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When Wang Lan arrived, what he saw was the ruins of a place. If you remember Wang Lan correctly, this should be one of the most famous hotels in Ice City. But now, the entire hotel is disappeared, and there are broken corpses everywhere in the ruins.

Wang Lan’s eyes swept quickly, and suddenly eyes shrank. A white flower body lay in the corner of the ruins. Although it looks very similar to the Icelandic state, Wang Lan can still tell the slight difference.

This sturdy white man should be a bear of the Arctic bear, the international person is called the bear country.

“Who? Hold your head and squat down!” Suddenly, shout out loudly sounded behind me, and the Imperial Family Guards rushed towards Wang Lan shouted. When Wang Lan turned around, the other party braked violently.

Maybe because the brakes were too fast and too anxious, the whole body lost weight and fell directly to the ground. The kneeling posture caused Wang Lan’s tense face to spread instantly.

“I said brother, don’t be so polite?”

“Wang Lan?” Lightly exclaimed sounded, and El Princess came slowly from behind the crowd, “Why are you here? This is what you did?”

“No!” Wang Lan shook his head on the spot, and originally wanted to explain why it wasn’t, but whoever knew El hadn’t asked.

“Search and see if there are any survivors.”

It’s all star martial artists, and turning a ruin out is almost as difficult as turning a book. Almost instantly, the entire ruin was turned over.

A total of at least 70 people died in the explosion through the assembly of torn corpses, two of whom were from Mao Xiong. What’s unexpected is that there is another person who just fainted.

Wang Lan checked and found that this person turned out to be a star martial artist. That’s easy to handle, a life chain connects, and the person’s injury is repaired in less than five seconds.

El blows out a cool air, and the person lying on the ground instantly hits a shivered to wake up.

“Ah? El Princess.”

“Who are you? What happened here!”

“I … I am a senior agent of the Intelligence Service, and today I traded nuclear bombs with Prince Cather, but Mao Xiong suddenly demanded a price increase, and our negotiations broke down. We were instructed to stay here to secretly monitor Mao Xiong, and suddenly appeared mysterious person robbed Mao Xiongguo’s nuclear bomb. I listened to their conversation, and the mysterious person appeared behind seemed to be … Jade Country. “

Obviously the other party thought that Wang Lan could not understand their language, so he spoke so outspokenly. But Wang Lan understood it, and it was very clear.

“Jade Country?” Wang Lan’s brow furrowed tightly. He didn’t dare to veto whether Jade Country sent someone to perform the task, but he suddenly thought of another aspect, “You trade nuclear bombs? You What do you want the nuclear bomb to do? “

“Nuclear bomb trading is our country ’s secret, but should your Jade Country enter our country and implement military force without our country ’s permission, should we make a reasonable explanation?” The other party replaced it immediately after seeing Wang Lan understand him. A pair of faces asked sharply.

“You shut up! Jade Country is our eternal friends. Are you trying to challenge the relationship between Bing Xue’s country and Jade Country?”

“Princess, the subordinates are not afraid. But … the other party is indeed the leader of Jade Country, and it is also the powerhouse of Jade Country great and famous … called … called Yellow Springs Envoy Wang Mingling!”

“Wang Mingling?” Wang Lan was stunned to hear the name, and immediately sighed in relief.

Sure enough, this scourge is not so easy to burp.

“El Princess, who is Wang Mingling? I think you only need to check the wanted list published by the International Security Council. Wang Mingling, who defected from Jade Country 30 years ago, was active in the Middle East for 30 years.

He is an international terrorist with a dangerous level of S-Rank. Just six months ago, he launched a terrorist attack on Jade Country Suzhou City. And we have obtained definite information that Wang Mingling is a member of Bird of Paradise.

So the man who robbed the nuclear bomb is Bird of Paradise, but I cannot assume that I am not aware of the fact that Bing Xue ’s country trades nuclear bombs. “As a result, Wang Lan gave El Princess a solemn look and turned away.

“Wang Lan …” El Princess subconsciously called, but only saw the dark night and the lonely star in the distance.

Replied the camp, Wang Lan went directly to the Central Command without stopping. After being identified, they were brought in directly by the guards.

“What? The country of Bing Xue buys nuclear bombs from Mao Xiong?” Jin Wenbing suddenly stood on the table, “What is the country of Bing Xue doing? What do they want to do?”

Nuclear bombs are the ultimate weapon of human technological civilization. This thing is so strong that even the humans who created it cannot control it. At the beginning of the advent of the nuclear bomb, the great scientist Ein caused all countries of the world to sign a nuclear underwriting treaty before the nuclear bomb manufacturing technology was announced.

Nuclear bombs can only be used for Protector-like civilizations, and must not fall on our Human Race. When the Demon Race invaded, the nuclear bomb was our last weapon to guard civilization.

The manufacturing technology of nuclear bombs can only be controlled by the nine strongest countries in the world. The rest of the countries need to use nuclear bombs to fight the Demon Race. They need to apply to the nine major nuclear bomb producing countries. If there is no reason, the nine major countries must unconditionally support the need for national use The nuclear bomb resists the invasion of Demon Race.

Hundreds of regulations are detailed in the nuclear underwriting treaty, and one of them is that nuclear weapons are not allowed to be traded and are not allowed to be used during non-Demon Race invasion.

Demon Race has not invaded yet. What does Bing Xue’s country want a nuclear bomb? Who do you want to deal with?

Longya takes a deep breath and slowly stands up, “Go, let’s go to His Majesty Kane and have a statement.”

