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Wang Lan’s surprised lifts the head glanced at Prince Cather and admired Prince Cather’s brain circuit. Use a nuclear bomb to kill your mouth? Thanks to him. Wang Lan is more willing to believe that it is an operation error or a nuclear bomb.

However, the speculation made during the communication between Longya and Jin Wenbing was somewhat probable. The nuclear bomb may have been detonated by the leader of the higher layer behind Wang Mingling. The purpose may be to kill Wang Lan.

But the probability is not big. No one knows whether Wang Lan will go before the transaction. Besides, kill Wang Lan with a nuclear bomb? Although Wang Lan is in the Must Kill List ranked second place in Birds of Paradise, don’t you think he is so worthy of it?

Soon, a team of Academy Teachers led by Longya came back. Although the process was thrilling and exciting, the results were all happy. Wang Lan didn’t lose any hair on this side, but he didn’t find one on the bird of paradise.

Since everyone is happy, the plan to conquer the third and fourth spaces should be on the agenda.

To celebrate everyone’s unscathed stay, El Princess invited Wang Lan Yu Ruoyan to eat barbecue in her back garden. The crisis in the country of Bing Xue is gradually lifted, the danger of one after another is passed through safely, and the smile on El Princess’s face becomes brighter.

“Wang Lan, how about my craftsmanship?” El Princess offered a roasted chicken wings to Wang Lan as a treasure.

“You eat it, and mine is almost ready. The fun of grilling is what you want to roast yourself. The roasted food is more delicious. If the roast is not delicious, you will have to eat it even with tears. It is also one of the pleasures of barbecue…”

Yu Ruoyan’s ear heard this, and his eyes dodged slightly. In the trash can beside her, there is a chicken leg that has become coke on one side and half of the other half.

“El.” Suddenly, Wang Lan called out, “I still don’t think it’s that simple today. The two nuclear bombs must not have been accidentally exploded, they must have been carefully designed.”

“Meticulously designed? What is the purpose?”

“I just don’t know the identity behind the scenes, so I can’t determine the position behind the scenes, but I have an intuition that the timing of the nuclear bomb explosion seems to be when we are close to the nuclear bomb, which means…the nuclear bomb is prepared for us.

“Did you guess the direction?”

“No, and after all, it is the country of Bing Xue, I am not convenient to investigate, nor is it convenient to investigate.”

“…” El looked blankly at Wang Lan. “Do you have any special meaning if you reverse this sentence?”

Wang Lan looked at the delicate expression in front of her eyes and suddenly realized that even if you study a foreign language well, the foreign language is a foreign language after all. Well, many Chinese people don’t understand the wide-ranging and profound of Mandarin.

“It means that you are secretly investigating, even I suspect that Stephen is not the biggest big fish hidden in the country of Bing Xue, or he is not only one.”

“Okay, I will arrange people to investigate tomorrow. Eat and eat, today’s food is enough.”

Yu Ruoyan sat quietly by the charcoal stove, carefully watching the barbecue fork in his hand. Obviously looking at very simple things, why does it feel so difficult?

What do you mean by fire? How much is it?

Yu Ruoyan, who is struggling with the barbecue industry, suddenly smelled a strong fragrance. Wang Lan brought the freshly roasted chicken wings to Yu Ruoyan.

“Give it!”

“I bake it myself.”

“Forget it, the two people you and I know are a kind of person, I will understood at a glance when you bake something.”

“Two people? One kind of people? Which two people?”

“One, Jiang Xinyu, and one my aunt.”

“oh?” In a flash, Yu Ruoyan only felt a sweetness in his heart, does that mean close people?

“Is born and missed the kitchen, no matter how high your IQ is, you will be an idiot when you enter the kitchen.”

The pure steel barbecue fork in the “ka!” hand broke off.

3rd day, the reassembled four thousand troops went to No. 3 alien space. Because the third heterogeneous space is the weakest of the five heterogeneous spaces, it took only two days to reach the Space Node with sufficient vaccine.

Wang Lan’s three people stood in the space of different degrees, and El’s expression stepped towards the node with seriousness.

“Er, do you want to consider leaving this space as a scouting space. The survival of a country cannot always rely on the assistance of other countries. The country of Bing Xue wants to rise and must cultivate its own star martial artist.” /p>

“In the current state of Bing Xue’s country, unable to support has the strength of a scouting space. The star martial artist of Bing Xue’s country is now no more than 500.” El Princess said with a wry smile.

She certainly knows how important it is for Bing Xue to have the ability to train star martial artists independently. Space 3 is indeed very suitable, but even if the occasion is before us, the country of Bing Xue has no chance to seize it.

Maybe in the future, there will be a new space of different degrees in the country of Bing Xue, maybe… history will be staged again. However, the real frustration can only let them choose to give up.


One punch, fiercely strikes on the Space Node. With a crunch, fine cracks spread on the Space Node.

“The friendship between Bing Xue’s country and Jade Country will last forever. If I encounter difficulties in the future, will you come to help me, right?”

Wang Lan’s face smiled brightly in response to El Princess’s pun.

