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“What do you know?”

“El Princess, you go to call your majesty Kane and Prince Cather, and let them bring all three nuclear bombs in stock. Ruoyun, you go and take the dragon commander General Jin Call it.”

“Okay!” Yu Ruoyan said simply, and turned away.

“Reunion at Imperial Palace?”


Wang Lan and the three of them left the Institute to work separately. An hour later, in the Conference Hall of the Royal Palace, King Kane and other leaders of the Bing Xue country and the head of the aid group gathered together.

and the others arrived, Wang Lan stood up next to three nuclear bombs guarded by Soldiers, the country of Bing Xue. As Wang Lan approached, the three Soldiers suddenly became alert.

“When the fourth space is destroyed, the nuclear bomb will be taken to Jade Country for destruction, so even now we have the right to deal with the nuclear bomb?” Wang Lan said, body flashed turned into a ghost butterfly, when it appears again When he was on the body, the detonating devices for the three nuclear bombs were already in his hands.

Seeing this scene, Prince Cather stood up fiercely, “Wang Lan, what are you going to do? The fourth space still exists, and the nuclear bomb has not been delivered yet.”

“I just want to explain why the two nuclear bombs snatched by the bird of paradise exploded, and I also want to explain what the secret mastermind is doing.

Wang Lan placed three detonating devices on the table in front of him.

“What I want to say is that the birds of paradise thought they snatched the nuclear bombs that Mao Xiong brought in trades. But in fact, those two nuclear bombs have already been dropped. The two nuclear bombs brought by Mao Xiong It’s actually two of the three nuclear bombs.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the room suddenly showed puzzled eyes. Wang Lan’s statement was a bit circumvent, and it didn’t respond for a while.

“I have been wondering since the last explosion of the nuclear bomb. Was the explosion of the nuclear bomb accidental or was someone elaborately set up? So these days I have been asking El Princess to secretly investigate.

Tonight, El Princess found me and found some clues. Two bombs were found in the ruins of the Gore Hotel. Former National Security Agency Admiral Stephen had ordered an officer to destroy it.

But the staff member felt suspicious so he quietly left two exhibits. After research by scientists, it was found that these two exhibits were some kind of signal transmitter with a very high encryption level, presumably a nuclear bomb detonator.

The follow-up investigation from the explosion at the Gore Hotel also confirmed that the final explosion was not a star martial skill collision but a star martial artist Self-destruction. Now that the two nuclear bombs have been taken away by the other party, why would the star martial artist of the bear country want Self-destruction?

Now I am understood, they are to destroy the nuclear detonator. There is only one detonator for a nuclear bomb, and the detonator cannot be copied. If the detonating device is destroyed, the nuclear bomb can only be destroyed. So… the two nuclear bombs snatched by the bird of paradise were impossible and detonated. “

“But…their nuclear bomb was still detonated.” King Kane asked blankly, but everyone but him seemed to figure out the key.

“That’s because the two nuclear bombs snatched by the bird of paradise simply weren’t the two from the bear country, but were dropped. Two of the three nuclear bombs that had already completed the transaction were dropped.


Therefore, the detonation device of the nuclear bomb is not in the hands of Bird of Paradise at all, but has been in the hands of the secret mastermind who dropped the nuclear bomb. This can explain the incredible expression on the face of the bird of paradise at the moment the nuclear bomb exploded.

Because they knew that the two nuclear bombs with destroyed detonators were dumb. This is really the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind! The question now is, who has this authority to take out nuclear bombs in the palace arsenal? Who is the secret mastermind with two nuclear bombs? “

Speaking of this, King Kane had to recognize the facts even if he didn’t want to believe. look pale turned around, looking at the prince of Cather with a gloomy water beside him.

“Cather, only the two of us have the authority to use nuclear bombs…who did you tell?”

“Big brother, will you tell others the authority?” Prince Cather faintly smiled.

“Of course not.”

“Then I won’t!” Prince Cather said coldly with a smile, “There is too much evidence of our cooperation with the bird of paradise, it’s like a tight noose strangling us Throat.

Three years ago, from the cooperation with Bird of Paradise, it was drinking thrush to quench thirst. Thinking of waiting for the five different degrees of space to be destroyed, the country of Bing Xue being reborn? It’s naive. Since three years ago, the country of Bing Xue has lost its vitality.

Bird of paradise will not let go of Bing Xue’s country, as long as we have any signs of non-cooperation, the evidence of our cooperation will be placed on the table of the International Tribunal.

A dozen days ago, the bird of paradise found me. They struggled to find something for three years and were taken away by the people of Jade Country. They asked me to help them get it back. Even if they can’t get it back, why can I get it back?

So I and the bird of paradise plan that the deadline for the last two nuclear bombs of Mao Xiongguo has also arrived. I took the opportunity to inspect the nuclear bomb out of the package, all this is my plan. “

“Are you the one who killed the bird of paradise…” Kane asked, wiping the sweat on his forehead.