Wang Lan followed Longya Jinwenbing and Yu Ruoyan aggressive to kill Wang Ting. And tonight’s Wang Ting is also very lively. It seems that Wang Xing and the others’ Xing Teachers have been convicted. When they came to Wang Ting, someone had specially received them.

Following the receptionist to a secret underground chamber, Wang Lan saw King Kane and Prince Cather in the underground chamber. But El Princess is not included.

“It seems that His Majesty Kane is understood our intention.” Jin Wenbing held his hand, said lightly with a sneer.

“It is for us to buy nuclear bombs.”

“didn’t expect you guys didn’t cover up?” Longya ironically said with a smile.

“We always treat our friends with sincerity.” Prince Cather faintly smiled.

“But Bing Xue ’s country violates the underwriting treaty, and Jade Country, one of the permanent members of the United Nations, ca n’t sit back and watch. If you do n’t have a reasonable explanation, we will withdraw from Bing Xue ’s country. Now. “

“There is no harm without trading, and it is not Bing Xue ’s country that violates the nuclear underwriting treaty. In these years, has the Mao Xiong secretly sold fewer nuclear bombs? If you ca n’t sanction Mao Xiong, just sanction us? Jade Country? There is an old saying that is so good, the persimmon should be picked softly. “

“How do you know that we will not sanction Mao Xiong Guo?”


“Cather, please say a few words. Two, please follow me.”

Kane said, pressing a button, the floor of the entire secret room suddenly descended slowly, and the entire secret room turned out to be an elevator.

The 360 ​​° No-Dead-Angle tempered glass is around the elevator. You can see the situation of each floor through the surrounding sightseeing glass. Densely packed arms weapons are placed outside the elevator.

The entire Imperial Palace was actually built on a large arsenal.

“Twelve years, do you know how the twelve years of the kingdom of Bing Xue have been? We are all in fear, everyday all is. I am the king of the kingdom of Bing Xue, he is the kingdom of Bing Xue Prince of the country.

We had the consciousness of coexisting and dying with the country of Bing Xue from an early age. But we can’t let go of the people of Bing Xue’s country.

Five years ago, we made the worst plan. If the line of defense of Bing Xue’s country collapses, we will be all soldiers. After sending only a thousand children abroad, our nation ’s 2,000,000 people will burn both jade and stone.

The nuclear bomb is our last resort.

We purchased five nuclear bombs from Mao Xiongguo. The size of the nuclear bomb is very small. It is a suitcase-type nuclear bomb. But the formidable power is very strong, a nuclear bomb can destroy everything within two kilometers. “

The voice fell and the elevator stopped.

Three exquisite suitcases appeared outside the glass cover of the elevator. If it were not for Kane’s explanation, Wang Lan would feel that these are three ordinary suitcases.

“Such a nuclear bomb, I think it should not have the capability of long-range strike?”

Kane turned back suddenly, a pair of deep eyes with tears like a branch lance penetrated deeply into Wang Lan’s chest.

The kingdom of Bing Xue, the advantage of entering without claws, retreating without the strength of bones and bones, harmless to humans and animals for a lifetime, only to be safe. But destiny gave the cruelest trial in the country of Bing Xue.

Five different degrees of space, any one can make the country of Bing Xue flying ash annihilation. In such despair, Kane can only think of burn both jade and stone, perish together.

This kind of look, such an encounter, makes even the heart of General Jin Wenbing, who is hard-hearted, becomes soft.

“Nuclear bombs cannot be left in the country of Bing Xue. After we have settled the remaining three heterogeneous spaces, the nuclear bombs must be confiscated, and on the UN committee, the country of Bing Xue must impeach Mao Xiong and produce sufficient evidence. . “

“Of course no problem, we want the nuclear bomb to pull back when we want to die. If the country of Bing Xue can Nirvana Rebirth, who wants to die.”

“Beep Beep–” Suddenly, the cell phones of Kane, Kather, Jin Wenbing and Longya rang at the same time.

Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan watched this scene together. Is it so tacit? Either a super major event happened.

Sure enough, when the four people who connected the phone were almost simultaneously complexion greatly changed, Kane ’s cell phone fell from his hand, and a few broken parts were smashed on the ground crisply.

“Wang Lan, Ruoyun, we will return to our country immediately.” Longya put down his phone and shouted in a low voice.

“Back to China? Why?”

“The astronomical observatory made an incorrect estimate. The asteroid not at all was shredded, but accelerated to fall towards the Arctic Ocean.”

“The prediction is wrong? Did n’t the observatory see the asteroid entering the gravitational magnetic fields of the Sky Blue Star and the moon and release the crisis? Is this still predictable?”

“I did see it, but the strange thing is that the asteroid not at all was pulled and shattered by the gravitational magnetic field, but it rushed towards the Sky Blue Star completely, and the speed exceeded the estimate. It is expected to hit after an hour.

“But the Arctic Ocean is so big …” At this point, Wang Lan’s eyes widened sharply and looked at Kane who had lost his soul. “Can’t it be so accurate? Just hit the country of Bing Xue?”

“No, but it ’s almost the same. The location of the hit is the ice volcano. The ice volcano is the one at the foot of the country of Bing Xue. Once hit, it will definitely involve the volcanic eruption. The explosive formidable power is tens of thousands of times the impact of the asteroid.

Not to mention the country of Bing Xue, it is possible that the entire Arctic Ocean will be over. We have to leave as soon as possible. ”

“Don’t go!” Suddenly, Kane shouted as if he suddenly recovered, “Please, don’t go, save the country of Bing Xue.”

“Kane, this is a natural disaster, not manpower to fight.”

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