
You can search “I have countless skill points” on Baidu to find the latest chapter in Baidu!

Twenty thousand skill points were added, and the starry divine arrow was upgraded to Platinum Gold II. Before yesterday, Wang Lan could not imagine that he would waste the last skill points on the starry divine arrow.

After Platinum Gold II, the void purple eyes and the formidable power of the intimidating blow are strengthened again, and it is not a problem if a titled powerhouse is hit by a hit. But the mass of this asteroid is very high, and the strength can resist the gravitational friction of the two planets, Wang Lan hesitated to add more points again and again.

A total of 90,000 points were added to Platinum Gold IV before Wang Lan stopped. There are no skill points in the system anymore. This is Wang Lan’s best effort. And in these few seconds, the asteroid above the head has been very close to the surface.

Because the asteroid is spinning at a high speed, the flight trajectory stabilizes even though the flight speed is increased.

“Void Purple Eyes, open!”

Wang Lan’s star force exploded in an instant, his left eye was golden, and his right eye was purple. The eyes of purple are the rays of light of deep purple, which are as bright as stars.

“Wang Lan, what are you doing? Not boarding yet?” Wu Shaohua came to Wang Lan and shouted loudly.

“You guys board the plane first, and I’ll get on last!” As he said, the star force around Wang Lan was even more roaring.

“No? Wang Lan, are you crazy? Do you want to use the star martial skill to play asteroids?” When Wu Shaohua guessed what Wang Lan might do, the whole person was bad.

You used a star martial skill to hit a missile before, but is that comparable? What is the speed of the missile? Only five or six Mach. And the missile explodes as soon as it touches, but the asteroid is iron bumps!

Even if it is not iron lump, it is also stone lump. What star martial skill intercepts this velocity meteorite, what star martial skill explodes solid meteorite? I’ve seen floating with one success, but I have never seen floating like you.

“Don’t make trouble …” The quote was suddenly interrupted by a palm on the shoulder. Longya slightly shook the head to Wu Shaohua, “Maybe … can he do a miracle?”

“Wang Lan, I will help you!” Yu Ruoyan had nothing to say, body flashed appeared beside Wang Lan, “Dragon Emperor Form, open!”

“Phoenix Form, open!”

When both of them turned on the sublimation form, their star forces were automatically bridged together. But for a moment when the star forces were compatible, Yu Ruoyan finally knew what kind of monster Wang Wang had in his hand.

The star force is compatible, the mind is connected, and even skills can be shared.

Yu Ruoyan saw Star Divine Arrow for the first time. This is the star martial skill that she has never been heard of even as an Imperial Family.

In an instant, Yu Ruoyan ’s eyes turned into gold and purple, and purple eyes of mysterious purple rays of light radiated from the purple eyes.

In the view of the two, the meteorite in the sky has now become elliptical, with spiral grooves on the surface. These grooves may be due to violent burning after entering the atmosphere, or they may be due to weathering caused by cyclones.

The vortex grooves allow high-speed rotation of the elliptical asteroid at the same time. Crash into the ground at a terrifying speed.

The two lifted their right hand arms together, and their splendid wings like Jin Ge popped out of their wrists. Their left hands covered their wrists, continuously pulling back like a bow. With the accumulation of power, the horror energy gathered by the crazy star force condenses in the arm and condenses into a sword-like arrow.

“Is it locked?” Wang Lan indifferently asked.



sou sou ——

The two minds rushed out of their arms and shot like a void. As the arrow left, it seemed that the strength of the two of them had been taken away. The star force disappeared all over the body, and the two collapsed almost at the same time.

One heart, one arrow, no reservations, after use, it must be off.

In a hurry, the two female classmates were body flashed and stopped behind the two to support the fallen two, while the others all raised their heads and looked straight at the bright radiance in the sky.

“What is that?” World International Astronomical Observatory suddenly shot two rays of light from the ground in the picture of the asteroid falling through eight high-magnification satellite cameras. The speed of light is not fast, and it can be said to be crawling in front of the falling speed of the asteroid.

“I do n’t know, is it a missile launched from the country of Bing Xue?”

“Aren’t your home’s missiles glowing?” a scientist said silently. “Fast, calculate the light trails.”

“Fuck! These two lights can accurately intercept the asteroid fall rule, and strike after three seconds, two, one!”


A loud noise.

All those looking up at the sky at the airport only feel that the sky suddenly exploded a red and blue donut. The shock wave spread rapidly in a rippled shape to the surroundings. In just a moment, the small sun in the sky spread like fireworks.

The shock of this scene caused everyone in the scene to be sluggish.

On the elongated neck, the throat knotted back and forth.

“I …” Wu Shaohua gave me a word with a blocked chest for about ten seconds. This is like the erupting engine. The second word, “Fuck—”

No wonder Wu Shaohua has a low level of education and ca n’t find the right words to describe the shock he is suffering now. Because this shocking vocabulary can be described, it has not yet been invented.

