
You can search “I have countless skill points” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Although the Magic Zoo is a net red zoo, it is also a city zoo, so its footprint is actually not large, that is, a shopping mall. And the forest ramp that was renovated is actually a 6-Layer building.

When the superintendent blocked all the junctions of the Magic Magic Zoo, the surrounding anchors who came to check in suddenly climaxed. They were supposed to bring fans to see the magical animals of the Magic City Red Zoo at the request of the fans in the live broadcast room. How amazing. But didn’t expect can actually see a more magical scene.

“Is this surrounding the Magic Zoo? What did the Magic Zoo fall down on the ground? Sell wild animals?”

“Don’t be stupid, this brother, there is only one kind of protected animal in the whole world, that is human.”

“Don’t you intend to leave the Magic Zoo in this battle?”

As the passers-by guessed, the staff at the Illusion Zoo also noticed. Looking at the posture apparently directed at the Evil Demon Zoo, the staff was also dumbfounded.

What happened to our zoo? What did you do? Although it is said that training animals is usually harsher, there is no cruelty to animals? Besides, don’t training animals rely on coercion and temptation? Do you talk about dreams with animals?

Isn’t the animal’s dream just to eat and sleep? Our aim is to make the planet’s most unique zoo, not the kind of garbage zoo that shows eat, drink, shit and piss to the audience Lord, nor are they all pandas, why do you eat, drink, shit and piss everyone buy it?

The staff in the zoo also exploded in an instant.

After the enclosure of the zoo was completed, Wang Lan led slowly with more than 100 guards. The zoo’s operation manager took a group of employees to wait at the door, surrounded by a large group of people watching the lively people and the zoo’s security personnel. .

“Comrade Guard, this is… what is this? Our phantom demon zoo has been operating in Modu for so many years, and it has been well-known. There is absolutely nothing to do with the law and discipline. You are such a big situation…”

Suddenly, the voice stopped, and the other party recognized Wang Lan as the head. Isn’t it the star martial artist boy who saw his courageous ten days ago? No wonder the manager didn’t recognize Wang Lan immediately, it is really the temperament of Wang Lan wearing military uniform and previously incomparable.

Wang Lan in casual clothes is like a student, and Wang Lan in the military uniform is a soldier with a sharp edge.

“It’s you? You weren’t the one ten days ago…We didn’t have the time to thank you for your help last time, or this evening…”

Wang Lan raised his hand, “Evacuate tourists.”

One hundred superintendents immediately rushed into the phantom zoo to evacuate tourists, and soon, densely packed crowds rushed out of the door of the phantom zoo. Although tourists are somewhat reluctant, many are still foul-mouthed. But when they saw the superintendent with a live ammunition in this battle, each and everyone were honest and low-key.

“Comrade Guard, even if we did something wrong in the Evil Zoo, you have to tell us what was wrong?”

“Mr. Zhao, don’t be nervous. Didn’t you say there was a hidden danger in the security of your zoo last time? After ten days have passed, I don’t know what happened to the rectification? Today, I’m taking the brother to do a check for you.” Wang Lan half-cracking a joke said.

I believe you a ghost!

The manager suddenly vomited, but at the same time, he suddenly woke up. Can Wang Lan be the rich second generation who cannot afford to offend? The last time I tried to help, the intention of thanking me was not obvious enough, so he thought we had no meaning of gratitude, so I came to revenge this time?

This is a common routine. Check for potential safety hazards? Today is the inspection of hidden safety hazards, tomorrow may be the inspection of hygiene, the day after tomorrow may be the inspection of fire? If you don’t feed him, won’t you let you do business?

That’s too disgusting to be true? There was a trace of disgust in the manager’s eyes, all saying that Hades Hao was so hard to please the devil.

During this time, the work of the guards to evacuate the people came to an end.

“Report to Chief Wang that the evacuation of the magic zoo has been completed, please instruct.”

“Let’s go and see with me.”

There are no crowded people in this sightseeing aisle. Wang Lan can enjoy the whole zoo. Although there are no tourists, the animals inside are still performing hard.

The characteristics of the zoo are indeed very attractive. Even star martial artists such as Xu Ting, who came in with Wang Lan, looked at the left and right with curiosity. It is difficult to imagine how they trained animals so talentedly.

Wang Lan went straight to the place where the silverback gorilla wrestled. The broken toughened glass wall has been replaced with a brand new one. But the material is the same as before, not just this glass wall, but also the glass walls of other beasts.

“Sergeant Wang Lan, we’ve replaced the glass wall… The last incident was an accident. Thanks to your help, we haven’t had time to thank you, we promise to make you satisfied this time. Tonight I I want to invite Mr. Wang to dinner, and I want Mr. Wang to enjoy the light.”

The manager feels that I have made the statement so obvious. Don’t you get it wrong again?

“Is the glass wall still that kind of glass wall? If the silverback orangutan goes crazy, won’t it break with another punch?”