There is almost no loss, No. 3 Xeno Space is closed. Not only the Seniors of Academy are relaxed, but even mercenaries from thousands of miles are very relaxed.

Even some mercenaries think that the former Bing Xue country is a hell experience exaggerated the difficulty, or that their strength is too good, even such an easy task can not be completed.

Close an alien space, and the army briefly rests for three days.

In the middle of the night, Wang Lan crosses his knees on the bed and faces the system slightly dazed. Before 30,000 skill points were added, where should these 30,000 points be added? Thirty thousand skill points are only enough to upgrade one Platinum Gold skill once. You can also upgrade one Gold skill to Platinum Gold.

But it is a taboo for star martial artists to establish their own combat style and swing around. Now that the Slaughter Path line is approached, it is a waste to worry about the notation system. But the strength of the close combat Wang Lan has reached expectations.

The Dance of the Underworld Butterfly is very useful. Now the flash escape of the Underworld Butterfly moves instantaneously, the damage output has extremely hot light, and the defense has a sacred shield. Large-scale clearing has ground fire roaring and sky fire extinction.

Finally, Wang Lan put his eyes on the sacred shield and the dance of the black butterfly. These two star martial skills are all Platinum Gold, and 30,000 skill points can be upgraded once.

Considering that he still has the Sacred Phoenix Clothes that he has just upgraded, Wang Lan finally points skill points to the Dance of the Black Butterfly.

Twenty ghost butterflies are split at a time, and the time of the butterfly status can be extended to three seconds. Before, the state of the Nether Butterfly was only about a second. Even if Wang Lan didn’t want to show up, he would be forced to show up immediately.

The state of the Nether Butterfly is simply BUG, ​​which can ignore physical element attacks, just like the product of illusion. This state is commonly known as the invincible mode.

After finishing, Wang Lan was about to undress and go to bed, and suddenly there was a noise outside the door. The sound of footsteps was familiar, and Wang Lan’s heart instantly lifted.

With only the fourth space left unclosed, Wang Lan and the others’ country of Bing Xue and his party almost came to an end. After waiting for three days to close the last space, the country of Bing Xue will usher in a rebirth, and they will also return to their homeland.

Parting soon, El Princess visits quietly again at night… What does she want to do?

This is not what Wang Lan thinks too much, it is the same thing he has experienced in him.

Although it is said that Wang Lan takes advantage of Xie Sisi, it is not Wang Lan’s style to eat and wipe the soles of the feet. It is for this reason that even the man’s character is trying to restrain himself from keeping distance from El Princess.

It is not that Wang Lan does not want it, nor is it that Wang Lan has guts and courage, but just does not want to be a scumbag. Wang Jiang still had an excuse before Jiang Xinyu didn’t pick it up, but now there are no more beasts.

“Who?” Wang Lan asked softly and tensed.

“Wang Lan, it’s me! The things I’m investigating look a little bit ugly.”

“Uh…” It seems that I think too much, Wang Lan stood up and opened the door. El Princess is also dressed normally.

“Today, a staff member secretly found me and said that some physical evidence was found during the cleaning of the ruins of the Gore hotel, but two physical evidences were requested to be destroyed by Stephen. The staff member was suspicious, so he secretly hid and lied that it had been Was destroyed.”

“What physical evidence?”

“I ordered someone to study it immediately after I got it. They said that some kind of signal sending device. You and me go to see it. The real use should be researched soon.”


Turn around and get dressed and go out with El Princess. Before leaving the camp, he saw Yu Ruoyan in a trench coat standing outside the camp and looking up at the sky.

“Is it coming out so soon?”

“What is so fast? What are you doing here?”

“Nothing, can’t sleep and walk out, you are…”

“El Princess has made some progress there, let’s go and have a look together.”

The three followed El Princess to an institute in Ice City, where the brightly lit. Under the leadership of the Guards, the three came to the research room.

“Her Highness the Princess, it can be determined that this is a signal transmission device, and this signal transmission device is a fixed device, not a variable frequency signal transmission. The rule of this signal transmission is extremely complicated and cumbersome and very precise. >

Any error in a part will cause a deviation in the frequency of the signal. Just like a mechanical lock with thousands of features, a lock has only one key. “

Hearing here, Wang Lan’s faces changed dramatically.

“Nuclear bomb detonation sending device?”

“It shouldn’t be wrong. But… how could the nuclear bomb detonation transmitter be destroyed?” Yu Ruoyan asked doubtfully.

“This was destroyed in an explosion. Wasn’t that explosion not a battle explosion? It was the person of Mao Xiong that destroyed Self-destruction in order to prevent the nuclear bomb detonation device from falling into the hands of birds of paradise?”

“It should be like this.” Wang Lan scratched his chin and fell into thought, “If the detonation devices of the two nuclear bombs are here… Where is the detonation device in the hands of birds of paradise? If the detonation device of the nuclear bomb has already been detonated Destroy, how did those two nuclear bombs explode?”

“Does Bird of Paradise have the same nuclear bomb?”

“No!” Suddenly, Wang Lan’s eyes flashed, “I think, I’m understood!”

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