Something fucking, there is no sound here!

The two words represent the voices of everyone present.

Star martial skill is playing missiles, and they have refreshed their three views. But now, Wang Lan tells you that it is not enough. Have you ever seen a star martial skill playing an asteroid? Why did you explode the asteroid?

But in fact, it ’s not the star martial skill that Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan teamed up to beat the asteroid. Even if this asteroid hits the ground, it is the ending of the crushed bones. Wang Lan just advances the ending a little bit.

The asteroid exploded, and fireworks rain suddenly fell in the sky. Countless debris scattered, such as the martial skill of the planet.

“Fuck, defend quickly!”

A tactical Teacher finally reacted and hurriedly shouted, all the students who would defend the martial skill of the star quickly rushed to block the falling meteor shower overhead.

After a torrential rainstorm, the world is quiet.

The asteroid fall event that has been followed by countless countries and countless people is just the end of tiger’s head, snake’s tail. Of course, of course, it’s ridiculous, but … what’s the matter with those two lights?

“Congratulations to the host for successfully crushing the falling asteroid, saving the ecology of the Arctic Ocean, rewarding EXP 1.5 million and skill points 70,000.”

In the past, 90,000 skill points were consumed in order to enhance the starry divine arrow, and immediately, another 70,000 skill points were awarded. Seems to have lost 20,000, but can this be considered a loss? The upgraded skills are real.

Just like that arrow just now, try it with a titled powerhouse. I will tell you not to blow you up.

More importantly, the 1.5 million EXP pushed Wang Lan ’s experience slot to nearly 90%. By convention, when Star Martial grade is upgraded to Level 4, it is almost the Middle-Stage of this level.

Even if there is no EXP credit in the future, upgrading to Star River 4 with Platinum Gold level Xianyun Xuanqing will be a matter of these two days.

“Bell Bell —”

“Beep Beep-”

Longya, Heze, and Jin Wenbing’s cell phones rang almost simultaneously.

“Hello? Hello Minister …”

“Hello? Elder Di? We are still in the country of Bing Xue, did not take off? What is the situation? What else can the situation, Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan chant, the two jointly issued a star martial skill, the specific situation is their I said … but they both fell out of a coma … “

Wang Lan also fell into a deep coma after receiving the reward. I don’t know how long I’ve been in a coma. I only felt a cold touch across my forehead, and Wang Lan gradually recovered his consciousness.

Slow eyes opened, and it was El Princess ’s delicate face. El Princess is holding a white towel and wiping her face gently.

“Don’t move, you sweated a lot when you were unconscious, I immediately asked someone to bring you hot water, you took a shower and changed clothes to go out.”

In this tone, the gentleness almost melted Wang Lan.

“El Princess … I’m sorry …” Wang Lan stuttered.

“Sorry what? You have saved millions of people across the country, and you are our hero. Everyone in the country of Bing Xue is grateful to you, why do you apologize?”

“No … I mean … I have a girlfriend.”

“I know.” El Princess’s expression is natural, and the smile is as gentle as before. “She’s Jiang Xinyu. I heard Yu Princess say. But you have a girlfriend. I’m not the reason I can’t like you. Right? I ’m not involved in your life, I ’m in the country of Bing Xue … thinking of you. “


Soon, hot water was delivered, and El Princess wanted to bathe Wang Lan. How can Wang Lan agree? Then the soft-footed prawns with weak limbs were easily carried into the bath tub by El Princess and washed in vain.

The process was fragrant and embarrassing.

It took about two hours for Wang Lan’s limbs to recover. repercussions Although not as painful as Phoenix Form, it is just weakness of the limbs. But the time is a bit longer.

He was helped by El Princess and walked outside to get the sun, and at the door, Yu Ruoyan Princess was wearing a blanket on his face and looked at the sky with boredom. When Wang Lan came, Yu Ruoyan showed one. The same is the smile of the fallen people.

“Are you here?”

“How are you feeling?”

“Will my feelings be different from yours? By the way, how long have we been in a coma?”

“In two days, the aid team went to the celebration. Bing Xue ’s country avoided a catastrophe, thank you.”

“Right, what happened to the nuclear bomb because of the asteroid sudden occurance?”

“Because the fall of the asteroid was delayed, the Defense Intelligence Agency began the investigation the day before yesterday. All external channels have been closed and they are being searched nationwide.”

“If it ’s Wang Mingling, you have a very low chance of finding him.” Wang Lan smiled faintly. “He is a Jade Country S-Rank traitor, with strength in Xinghai Realm Peak, and may even reach the level of mulberry. . “

“I have already predicted that terrorists grab nuclear bombs for two purposes, one is to carry out a terrorist attack and the other is to blackmail the government. The country of Bing Xue now has only one life left, meaningless for us to carry out terrorist attacks . And blackmailing money … hehe … “

El Princess’s wry smile is not just ridicule, but helplessness.

There is only one life left in a poor country. You blackmail a fart.

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