“No, no, I have checked the previous glass wall. That glass wall is unqualified, which is itself a defective product. The wall I replaced this time is guaranteed to be knocked.”

“What about the silverback orangutan last time?”


“What about the silverback orangutan who smashed the wall last time? Take it out, I want to see it.”

“This…good.” As he said, the manager picked up the intercom, “Bring out the number 17 silver back star.”

Wait a moment, a silverback orangutan was brought out, and the silverback orangutan’s confused eyes looked around, sitting under the order of the trainer, each and everyone’s stiff movements. Wang Lan frowned, this silverback orangutan was indeed the one ten days ago, but the body was completely free of the previous agility.

This silverback orangutan is like a walking corpse whose soul has been taken away.

“No!” Wang Lan said solemnly, “This orangutan has a weird body.”

“What?” Wang Lan’s voice was very soft, so the manager didn’t hear anything and asked quickly.

“In this way, we need to further detect the security problem of the Evil Zoo. Please first go with us to wait for the news in the office.”

Wang Lan’s words fell on the floor, the manager’s face suddenly changed, and the staff around the manager each and everyone also exploded on the spot, “Why? Are you arresting people indiscriminately?”

“Speaking so nicely, it is actually arresting. Why did you arrest us? Is there evidence of our crime?”

“Assisting investigations and arrests are two different things. It seems that it is necessary for me to spread the knowledge to you. Assisting the police in investigations is the duty of every citizen. What is the obligation is to do something that cannot be evaded by any excuse is an obligation. If you don’t do it, it’s illegal. Take them aside and investigate.”

Wang Lan ordered a group of guards to come forward, “Please.”

After the staff of the Eudemons Zoo were taken away, Inspector Wang came to Wang Lan’s side, “Colonel Wang, aren’t you a nonsense? We’re so big with no evidence, now the whole world is staring With us, it is really notorious for every confession that we are the Superintendent.”

“Higher than Inspector, you see this silverback orangutan, the one that smashed the glass, but this time when he saw it, he didn’t have the agility of the last time, I think it should not jump Bara. Also, have you seen a piece of hair on his back that is not right?”

“Yes, what’s so strange?”

“It wasn’t strange at all, but the silverback gorilla walked a little strangely just now, and his movements seemed to be able to influence something. Judging from my experience, the back of the silverback gorilla should be injured, so the gorilla Did not dare to make big moves. The injured position happened to be the place with abnormal hair color.

Also, don’t you think this zoo is a bit strange? We will be amazed that they can train animals so versatile, but even if one or two animals can be trained to this point, it is unreasonable to train almost all animals here. “

“Boom–” Suddenly, a loud noise rang from a distance. Almost at the moment when the loud noise rang, the soaring firelight accompanied the horrible smoke. Too late to hesitate, Wang Lan instantly shot on the ground, Yellow Springs Bone Token.

Since upgrading the Yellow Springs Gate to the Platinum Gold level, the Yellow Springs Gate has also become a brand new star martial skill Yellow Springs Bone Token. The gate of Yellow Springs is no longer limited to one, but becomes the general arrangement of Bone Token. It can be arranged horizontally or vertically, and can be used to form a city wall with Yellow Springs Bone Token.

With the launch of the Wang Lan star martial skill, the gate of one after another Yellow Springs was instantly erected within a radius of five hundred meters, spreading out three layers around the explosion.

The gates of Yellow Springs are extremely defensive, but after upgrading to Platinum Gold, they have not made defensive power upgrades, but only increased the number of Yellow Springs gates. But for Wang Lan, quantity is better than quality.

The explosive formidable power is very terrifying, and the first round of Yellow Springs gates almost immediately flew flying ash annihilation at the moment when they touched the explosive formidable power. The explosion expanded rapidly. When the 2nd floor Yellow Springs gate, the explosive power of the explosion had been compressed by 90%, and finally stopped abruptly in front of the Yellow Springs gate on the third floor.

No one expected the suddenness of this explosion. Even at the time, the melon anchor was still in heated discussions with the fans, and the surrounding people were still pointing at the staff of the Evil Zoo. After all, in the hearts of the simple people, the Superintendent made sure that he had the evidence to take action.

Jade Country’s superintendent’s image is very positive, and the people’s recognition is very high.

The explosion exploded everyone, and what made them even more embarrassed was that they didn’t know when the gates of hell had so many strange gates on the ground.

Horrible ghost faces were painted on the door, and densely packed encircled the entire illusion zoo.


With the loud noise, the thick smoke rises through the sky. Through the thick smoke, the picture in front of it has already become a form that no one knows.

A huge deep hole replaces the Evil Zoo. If it is not resisted by Yellow Springs Bone Token, let this explosion spread, the buildings within two kilometers of the area may be affected, within one kilometers of the area, I am afraid that the air will turn into ruins, not to mention people, tourists, and guards in this three-four hundred meter distance.

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