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The word natural disaster makes Kane’s expression unpredictable … natural disaster … asteroid impact … triggering a volcanic eruption, when the time comes The entire Arctic Ocean area will become a sea of ​​lava, the world’s coldest Arctic Ocean will soon Will become the hottest place in the world.

“Your Majesty Kane, send us up.” Longya lightly saying.

Kane is still in Muran, and Cather reaches out and presses on the induction area of ​​the elevator, and the elevator slowly rises again.

On the first floor, Jin Wenbing hurried away to the camp to gather soldiers to leave. At the airport in the country of Bing Xue, five aircraft were parked one after another. This was the vehicle that came from Jade Country to assist.

At the gate of the palace, Longya was a little unbearable, “Your Majesty, I ’m very sorry, so I ’ll say goodbye. I hope the observatory ’s estimate is wrong. If this asteroid does not at all cause bad effects, we will definitely do it soon Come back. “

“Mr. Longya, can you take my daughter?”

“If El Princess is willing, we are of course happy.”

“I don’t want to.” El Princess’s voice suddenly sounded, walking slowly in steps. Suddenly, the trot rushed to Wang Lan, and in the midst of everyone’s consternation, El Princess suddenly rushed into Wang Lan’s arms.

Wang Lan only felt a cold in his lips, El Princess’s lips were printed on Wang Lan’s lips.

This scene made Kane and the others stunned, and Yu Ruoyan’s face changed dramatically. Let Wang Lan look dazed.

“Wang Lan, no matter whether I can live in the future, please remember that in the country of Bing Xue, a girl has fallen in love with you and has not changed at the last moment of life.”

El Princess whispered in Wang Lan ’s ear and slowly left Wang Lan ’s chest, as if nothing had happened and returned to his father ’s side.

“I will not leave. I am a Princess of the country of Bing Xue. I should coexist and die with the country of Bing Xue.”

“El, this time is different. Non-human resources can be changed under the natural disaster. It makes no sense for you to stay.”

“My meaning is … to make people in the country of Bing Xue not afraid of the disaster, because I accompanied them to face the disaster together.” El Princess smiled softly, “I am called War God by the people , But my War God has hardly ever won.

Not that my strength can really become War God, but … they need a War God, and they need to be guarded by War God. “

“Then … Mr. Longya, can you take away some of the people of Bing Xue’s country? Not many, only a thousand people.”

“Should …”

“Beep Beep–” Longya’s phone rang again. Longya complexion greatly changed, quickly took out the phone to connect the phone.

“What? Okay, I am understood! I will leave immediately.”

After hanging up the phone, Longya said to Wang Lan Yu Ruoyan: “We are leaving now, the asteroid has begun to fall, and it is expected to hit the ice volcano after 40 minutes.”

Wang Lan took a deep look at El Princess, there was still a trace of coldness in the corner of his mouth.

“Wang Lan, this is a military order!” Longya shouted again.


Wang Lan eventually followed Longya to the camp. Even though I can’t bear it in my heart, in the face of reality, I can’t bear it, and compassion is so impossible to withstand a single blow.

You have the kindness to help the world, but you ca n’t take your own life in order to help the world? Wang Lan is an ordinary person, not a great man, not even Saint, he is not that great.

As for El Princess, Wang Lan admits that she is beautiful, but Wang Lan is not greedy for her body, and naturally will not get angry for a woman because of the confession of El Princess.

When I returned to the camp, a thousand Black Tiger Army and more than 100 Academy support groups were ready to go. As for what brought some people from the country of Bing Xue to leave, no one continued to mention it.

Dozens of buses drove out quickly after arriving at Wang Lan. The atmosphere in the car was very depressed. In addition to the rumbling sound of the car, no trace of noise was heard.

Suddenly, there was a noise in the car, Wang Lan lifts the head, and saw a group of people from the country of Bing Xue appear on both sides of the road sometime.

They also stood silently on both sides of the road as before, silently watching cars passing by one after another. Many people in the country of Bing Xue hold banners in their hands.

Writing in Chinese, I wish you triumphant return and so on.

“People in the country of Bing Xue don’t know that an asteroid will soon fall and hit the volcano of ice … they thought we were going to explore the space of different degrees …” The sound rang.

While speaking, weeping sounds appeared one after another in the car. Even if they were tempered into a steel Soldiers, they could not imagine how desperate they would be when they learned that the support team was not going for them this time, but that they left Bing Xue’s country this time.

Wang Lan stared staringly out the window, his mind was not thinking, not thinking.

For the first time, Wang Lan faced such powerless despair. I also realized from the heart how small human beings are in the face of natural disasters.

“Director Dragon, can’t we hit the asteroids in the sky?” a student asked suddenly.

“Blast? Do you know how fast a meteorite falls to the ground? The minimum is 20 times the speed of sound. The greater the mass, the faster the fall. The fastest missile in the world today is only Mach 6.

