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One thousand Black Tiger Army stood in a neat square outside the apron. Motionless As Mountains, promoted like pine. If you ask the whole world what is the most impressive thing about Jade Country soldiers? That’s a forward movement that is as precise as a robot, and a squadron with an imposing manner like a sword.

The King of the Kingdom of Bing Xue and all the ministers have high respects on their faces, and wear a medal that symbolizes the friendship of the Kingdom of Bing Xue to every soldier sent by Jade Country.

There are many thousand people, but every thank you said by the ministers led by Kane is very sincere. Without experiencing the despair they have experienced, it is impossible to understand their gratitude to outsiders as a show.

A thousand soldiers were awarded, and a hundred volunteers from Academy. In the battle to assist the country of Bing Xue, 120 students of Demon Capital Star Martial collage were killed in eight. There is also a Teacher in Xinghai Realm.

“Thank you for your selfless help, and thank you for saving my country. This is a medal that symbolizes the friendship of our country. The country of Bing Xue welcomes you and appreciates you at any time and under any circumstances in the future.”

“Mr. Wang Lan!” When King Kane came to Wang Lan, his tone suddenly became a little choked, seeing Wang Lan’s eyes complex, more envious.

Envy why such excellent young people are not the people of Bing Xue’s country? But as it should be by rights, it is believed that only Jade Country’s outstanding talents can conceive such outstanding talents.

“This is the eternal friendship medal specially created for you by our country of Bing Xue, specially awarded to our most beloved heroes. This medal not only symbolizes our friendship, but also represents your merits.

Whenever Mr. Wang Lan arrives in the country of Bing Xue, you are our valuable customers. In the future, if Mr. Wang Lan has any needs, the country of Bing Xue will not spare any help. This commitment is always valid and rests with the country. “

“many thanks Your Majesty.”

“Congratulations to the host for receiving the precious medal and rewarding skill points 200,000.”

But the moment the medal was worn on Wang Lan’s chest, the mind-boggling reminder sounded in my mind.

Skill points 200,000? I am a big grass!

For the first time to get the Mystic Moon medal, the reward is only one thousand skill points. Afterwards, the promotion of the rank or the medal is a thousand skill points. In addition to the skill points when upgrading the lieutenant colonel. This led Wang Lan to think that the skill points obtained from the medals were about a thousand or two thousand.

Absolutely didn’t expect, a medal actually rewards 200,000 skill points?

Of course, this medal is also the rarest and highest ranking medal that Wang Lan has received. There are three High Rank Medals won in Jade Country, two Medal of Brilliance and one Angel Medal. These three medals are special sacrifice props, exchanged for abilities.

Wang Lan does not know why this medal, which is clearly High Rank, is not a sacrificial offering, but 200,000 skill points are enough to make up for the lack of sacrificial offering.

In addition to the medal, there is a delicate box. Wang Lan had to hold it in his hands and saluted Kane.

The sailing time is approaching. One thousand Black Tiger Army boarded the plane in sequence, and finally students such as Wang Lan and other Demon Capital Star Martial collage.

“Send Junli for a long time, we must finally say goodbye, El Princess, Jade Country also welcome you as a guest. Don’t cry, if you miss us, you can come to Jade Country when the time comes I will take you to taste Jade Country cuisine .”

“Then do you welcome me?”

“Uh…of course!” Wang Lan waved his hand and was about to turn away. Suddenly stopped by El Princess.

“Wang Lan, give me a parting hug.” Before Wang Lan responded, El Princess threw himself into Wang Lan’s arms.

Under this scene, the sky suddenly fluttered with snowflakes, a white El Princess, like a fairy in the snow.

It wasn’t until a whistle sounded around him that Wang Lan pushed El Princess away.

The plane took off smoothly, with a bird’s eye view of the land of Bing Xue from the sky.

“Why? Don’t you? If you don’t want to, you can jump down. Anyway, you can fly.” Yu Ruoyan sat on the seat next to Wang Lan and said ridiculously with a smile.

“No, I’m just watching. The image of Bing Xue’s country is not like a bird flying its wings?”

“That’s an ice bird, the suffering of the country of Bing Xue is over, and you must fly your wings high next. Don’t you look at the parting gift from the country of Bing Xue?” Yu Ruoyan while speaking, his eyes kept staring at him The box in hand.

“Don’t you all have it?”

“But each of us is different.”

“Okay.” Wang Lan opened the box under Yu Ruoyan’s gaze, but the box wasn’t a gem or a handicraft, but a stack of paper.

“What is this?” Wang Lan took out in doubt, opened the cover, and a line of text came into view, “Energy and Mineral Transfer Contract?”

Yu Ruoyan glanced solemnly after winning the contract, “Fortunately, it is not the mineral in the contract with Jade Country. This mineral is not in the data. It should have been surveyed by the country of Bing Xue. .

The mineral reserves are…7,000,000 tons, which is larger than the five energy minerals found by our Jade Country. But for the country of Bing Xue, it is a small mineral vein. Wang Lan, you have made a fortune, and you are also a miner at home. “After reading the contract, Yu Ruoyan ridiculed said with a smile.