“People who want to kill Bird of Paradise have a chance, but you chose to explode bombs when we exchanged. You want to kill more than Bird of Paradise, you still want to kill El Princess?

When we first encountered a missile attack, did you tell the bird of paradise the exact route and time? Your purpose is to lead El Princess’s lone army to go deeper. In order to destroy this assistance, the bird of paradise can be described as a hit.

The bald guy that El Princess met that day was actually sent by you for the bird of paradise. You plan to kill El Princess from beginning to end, am I right? “Wang Lan’s words suddenly raised everyone’s heart.

“Cather, is Wang Lan saying true?” At this moment, Kane seemed to stand up shouted like an angry lion.

“he he he…what kind of brotherhood and affection, what brother cares about, as long as you touch El, you see how you are not recognizing one’s family now… really disgusting me.”

“It seems to be true…Cather, she is your niece!” Kane’s words seemed to have exhausted all the strength. In an instant, the whole person seemed to be ragged.

“Cather Uncle, can you tell me why?” El Princess asked in a calm tone. In her memory, Cather Uncle loved her so much, every time she was reprimanded by the Royal Father, Uncle tried his best to maintain it. Yourself. Why… Suddenly Uncle became so strange?

“Why? Because your Royal Father has been paving the way for you for the past five years, because your Royal Father hypocritical has me as the first successor, but he has been clearing obstacles for you to become the queen. Because he wants Change the tradition of imperial power alternation in the country of Bing Xue.

Bing Xue has been a country for 300 years, and there has never been a queen. If the ancestors of the past have no sons to inherit, they will definitely choose the brother’s nephew to inherit the throne among Bloodline’s relatives. But when he came to him, he even wanted to pass the throne to you.

And you…now frowning with this Wang Lan. El, I can’t bear the future king of the country of Bing Xue to be a yellow race, not only I don’t agree, the people of the whole country will not agree. “

“You!” El Princess stood up angrily, eyes closed, and the last trace of affection dissipated.

“Okay, we are not interested in watching family ethics dramas. Do you solve it yourself or do we do it for you?”

“Don’t bother!” said, Cather suddenly pulled out a gun against her head, “Kane, you think about it, in the future, El will become the queen, she will fall into Wang Lan’s arms regardless What is the color of his child in the future? What do you think of the people of the country of Bing Xue regarding our Imperial Family? Think about it!”


The gunshot sounded, and in Kane’s exclaim, Cather fell to the ground.

For this scene, Wang Lan expressed his emotions. Especially the reasons that Cather said at the end, in Wang Lan’s view, are jokes. In the final analysis, it is still a fight for imperial power. This kind of thing is a classic in every ancient Chinese dynasty in previous generations, and we are bored.

Speaking so grandiose, it’s nothing but the winner is the king, loser is the villain, knowing that things have been revealed, and simply died.

“Congratulations to the host for catching the secret mastermind, reward EXP 50,000, and skill points 1,000.” The system sounded the system hint at just the right moment.

Melon is finished, Wang Lan and the entire group also left. Before leaving, Jin Wenbing took three nuclear bombs. Although two of them are dumb bullets, it is still dangerous to stay in the country of Bing Xue.

Kane Kane may have no time to take care of it, or he may not want to stop it at all, so he leaves Jin Wenbing with three suitcases of nuclear bombs.

After three days of repairs, Kaiser’s funeral was simply done. The assembled four thousand troops went out again. At this time, the people of the country of Bing Xue said welcome. They cheered warmly, with tears of hope on their faces and tears.

Only the last space is left. As long as the space is closed, the suffering of the country of Bing Xue is completely over. How many times have you come with hope and left with despair. People in the country of Bing Xue have become numb and no longer believe in hope.

Because of this, they had a heavy look in the previous expeditions. It is not that they do not trust, but that they dare not hope. Because the cost of despair is too great at this time, they cannot bear the consequences of despair.

Now, there is only the last one left. The dawn of victory is not just a flash, but the sun is shining like the sun.

Maybe, it was an emotional infection that suddenly broke out after being suppressed by the country of Bing Xue for many years. Four thousand soldiers imposing manner is like a rainbow, everyone seems to be converted into a shining form by the light of hope.

Each and everyone got chicken blood, and the beasts in the different degrees of space could be considered blood mold.

On the first day, it advanced fifty kilometers. The squad spread out, and almost two days later controlled the entire heterogeneous space. On the fifth day, the Space Node was successfully found.

After a series of blows from El Princess, the Space Node shattered and collapsed.

The fourth space is obviously more powerful than the third space, but everyone feels like it is, the fourth space seems to be more fun than the third space. If it weren’t for the bloody numbers of the dead to deceive people, this feeling might still become a reality.

At the Ice City Airport, colorful flags flutter.

Different from the downfall and fate of the coming, today’s airport is colorfully decorated. In addition to the solemn guard of honor, the nobles of the upper and lower ranks of the country of Bing Xue, tens of thousands of people poured into the airport to greet their heroes.

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