“No sign? Where do we get the money without signing? What to hire star martial artist?”

“I said no signing is allowed! That is the last hope for the revival of the country of Bing Xue. You have to sign it. The country of Bing Xue has no hope of turning over in the next 100 years. After 100 years, perhaps all that remains is a mess. No signing is allowed. The country of Bing Xue is left to us by our ancestors and cannot be destroyed by us. “

Kane’s face suddenly became gloomy after being so arrogantly questioned by Cather.

Bang, slap the table and stand up, “If you ca n’t even pass next year, what are you talking about a hundred years later? If you do n’t sign, where do we get the money without signing?”

“I’m going to find a way!” Cather threw a cold sentence, looked at Kane deeply and turned away.

At noon, the International Astronomical Observatory gave authoritative results. In the next three hours, the asteroid will enter the gravitational sawing magnetic field of the Sky Blue Star and the moon, and in the magnetic field, it will be crushed into powder by both sides.

As soon as this result came out, it was not just the country of Bing Xue, it was sighed in relief throughout the world. An asteroid hit, even if it did not land on their land, it was very nervous. Who knows what will happen in the future?

Especially there is a long volcanic activity line in the Arctic Ocean. The country of Bing Xue is located on this volcanic continuous line and the seasons are like spring, creating this strange and beautiful country.

The asteroid crisis is lifted, but the Volunteer ’s rest period is at least three days away. In addition to the wounded people needing three days to recover, the main reason is the lack of cannon fodder.

The country of Bing Xue is not the homeland of Jade Country, so the volunteer team does not need to risk a small team of mortal danger to search for Space Node and then destroy it. This type of combat is very risky, and it may be impossible to fill in seven or eight teams to close a space of different degrees.

Not my parents, why do you fight so hard?

Rarely idle, Wang Lan also engages in combat training with everyone ’s habits, and discusses the skills used by star martial skills with others. at first is still very excited, but after a while it gets boring again.

Wang Lan’s red-eared things earned by others seem to be instinctive. But to make Wang Lan say the reason, Wang Lan can only be understood, but not described.

It ’s not that Wang Lan hides frustration, he really does n’t know what to say. The disadvantage of adding some points finally appeared, and the experience gained by adding some points cannot be shared with others. To share the Divine Seal engraving. But Wang Lan is not so generous, sharing the skills he has learned so hard.

Although the process of adding points is not hard, the process of earning skill points is still very hard.

Even if there are three different degrees of space not closed, but after all, they have won a big victory. So today’s supper was exceptionally rich, and everyone was given five pounds of beef. In the country of Bing Xue, wanting to drink and eat meat is a luxury, because there is no disciplinary wine, but the meat does eat a pleasure.

“Beep Beep–” Wang Lan’s face changed slightly when the phone rang suddenly.

This is a reminder issued by the Heavenly Sword Bureau working mobile phone. Since coming to the country of Bing Xue, this mobile phone is basically in a scrapped state. The only function is to look at the time.

Wang Lan took out his phone secretly, glanced at the message and put it back into his pocket silently.

I have been in the country of Bing Xue for more than ten days. I understand that the Heavenly Sword Bureau field agent said at night that Wang Lan has not contacted Wang Lan. Wang Lan thought that this task was canceled directly.

After dinner, the night was quiet, Wang Lan put on a face-changing mask, and successfully avoided the camp’s induction by superb stealth technique.

The location of the connector is at a midnight bar in Ice City. Even if the ice city reaches the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted, entertainment will still be a little bit. Especially in the Arctic Ocean region, if people do n’t drink, they lose the meaning of being alive.

So bars should be the best industry to survive among all leisure and entertainment industries in the country of Bing Xue.

According to the pre-designed incision, Wang Lan successfully took over the other party. The other party faced a face of harmless to humans and animals and grinned at Wang Lan.

“I do n’t have a name, you can call me No. 31. My face is a facelift, and the original owner of this face is a foreign affairs steward of Duanmu Clan. He is planning to escape from Jade Country quietly through hidden channels But we were detained. ”

“Is this meeting a pure meeting or … have a task?”

Wang Lan does n’t like his current state. Mysterious and secretive are like secret agents. Although Wang Lan is a secret agent, Wang Lan likes to act on open and aboveboard.

“There is no task, but I will give you an account. The seller here finally contacted me. They urgently need to sell twelve tons of Space Stone for 200 million.”

“Twelve tons, are they crazy?”

“So I feel that this transaction is a bit unusual, but after all, it is the best opportunity to reach the target. I have a safe house in Bing Xue’s country, here is the safe house address and key.

I will back up all the clues and evidence that I have investigated and put them in a safe room. If all goes well, I will return to China after completing the task, and you do n’t have to do anything. But if I have an accident, you can go to the safe house to get evidence and clues, and then continue to investigate. “

Wang Lan’s solemn result was the envelope delivered by the other party, “Do you want to help?”

“No, your task is only a backup, and the probability is that I will successfully complete the task. I have done this task dozens of times, very skilled.”

Wang Lan gave the other person a deep look. Although the other person ’s face was fake, Wang Lan felt a blessed radiance.


“Then I’ll go first, you have another drink, and then leave in half an hour.” He said that he would drink the wine in front of him, and then waved his hand and turned away.

Out of the bar, the alley outside was dark, there were no street lights on the road, and no pedestrians. Wang Lan walked slowly towards the camp along the road when he came.

Even if it is a capital city, the ice city at night is as dark as death, and the occasional flashing lights cannot illuminate the city.


Suddenly, a violent explosion sounded.

With the explosion, strong star force fluctuations swept through.

Wang Lan frowned tightly and paused. This time, he quietly left the camp to engage in espionage, and such an identity should not be idle at all. But Wang Lan still stopped and hesitated.

The intensity of this star force fluctuation reached the Xinghai Realm. In the entire Ice City, there are only a few of the strengths of Xinghai Realm, all of which are closely related to Wang Lan. Is a Teacher of Academy fighting against people?

Within hesitation for less than two seconds, Wang Lan suddenly jumped forward and turned into a streamer towards the direction of the explosion.

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