“Doesn’t this violate discipline?”

“This is Bing Xue’s unilateral gift giving behavior and private gift giving behavior. What discipline do you commit? Do you know what the price of energy ore on the market is now?”

“How much?”

“One kg three hundred jade coin. One kilogram of energy produced by the energy mine is equivalent to one hundred kilograms of gasoline. Let me calculate for you, one kilogram is three hundred, one ton is thirty thousand, and 7,000,000 tons is equivalent to two. Thousands of 10,000,000,000! The rich can be the enemy.”

“Don’t be so exaggerated, good, data, data only. Which of the top five in the Jade Country rich list does not have a 200,000,000,000 worth? Not to mention the invisible rich like Yu Family, more than 200 billion, not worth mentioning.”

“Expansion!” Yu Ruoyan rolled the eyes, “I suddenly rose ten times in value, I don’t believe you are unhappy.”

“What’s so happy? With this energy mine, I can’t spend all my money. It doesn’t make sense to have more.”

It makes sense, but I don’t know how to refute it?

After flying for twelve hours, the plane successfully landed at Modu. It was morning in takeoff, and it was still morning in Arrival at Modu. A group of people yawned and stepped off the plane, embarking on their own land, inexplicably excited.

There is no grand welcome to the ceremony, only the shuttle bus is parked outside the airport. Looking at the bustling international airport, before recalling all the things I saw in the country of Bing Xue, I feel heartily regretted how lucky I was to live in a strong motherland.

The airport was not greeted grandly, but Academy organized a small triumph ceremony. Although this ceremony is somewhat perfunctory, but the thing is that thing.

Several batches of students run the world every year, and every time they come back, they will host such a small triumph. With more events, everyone feels nothing.

After returning, all students take two days off to pour jet lag. Wang Lan also returned to the dorm to rest.

In Elder Di’s office, Longya and other Academy leaders led the teacher to report the details of Bing Xue’s country and his party to Elder Di. On Elder Di’s desk, there was the gem of time and space.

“Dragon Teeth, you did a great job!” Elder Di said solemnly after listening to the report.

“Ashamed, what did my team leader Teacher not at all do, but it was Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan classmates one after another to resolve the crisis. It not only resolved the crisis of asteroid impact, but also Dissolved the attempt of the bird of paradise to open the Demon Realm channel.

On this merit alone, it is not an exaggeration to say that they have saved the whole world. “

“They did a good job, and you did a very good job. You not only completed the aid mission brilliantly, but also carried out the spirit of Jade Country. Jade Country has the demeanor of a big country, the kindness of a big country, and the big country Majesty.

When you see the improperness of the country of Bing Xue, you have given a warning. When faced with threats from the people of the country of Bing Xue, you have not given up impersonally. What you have done can’t be faulted even if you look at it with a magnifying glass in other countries. I will ask the country for your help, you worked hard. “

“Thank you Dean. By the way, this time-space gem… what’s going on?” Longya curiously asked. Although the trio of Wang Lan recaptured the gems of time and space, they also told them that this was an important prop related to opening the door of Demon Realm, but the trio of Wang Lan not at all revealed more information.

“This is the first time I have seen a real-time gem, but from the information I know, it is the biggest threat to our humanity. From the past history, we can see that Demon Realm will be every 100 years or so. Invade Sky Blue Star.

Every advent is in our densely populated city, using the urban people as a shield, and then assimilating our city to Demon Realm, and then expanding to devour our territory.

In the past, we never knew how Demon Race opened the door of time and space, how it came, and how it accurately fell in our city. Until one hundred years ago, one of our intelligence personnel received critical intelligence.

Demon Race’s key to opening the door of time and space is the gem of time and space. There is no way to know how the space-time gems came, but Demon Race puts the space-time gems into a different space to hide. When the time is ripe, it will be quietly brought to the city by the spies left by Demon Race, which inspires the space-time gems to open the door of Demon Realm The Demon Race army came.

That is to say, when the empty gem appeared, it was when the Demon Race army began to invade. “

As soon as this remark came out, the people present at the complexion greatly changed, “Dean, don’t you predict that Demon Race will have another 30 years to invade?”

“This is our estimate, not reality. The estimate is just an ideal state but accidents can happen at any time. Maybe the Demon Race spy lurking in our world feels threatened, maybe, there are other reasons for them to summon in advance Demon Race Army.

No matter what the situation is, since there has been an event to open the door of Demon Realm, it will inevitably happen a second time. It is time for human civilization to meet the challenge. “

“How many gems in time and space are there? Are there a few…or a lot?”

“According to intelligence information, there are twelve gems of time and space, but I don’t know if there are twelve gems in total or the twelve are left in the human world. This is only the first one, so we should not be too optimistic.

Successful stop this time may be just luck, maybe next time, the army of Demon Race suddenly arrives without knowing it at all. 200 years ago, the Demon Race army landed from four places simultaneously, destroying three countries in an instant. “

Because of preventing a Demon Realm from coming, a crowd of people with a sense of accomplishment was suddenly poured into a pot of cold water. There are twelve gems of time and space, and it is not significant to find one now.

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