Yu Ruoyan, who has been looking after Wang Lan for a long time, knows that Wang Lan has been awake for at least three seconds. Don’t look at the fact that three seconds is very short. For star martial artists, three seconds is enough to get pregnant.

So Wang Lan’s jump is so unreasonable.

But only momentarily, Yu Ruoyan understood. She wants to change to Wang Lan, and she has to jump like this.

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