And the flight path of the meteorite falling is very unstable, and the direction is deviating every second. Using missiles to hit the meteorite, human technology has to develop at a high speed for hundreds of years. “

When I heard this, the whole person of Wang Lan was shocked. Yu Ruoyan, feeling the change in Wang Lan, held Wang Lan’s arm with concern, “What’s wrong with you?”

Wang Lan ’s body is so stiff, like a stone carving carved from a stone. Yu Ruoyan gently patted Wang Lan’s shoulder. “You don’t have to blame yourself. This kind of thing is beyond our ability. This is a natural disaster, not our fault.”

Wang Lan does not blame himself. Even if the country of Bing Xue is destroyed by an asteroid, he will regret it at most. In Wang Lan’s mind at the moment, however, several keyword eyes are constantly emerging.

The speed is too fast for the missile to lock and shoot down …

Platinum Gold-level star martial skill, derivative skill of star divine arrow, void purple eye, lock a target you see, no matter how the target avoids, the star divine arrow skill launched will eventually hit the locked target. Knowing one arrow, the star force of the whole body converges into a deadly arrow, outputting the strongest attack. Can this skill target asteroids? Can this disaster be prevented? “

“Beep Beep—” Longya ’s mobile phone rang again, and every time the phone rang, Longya ’s heart would be peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ straight, even after so many times, it was still so trembling in fear.

“Hello, I am, I am on the bus now and I am heading for the airport. Estimated time? About fifteen minutes. What?”

Whatever this moment, the whole bus was instantly dead, Longya stood up fiercely, and his head hit the salute of the bus without any consciousness.

“Half an hour? How about half an hour? Let ’s not board the plane?”

After being silent for a long time, Longya hung up the phone, “Speed ​​up, the asteroid will fall in half an hour, we must take off before the asteroid falls. Hurry up!”

Across the ocean, the International Astronomical Observatory brings together the world ’s highest astronomical scientists and the most advanced astronomical observation equipment. Throughout the monitoring room, dozens of gray-haired scientists stared intently at the data on the monitoring equipment.

“How is it possible … What kind of material is this asteroid!” an old man suddenly roared and asked, “Entering the gravitational field of Sky Blue Star and the moon, can resist the gravitational friction of the two planets? Even if It is pure metal, no, even if it is a brick, he should be crushed into powder.

It passed through the gravitational field intact and still fell according to the original trajectory, but … why is it burning so slowly in the atmosphere? If it goes on like this, it will shrink one third at most when it falls. The asteroid impact of nearly 20 meters is enough to destroy everything in the Arctic Ocean. “

“Now the only expectation is that the impact point of this asteroid is shifted a little, do n’t really hit the ice fire mountain range group. If it really triggers the volcanic eruption of the ice fire mountain range group, the world will Affected. “

“Tick Tick–” Suddenly, a newest test report was printed out, and several scientists instantly grabbed the report just printed like a starving tiger.

When I saw the report ’s conclusion, everyone ’s faces showed despair.

The probability of hitting the ice fire mountain range is 97.8%.

“Not good!” Suddenly, an inspector yelled.

“What’s wrong?”

“The asteroid began to spin violently at high speed … The high-strength air pressure drove the speed, and the falling speed of the asteroid increased again by 1/4, the impact strength will double, and the impact time is only … less than twenty minutes. “

“It’s over!” a scientist from Jade Country suddenly stunned, “Can the plane take off after the asteroid impact?”

“If the eruption of the ice volcano is delayed by a charge, it should be delayed by about 20 minutes. However, if the ice volcano has already reached the ear state at any time, it may erupt immediately.”

Several dozen buses arrived at the Bingcheng Open Air Airport, and almost stopped in a drifting turn.

“Come on, don’t bother about it, we don’t need luggage anymore, we will board the plane soon, we are only ten minutes away, board the plane!” Longya and other instructors shouted loudly.

“This is …” Suddenly, a classmate had no intention of looking up, but suddenly, the whole person froze.

The sky to the west suddenly appeared a shining little sun. The light of the little sun illuminates the whole sky. The sun is getting bigger and bigger and getting closer and closer.

“Fuck me! Isn’t it more than ten minutes?”

“Hey, Hezer? The asteroid is about to strike early? Boarding immediately? Now I do n’t need you to tell me, I have already seen it. I am now boarding, but I looked at this asteroid, as if It’s for us — “

In just one minute, the light of the asteroid has exceeded the sun, even at night, the rays of light will illuminate the earth like daylight.

And the trajectory that it flew by just passed the ice city airport.

Putting together, there will be no loss, not working together, in case Bing Xue’s country is really destroyed, it may regret for life, fight or not? This question only wobbled in Wang Lan’s mind for a second.

“What’s special, labor and capital can’t be overwhelming, starry divine arrow, add some points!”

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